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Page: 96 of 164
Posted in: All nighter spin-off: The Hunt for Donga
07-01-2002, 3:12 AM
((OOC: My character is actually tracking Ashard I suppose my characters are now in thread limbo till Gaalgoth posts in this thread :D))...  [Read More]
Posted in: Counterattack of Calamari
06-30-2002, 9:17 AM
((OOS: Umm...Genota, can you explain a bit more? :D What are the rules to this RPG? What kind of characters should we play (or does it matter)? Where should new players come in? ...just wondering :D))...  [Read More]
Posted in: Game is fogged up -- - - - HELP!
06-29-2002, 6:37 AM
That sounds like the black box in the middle of the screen that I used to get using an ATI Rage Pro card. Does this happen every time you run the game, or just sometimes?...  [Read More]
Posted in: The All Nighter - Anti-Grav Dance Club/Bar
07-01-2002, 2:48 AM
((OOS: Is that a hole in time? :D Coz Niris is knocked out until Gaalgoth posts...or at least distracted))...  [Read More]
Posted in: The All Nighter - Anti-Grav Dance Club/Bar
06-30-2002, 1:50 PM
*As soon as Ashard leaves, Serak looks up.* Serak: I hope you said your goodbyes to your brother, Niris...because you aren't going to be seeing him again. *Serak grabs his armor chestplate and unlatches it, sliding it off. His body begins to change...  [Read More]
Posted in: The All Nighter - Anti-Grav Dance Club/Bar
06-30-2002, 7:53 AM
((OOS: Gaalgoth, you really screwed up my character there (he wasn't originally supposed to have back history with Ashard), but actually I think this works. I didn't have a name for him yet, so "Serak" works; he has an interesting alternate...  [Read More]
Posted in: The All Nighter - Anti-Grav Dance Club/Bar
06-29-2002, 4:15 PM
*the girl watches Ashard from a distance* He still doesn't know what he's gotten himself into. Well, so long as he doesn't stay here... *A tall humanoid being bursts in the bar. He stands about seven feet tall, and wears a suit of light body armor...  [Read More]
Posted in: The All Nighter - Anti-Grav Dance Club/Bar
06-29-2002, 5:41 AM
((OOS: If you do, you should make the name of the topic clear that it is a spinoff thread or things can become very confusing :D If anyone wants to contact me: AIM: RedwingGreen7 MSN: ))...  [Read More]
Posted in: The All Nighter - Anti-Grav Dance Club/Bar
06-28-2002, 12:09 PM
*The girl takes the package from the man while the above conversation takes place. She slips into another room for a minute, then comes back out with no explanation, now with the package tucked in her pocket. She leans against the wall of the cantina...  [Read More]
Posted in: The All Nighter - Anti-Grav Dance Club/Bar
06-28-2002, 7:27 AM
((OOS: 15 year old woman? :D And DudEhead, it's all good, I just didn't see the rest of your post ^_^)) *the girl's eyes follow Ashard out of the bar. He has piqued her interest. But she still had something to do first...* *to the bartender, at hi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Legacy of darkness
06-28-2002, 7:59 AM
*The Midnight VanGuard activates his jetpack and flies down towards Deac, landing behind him.* Greetings, Deac Starkiller. *the VanGuard touches him, and Deac sees a flash of blurry green and suddenly he is in the middle of a vast, wasted landscape o...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina Six: Return of the Dead Guy
07-01-2002, 3:04 AM
*Deac's cloaked ship, with Deac, Odin, Flax, the Einherjar, (and whoever Deac and Flax brought along for the ride, I assume a commando team) exits hyperspace over Kuat. The Crimson Star is dead ahead...* Starr: Remember, don't call in the rest of th...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina Six: Return of the Dead Guy
06-30-2002, 8:54 AM
Starr: All four of us must go...but I cannot face him. I want to, but I know it will end in defeat. My revenge will be to cause his downfall. We must enter before the fleet arrives...the Crimson Star will lower all its shields to let fighters out. O...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina Six: Return of the Dead Guy
06-29-2002, 6:31 AM
*Starr closes his eyes for a moment. Visions flash before them...Then he opens them again* We must meet Odin first...without him, this mission is destined to fail. *Starr pauses, shutting his eyes again* You said your transport was cloaked?...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina Six: Return of the Dead Guy
06-28-2002, 11:16 AM
((OOS: Someone who A) isn't captured and B) knows Odin (eliminating both my characters :p) send Odin the coordinates, please :D...Deac, that means you ;) @Odin: What are the Einherjar?)) *Starr waits for Deac's reply*...  [Read More]
*the two men enter the bar out of breath. The first man is met with a flaming sword to his throat. The second is met with a violet lightsword to his. The holder of the flaming sword uses a second to rapidly slice their weapons in two.* Flaming Sword...  [Read More]
*The attack never comes. The two men split up and run in a different direction, down deeper into the undercity of Coruscant. They are headed for the underground cantina...* ((OOS: For some of you who are confused. :D :p that is the cantina where Ter...  [Read More]
*the men chasing Artemis and Ariel stop at the sight of the Deac Starkiller. Suddenly one of their comlinks buzzes. The man speaks into it, and whispers something to his companion*...  [Read More]
*Termand Rwos speaks quietly with the man in the back. An eavesdropping man edges closer to the table and manages to catch some of their conversation* T: ...girl. You don't want her here, and neither do we. We take her back, you disappear rich, ever...  [Read More]
Posted in: lets try again: AIM or MSN?
06-29-2002, 3:38 PM
AIM, for the above reason. :D MSN, too, though. AIM: RedwingGreen7 MSN:  [Read More]
Posted in: Aayla Secura!!!
06-28-2002, 8:29 AM
Originally posted by Jango_Fett91 I wonder if Aayla Secura ever dies......... No, she lives forever, of course :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: the new beginning
06-30-2002, 3:02 PM
((OOS: Wow really killed EU there :D along with Star Wars continuity :D but it still seems interesting ;) "due to an unfortunate run-in with a blender as a small child." LMAO :D I'm currently waiting for Wraithy and joec to repl...  [Read More]
Posted in: Darth Maul Skin?
06-28-2002, 2:50 PM
Well, you can play through :p ;) To help, there's plenty of links to trainers, walkthroughs, help sites etc in the old topics that I have no time to go through :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Hutt Gamble....
06-29-2002, 6:59 AM
*Rwos does the same, but glances back at Corzip* You okay?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jabba's Champion
06-28-2002, 2:47 PM
Well,'re a Hutt :D ...wait... *runs away*...  [Read More]
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