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Rad Blackrose

Latest Posts

Page: 9 of 9
Posted in: Darkside, or the Lightside?
 Rad Blackrose
04-06-2003, 10:18 PM
Two words: Force absorb. So that makes me a light sider. Death by saber, not by gimpy force....  [Read More]
Posted in: Reborn Bill: Why I Became a Jedi
 Rad Blackrose
04-05-2003, 8:52 PM
Is this supposed to imitate that Apple commercial?...  [Read More]
Originally posted by shock ~ unnamed Since I run a "competitive only" server anyone who comes on my server and bows I can consider a "lamer" and ban them? I can see it now “WTF can you believe this crap, some admin booted me j...  [Read More]
Originally posted by Krayt Tion I only see logic in the following: Acceptable behavior starts and ends with the server owners and/or admins assigned by the server owners. For better or for worse a person's server is their own purchased and maintain...  [Read More]
Yes, we have been here since day one. I remember the day when you could walk into a server and immediately nail someone within the first 5 seconds because they looked at you funny. The day of pivitol DFA spammage. Those were the days. Then the SC c...  [Read More]
Alright, this is an origional *ASC*er floating about. Now while the SC and ASC have taken the backburner of JKII politics, needless to say their ways still remain. However, I believe the main problem of the origional argument was members of the SC f...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Unofficial Soundtrack - My Opinion
 Rad Blackrose
02-20-2003, 8:17 PM
I also have to agree with the brass/winds being less emphasized overall. It is what gives the game's music its life. I'm listening to the opening of the Arc Hammer's music, and I remember that opening piece pretty well. And the one thing I do rememb...  [Read More]
Posted in: this is what it's all about . . .
 Rad Blackrose
11-04-2002, 11:58 PM
I hope I am alive the day programmers realize that Linux is worth something. Anyways... niiiiiiiiice....  [Read More]
Posted in: Some new screenies
 Rad Blackrose
10-26-2002, 8:45 PM
Mommy! Tell the ebil man to stop teasing us!...  [Read More]
Posted in: cheats.
 Rad Blackrose
09-26-2002, 7:13 PM
Jedi Outcast, take a hint for once. I, for one, say screw the lightsaber and force. This is Dark Forces. This is when Kyle was a straightforward merc, and didn't know squat about the Force. He knows absolutely nothing of the sort about his father dy...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kyle Model!!!!!!!!!!
 Rad Blackrose
10-07-2002, 6:10 PM
Will we be able to get our hands on this excellent model before the demo release? My mouth is friggin drooling here....  [Read More]
Posted in: Is JK2 dead/dying? (merged)
 Rad Blackrose
08-27-2002, 11:51 AM
Actually, it is a viable reason. Dest, programmer of JediMod, is going back to school and won't be able to update the mod that often for example....  [Read More]
Posted in: List your pc specs.
 Rad Blackrose
07-09-2002, 8:31 AM
Clawhammer will dispatch Northwood! *ahem* AMD 1.2GHz Athlon 256 MB RAM 60 GB HD GeForce 2 16 MB card Standard Sound Blaster card (getting my Live! card ported over) CTX 19" monitor Standard run of the mill natural keyboard Logitech 2x optical...  [Read More]
Posted in: SCRIPTS here (post & request thread)
 Rad Blackrose
07-11-2002, 9:33 PM
You guys are f**king rad duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude! ... admin_slay its420onthedot...  [Read More]
Posted in: SCRIPTS here (post & request thread)
 Rad Blackrose
06-30-2002, 9:30 AM
I'm surprised my crouching 2 handed backsweep did not make it, much less the backstab/sweep in general. I mean, it is just... bind (key) "+back;+attack" Add +movedown; before +back for the 2 hander....  [Read More]
Posted in: SCRIPTS here (post & request thread)
 Rad Blackrose
06-30-2002, 12:14 AM
Well, for the DFA, what exactly is the ratio in variable numbers for the wait command when compared to actual RL seconds?...  [Read More]
Posted in: SCRIPTS here (post & request thread)
 Rad Blackrose
06-28-2002, 2:47 AM
These are all the scripted moves that I know of, yet never use (except for the 2 handed backsweep, that is a showy move). 2 Handed Backsweep: bind (key) "+movedown;+back;+attack" Light Lunge bind (key) "+movedown;+forward;+attack&...  [Read More]
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