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Rad Blackrose

Latest Posts

Page: 4 of 9
Im really...really getting pissed at the anti-honor or anti-RPG'ers around here. Good. Then I know I'm doing my job right. Seriously, what RIGHT do you have to say they are wrong in the way they play? they PAID 50 bucks just like you buddy. Enter...  [Read More]
Posted in: A saber
 Rad Blackrose
01-02-2004, 4:58 AM
There's also a modeling/skinning forum under the Editing section. You'd have a much better time getting help there....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Truth about Admin Mods...
 Rad Blackrose
01-03-2004, 4:36 AM
Originally posted by TK8252MJL No, because whenever it would normally say something like Luke Skywalker was sabered by Padawan, if the kill was considered to be "laming", it would just say Luke Skywalker was SABER DOWN killed by Padawan. N...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Truth about Admin Mods...
 Rad Blackrose
01-02-2004, 4:57 AM
While I wouldn't exactly say I'm very "in it" with the whole situation between you and Slider, Chosen, I can comment on the pathetic slacker formerly known as BOFH since I was involved to an extent in the origonal JediMOD. By nature, BOFH...  [Read More]
Posted in: Origin of "Lamer"
 Rad Blackrose
01-01-2004, 5:21 AM
Ahem... The correct Quake terminology would be llama... not lamer, llama. I have no idea how the hell it evolved into lamer... It was probably Counter-Strike....  [Read More]
I'm serious, I'm about an hour to an hour and a half from Madison provided that rush hour traffic doesn't bog me down. ;) Not like I'd pull that crap anyways....  [Read More]
Wait a minute... Madison is about an hour away from here... *grabs a baseball bat*...  [Read More]
Posted in: lucasfiles
 Rad Blackrose
10-04-2003, 6:27 PM
Originally posted by Igor_Cavkov DUDE ! u should get banend or something are making people panic! dubble topic!!! 3.spamming take it easy it'll show up! The goggles, they do nothing!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Staff kick - completely useless or not?
 Rad Blackrose
10-04-2003, 6:10 PM
Yeah, saber staff kicking was useless... Then I picked up on the instant death kick bug....  [Read More]
Posted in: Favorite Siege Class?
 Rad Blackrose
10-03-2003, 3:56 PM
Right now, I usually change classes to fit the situation when it comes to offense. For example, in siege_hoth I go Imperial. For the first part I will either be Assault and hammer the turrets or Scout and take out any Tech bastards spamming the DEMP...  [Read More]
Posted in: What we really need from Raven
 Rad Blackrose
10-04-2003, 6:16 AM
Originally posted by razorace If the animation system needs changing (like I imagine it will), I'll be sure to include the animation system in OJP ( so that people that don't want to p...  [Read More]
Posted in: What we really need from Raven
 Rad Blackrose
10-04-2003, 4:46 AM
Will you be throwing it into some rendition of MotF (or whatever you are calling the project now) if the current animation system is failing? Because to me right now it looks like it has not changed. Then again, we still need the editing tools... ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: What we really need from Raven
 Rad Blackrose
10-04-2003, 3:41 AM
The JK2 animation system was fundimently flawed because it didn't match up the start times for the animations on the servers vs the clients. Instead, it only gave the order to start an animation. This directly results in the animations being off by y...  [Read More]
Posted in: What we really need from Raven
 Rad Blackrose
10-04-2003, 1:00 AM
Originally posted by Gabrobot Lol, this is hilarious! Atrocious net code is when it takes 5 minutes after you pressed the fire button for a shot to be fired. (This happened in the Will Rock demo...very very slow) Siege has many more things to handle...  [Read More]
Posted in: What we really need from Raven
 Rad Blackrose
10-04-2003, 12:37 AM
Originally posted by razorace In addition, due to the Raven did some stuff (animations) your sabers animations are ALWAYS going to be off based on your ping. Now, it's possible that Raven fixed this from JK2 but I'd need the source code to know for...  [Read More]
Posted in: What we really need from Raven
 Rad Blackrose
10-03-2003, 11:43 PM
"random 100% damage lightning" The bug does exist. I was able to reproduce it many a time on the FU clan server. They had to disable lightning because of me. :cool: Nice job on side stepping the instant death saber staff kick statement a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Honor Madness starting in JA
 Rad Blackrose
10-01-2003, 3:55 PM
Originally posted by Darth Kaan Just play the game and stay away from servers run by and full of dweebs. Problem solved! Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling...  [Read More]
The DEMP2 was a must on some levels, so that and either the Disruptor or the Concussion rifle was my layout... Didn't really care about the explosives, so I took Det packs. But of course, full blown saber melee asswhomp symphony....  [Read More]
Posted in: Suggestions for 56kers?
 Rad Blackrose
10-01-2003, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by Astrotoy7 For the 56k query, probably best to get used to fun with bots, the JA version of masturbation........... :P Best thing I've heard all morning. Thanks for the laugh....  [Read More]
Posted in: Saber Damage Patch
 Rad Blackrose
10-01-2003, 3:51 AM
Originally posted by Kurgan Also, and people who joined my server today can attest to this, unless there is 0 ping, there will always be lag, which can make hits seem to kill instantly or do barely any damage or miss completely. It's just something...  [Read More]
Posted in: lamer blues
 Rad Blackrose
10-01-2003, 2:45 PM
(insert eyeroll here) Oh wait, so that's what :rolleyes: is for....  [Read More]
Posted in: lamer blues
 Rad Blackrose
10-01-2003, 12:25 PM
The asskickings begin now. I've already been kicked from servers, had people cry about force, cry lamer, etc. The **** from JKII will not be happening again. Time to kick the virtual IRC image out of their heads....  [Read More]
Posted in: lamer blues
 Rad Blackrose
10-01-2003, 3:39 AM
Yeah... Better start building Noah's Ark again....  [Read More]
Posted in: lamer blues
 Rad Blackrose
10-01-2003, 2:48 AM
Also, another reason I don't follow that crap is because people exploited/bended the rules involving the chat box. Basically, a person would raise his chat box, wait for his force to regen, then let loose a drain attack. Seriously, you honor nubs fa...  [Read More]
Posted in: lamer blues
 Rad Blackrose
09-30-2003, 7:10 PM
I prefer the words made famous by Camelotvault. Cry more, n00b....  [Read More]
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