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Posted in:  MECK Project - The Insidious Plot
02-01-2005, 7:35 PM
Thanks a lot ChAiNz that's awesome. Yeah too bad about the robe, I've never seen the camera thing but I hear it gets a bit wild hehehe. Thanks again Xavier2, too bad there isn't an official project list I'm really curious just how far you guys plan...  [Read More]
Posted in:  MECK Project - The Insidious Plot
02-01-2005, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by Xavier2 No problem with mine or Orsan's Jango armor. Any other one i would have to see the fiies to answer that. Regarding the robes, remember that the movie style Jedi robes included in this pack are all new skins made specif...  [Read More]
Posted in:  MECK Project - The Insidious Plot
01-31-2005, 8:00 PM
Originally posted by Xavier2 Any mods who don't have head.2da, appearance.2da or globalcat.2da may or may not be compatible...For Instance, any mod using a robe skin will run but won't fit properly in the new robe model included in The Insidious Plo...  [Read More]
Posted in:  MECK Project - The Insidious Plot
01-30-2005, 6:22 PM
Congrats on the mod, looks fantastic. Xavier about the clone replacements, does that mean that the Republic troopers need to be replaced by the Clone Troopers in order for this side quest to work, did I get that right? I noticed the warning about...  [Read More]
Posted in:  MECK Project - Enter Jabba's Palace side quest
12-21-2004, 8:21 PM
Hey Xavier. First off beautiful mod, it's outstanding. I was wondering something related to the clonetrooper mod, I'm pretty sure I know what the answer will be but just in case I thought I'd ask. I know the clonetrooper mod changes the Appearance....  [Read More]
Posted in: Jaina Solo Skin
09-13-2004, 12:15 PM
Furball's avatar is Jaina Solo Sam, I believe from one of the NJO covers maybe? There was one guy a very long time ago that had made an Anakin and Jacen Solo skins. The Anakin was based of an NJO cover with a wine colored tunic and Jacen had a suit...  [Read More]
Posted in:  R2-D2 KOTOR style! Well, sort of...
05-10-2004, 10:07 PM
Wow Prime T3 looks pretty cool like that. And like Arteale said the robes look awesome. I thought I'd let you know that you forgot to fix the link to your saber color mod in your site, it still has the old link and gives a file not found when you try...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dark Forces Gold (April Fool!)
04-01-2004, 10:38 PM
Yours was good also Anakin to be sure, I just saw the other one first....  [Read More]
Posted in: Dark Forces Gold (April Fool!)
04-01-2004, 10:30 PM
Damn it! Can't a guy have fun with a April Fools Joke??? Jeez you guys really take all the fun out of it!!! I know it's a prank, it's obviously JO looking at the screenies in the page. And it was fairly elaborate, they made it look failry official...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dark Forces Gold (April Fool!)
04-01-2004, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by Tinny dude, look at the url, its not on the lucasarts site Dude click the url, or here is what the site says: Availability: Fall 2004 Genre: Action Platform: PC, Macintosh, XBox ESRB: Rating Pending Star Wars Dark Forces...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dark Forces Gold (April Fool!)
04-01-2004, 9:48 PM
Originally posted by BawBag™ Ain't that just the Dark Forces mod? :dozey: Lol, not unless it's been produced by Lucasarts....  [Read More]
Posted in: Dark Forces Gold (April Fool!)
04-01-2004, 9:09 PM
I don't know if any of you guys saw this already but Lucasarts apparently will be remaking the original Dark Forces with the Jedi Academy engine. Sounds interesting, provided it's not april fools :)  [Read More]
Posted in: New JKA Anims
05-20-2004, 4:38 AM
These look really good. Are you working on these animations as part of a specific mod/TC? Or will these animations be released as some kind of anim mod by themselves? Also will these replace some of the current animations or coexist aside them as som...  [Read More]
In a refreshing minimum point of view, JA (SP) is my favorite of the DF series (MotS included). Far to say the game was perfect, very far actually. Still for me at least the pluses were much higher than the minuses. This contains SPOILERS so please d...  [Read More]
Posted in:  WIP: Ep2 style Jedi robes
03-30-2004, 8:51 PM
Thanks so much, I'll be examining the robes closely since I want to use your robes as well as the Anakin ones. I do like the brown robes though so I'll probably replace the red and blue robes with your version and Anakin's robe. Thanks again for all...  [Read More]
Posted in:  WIP: Ep2 style Jedi robes
03-30-2004, 6:52 PM
Hi Prime, I sent you a PM question about the robes, did you receive it?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Coruscant and outlander club
03-05-2004, 5:37 PM
What is this you speak of Eldritch...r-e-a-d-i-n-g. An alien concept to be sure. I realize he said his final maps will be completed for the TC. I understand he meant his maps will be for the project, not the final release, so I asked. I believe this...  [Read More]
Posted in: Coruscant and outlander club
03-05-2004, 6:13 AM
Will this be releasedd with the upcoming AOTCTC demo or will it be a stand alone map? And will it have botroutes for those of us unable to play online? Thanks....  [Read More]
Posted in: Lightsaber update + New DS Equipment
02-28-2004, 7:09 PM
Do I need any particular editing tools to do this? I've never attempted changing anything in KotOR beofre so I have no idea how to extract and change textures. Thanks again....  [Read More]
Posted in: Lightsaber update + New DS Equipment
02-28-2004, 6:36 PM
Hi T7, these new mods look excellent, great job. I was wondering about a samll detail though. In your site it says not to change Jolee's color crystal from the saber. Does that mean that you can change the color of the Guardian of the Light and Knigh...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hapslash's Improved Stormtrooper
02-03-2004, 7:35 PM
Superb job on the Stormie Hap as always! Will this be released as a stand alone or some sort of Stormie pack? Also OT, brilliant skinning of Aeryn Sun, I'm dying to see the rest of Moya's crew especially Crichton and D'Argo once Aeryn is done. Are y...  [Read More]
Posted in: How to put Models in JA Single Player
01-30-2004, 2:09 AM
Thanks a lot for the great tutorial it is very helpful. I was curious if I follow these directions if the new race being added must be the same model with different skins, ie the new race is the Grayfox model as you placed in the example. This is gre...  [Read More]
Posted in: Attack Of The Clones TC Screenshot Spectacular
03-18-2004, 2:51 AM
Thanks for the clarification razorace, I was just wondering if the upcoming demo was then going to be held back a while to implement the new OJP features or if it was still scheduled to be released as is soonish. I really look forward to seeing wha...  [Read More]
Posted in: Attack Of The Clones TC Screenshot Spectacular
03-18-2004, 12:09 AM
Those look awesome, I'm dying to play through Coruscant. I justr visited your site and noticed your announcement of the OJP/AOTCTC partnership and I was curious as to how it will affect the demo or any upcoming releases that were scheduled for the ne...  [Read More]
Posted in: Lord Of The Rings MOD comes to LucasForums!
01-30-2004, 1:30 AM
Great looking swords! I'm not sure if this was already answered, I couldn't see it anywhere, but in the opening post it says new duel and ffa maps maps and a storyline following LOTR. My question is will this be a MP only Mod or will there be an SP c...  [Read More]
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