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Another new hope.

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 Wraith 8
05-23-2002, 7:54 AM
((OOS: hey man... no problem.. you did perfect,... i liked it.. i couldnt have said it better myself :D))

*As the Dark Jedi was to concentraded on Thiris, Corzip jumped of his bike in the air and right at the turret. He activated both his lightsabers and sliced threw the main gun. i tfeel apart and partly exploded.*

Weill... now it certainly is destroyed. Thiris? you ok?

*Some men started to shoot at Corzip. He evaded the shots with his sabers and deflected a couple back at them. Varron ldidnt look very happy at Corzip.*

Did i break your toy?
05-23-2002, 8:57 AM
Thiris gets his face out of the snow to see the two jedi facing each other in a confrontation, he sees men crowding around them. Thiris realising his midified blaster is in the sack of the speeder on the other side realised he has to go and get it.

Thiris makes a break as men turn and start shooting, he rolls out of the way and dives through laser blasts. Making a lucky break he dives behidn the mound the speeder chrashed into. He draws the blaster and shoots, 3 shots, 3 kills. The rest of the troops keep firing while back pedalling as Thiris picks them off. He looks over to see the Jedi still in confrontation.
05-23-2002, 9:24 AM
WHen Theroz got the warning from his commander, he immediatly backed away from the planet, but he kept close enough to see what was going on. He knew he had to help. They were out numbered. He had his R2 droid set him down about 1000 yrds from the battle. When he got down, he grabbed the 2 blaster pistols his father had given him and ran to the fight.

OOC:you can do what u want this theroz in the battle.
05-23-2002, 7:24 PM
Varan stood about ten feet away from Corzip. Corzip already had his sabers drawn. Varan gave him an innocent grin and pulled out his own sabers. He then rushed in as fast as he could and attacked. Corzip parried, and after a couple of slashes the four sabers were locked in an overhead catch. Their faces inches from each other, Varan laughed maniacally and kneed Corzip in the groin. Corzip fell backwards, but at the same time Thiris and Theroz took fire onVaran. Rather than kill Corzip Varan turned and reflected all the blasts back at the targets. One blast hit Theroz left hand, destroying the blaster and at the same time leaving the hand with hole right through it. Another blast grazed Thiris's shoulder, rolling him over sideways.

I'll deal with you two later. He motioned to his troops to stay Leave them for me.

Theroz crawled behind the snowmound Thiris was hiding behind. Varan then turned back to Corzip only to have Corzip nail him in the jaw with a roundhouse. Varan dropped his left saber and went over backwards, but he caught himself and turned his fall into a graceful backflip. Wielding his one saber against Corzip's two, Varan moved ever faster and continued to hold his own. He pushed Corzip back and then lept to his second saber, grabbed it and charged in. The two continued to fight in a stalemate.

You alright?

Yeah, it's just a flesh wound. What about you?

My hand is hurt, but I should be alright. My blaster is going to need some repairs too.

Well lets get a transport ship in here and get the hell out of here. Even if Corzip defeats that jedi he won't make it past all those troops and we are severely outnumbered. We'll have to regroup, sorry as I am to admit it.

Thiris called in for a transport and in a matter of moments it was there. They got on board and flew towards the saber battle. Varan appeared to be winning.

Corzip! Come one, get onboard!

The troops turned and opened fire on the transport, and at the same time Corzip pushed Varan back in a desperate attempt to escape. Varan was taken offguard and fell backwards leaving Corzip with an opening. He motioned for the ship to lift off and using the force intensified his jump so as to make it inside just as the door closed. They escaped. Varan brushed himself off and holstered his sabers.

Pack up troops, we've been found out. Gather everything and take it back to main base. No tricks, just get the hell out of here.

Varan began walking towards his fighter when he heard a mercenary talking behind him.

....would have thought that he could have taken him, guess he's not so powerf

Varan quickly drew out his saber and decapitated the mercenary.

Get to work. Now.

He told the other mercenary. He didn't need to be told twice. Varan then got into his fighter and lifted off. As he breached the atmosphere he knew that Corzip and the others were long gone by now, but Varan felt that he had not seen the last of them.
05-24-2002, 2:24 AM

Your ships have been retrieved and are currently on its way back, you can see them out the left.



