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Page: 106 of 164
Posted in: RPG: The IMP Captain's Lounge
05-14-2002, 3:14 AM
*Termand Rwos finds himself in a jungle several million light years away, wondering what the heck he'd just left. He'd clearly seen himself blow up in a bunch of green and pink goo, which he was certain wasn't the color of his innards. He also could...  [Read More]
Posted in: An adventure in Mrear: A fantasy RPG
05-24-2002, 1:27 AM
Kejim: As you wish, Starfor! *Kejim waves his staff and shouts a spell. A black orb appears in midair*...  [Read More]
Posted in: An adventure in Mrear: A fantasy RPG
05-22-2002, 11:03 PM
((OOS: I don't know anything about maraliths...:D))...  [Read More]
Posted in: An adventure in Mrear: A fantasy RPG
05-22-2002, 1:51 AM
Arthur: Master? What is that? It looks ridiculous! Kejim: Never judge beings by their looks. Maraliths are generally quite powerful. And this one......  [Read More]
Posted in: An adventure in Mrear: A fantasy RPG
05-18-2002, 6:15 PM
*Kejim's head snaps up as he senses something new approaching* Paladin! Advise that you finish this quickly! Something far more powerful is coming!...  [Read More]
Posted in: An adventure in Mrear: A fantasy RPG
05-17-2002, 9:22 PM
*Kejim chain lightnings several of the wet creatures. Arthur starts forward but Kejim holds him back* K: Let's not reveal your abilities quite yet. A: But Master! There's too many of them! K: Nevertheless, you will not be needed...yet....  [Read More]
Posted in: An adventure in Mrear: A fantasy RPG
05-15-2002, 8:41 PM
Fulmenos amnis! Kejim again turns the force of a river on the approaching army....  [Read More]
Posted in: An adventure in Mrear: A fantasy RPG
05-14-2002, 9:13 PM
Arthur: I thought it was rock? Kejim: It was. The demon had the rock sulphur integrated into it's body. Arthur: *?* Kejim: How now, Starfor?...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Hutt Gamble....
05-24-2002, 2:03 AM
((OOS: Ummm, didn't read my OOSes did you :D ...Rwos can't fade away...the teleporter prevents that from happening...if it wasn't for the teleporter, the instant Rwos Darkstar teleported to this dimension, he would have ceased to exist, be...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Hutt Gamble....
05-22-2002, 10:25 PM
*in the air above Deac* Ah, but you're wrong, Deac Starkiller. None of this has happened. I have clear memories of this event. You never came here. You fought Slave One, and miraculously escaped thanks to your Jedi gunner. You fled into hyperspace wi...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Hutt Gamble....
05-22-2002, 2:01 AM
((OOS: Remember, the medallion fused with Rwos' chest)) *Rwos clutches his chest/the medallion in pain. He glares at Deac with rage.* You scum! When will it penetrate your skull that I AM INDESTRUCTIBLE?? *He takes his hand off his chest. The medall...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Hutt Gamble....
05-18-2002, 6:10 PM
He's lying...this creature's memories tell me that the teleporter has "magic safeguards" that prevent that from happening...even if he could do it. You're bluffing, Wuss Starkiller!...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Hutt Gamble....
05-17-2002, 9:36 PM
HOW IN HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO GO BACK? I'M STUCK HERE, THANKS TO YOU! BUT AT LEAST I CAN STILL KILL YOU! *Rwos throws energy beams at Deac. Deac dodges into a corridor. Rwos charges after him, but stumbles and can't regain his footing. Klaxons blare...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Hutt Gamble....
05-15-2002, 8:50 PM
Who cares? I don't, as long as you end up dead!...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Hutt Gamble....
05-14-2002, 9:06 PM
((OOS: No, I just got confused with some of the wording. A little fun thing we can do now...Rwos' teleporter's magic safeguards will protect all versions of Rwos, Deac and Corzip from being affected in the future by changes in this timeframe...but...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina 5- yet more adventures of Deac and co.
05-24-2002, 1:42 AM
Originally posted by Cmdr. Cracken And the Sith always win. The Imperial Grand Admiral smiled.* ((OOS: :D)) *Rwos keeps his face expressionless...something easier to do when you have a beak in a roomful of humans. He notices the warlord's lightfo...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina 5- yet more adventures of Deac and co.
05-22-2002, 10:43 PM
*Rwos stands to the side behind Deac, posing as his "pet bounty hunter". These people must have heard of Vader and Fett, since they accepted his explanation without arguments. He certainly looked picturesque enough to pass for a bounty hunt...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina 5- yet more adventures of Deac and co.
05-19-2002, 7:50 PM
*puts hands up* Hey, I guess if we can handle Jar Jar clones and a pack of dark Jedi, we can handle anything. *rolls eyes a little*...  [Read More]
Posted in: RPG for all
05-24-2002, 1:46 AM
*Rwos Darkstar contemplates both Reletha and Deac. He smiles grimly* Well, Starkiller, you can't all. *with a note of finality he raises his hand and points it at Deac. A black ball of energy appears around his hand. Termand Rwos' ey...  [Read More]
Posted in: RPG for all
05-22-2002, 10:34 PM
I don't want it to die! Watch this... *Rwos Darkstar whips out Termand's lightsword and severs his own hand with it...then concentrates and regenerates the hand* Do you see? I seriously doubt your current host is superior to this one! Not only can he...  [Read More]
Posted in: RPG for all
05-22-2002, 1:44 AM
Rwos Darkstar:'re ME!! *pauses* But...this host! This is the best host I...we have ever taken. He is practically indestructible! What will we do with him? Rwos: Excuse me? Host?...  [Read More]
Posted in: RPG for all
05-18-2002, 6:13 PM
*Rwos Darkstar is by now thoroughly confused by Deac's accusations. All he knows that himself, as the Darkstar entity, is dying, fading without the medallion. And to make things even more confusing, he can sense...himself...through Rwos' extra senses...  [Read More]
Posted in: RPG for all
05-17-2002, 9:45 PM
*Rwos Darkstar stares at Deac* What? I haven't even attacked you yet! Am I couldn't be......  [Read More]
Posted in: RPG for all
05-15-2002, 8:53 PM
B-b-bastard! *the Darkstar angrily nurses his hurt hand* I don't care then! I'll just have to get myself satisfaction by just killing you! *Rwos Darkstar rushes at Deac---and gets knocked away by a kick to his side. Termand Rwos: I don't know who yo...  [Read More]
Posted in: RPG for all
05-14-2002, 8:54 PM
this has to be some kind of trick... I don't want you. I have the host I need. All I need is...a focal point... *stares greedily at the medallion on Deac's chest* Rwos: Hey! Excuse me? What the hell is going on??...  [Read More]
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