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WIP: Ep2 style Jedi robes

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03-17-2004, 4:30 PM
Almost finished? Huzzah! I can play KotOR again on friday. :D
03-18-2004, 12:09 AM
It would be cool to get the robed from Ajunta Pall's sarcophagus. :)

IMO He is a pretty important Sith in the Game.

you can find it in module korr_m37aa_s.rim--> blueprint,placeables-->kor37_sithsarc.utp

Im looking forward to using your robes :) That is when I actually play the game again
03-18-2004, 1:44 AM
I'm waiting on these too! I'm going to start a new Scoundrel/Garudian character and use these.
03-18-2004, 9:23 AM
i would be happy with the first mod, the replacing of the blue rodes. sometimes i'll give them to bastila, but i never use them myself.

Originally posted by Prime
I could probably make a little mod where I'll extract all the saber colours and put a readme showing what to rename the colour files to. Maybe I'll post that along with my skins.

that would be great, thanks :)
03-18-2004, 10:13 AM
Originally posted by T7nowhere
It would be cool to get the robed from Ajunta Pall's sarcophagus. :)

IMO He is a pretty important Sith in the Game.

for some reason his name always sounded female to me ..

but yeah a nice dark robe from his tomb would be a good adition to the game
03-18-2004, 2:12 PM
Originally posted by Jackel
but yeah a nice dark robe from his tomb would be a good adition to the game It's settled then :)

Dark robes from Ajunta Pall's sarcophagus and light robes from poor Nemo's body...
03-19-2004, 8:09 AM
just an idea, since light side players will find the Qel-Droma robes on Korriban, but darksiders get no special robes until the star forge, perhaps add a few stats to "ajunta pall's robes" that would benefit a darkside player?? perhaps yet another (what are we up to, 50?) version so people can install the regular robes, or robes with qel-droma-esque stats
03-19-2004, 2:04 PM
I have it so that the Dark robes, which have the same bonuses as the Qel-Droma robes, are found in the Ajunta Pall tomb. So the player can leave Korriban with Qel-Droma level robes for both sides of the Force :)
03-20-2004, 5:21 AM
very nice prime - I was going to make my own robes with your textures and use the give cheat to get it, but I think I might play through withought cheating now - since you have a good location for the darkside robes :)

waiting with baited breathe :)
03-20-2004, 7:50 AM
Prime : found out something interesting you might be interested in

the textures for the lightsaber in Jedi Outcast are the same size and bit rate as the ones in KotoR , so you could extract them out of JO and put them in KotoR

ive made the orange colour saber from JO my new gold colour saber texture , looks good
03-20-2004, 4:25 PM
Originally posted by Jackel
ive made the orange colour saber from JO my new gold colour saber texture , looks good Do you have a screenshot?
03-21-2004, 12:42 AM
sure do , here we go :

the one on the left is the modified one , the one on the right is the original , its not that much different but i think it looks better

i personally think the KotoR saber colours look like halogen lightbulbs , they have a really bright core and a slightly fuzzy outside
03-21-2004, 1:26 AM
Very Nice! :cool:
03-21-2004, 5:56 AM
Originally posted by Jackel
sure do , here we go :

the one on the left is the modified one , the one on the right is the original , its not that much different but i think it looks better

i personally think the KotoR saber colours look like halogen lightbulbs , they have a really bright core and a slightly fuzzy outside

I agree...the one on the left looks more menacing than the unmodified one
03-21-2004, 6:35 AM
Originally posted by Jackel
sure do , here we go :

the one on the left is the modified one , the one on the right is the original , its not that much different but i think it looks better

i personally think the KotoR saber colours look like halogen lightbulbs , they have a really bright core and a slightly fuzzy outside

OMG... Post that mod!!!1 :D
03-21-2004, 9:51 AM
ill reinstall jedi outcast tonight and strip the other colours out and do the same pic thing for them to see which colours everyone likes ~shrugs~

now to just remember which file they were in ...
03-21-2004, 7:03 PM
Bump! I'm looking forward to this mod!
03-22-2004, 4:15 AM
patiently waiting for prime's really really cool robes :cool:
03-22-2004, 4:30 AM
Sorry for the delay. I have March Madness. :)

The robes are all done and packaged up. They'll likely be posted Monday night...
 Darth Raven
03-22-2004, 5:18 AM
Originally posted by Prime
Sorry for the delay. I have March Madness. :)

The robes are all done and packaged up. They'll likely be posted Monday night...