The three look out to see the yt-1300 flying gracefully, then explode.

Theroz looks down at his single blaster he has left, angry for his father has given it to him.


Dont worry Theroz, we'll get them back


Thiris grabs his shoulder where the laser had been deflected by the armour but still left a nasty mark.


Corzip we had to get us out of there. As soon as you had defeated Varan you would of been open upon by the Slashers.

Thiris goes into the room hes staying in and takes the rest of his armour off. He puts his modified blaster down and disarms it. he looks down at his arm, still burned you can see the course marks left by it and he straps it up in a bandage. Thiris then puts his blaster in his locker and lies down for some rest.
 Wraith 8
05-24-2002, 7:09 AM
*Corzip sat in the lounge of the freighter. Corzip was frustrated. *

I could have had him. how could i be fooled by another Jedi?
i was to arogant. to sure of myself.


Want a drink Theroz? ill get you one.

*Corzip stood up and walked to get some drinks.*
05-24-2002, 3:09 PM
Theroz: Give me somethin strong, my hand hurts a lot.

As Corzip walked away, Theroz looked down at the would in his hand, he know he would be ok, but it hurt, the pain wasnt the problem, it was losing the blaster. His dad had built both of them, and they were the best a man could have. He could do just about anything with them.
Theroz: We have to get this bantha Fodder Dark Jedi, he has to be stopped, but i have a question, what have I gotten myself into? I want to become famous, and be part of something, but i dont wanna die too quick.

Theroz knew this wasnt gonna be easy, whatever they were doing, but he knew he could handle it.
05-25-2002, 5:03 PM
Back at the base, Varan walked through the halls of his headquarters. He went into his private quarters, and closing the door, walked over to the wall. He focused hard, and using the force spun the entire wall 90 degrees. He walked into the passageway and closed the wall behind him. The path was dark and uneven, but Varan knew the way. He finally reached another wall after about half an hour, and slid his hand along the surface. He found a hole, hidden by a hologram of a wall, and reached in. pulling a lever, the wal rose up about three feet. Varan crawled in and the wall closed. This room was his secret; no one else knew about it. It was where he would hide if the base were ever found; it even had a private ship if he needed to evacuate. But he wasn't here to evacuate, he was here for answers. Sitting in a trance against a wall was his master, Derun. Derun was a human as well, with long dark hair that was streaked with grey. His eyes were black, and his skin was so pale it was almost luminous.

Master, he escaped. How? You told me that this would work. You told me that if I lured him to Hoth I could destroy him! I'm supposed to be the greatest! I am the greatest!

In a fit of rage varan drew one of his sabers and rushed Derun. when he was about to decapitate him, Derun's eyes opened and Varan flew backwards. Varan hit the wall and was pinned there, he could not move.

You are such a simple creature. He did not die because it is not time. I did not allow you to kill him. While you are great, Varan, you are not the greatest. You will never be the greatest. All the way from here, I slowed your movements so that he would not be slain. I made your limbs heavier than normal, more clumsy. I pulled at you with the force. I am surprised that you survived. You may yet kill him, but not till all is prepared. Derun's eyes narrow But the next time you cross me I will destroy you and finish Corzip on my own if I must.

Derun's voice echoed in the chamber, and as he finished his short speech he fell yet again into a trance and Varan slid down the wall. Varan walked over to his lightsaber, picked it up off the floor, and swore to himself that one day he would kill Derun as well. Varan made a quick bow, gritting his teeth all the while, and left the chamber.
 Wraith 8
05-27-2002, 7:51 PM
*Corzip gave Theroz some corellian Ale. he sat down beside him. he looked at the man. he felled that he was bothered with somethings. and his hand hurted also.*

give me your hand Theroz.

*Theroz gave his hand to Corzip and Corzip put his own on it. he let the force flow threw the hand and healed it.
Theroz felt his hand much better...
he thanked Corzip for it.*

Now.. tell me what is bothering you?
05-27-2002, 11:18 PM
Theroz looked at corzip, he didnt know him all that well, but for some reason he trusted him.

