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Page: 99 of 164
Posted in: Modern Day Sith Army
06-23-2002, 2:02 PM
O.o...  [Read More]
Posted in: What is "Role Playing"
06-22-2002, 5:15 AM
It's playing the role of a character in a story aside of who you actually are....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina Six: Return of the Dead Guy
06-23-2002, 6:30 AM
*Starr suddenly breaks out of the trance. Deac hears a voice in the back of his mind: That won't be necessary, Deac. Starr ignites his saber and rushes at the Sith. He duels the being as if possessed, matching him move for move. Then, stunningly, he...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina Six: Return of the Dead Guy
06-22-2002, 5:01 AM
*Starr stands in a trance. Deac can feel a connection being made to him through the Force* ((OOS: Deac? Did you send the Star Destroyer after the Crimson Star? You know, the superweapon? Because Cracken's command ship is inside it. Or were you refer...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina Six: Return of the Dead Guy
06-21-2002, 12:52 PM
---Corellia--- Starr: *in a trance* He's in the bowels of a moon...a crimson star...above Kuat...he has murder in his heart, Deac, you must stop him! ---Kuat--- *Rwos' scanners suddenly detect a breach in the particle shielding on the moon. New s...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina Six: Return of the Dead Guy
06-21-2002, 11:00 AM
*Rwos' scanners slowly appraised the moon. The crust bristled with turbolasers, ion cannons, missile launchers, microsuperlasers, and full-blown superlasers in the largest craters, with deactivated cloaking devices surrounding them. The moon's surfac...  [Read More]
((OOS: It's okay =D I hope you feel better :()) *the blue lizard dissapears into a crack in a walkway* Man 1: Make sure you don't lose her on the scanner! *two more men run up* Man 5: Hey! What are you doing? Man 1: What? We're trying to captu...  [Read More]
((OOS: @ superthrawn: You might want to post in the LucasForums - Post your character for the RPG. + BIO! ( thread =D))...  [Read More]
*the main group of men rushes outside of the shop* Man 1: There she is! Stun her! *a small blue, shimmering, lizard-like creature is scampering down the street*...  [Read More]
*the men blast the ceiling with blue stunbolts, and the clanging stops* Man 1: Get her? Man 2: Negative--I've got her on scanner! She's leaving the shop! *they dash outside as five more men arrive. Two head for the hole after Ariel and Tarin*...  [Read More]
*the men back away from the grenade, which goes off in a blinding flash of light. They shield their eyes until the blast dissipates* Man 1: Hurry, scan them! *motioning to the unconscious customers in the shop* Man 2: Done! I scanned those two runn...  [Read More]
*Four tall, dark men enter the shop. They are dressed in a sort of gray uniform with long black coats over them. They spray the shop with stunbolts* 03 to 01, our men have entered the shop. 01 to all, orders are we back them up. Go in and scour tha...  [Read More]
*Ariel's shot have completely missed; the snipers have retreated deep into the rigging* 01 to all, get down there NOW! 03 to all, there are people leaving the shop! 01 to all, get them all! We can't lose the target again! *inside the shop, the gi...  [Read More]
*hidden far above them, in the mess of rigging above the docking bays, a black-coated figure aims his rifle at Ariel's head and speaks into his comlink* S-02 to 03, should I finish the job? He gets a reply: 03 to 02, negative, we don't know who he...  [Read More]
*Marin gives up and ducks into the nearest shop. Sniper shots impact the ground next to Deac and Ariel. Deac ducks behind a piece of debris, and Ariel is hit in the back of the shoulder by a sniper's laser bullet*...  [Read More]
*Marin grabs Ariel's hand* "They've found me! Let's go, now!"...  [Read More]
"My name is Marin. We hafta leave, now. I'm sorry bout your ship, they were trying to kill me." *The girl motions for Ariel to follow her*...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Elite ring of Over-Posters
06-20-2002, 3:09 PM
Originally posted by krkode Yes!!! So that means your out too, rogue 9!!!\ muwhahahahahahaa Unfortunately, your membership on the Altus forums disqualifies you as well. :D *runs away*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Omnipresent Chaos, Battle For All.
06-21-2002, 11:14 AM
@Scarface: Hey, stop arguing, that was a great ending. Good defeated evil at an enormous personal cost. It's classic. I love it. ;) @Deac: "...almost lifeless due to the energy release." Besides, it was only an AU Deac. ;) :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: An adventure in Mrear: A fantasy RPG
06-23-2002, 10:26 AM
Kejim: *neutrally* Of course. *says nothing else*...  [Read More]
Posted in: An adventure in Mrear: A fantasy RPG
06-22-2002, 6:04 AM
[OOS: Awesome! Can you, like type it, so we can see it? :D] Kejim: It has not been my experience to know many dwarves....  [Read More]
Posted in: An adventure in Mrear: A fantasy RPG
06-21-2002, 11:33 AM
*Kejim looks dubious* Could not you have just as easily sliced off the reborn Lokpihet's arm without Starkiller by your side?...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Hutt Gamble....
06-22-2002, 6:37 AM
Caramel, please :D *hands Deac money*...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Hutt Gamble....
06-21-2002, 8:34 AM
---INTERMISSION--- ((OOS: And this is where the RPG pauses until Wraithy gets back. :D))...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jabba's Champion
06-20-2002, 5:31 PM
Eew, you stinky man! You smell like bantha poodoo! :D...  [Read More]
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