Awesome! That's tomorrow night for me!!
03-22-2004, 7:43 PM
Finally Lf is back up. Any progress?
 Darth Kellen
03-22-2004, 10:55 PM
nice robes dude. cant wait till there finished.:) :fett:
03-23-2004, 1:41 AM
Finally, the robes are up. Just look for the Light and Dark Jedi Robes on my website here. (

Also, I have posted a mod that allows you to change the lightsaber blade from one colour to another. So if you don't like the look of the turquoise or orange blades, you can change them. This mod can be found at the link above. They are under Lightsaber Blade Colour Replacement.

Feel free to post any feedback for these mods. And if you come across any bugs or issues, let me know.

Bon Appetit!
03-23-2004, 2:45 AM
Finally! we all get to use these robes :) I am a little surprized that you didn't just make it look like there were gloves on the hands even Bioware didn't want to deal with that. I really like the the dark one :)

nice work.

Oh and I like your new avatar.
03-23-2004, 4:27 AM
Love the new avatar prime, em mr. roboto :)

and thanks for the great work with the robes :)
03-23-2004, 4:39 AM
:clap2: WAAAHOOOO!!!!! Thnx for the robes:D

Just played w/'em. Amazing work Prime. Hope to see more from ya in the future:shadow
03-23-2004, 5:01 AM
:eek: :eek: :eek:!

Those robes look really good man (I mean REALLY good)! You've got some mad artistic talent right there! Can't wait to get back to campus and test em out. :D
03-23-2004, 8:17 PM
Mwhahahha! I now have a reason to replay KOTOR for a third time through :D Thanks so much, Prime!
03-23-2004, 10:12 PM
Very Very Nice Retexture! :roll2:
03-24-2004, 1:46 PM
I'm glad you like them, fellas :)
03-25-2004, 12:18 AM
nice skins, especially the light one. thanks, prime.
03-26-2004, 2:40 PM
Just to give a heads up, I've started a new thread for the saber colour change mod here. (

If you have any questions, please post them there :)
03-27-2004, 9:36 AM
I've found something very strange. For some reason when I chose a black male and starting using the mod I had white hands... O_o
03-28-2004, 6:29 AM
If you are going to use a black male, you need to extract the PMBI07black.tga or PMBI08black.tga file into your override directory instead of the the PMBI07.tga or PMBI08.tga files. Once you extract either of these (along with the other files if necessary), remove the "black" part of the file name so that you will end up with either PMBI07.tga or PMBI08.tga.

I hope that made sense :)
03-28-2004, 3:18 PM
it made sense to me ;-)
03-29-2004, 2:21 PM
I'm glad it did to someone :D
03-29-2004, 5:29 PM
What files do we put in if we want the tanned one?
03-30-2004, 12:00 AM
It should all be explained in the included readme, but the files for the brown robes are:

03-30-2004, 6:52 PM
Hi Prime, I sent you a PM question about the robes, did you receive it?
03-30-2004, 8:21 PM
I did now :)

I'll answer your question here in case others are wondering the same thing. You asked:

Hi Prime, I just wanted to say wonderful work on your KotOR robes and ask a question. I downloaded Loros' Anakin style robes but I don't use cheats or access stuff via console, since he lost all his work, he won't be able to put the robes ingame. Next best thing I could come up with is substituting one of the robes in your pack for the Ani ones so they appear ingame for me. Is this possible and would you know how I could do it? Thanks a lot and again excellent job on the robes, I like them a lot.To do this, you could take the Anakin robes' .tga file, and rename it to PMBI07.tga. This should replace the brown robes with the anakin robes in-game. If you want to replace the dark robes, rename Anakin's file to PMBI08.tga.
03-30-2004, 8:51 PM
Thanks so much, I'll be examining the robes closely since I want to use your robes as well as the Anakin ones. I do like the brown robes though so I'll probably replace the red and blue robes with your version and Anakin's robe.