Theroz: Its my dad, i was young when he passed, he was killed in an accident in a mine on kessel. He was a supervisor, and the workers revolted and he was killed. I never saw him that much, and all i have to remember him by is my watch, and the 2, well one blaster that he had made and given to me. Look at this one, they have some amazing craftsmanship. He prided himself in his work. With only one left, it feels like part of him is leaving with it. I must get it back. That dark jedi must have it, and ill kill him myself to get it back. and by the way, what exactly am i getting myself into?
 Wraith 8
05-28-2002, 4:55 AM
I know how you feel Theloz. i lost my mom and dad to 2 evil sith warriors. the onle thing i have left of them is my education in the force.

*Corzip was off his story for a minute. he felt a disturbance in the force. it was far away. on Hoth.*

Anyway. we werent going to Hoth to kill that Dark Jedi. we were going there to capture some of the coruscant slashers im bounty hunting. so were now going back to the crimson base and rethink our aproach/
05-28-2002, 6:46 AM
*elsewhere on Hoth*

Two figures laid in wait, with a trap carefully set and baited. The dead tauntaun stunk like the abyss. But it was just that kind of smell that attracted wampas...

Even in her heavy jacket, Ma-Real still shivered. Both from the cold and the smell. She felt like retching just being within fifty yards. It was that bad. It didn't help that her android companion was completely unaffected by it.

"Well, C-Drive? When are those stupid creatures going to show up?"

Her companion looked at her with a little surprise and amusement at her irriation. "Whenever they smell it, I guess. I can't claim to be an expert on wampas."

"Well you'd think they would've bloody smelled it already! It stinks like hell!" Ma-Real groaned.

"Really? I couldn't smell it at all."

Ma-Real hit him. "That's because you can turn your smell receptors off. Us lowly humans don't have that advantage. Bet you aren't cold, either."

C-Drive only grinned. "Hey, I don't even have to be here. It was your clan that owed a debt to these Slasher people. I---" He froze.

"Well why would they want to hunt wampas any----C? What's wrong?"

C-Drive was expressionless. "Turn around. Now."

Ma-Real did so, and was confronted with a giant white creature emerging from the light snow. Swinging claws at her.

C-Drive and Ma-Real fired at the same time. The creature lurched, and roared. The two unleashed a second salvo, and it toppled over, dead.


"Yes..." C-Drive said slowly. "A now very dead wampa."

"****." Ma-Real kicked the creature. "Couldn't you have set for stun?"

"If I had, you might have been dead," C-Drive observed amusedly.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, and thanks," Ma-Real said. "Next one, we stun. And when we get back, I'm killing my clan superiors for letting me get sent on such a stupid mission."

"Didn't you agree to it?" C-Drive asked.

"Yeah, yeah, I didn't know we were gonna be stuck out in freezing cold attempting to capture giant killer Abominable Snowmen. I thought it would be some simple freebie capture or similar bounty hunting job. But I sure didn't see this anywhere in the job description under 'bounty hunter'. What are you looking at now??"

C-Drive fired a salvo of stunbolts into the drift behind her. An invisibly white wampa slumped out of the concealing snow.

"What in..."

"I set for stun," C-Drive said helpfully.
05-28-2002, 3:30 PM
Theroz looked at corzip and said:

Theroz: Listen, I like credits just as much as the next guy, and ill help you with your bounty hunting thing, but I MUST get that blaster back. Its my life force. I need it, plus, with it, i can help u even more. I dont really care all that much about the money, if you dont want to give me that much, thats fine, but I want my blaster back, then i just wanna make a name for myself, my family is all a bunch of mine runners, thats not what i want with my life. I want something i can be proud of, some that when people hear the name Theroz Sesteer, they bow in fear or honor. I want to be the next hero of the universe, or if thats too much to ask, maybe just a really respected man.
The last sentence makes theroz chuckle slightly, as he thinks about how easily he will settle for simple respect.
06-01-2002, 2:58 AM

You wont get anywhere with that attitude

*Thiris walks down and sits next to him*

Going out like that, thinking you just want to make a name for yourself. It gets you no where. Youll just end up dead trying to do some heroic act, you have to keep focused, keep clear on the objective. Otherwise like i said... you will end up dead... fast.

