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Page: 93 of 164
Posted in: Why can't I log out?
07-11-2002, 1:29 PM
Problem solved. I managed it by logging out, repeatedly deleting all cookies in Internet Options (in IE), closing IE, reopening IE, and I end up logged out...finally. How strange, though...this is the first time it's happened to me, and I've had to...  [Read More]
Posted in: Why can't I log out?
07-11-2002, 12:44 PM
Okay, well I'm not the only one who posts on Lucasforums from this computer. My brother (prodigy) and my sister (unregistered so far) both post/want to post here, and must do it from this computer. BUT. Suddenly, when I try to logout, it says cook...  [Read More]
Posted in: K-Jo'Round
07-10-2002, 4:25 PM
^ is wrong (but deserves thanks for refixing the post counts---thanks Metallus :D) < should have been asleep three hours ago V wants a chocolate-covered gnort---avaliable at (  [Read More]
Posted in: K-Jo'Round
07-10-2002, 2:57 PM
^ posts far less than I do. < is new here V has a 96.3% chance of being a flying purple people eater...  [Read More]
Posted in: a little anoying
07-10-2002, 3:34 PM
The SAME thing happened to me. I had to turn email notification back OFF...but I had never turned it ON. Then I had to unsubscribe from all my subscribed threads. >.<...  [Read More]
Posted in: a quick question...
07-08-2002, 6:42 PM
You can't---the ability is disabled, unless you got the picture from the smilie list next to your post....  [Read More]
Posted in: Postcounts dropped to over a 1000!
07-09-2002, 6:46 AM
Hey---my post count's back! Thanks Met, Zero, and whoever else is adminning right now! ;) @Zero: If so, can you warn people...that way people can back up old RPGs :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Postcounts dropped to over a 1000!
07-09-2002, 5:55 AM
Are you kidding, Met? I'm just relieved as hell that you guys didn't actually go around deleting old threads! :D I think I know what happened to my count---all my pre-merge posts could not be counted (I can't edit them, either :() It's been like tha...  [Read More]
Posted in: Postcounts dropped to over a 1000!
07-08-2002, 6:36 PM
Actually, earlier today (yesterday now actually) I had 8715 posts. It was almost exactly halved ;) Were some old threads lopped off the last pages of the forums?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Apprentices: Kessel Captives (Game)
07-10-2002, 12:27 PM
*Rey looks over [Tie Guy's chara's] shoulder curiously*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Apprentices: Kessel Captives (Game)
07-09-2002, 5:21 AM
Rey Adi Seyah *Rey walks in late, then looks startled to see everyone already there* Sorry...I thought we were meeting in an hour?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Who ordered the clone in AOTC
07-08-2002, 7:01 PM
This all started on the Episode II forums when Natty's boyfriend demonstrated his apparent enormous cluelessness. The idea is based on the "fact" that Sifo-Dyas was Qui-Gon's council name. :rolleyes: Sidious called Dooku "Tyrannus&quo...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Starkiller/Rwos/Dinn Continuity Outline
07-08-2002, 5:44 PM
Well, if the Cantina was turned into one long document, it would have to include several RPGs from here to make complete sense. As for the authors, Deac is the one who runs the Cantina threads. I've been around since near the end of the first one....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Last Hope - My July RPG
07-09-2002, 5:24 AM
I meant forumwise. Go read his other RPGs at SWG, and you'll understand what I mean...  [Read More]
Posted in: All nighter spin-off: The Hunt for Donga
07-11-2002, 8:24 AM
*Serak lands his ship on the arid plain of ground near Thew's*...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina Six: Return of the Dead Guy
07-11-2002, 8:36 AM
Rwos: Odin! You, too? *notices Vidar* Where'd your friend come from? ---------- Starr: *the pain subsiding* ...Master? *Starr reaches up and cautiously touches the shuttle's side, as if afraid it would burn him*...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina Six: Return of the Dead Guy
07-10-2002, 2:43 PM
((OOS: Yes, they can---in fact that was the reason they were invented, to correct earlier continuity errors caused by RPGing the same continuity in two different forums (this and RSRP) with multiple threads. ;))) *Starr Hailfire feels his master's...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina Six: Return of the Dead Guy
07-10-2002, 6:55 AM
((OOS: error, error :D A) We didn't find Odin and his Erinhajer. B) V-38s have no atmosphere, like all TIEs. C) Rwos can't fit into a TIE flightsuit. He's got a beak, wings, a tail, and is almost seven feet tall :D)) *Flax takes off in the V-38 h...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina Six: Return of the Dead Guy
07-09-2002, 10:13 AM
((OOS: Well they won't necessarily get destroyed; it'll be a few hours for the first to reach the nearest planet and the Aeges are likely going to interfere in about forty seconds))...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina Six: Return of the Dead Guy
07-09-2002, 6:36 AM
*30 seconds till hyperspace* Rwos: Of course! *grabs his teleporter from his belt* Why didn't I think of tha---oh...SITHSPIT. I am...the biggest fool in this universe. *Rwos takes his teleporter's beacon's from his pocket* I expected to kill Cracke...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina Six: Return of the Dead Guy
07-09-2002, 4:47 AM
*Rwos is already at a control panel* I think Odin's gone to find them. *taps keys* They're in...Max Security Cell block 06. Holy---the cell blocks are in a vacuum. Sealed...*tap tap* One sec...there. Atmosphere restored. Opening cell blocks...****! I...  [Read More]
Posted in: Another new hope.
07-10-2002, 4:22 PM
((OOS: camouflage tarp?)) Ma-Real reaches a prison section of empty cells. In one of them, she found what she was looking for: an escape tunnel. Hopefully it was still open on the other side......  [Read More]
Posted in: Just for kicks...
07-08-2002, 5:48 PM
lmao...more than a hundred now...I have a list (that needs to be updated) but yeah, it's more than a hundred :D Wow...this topic is old 0.o...  [Read More]
Posted in: help need so guy doesn't blow up
07-11-2002, 7:00 AM
Umm...okay :D *has no clue*...  [Read More]
Posted in: my charecter sheet
07-10-2002, 3:00 PM
something that: A) Is really old and dead B) Doesn't make much sense to me either :D Btw Genota reply in the Karathi thread :D...  [Read More]
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