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Page: 73 of 164
Posted in: Cantina Six: Postlude to Holocaust Part II
12-22-2002, 5:24 AM
What has gone before Less than a week ago, four-fifths of the known galaxy's intelligent life died instantly when torpedoes detonated the hearts of their stars. All major planets were destroyed, with the sole exception of Coruscant. The remains of...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Offworlders' Cantina
12-22-2002, 5:43 AM
((OOS Originally posted by Thew Rydur OOC: *Jumps up and down with joy now that theres finally another RP* I'll post my character later, I've gotta eat now. *points to RP forums in sig* ;) Yes, I realize at least half of em are dead. So? Some a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Here is my Great Story
12-21-2002, 2:31 AM
Welshman, Welshman, Welshman. You're supposed to post the story here, not in the RP forum. Here, let me fix that for you ^_~...  [Read More]
Posted in: New clan - Defenders of the Force
12-14-2002, 4:18 PM
I see you've already posted this in the Clans forum, so I'm not going to move this, just close it. Please, no spamming. This is an RP-only forum. ¬_¬ edit: Looks like someone beat me to it ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Aresen
12-11-2002, 2:27 AM
Scared, you are? Well, you should be. :D j/k ;) but flames? We don't have we?...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina 7.5- The Holiday Special!!!!!
12-20-2002, 12:26 AM
Rwos: Oh don't be so pessimistic, you look fine. Just crouch a little! *attempts to squeeze his seven-foot body, complete with wings and tail, into a four-foot Jawa cloak* She'll never recognize us! And if she does, by some impossible slim chance, r...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina 7.5- The Holiday Special!!!!!
12-19-2002, 2:12 AM
*The party, including Rwos, Deac, Orthos, and a number of miscellanious backup characters, arrive at the docking bay just in time to catch the transport of Jawa coats* Rwos: Quick! Everyone disguise themselves as Jawas, so they won't recognize us....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina 7.5- The Holiday Special!!!!!
12-17-2002, 12:09 AM
Rwos: Yes, let's go! *runs out of the Cantina door on all fours, easily outdistancing the rest of the party, who are all humans and thus have speed inferior to gargoyles* *About 30 seconds passes* *Rwos runs back in* Uhh, em, exactly where are we...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina 7.5- The Holiday Special!!!!!
12-14-2002, 4:52 PM
Rwos: Won't she suspect a trap? ...Nah. Who'd suspect Jawa coats? *pauses* Are those made from real Jawas? ---------- *The immense war fleet closes in. In just a few seconds, they'd arrive at their destination, and then...Deac Starkiller was doomed...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina 7.5- The Holiday Special!!!!!
12-10-2002, 9:22 PM
Rwos: Overloading her with presents? How will that let us sneak abroad her ship?...Oh, what the heck, I've always wanted to waste someone else's money. *joins Deac* How about some of those Trallian purple sardines? A few thousand should do...and whil...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina 7.5- The Holiday Special!!!!!
12-02-2002, 9:32 PM
*Rwos tries to breakdance and trips over his tail* Okay enough of that. We must get to Reletha!...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina 7.5- The Holiday Special!!!!!
12-02-2002, 4:17 AM
Rwos: No! Not Reletha! Not the presents! Not the CHOCOLATE! *Rwos ignites his lightsword dramatically* Deac! This is your relative's most fiendish plan ever! We must stop her for the good of the holidays! For the good of...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina 7.5- The Holiday Special!!!!!
12-01-2002, 12:51 AM
((Great idea, Deac :D)) *Rwos sits in a corner of the Cantina brooding on the latest problem to task his brain - whether aliens exist* With the vastness of the cosmos, it seems impossible for them not to...but then again, there's absolutely no evi...  [Read More]
Posted in: My Comeback RPG!!!!
11-27-2002, 8:03 PM
((You gave up on all your others after only a couple days. Is this gonna be the same? If not, you could PM Wraith 8 and ask him to sticky it ^_^))...  [Read More]
Posted in: RPG Problems/Discussion
12-21-2002, 12:31 AM
I have some "protocol" questions related to the Cantina Spinoff (Postlude to Holocaust). ^_^ First: Are we going to end the thread, and start a new one to make it a multiparter saga a la Cantina? If so, I think the time is almost right to...  [Read More]
I have some "protocol" questions related to the Cantina Spinoff (Postlude to Holocaust). ^_^ First: Are we going to end the thread, and start a new one to make it a multiparter saga a la Cantina? If so, I think the time is almost right to...  [Read More]
((Well maybe one of us should...mention it to him? ^_~ *isn't sure how often he's going to check the thread*))...  [Read More]
((lol :D sooo....gonna continue the RPG (in a new thread maybe?) or should I unsticky this ;)))...  [Read More]
Posted in: An adventure in Mrear: A fantasy RPG
12-16-2002, 11:15 PM
*Arthur spreads his hands and catches the Darksword in a telekinetic grip* I told you not to underestimate me! *Arthur begins forcing the Darksword backwards, never touching it*...  [Read More]
Posted in: An adventure in Mrear: A fantasy RPG
12-15-2002, 4:59 PM
*Arthur's eyes glow* Run Starfor. I'll hold him back. *the green glow begins to burn around Arthur's body like phosphorescent fire* Mageling? I'll show you mageling....  [Read More]
Posted in: An adventure in Mrear: A fantasy RPG
12-07-2002, 8:02 PM
Kejim: Follow him Arthur. Assist him. I must leave for a short time...there is something I must attend to. Arthur: But Master--- Kejim: I have confidence in you, Arthur. *vanishes* Arthur: But...but......  [Read More]
Posted in: An adventure in Mrear: A fantasy RPG
12-04-2002, 10:22 PM
*Kejim descends* Don't listen to him, Starfor. I am sure that at this very moment, his warriors are trying to retrieve the Soul Crystal while your back is turned......  [Read More]
Posted in: An adventure in Mrear: A fantasy RPG
11-30-2002, 3:37 PM
((Are you going to have STARFOR in caps for the rest of the RPG :D)) *A storm cloud forms above the horde of orcs, and lightning begins strike from its center, stunning several orcs each time* Arthur: I believe my master is finishing his spells...b...  [Read More]
Posted in: An adventure in Mrear: A fantasy RPG
11-23-2002, 5:09 PM
*K'Warra laughs* Tell me Darkstar, what "power" do you think you have? *K'Warra vanishes* ---------- *Kejim remains on top of the tower. He raises his staff and begins to prepare a spell. Arthur follows Starfor* ((You called him Elveron...  [Read More]
Posted in: An adventure in Mrear: A fantasy RPG
11-23-2002, 1:53 AM
Kejim: I see. Then it's important that we prevent Retrick from laying hands on it. ---------- K'Warra: You need me to breach that? The task would be so easy I can't say it's worth my time. Besides, I can destroy the mage and his apprentice on my ow...  [Read More]
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