*Thiris stands up but turns to theroz*

Whats better? Being a hero and being dead, or being alive and be able to tell the story of how you helped out for generations.
 Wraith 8
06-03-2002, 8:49 AM
*Corzip looks at theloz. he puts a hand on his shoulder.*

listen up. i was a nobody in the world who wanted to kick some serious Dark Jedi Ass. and i was so focussed at being recgnized that it almost got me killed. 10 times. when you get out of such situations, with luck, you learn to appreaciate the normal life around you. i didnt start the bounty hunting for the glory. i did to preserve my way of living the way of the jedi. i do cause then i can raise some money to get my jedi job on the road. and what way to get paid for, when pajid for to get criminals. now i know the Hutts ar gansters aswell.. but they dont bother me.

*Corzip let some force flow threw Theloz to calm him down*

I thank you for coming and warning us for t dangers, and im happy you will join us. now ... if we would have some spare blaster parts on board i think i might be able to repair your blaster. ok?
06-03-2002, 11:21 AM
Theloz: Yeah, you guys are right, i need to just stay alive. But I am here to help you, and if I get my other blaster back, i will be able to help you more then you know. I am expert with those blasters. I can do anything with them, anything you can dream up, i will try, and usually be able to do. Any way, what is our next move?
 Wraith 8
06-05-2002, 6:41 AM
well first if you dont mind.. i would like to get back to my own fighter. Thiris. i think you should get a crew on board this ship and go with me.get 2 more fighters for cover. ill be the third in that group.
So lets all go to naboo. and round up the remaining group there.
06-05-2002, 2:58 PM
Theloz: Ok Corzip, ill be one of the fighters if thats ok, then we only need to get one more. Now what though? Are we gonna go after the slicers? Or after that damned dark jedi? I want my blaster back, but im with your decision either way.
06-06-2002, 3:40 AM
Thiris looks up

"its slashers not slicers!"

I will be able to get another pilot, i will have the crew awaiting when we arrive.

The 3rd pilot will be flying my A-Wing, once the operation is complete then the pilot will fly back the transport and i will take my A-Wing back.

Your call Corzip, where should we go?
 Wraith 8
06-06-2002, 9:06 AM
well... like i said.. where did you put my fighter? there we will go.

*corzip laughed at Thiris*
06-06-2002, 11:01 AM
Thiris cracks his knuckles and gives Corzip a sarcastic smile.

"Well its back at a CM station on corellia so we go there. Get ready, we want to waist no time."
 Wraith 8
06-10-2002, 7:46 AM
((OOS: jumping ahead in time and hyperspace :D))
((OOS: are you gonna fly the freighter or a fighter Thiris??))

*They arived at the main CM base. Thiris gave the orders and showed Corzip his fighter. he jumped in and checked his systems. it looked like the CM's had upgraded his fighter a bit. this was good. he took of into space t meet up with Theloz and Thiris and the other CM's joining them on a mission to Naboo.*
06-10-2002, 8:39 AM
*back on Hoth, Ma'Real (ya I know I spelled it Ma-Real before, but I was wrong :p) and C-Drive had sucessfully brought several live wampas unconscious back to Slasher headquarters...*

((OOS: Would the person who is RPing the Slashers pls raise your hand...:D))
 Wraith 8
06-10-2002, 8:44 AM
((OOS: well Gaalgoth was playing the mad Jedi who led the slashers. but i now see he has this master above him aswell.))
06-10-2002, 8:59 AM
((OOS: Okay then...I shall wait for Gaalgoth to reply :D))
06-11-2002, 1:05 AM
Varan sat brooding in the main hall of his base. He was irritated that Corzip got away, even more irritated that his master had bettered him yet again. The door opened and a woman and a droid came in with a wampa in a very large cage. The cage was constructed so taht the bars were actually concentrated stun beams reflected back and forth by mirrors so that when the wampa tried to escape he would be knocked out again.

Here's that wampa. Now we're even. I'm leaving now.

Ma'Real turned to leave, but as she did the doors closed in front of her. she turned around to see Varan standing with a smirk on his face and making circles on the hilt of his lightsaber with his finger.

