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Page: 94 of 164
Posted in: The Starkiller/Rwos/Dinn Continuity Outline
07-07-2002, 5:02 AM
Gotcha....hey we can bring them into the (sorta stalled) Mrear RPG to liven things up. Perhaps they can start the Avatar stuff themselves (thus they would feel responsible in our time)...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Starkiller/Rwos/Dinn Continuity Outline
07-06-2002, 2:01 PM
Originally posted by Redwing The Aeges are a powerful and ancient race of beings that can navigate both space and time to acheive their own ends. I invented them to explain the non-explainable in this continuity. There was alot. ;) Deac: Note the...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Starkiller/Rwos/Dinn Continuity Outline
07-04-2002, 2:47 PM
Finally, I have gotten around to solving the major continuity problems that have occured in the RPGs involving Deac, me, and Wraith 8 as the characters Deac Starkiller, Termand Rwos, and Corzip Dinn. This took me a full eleven hours to compile. (Actu...  [Read More]
Posted in: Chat: Jedi Apprentices: Kessel Captives
07-05-2002, 8:17 AM
I would be second in Support group 1....  [Read More]
Posted in: Tests
07-07-2002, 9:31 AM
#15 I never watched Muppets, so I can't be bothered to take the test :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina Six: Return of the Dead Guy
07-08-2002, 5:10 PM
Time freezes. Katani Chass, cannon raised at the Crimson Star, floats in the middle of space unmoving. The awe-inspiring Aesirian fleet looms above Cracken's shuttle and Katani's Conqueror in midmotion but never gets closer. Inside the Crimson Star...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina Six: Return of the Dead Guy
07-07-2002, 4:40 AM
((OOS: @Battledog: Since you didn't say the fleet jumped out, we have to assume that a few cruisers got destroyed before they could escape the Crimson Star's gravity well. Posts can't just be scratched because someone forgot to note something in thei...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina Six: Return of the Dead Guy
07-06-2002, 1:59 PM
((OOS: @Flax: Cracken's attack occured about a half a minute after you gave the order for retreat. The fleet couldn't have jumped out in that time, especially since the Crimson Star is large enough to produce a small gravity well. But Cracken's post...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina Six: Return of the Dead Guy
07-05-2002, 7:38 AM
((OOS: Cracken left for Coruscant already, but I'll assume the Binders were rotated the wrong way at that time ;))) Starr: *incredulously* Are you people always like this? *walking around the Binders to keep facing the rotating captives, saber ignit...  [Read More]
*Rwos is about to answer when a device on his belt beeps---Deac recognizes it as Rwos' infamous teleporter* Rwos: They've opened a portal! Tracking 'em! *Raschel rushes back in* Rwos! The Shadows have captured the girl! What are y...  [Read More]
*Shane looks furious* Are you blind?? I am a mutant myself! You're just an inferior cyborg with some kind of jedi "Force" power! Rwos: We're leaving, now! *runs out the door* Shane: *eyes flaming...literally* Watch your step, Alien. *foll...  [Read More]
Shane: That's exactly what I'd love to do! I already don't like you. I'd Challenge you but you aren't worth the trouble! Rwos: *eyes glow* Shane! Shut up! If you Challenge my friend you Challenge me. We have a job to do! Coming or not?...  [Read More]
*The men manage to escape through the back door; the Swordsmen chase after them, Rwos and Shane lagging behind to answer Deac. The flaming Swordsman sticks his face in Deac's* None of this is of your business, Alien. Rwos: That's enough, Shane! *to...  [Read More]
Posted in: Aayla Secura!!!
07-07-2002, 10:38 AM
lmao I wouldn't be surpised :D btw I love your last two sig quotes lexx ^_^...  [Read More]
Posted in: the new beginning
07-08-2002, 5:35 PM
Holtz: *yells to his side* Commander! Commander: *comes running up* Sir! Holtz: Assist Pilot Shivrad in assembling a boarding party. See to it that he gets everything he needs. *Holtz turns back to the viewscreen*...  [Read More]
Posted in: the new beginning
07-07-2002, 10:00 AM
*Holtz grows livid* Deriner! This is a private affair! If you do not withdraw your ships in two minutes I will order an attack on your fleet! *shuts the holocomm off* Shivrad! Do whatever is necessary to ensure that the Admiral does so...your combat...  [Read More]
Posted in: the new beginning
07-06-2002, 3:02 PM
*the admiral whirls* Pilot Shivrad! I hope you realize you are seriously breaking rank! I am in the middle of a delicate negotiation here! *turns back to Deriner's image* Now as I was saying, get your ships out of here! ---------- *a cloaked ship...  [Read More]
Posted in: the new beginning
07-06-2002, 5:23 AM
Officer: Admiral! Another Imperial Fleet has entered the system! Holtz: What? Officer: It's Admiral Deriner, sir! He's launching his own forces against the Rebels! Holtz: What?! Put him onscreen immediately! *Admiral Deriner appears on the holoco...  [Read More]
Posted in: the new beginning
07-04-2002, 2:38 PM
((OOS: The argument doesn't belong here :D))...  [Read More]
Posted in: Darth Maul Skin?
07-04-2002, 3:24 PM
*points to MQG's sig link* That'll be ten times more helpful than what we can tell you...:D...  [Read More]
Posted in: An adventure in Mrear: A fantasy RPG
07-08-2002, 12:43 PM
Kejim: Careful! Luminus! *Kejim's staff lights up like a beacon, illuminating several silvery trapwires along the ground* ((OOS: Can't think of anything creative for this one---FORCE PAUSE RPG!! *RPG pauses* There we go :D))...  [Read More]
Posted in: An adventure in Mrear: A fantasy RPG
07-07-2002, 5:17 AM
*suddenly Kejim notices that Malkin is no longer with them...vanished somewhere down the path. But before he can say anything, an entrance looms ahead...*...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Hutt Gamble....
07-08-2002, 12:08 PM
((OOS: Intermission again...this time it's Deac, leaving till July 12th :D))...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Hutt Gamble....
07-05-2002, 7:58 AM
*Rwos runs to the top of the ridge, to see...*...  [Read More]
Posted in: help need so guy doesn't blow up
07-04-2002, 3:14 PM
Same here, actually......  [Read More]
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