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Page: 104 of 164
Posted in: The Clone Army
05-29-2002, 2:26 AM
Dooku had to have erased the files, before he left the Jedi Order....  [Read More]
Posted in: OT Reshoots???
05-29-2002, 2:50 AM
Maybe with a few wrinkles like Palpatine...:p ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Did you see JANGO bump his head?????
05-29-2002, 2:48 AM
The stormtrooper officers certainly weren't clones, since they looked different. They sucked in the Death Star and Cloud City because Vader told them to suck..,he wanted them to escape. :D I don't know why they sucked on Endor's moon (overconfidenc...  [Read More]
Posted in: I think...
05-28-2002, 8:49 AM
:confused: Umm, what?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Significance of Lightsaber colors?
05-29-2002, 2:00 AM
Originally posted by Redwing @Raynaga: What are you talking about? That was EU...a clouded window into the Star Wars other words canon unless contradicted by a higher source, which in a pyramid is EU books > radio plays > noveliz...  [Read More]
Posted in: Significance of Lightsaber colors?
05-28-2002, 8:43 AM
ROTFLMAO!!!! That conversation would be a beauty to see...:D But no, Sith crystals are synthetic...artificially produced. @Raynaga: What are you talking about? That was EU...a clouded window into the Star Wars other words canon unless...  [Read More]
Posted in: Significance of Lightsaber colors?
05-28-2002, 4:38 AM
That's because it's completely false. :D EDIT: @ Raynaga's post...x_x...  [Read More]
Posted in: Significance of Lightsaber colors?
05-28-2002, 4:36 AM
Mace Windu's saber was black, silver and gold (electrum)...  [Read More]
Posted in: What in the...?!
05-28-2002, 3:45 AM
Disturbing....  [Read More]
Posted in: Is Dooku clueless or just acting clueless?
05-29-2002, 2:37 AM
Why would you want a cruddy bootleg copy anyway...:p...  [Read More]
Posted in: Is Dooku clueless or just acting clueless?
05-28-2002, 2:56 AM
Dooku hired Jango. I'm sure he knew why. Plus Sidious knew everything that was going to happen. He laughs about it at the end of the movie. So Dooku is simply playing his "confederates" for fools....  [Read More]
Posted in: Will Anakin get his ass kicked in Ep3?
05-28-2002, 8:54 AM
It's been confirmed that it *was* Liam Neeson that said that....  [Read More]
Posted in: Who would you like to see Darth Sideous duel?
05-28-2002, 4:27 AM
Which he did, until Dooku issued a challenge to a saber duel, hoping he could overwhelm him that way. Obviously, Yoda proved him wrong. Run, Dooku, run! :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Who would you like to see Darth Sideous duel?
05-28-2002, 4:02 AM
DEMEANED?!?! O.O Oh're entitled to your own opinion I guess... But I don't think Sidious should saber fight. He didn't in RotJ......  [Read More]
Darth Tyrannus...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Powers
05-28-2002, 3:40 AM
I believe Boba Fett said it best... Jedi lightsaber doesn't make you a Jedi. And it's a tauntaun. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: the new beginning
05-28-2002, 6:07 AM
*an Imperial Star Destroyer emerges from hyperspace. TIE fighters launch at the Calamari Cruiser. In the bridge of the white ship, Admiral Holtz watches the fighters swarm towards the Rebel cruiser with satisfaction. This was the day he'd been waiti...  [Read More]
Posted in: Another new hope.
05-28-2002, 6:46 AM
*elsewhere on Hoth* Two figures laid in wait, with a trap carefully set and baited. The dead tauntaun stunk like the abyss. But it was just that kind of smell that attracted wampas... Even in her heavy jacket, Ma-Real still shivered. Both from the...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina 5- yet more adventures of Deac and co.
05-29-2002, 12:58 AM
*Rwos hears the Grand Admiral's pronunciation* So it's too late already. Deac! We need to go after the Grand Admiral---it's the only way of finding out where this superweapon is! *Rwos ignites his blue lightsword*...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Alternate Universe
05-29-2002, 1:04 AM
*Rwos Darkstar feels himself suddenly weakening* You---what---how---what have you done to me?? My power---it's GONE!! Whatever you've done, you'll pay for this, Starkiller! At least...I can still use Rwos to kill you!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Post your character bios here... (ooc thread)
05-28-2002, 8:05 AM
And now for my other two charas... Name: Ma'Real Gender: Female Species: Human Homeworld: Secret Age: 26 Occupation: Bounty hunter Appearance: Ma'Real is about six feet tall. She has light skin, black shoulder-length hair. She wears a black blaste...  [Read More]
Posted in: Post your character bios here... (ooc thread)
05-28-2002, 7:39 AM
But you said Krea got away...and he hasn't done anything of the sort yet :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Post your character bios here... (ooc thread)
05-28-2002, 7:24 AM
I hope this isn't a thread for your SW: Galaxies character, because I don't have one ,because I'm posting the bio for the chara I have in the RPG A New Beginning... Oh, and @ Wraithy: Hey, the Duel of the Duals RPG isn't even finished yet :D Name:...  [Read More]
Posted in: RPG for all
05-29-2002, 12:50 AM
*Rwos walks up behind Deac* That...was me?...  [Read More]
Posted in: RPG for all
05-28-2002, 5:34 AM
((OOS: ...that hurt...:()) *Rwos Darkstar sees Corzip below. In a moment, he makes up his mind. If he could merge this Rwos creature with something of Force sensitivity...then he could possibly use the Force to keep himself from being absorbed into...  [Read More]
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