Leaving so soon? I don't think so. I've decided to make the debt a little bit larger. Let's say your ship, that droid and three more wampas.

That's not fair! The deal was for one wamap. Do you have any idea how hard it was to capture this one?

Very well. Four wampas.

Ma'Real let out a scream of anger and drew her blaster, but C-Drive grabbed her arm.

A smart droid. I'll make good use of it.

No, you won't.

C-Drive pulled out his rifle and unleashed three quick bursts. Varan pulled out one of his sabers and casually vollied them back. C-Drive pushes Ma'Real out of the way just as the blasts return, and he is hit full out with all three. He is not destroyed, but he is knocked back and offline. Ma'Real looked in horror at C-Drive and charged Varan. Varan put down his saber and raised his hand, lifting her off of her feet and into the air. She found herself unable to breathe, and she grabbed the collar of her shirt and clawed at her neck, trying to catch her breath.

Don't worry about the droid. We'll fix it up. As for you, we'll put you in a cell somewhere, until we come up with something to do with you. But you can kiss your clan's a shame that the debt was never paid. I guess they will just pay with blood.

As Ma'Real lost conciousness, the last thing she saw was the look of mock sympathy on Varan's cruel face.

((OOS: I know I kinda roleplayed you some....I figured this would be alright. C-Drive isn't dead, and niether are're in a cell in my base. If you have a problem I can alter this.))
06-11-2002, 4:08 AM
*The door opened and a woman and a droid came in with a wampa in a very large cage. The cage was constructed so that the bars were actually concentrated stun beams reflected back and forth by mirrors so that when the wampa tried to escape he would be knocked out again.*

Here's the bloody wampa. Now, debt's paid, and I don't have any reason to stay on this icy hellhole one more second. *turns to C-Drive* Let's go.

*They turn to leave, but the doors close in front of them. Ma'Real turns around to see Varan standing with a smirk on his face and making circles on the hilt of his lightsaber with his finger.*

Leaving so soon? I don't think so. I've decided to make the debt a little bit larger. Let's say your ship, that droid and three more wampas.

What? That's a cyborg, not a droid! And what do you mean four wampas? The deal was for one wampa. Do you have any idea how hard it was to capture this one? What in bloody hell are you trying to pull?

Very well. Four wampas.

You stupid little--- *she reaches for her force pike, ready to wipe the smug expression off the Slasher's face. But C'Drive grabs her hand*

C-Drive *telepathically* <Calm down. Perhaps he wants to make a deal. Remember, we're on enemy territory.>

A smart droid. I'll make good use of it.

*stares at him*
<Or not.>
No, you won't. *calmly points his rifles up. A twinge of panic urges him to fire, but Varan casually deflects all three bursts with a quickly drawn lightsaber. C-Drive's senses tell him that the final volley is on a collision course with Ma'Real*
Get down! *shoves her out of the way, taking the brunt of the hits. His personal shield gives way and his cyborg arms are scrapped. His last thought before hitting the ground, unconscious, is:
Oops. Should've set for stun.

*looks in horror at C-Drive* YOU ****ING BASTARD!!*she charges Varan with her force pike, only to be lifted off her feet and into the air by a wave of his hand. She finds herself unable to breathe, and claws at her neck trying to catch her breath*

Don't worry about the droid. We'll fix it up. As for you, we'll put you in a cell somewhere, until we come up with something to do with you. But you can kiss your clan's a shame that the debt was never paid. I guess they will just pay with blood.

*As Ma'Real loses conciousness, the last thing she sees is the look of mock sympathy on Varan's cruel face.*

((OOS: C-Drive is a cyborg not droid, and Ma'Real has no shirt collar...but that was fine :D ;)))

*Ma'Real awakens later in a cell, deep in a dungeon. C-Drive is nowhere in sight, and she is stripped of her weapons*

Crap...things don't get much better than this, do they...

((OOS: I don't know what happened to C-Drive, you'll have to tell me :D))
 The Truthful Liar
06-14-2002, 1:24 PM
WOW :eek:

This was uber-cool, I'm going to compile this entire "story" and fix it up for proper reading (spelling, grammar) whenever this ends - is that okay with you guys? I'll need a list of names for the 'script' and characters.