Thanks again for all your help, the robes are uber-cool.
03-31-2004, 1:57 AM
Another option would be to just replace one of the robes that comes with the game. You would to that in the same way, just alter the name to reflect the robe you want to replace:

PMBI01.tga = brown
PMBI02.tga = black
PMBI03.tga = red
PMBI04.tga = blue

Someone can correct me if I have the numbers wrong...
04-04-2004, 8:20 AM
SUp Prime! First off, great job on the robes! I was wondering though, would you have any future plans on making the robes compatible with female PC's?:D :D :D All of my games thus far have been with female characters, and while the robes look do look pretty dope on Jolee, I think they'd look even better on my female PC:D Especially the dark one! That one on her would look soooooooo sweet , heheh.

04-04-2004, 6:03 PM
I'll look into it. I have to judge how much work it takes to do a female version. Frankly, I am not keen about starting a female set from scratch. If it is a simple transfer, I'll probably do it... :)
04-05-2004, 5:18 AM
Oh ic, coo coo! I hope it's just a simple transfer, i take that something in the game makes the robes that come with the game interchangeable no matter what jedi they're on? Sorry, I am so mod illiterate LOL, I wish you luck if you do decide to make it happen ! ( Pleeeeeease?:D Yo I'd pay you to do it if it comes down to it, :D )

btw, that saber mod is terrific as well! Having the turqoise MotF color throughout the game is going to be sweeeeet. =P
04-05-2004, 3:40 PM
Originally posted by numark79
I hope it's just a simple transfer Alas, it is not a simple transfer. I would more or less have to redo certain parts from scratch, mostly in the waist and back areas. :(

Originally posted by numark79
i take that something in the game makes the robes that come with the game interchangeable no matter what jedi they're on? Actually, I was confused about this at first, since the textures appear to be exactly the same for both males and females, even though they are in different files. It seems that this works for the default skins because of the way the textures are layed out. Basically, the textures are warped differently depending on which model they are on. However, the areas that get warped differently are for the most part only areas that have folds and not more specific features. Since folds are pretty random anyway, these differences look fine and aren't noticable.

The problem with my skins are that some of these areas have more than just folds. There are areas which have "straight lines" which make the differences in warping much more obvious, to the point where the robe looks all wrong.

Bioware's way of doing this is actually very clever indeed. Unfortunately, it doesn't work for my custom robes. I'd have to do these parts of the robes over again to get everything lined up properly. :( Unfortunately I don't really have the time right now.

Originally posted by numark79
Sorry, I am so mod illiterate LOL, I wish you luck if you do decide to make it happen ! ( Pleeeeeease?:D Yo I'd pay you to do it if it comes down to it, :D ) How much? ;)

Originally posted by numark79
btw, that saber mod is terrific as well! Having the turqoise MotF color throughout the game is going to be sweeeeet. =P I'm glad you like it. Unlike the skins, it was pretty easy to do :D
04-10-2004, 4:23 PM
Your Dark Robes kick ass. Combine them with a red sabre and the blonde male head 4 from someone's mod and it looks awsome, dude. Keep up the Good work.
04-10-2004, 5:08 PM
Thanks Caporegime1986 :) I'm glad you like them...
04-10-2004, 11:26 PM
Its all good prime plus you only need one post to hit 34 hundred so im sure they all count seriously though its all high quality keep it up!
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