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Posted in: Petition: New forum.
11-05-2002, 2:47 AM
*!* AB_Legion's not already a mod? Hmmm, I could have sworn...oh, whatever. :D *signs, although the WIP topics/flames are rather interesting to read ;)*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 8
11-08-2002, 10:30 PM
Farran: First, ladies and gentlemen of the Council, the abilities of the Jedi themselves against our current tactical forces will be demonstrated. Most of you have no firsthand experience with these beings; you know them only by reputation. *The se...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 8
11-08-2002, 1:48 AM
((OOS: Tyrion, read the rules at the beginning of the thread if you're going to join please)) *A Vanguard pulls Kioet back* You missed the debriefing - we're to wait for the signal. The teleporters are set to take us in there. To impress the brass....  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 8
11-08-2002, 1:13 AM
((OOS: Ummm :D You're supposed to introduce your character first, and I'm playing the "referee" etc of the battle :p Besides, "too overpowered?" what?)) Nimalf: But...those others will...aargh. *gives up and settle...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 8
11-08-2002, 12:54 AM
Nimalf: ........ *starts struggling with the suit, trying to take it off*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 8
11-08-2002, 12:33 AM
Nimalf: Don't you think we should find out a bit more of this situation before doing anything like that? *pauses* Oh, forgive me, I forgot who I was talking to. *rolls eyes under visor, then notices one of the Vanguards - one with a red insignia rath...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 8
11-07-2002, 9:50 PM
*Starr wonders why Cracken had chosen to use the Force on the girl. He had struck strictly to sparring. Cracken had not intructed him to anything more. Starr wondered about this girl. She took everything in stride, reminding him of her father. Like...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 8
11-07-2002, 12:52 AM
((@jokemaster: Huh? Your spy had you arrested and brought here? Also when has he been talking to you?)) *Nimalf struggles into the suit with Kioet's assistance* Jeez! You need super strength to get this on by yourself! *the suit's joints clicked to...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 8
11-05-2002, 9:34 PM
((OOS: Scar, there are seven Vanguards, not one)) Rwos: Deac, you arm's already...oh. *removes the gray bandage* I had a nanosealing bandage on it...must have blocked your body from recognizing it... I've got some bacta patches you know w...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 8
11-05-2002, 1:16 AM
*Nimalf pulls on stormtrooper garb* What are you gonna wear? I don't think yer face is gonna fit in one of these tubs. *hefts a stormie helmet* ---------- *Rwos telekinetically lifts Deac and his severed arm* Too bad these new powers didn't come wi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 8
11-05-2002, 12:04 AM
Nimalf: I guess, if he's done somethin bad enough to rate being brought to the Council like this. I know him from somewhere else though. I know it. Some other job, maybe? *mulls it over for a second* Hey, so we follow him or not?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 8
11-04-2002, 10:31 PM
((OOS: jokemaster, remember that ordinary criminals wouldn't be brought before the Council like this, so Chavo has to have done something pretty important [/redundant warning] ;) Scar: Ivan knowing about the marriage while it existed doesn't coincid...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 8
11-03-2002, 9:07 PM
*Nimalf laughs nervously at the angry Trandoshan hovering above him* Hey hey calm down, you crazy bastard. What makes you think I'm stalking anyone? *Nimalf looks around hoping the Imperials didn't notice the little scuffle* ---------- *Starr looks...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 8
11-03-2002, 8:26 PM
((OOS: Jokemaster, you're on Tatooine, not the planet where the Imperial Council is the guards will be taking you offplanet. You better have an important-sounding backstory :D ;) @BattleDog: lol @ using the actual Cmdr. Cracken)) *Cha...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 8
11-03-2002, 5:50 AM
*Starr glances at Hal, and before the Jedi can react, Starr leaps up onto the rooftop level of the buildings above and races along, paralleling the street below, until he is running side by side Alys, except above her head. She's using the Force...n...  [Read More]
Posted in: RPing Ideas
11-04-2002, 2:07 AM
I check here every day....  [Read More]
Posted in: RPG: Enemies of the Force 'Source book'
11-05-2002, 2:10 AM
Name: Rey Adi Seyah Gender: Male Age: Physical: 40+, Timeline: 80+ Species: Zabrak Homeplanet: Iridonia Ocuppation: Unofficial Jedi Knight (never achieved the title) edit: I meant Jedi Master Skills: Force Strike, Jump/Speed, Sight; excellent speed...  [Read More]
Posted in: Tempest Feud
11-08-2002, 9:57 PM
((OOC: That's okay - I wanted you to describe something for Cheyla to see, and inside the ship works)) *Cheyla finds a seat away from her rude companions*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Tempest Feud
11-04-2002, 8:36 PM
((Of course I'm still in. ^_^ )) *Cheyla is off somewhere, still looking around*...  [Read More]
Well there was setup for a Misae/Alys storyline. But- "also Irvine has to leave in twenty years (like there could be a time where they all help each other train in Jedi arts or something (cus Irvine has to be a fully trained by the time he gets...  [Read More]
I don't know - doubles would be interesting. Especially considering they'll go through totally different character development. You could have Alys in the RPG still, and eventually kill her before the end. Because this is an alternate universe, none...  [Read More]
Returning to discussion - superthrawn might not be coming back. ( At the moment, I've decided to give up rights to Josine, which means that there are basically three people I'd feel c...  [Read More]
Yes, I have read about the myth. The errors weren't errors; they were explaining the differences between the Gargoyles altered mythology and the actual myth. (I did point out "According to the Gargoyles universe") There were two basic thing...  [Read More]
I'm bumping this thread to explain something that might be used in the RPG called the Eye of Odin. According to the Gargoyles ( universe, the Eye of Odin (http://www.dracandro...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Apprentices: Kessel Captives (Game)
11-05-2002, 1:24 AM
((*walks in thread* Whu.... *bump*))...  [Read More]
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