Cheers ;)
06-15-2002, 1:17 AM
I'm the droid technician around're not a complete droid, but I guess your close enough.

C-Drive was in a daze as he sat on the ground with his back against the wall. He was looking up at a burly man with greasy blonde hair. It appeared as if he had not bathed in days. C-Drive tried to lift himself up, but he found that his arms weren't responding.

Heh, yeah. You won't be using those arms for a while. They're pretty messed up. Don't worry though, we'll make sure you get fixed up. Boss wants you to be a guard, says we could use the help. I'll need to rewire you though, make sure you're loyal to the cause. That is if you've got some electronics in your head I'll ahve to rewire you. How extensive are your cyber-kinetics anyways?

C-Drive simply glared at the man.

Hey, that's fine by me. We can always just open you up.

Seran revealed a a tube shaped device with a laser cutter on one end. As he leaned in to open C-Drive's head, C-Drive kicked Seran in the groin, then roundhoused him in the temple.

Just because my arms are destroyed doesn't mean the rest of my body is malfunctioning. And you call yourself a technician.....

C-Drive slowly stood up by pushing against the wall and slowly sliding up it. When he was finally on his feet, he took a good look around himself. He had no idea where he was, and he had no arms to speak of, but there was one thought burning in his head. He had to find Ma'Real.

((Legion, it's alright with me if you want to do that....It'll probably be a while though. I'm not planning on letting Varan die anytime soon.....if I let him die at all =) ))
06-16-2002, 7:57 AM
*Deep in the stone dungeons beneath the base, Ma'Real debates her options. Thankfully, the Slashers had been sloppy, just taking her obvious weapons. They'd left her her clothes, along with the gadgets hidden or built into them. She wondered where C-Drive was as she took her vibroknife to the bars. No luck...the material was too strong. The entire dungeon seemed to be built out of the same claustrophobic dark green stone, which was alot tougher than anything the vibroblade was designed for. The cell was also absurdly tiny, weakly lit with a single glowing light. Ma'Real hid her vibroblade as a guard matched by, armed with a deadly vibroaxe. Then she noticed something...a blue key, attached to the burly creature's belt.

Meanwhile, in the complex above, C-Drive attempted to acess a computer terminal in one of the rooms off to the side, leaving the stunned human lying on the ground. His arms were slowly regenerating, the nanobots in them multiplying around the blackened framework as fast as they could. They'd repaired almost up to his elbows. Unfortunately, he needed functional hands to access the terminal, so all he could do was privately swear and wait.*
06-17-2002, 12:57 PM
(OOS: I will be flying the freighter then on the way back i will be returning to my fighter)


Ok lets get going!

*The CM shoot into space and form up*

Get ready to make the jump into hyperspace on my mark...


*all fighters jump into hyperspace as Thiris turns to Theroz*

This is it, no turning back, lets hope we can avoid as many casualties as possible!
 Wraith 8
06-25-2002, 7:27 PM
*The freighter and fighters come out of hyperspace in the Naboo System. Left of them is the mining planet of Rori. Corzip sensed that somewhere there.. he had to go aswell. they set course for the main starbase on Naboo. near Theed. they all dived toward the planet.
so far so good.*
06-26-2002, 1:36 PM
*Ma'Real manages to snag the key without the guard noticeing, an impressive feat if the guard hadn't been so...out of it. Perhaps he was on spice. She suspected so. As soon as he had disappeared around the corner, she hurridly opened the cage and rushed off through the depths of the prison, looking for a way out.

Meanwhile, C-Drive's arms had regenerated up to his wrists. He just needed a few more minutes...*
06-27-2002, 9:26 PM
The ships exit hyperspace and are immediately confront by fighters... mainly uglies. The CM fighters immediately engage showing they are superior in space. As the fighters are distracting the enemy...

Thiris: Ok lets make a run for the surface, get that TRN down with us as well.

Thiris , Theroz, Corzip, a TRN full of Commandoes and Thiris' Awing dart towards the surface, occasionally changing direction to evade stray fire.

