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Page: 72 of 164
Posted in: The Sanguine Star
12-29-2002, 11:14 AM
((Look who's back ;) Guessing this is SWG-time?))...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
12-31-2002, 7:31 PM
((Scar, why exactly are you controlling Deac's character? :confused: As for your question, Cracken controlled the Council, in fact it first united under him. The Council separated from him when he went and made a treaty with the New Republic, hence...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
12-30-2002, 7:21 PM
((Scar, I can barely freaking understand what Ivan is saying. Also, what I do understand doesn't make sense. "I just wanted to make sure your aware of my actions, and maybe if I were to be shed a little light on yours?" Doesn't Farran kno...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
12-29-2002, 11:19 PM
Farran: *to Ivan, with a measured look of surprise* Why do you defend your actions to me? I never indicated I was going to contest, your decision, Councilor. I'm sure, however, that you're aware some of the other members may see your action in a less...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
12-25-2002, 2:12 AM
((@jokemaster: Because you only control one or two members, you know, the ones Chavo works with ;) nothing personal ;) Scar, I still don't understand your post... We the Separatist Imperial Senate will not succeed our power to a terrorist Do you m...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
12-24-2002, 8:28 PM
((OOS: Scar, Deac's rules don't say you can godmode "just to get the story along", do they? Supposing characters in the Council controlled by myself or Deac, or even jokemaster, didn't WANT what you wanted to happen happen? That's why you k...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
12-24-2002, 4:37 AM
((OOS: Careful, Scar, you don't control the entire Council...I'll assume that by some incredible coincidence none of my characters were there this time, but... Rules: No Godmoding (We've had some very close calls about this one.) No killing other...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
12-23-2002, 5:27 PM
((OOS: Perhaps so... but there's always a loophole...isn't there? ;) By the way, Orthos doesn't know who Lokiphet is, does he? He seemed to meet him for the first time in Holocaust)) Rwos: When I get back...I'm going to need to speak to Odin. Te...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
12-23-2002, 5:43 AM
Rwos: Tragedy... What tragedy? ---------- *K'Warra K'laar awakens floating in a large tank filled with faintly glowing cloudy white liquid. He feels strangely sleepy. Through the tank wall he can see the outline of a single, dark figure* *K'Warra...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
12-23-2002, 12:28 AM
*Rwos fumes, having been unable to get to the chamber in time* Dammit! That impulsive...I couldn't stop him. Ida: *coming up behind him* I'm sorry, Rwos... Rwos: *muttering to himself* Seven hells...What did he hope to accomplish? I just hope he s...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Six: Postlude to Holocaust Part II
12-31-2002, 12:02 AM
Aidan: I told you there was something else here... Guy: The Ellimists. The Ellimists created the Time Matrix, according to the that the answer?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Six: Postlude to Holocaust Part II
12-30-2002, 6:55 PM
((OOS: Syrnl has a crew on his ship, you know ;) by the way, why exactly did Coruscant give permission for an Imperial Star Destroyer to land in a docking bay? edit: nm)) Raschel: *to Orthos, staring grimly at the bodies littereed around the room*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Six: Postlude to Holocaust Part II
12-29-2002, 6:25 PM
Marin: *taking the piece and tugging on it* Magically altered? Aidan: *gives Marin a "why-are-you-touching-that" look* Marin...*something catches his eye* Hold on a minute...the walls. Those runes...they just moved. Marin: Moved? Aidan:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Six: Postlude to Holocaust Part II
12-29-2002, 1:37 PM
Man: It doesn't matter who I matters who you are. Listen carefully. The two persons whom you sense have just arrived on Coruscant looking for a Sith lord. Find these three, and you will find also the answers which you seek. But I warn you, th...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Six: Postlude to Holocaust Part II
12-28-2002, 10:48 AM
Man: *smiles* Yes...both....  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Six: Postlude to Holocaust Part II
12-25-2002, 3:57 AM
As I thought. He is careless, never really living in the world around him. It matters not, however. His destiny lies not here...but... *The man raises an eyebrow and smiles* Your speech pattern is hard for me to understand. Something both of you hav...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Six: Postlude to Holocaust Part II
12-24-2002, 3:57 AM
Man: What are you doing here, Irvine? How do you hope to find guidance when you are blind to the galaxy around you? Look below you, Irvine... *Outside the Jedi Council window, patrols of Imperial walkers can be seen making their rounds around the ci...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Six: Postlude to Holocaust Part II
12-23-2002, 11:08 PM
*Guy looks at some of the bodies strewn about, and is suddenly hit with visions. He sees flashes of an enormous maw and huge, bloody teeth. He winces with the impact of the visions and staggers back* *Aidan senses something behind him. He whips his...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Six: Postlude to Holocaust Part II
12-23-2002, 6:17 PM
Raschel: *staring at the bodies* Where did he come from? *Misae does nothing but stare at the bodies as she walked through them, emotionless* Aidan: The hell... *Guy cocks the rifle he's carrying nervously*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Six: Postlude to Holocaust Part II
12-23-2002, 6:19 AM
Marin: Fenrir's looks like a... Aidan: Like a stylized space station. Raschel: What exactly is this "Fenrir" anyway? Yeah, monster, extremely powerful, intelligent, loves death and destruction, pure evil, etc. But what is he. Ho...  [Read More]
Posted in: Name This Creature
12-22-2002, 6:35 AM
"West Spike Troll"? "Troll" because it's the first thing it resembles, a common naming mistake. "Spike" because of its unique regenerative technique. "West"...from Wicked Witch of the West. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: SW Endless War: Episode 1
12-22-2002, 6:24 AM
OOC: Rules ( -.-...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina 7.5- The Holiday Special!!!!!
12-24-2002, 8:38 PM
*Rwos opens his own present* Grade-A Stone Polish! Just what I've always wanted! Thank you so much, Deac! *Christmas music plays as Tatooine becomes layered in two inches of snow*...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina 7.5- The Holiday Special!!!!!
12-23-2002, 4:44 PM
No Jawas, wamprats, nor miscellaneous backup characters were harmed in the making of this presentation....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina 7.5- The Holiday Special!!!!!
12-23-2002, 2:11 AM
Rwos: SYRNL!!! *ignites saber* Wait... *turns off saber* Ummm... *turns saber back on* *turns saber back off* *to Deac* Is he a bad guy in this episode or what?...  [Read More]
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