They reach the surface and a laser turret hits Thiris in the YT-1300 so Thiris is forced to make a rash landing somewhat south of where the others landed. He would have to try and find his way back.
 Wraith 8
07-10-2002, 4:11 PM
Corzip puts his N-1 starfighetr down beneath some trea's he throws a camofla.... (sp?) over his ship.
he then rushes to mee the others in the field.
07-10-2002, 4:22 PM
((OOS: camouflage tarp?))

Ma-Real reaches a prison section of empty cells. In one of them, she found what she was looking for: an escape tunnel. Hopefully it was still open on the other side...
07-13-2002, 2:04 PM
Thiris puts whips out his blaster as he reads the scanners saying that hostiles are coming in from everywhere. Thiris opens the hatch runs to his room grabs his gear and runs out into the bush. He sits behind a rock watching the slashers take over the ship and salvage some of the stuff he had to leave behind.

Thiris turns to see a slasher with a gun pointed at him, Thiris rolls to his left the slasher shoots, misses and Thiris nails him in the chest. He looks back and sees weary slashers coming towards him, quickly realising the odds he darts off down into the forrest so he can relocate the rest of the group.
 Wraith 8
07-15-2002, 6:06 PM
*Corzip runs toward the ship when he sees all those slashers ov er the ship. he senses for Thiris.. he feels he is behind a rock farther on. he wetn closer to the crashed ship. then he felt a short surge of panic from Thiris. then he heard a blast. Corzip was afraid his friend was dead.. but then he saw a shado run into the woods.. it was Thiris. Thank the force.
He tried to go after him but some of the slashers noticed him and opend fire. Corzip unbuclked both his sabres and started to defelct the bolts.. he used the force to run faster and get into the woods.. where he met up with Thiris*

Are you alright?
07-17-2002, 3:40 PM
Thiris turns around

"Bout time you found me!"

A slasher scouting out spots them and shoots, Corzip turns and deflects the shots as Thiris raises his blaster and takes one shot to send the slasher into nothingness.

"AS you may have seen they have taken the ship, so all the heavy artillary that was on there is gone. We should get back to the TRN with the rest of the Commandoes and stage an assault to get the equipment back"

Thiris turns and starts walking.

Corzip: " Thiris, this way"

Thiris: "Errr yeah ummm i was just checking something out"

Thiris turns and they run off back to where the main group landed.
07-22-2002, 3:56 AM
((OOS: *waits for Gaalgoth* :D))
 Wraith 8
07-22-2002, 5:45 AM
((you can wait all you want red.... gaal is playing Warcraft 3.... hehehhe he wont be back untill he is bored. :D))

*Thiris and Corzip reach the main group...*

Ok now... my r4 unit scanned for specific com traffic and cargo... there are 5 possible locations for the slashers within the city of Theed. and 3 in smaller towns outside theed. my guess is that at 3 locations of these 8... we will find the slashers. we already know they know we are here.... so please be carefull. Thiris? want to devide the group up? or want to go all together?
07-23-2002, 4:08 AM
((damn :D))
07-23-2002, 10:22 PM
((OOC: and lo, I make my triumphant return))

High above the abandonded ship, Varan sat in his ship. Hovering in the air, he watched as two small figures darted out into the woods. Varan smiled to himself.

Ger, are the wampas ready?

Yes my lord, all the preparations have been made.

Good. Release them now.

Although biologically the wampas were designed for arctic weather, once tehir heavy fur had been shaved they could survive perfectly fine in this more temperate climate. Ma'Real's wampa had been one of several that Varan ahd been collecting. They were now stationed in various locations around the wilderness, and once they were released it wold be but a matter of time before they found Corzip's group. Varan would guide the wampas to the group using the force. And even if Corzip escaped, Varan could always take him out on his own.
 Wraith 8
07-25-2002, 6:11 PM
((OOS: Red... Gaal is back .. You can post :D))
08-01-2002, 4:47 AM
I say we take two at a time, letting the commandoes take one and we will take the other, we will start with the two furthest away and work our way towards the middle. We should start immediatley.
01-03-2003, 2:27 PM
((*dropkicks to top* :D

Is this RPG dead, or what? ^.^))
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