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Right Gang!!! Aaarggghhh!!!!! At the moment I have Brain ache!! Mainly as at the moment im doing my first module edit for TSL, i have read through Doom Dealers tutorial on module creation, however atm, im just wanting to add a few containers/placabl...  [Read More]
Posted in: Holowan Plugin Question [TSL]
07-24-2006, 7:57 AM
dude, just checked for you and neither has TSL patcher, however if you goto and go to the modding downloads part of the site you can download TSL modmanager, which allows you to combine mods and make the compatible, i often co...  [Read More]
Posted in: Holowan Plugin Question [TSL]
07-24-2006, 6:51 AM
Originally if i recall correctly no, i think the holowan plugin was made long before the DA, so unless Macloedcorp et al have updated THP for TSL then it wont be in there, however i think DA comes with TSL patcher, so you can just install them both y...  [Read More]
Cheers, too be honest im kid of torn, originally for my mod, i was going to reskin the fat one (so he no longer looks like a torture droid some 4,000 years later in ANH) so at this point im unsure if i want to add disciple to the party or just have h...  [Read More]
heya guys, while im brewing over exactly what im going to do for my first mod, I was wondering would it be possible to add the disciple dialog a female charachter hears... all into conversations on dantoine? i always play a male charachter (well he l...  [Read More]
Posted in: -DK-'s WIP thread.
07-23-2006, 9:07 PM
jedi tunic is looking good bro, keep it up!...  [Read More]
Posted in: please dont move this thread!
07-20-2006, 7:14 AM
dude, this forum is for modding threads/posts only, we've all seen ur thread in mod requests, but if we dont have the mod there isnt much we can do to help, so please dont post requests like this in here, as if everyone did it the forum would get ful...  [Read More]
on pcgamemods i was looking for another mod and i saw mandalores armour mod for k1 but i didnt have time for it and i dont know which mod ArŠ±toeldar game me but itr didnt work and i dont know what it did but i did see the mandalores armour mod for k...  [Read More]
Bacara, what exactly is it that you want? mandalore's armour? as in the kind of armour worn by mandalore in k2? (you cant port them across as this is illegal, i donno of any mods the give you specific mandalore mods, but ive got the holowan plug in i...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cinematic (bik) Question
07-17-2006, 1:31 PM
hmmm - come on lucas arts... you've gotta be monitoring these forums! give us a definitive answer!! :p...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cinematic (bik) Question
07-17-2006, 12:16 AM
If you own both games and dont intend on distibuting the mod, just do it. Im not sure if that is illegal or not, seems to be a grey area, but if you own both games and dont intend on producing the mod, then i wouldnt say its illegal, as the law is ba...  [Read More]
Posted in: Need Help Making Mods and Cheats Work For KOTOR2!
07-17-2006, 8:38 PM
WinRAR will open almost anything that is compressed. winzip wont though ;) too be honest i havent used win rar or winzip for ages, ive got a program called winace which will open anything... and i mean anything, i must confess ive forgotten exactly...  [Read More]
Posted in: Need Help Making Mods and Cheats Work For KOTOR2!
07-17-2006, 3:02 PM
hmmmm, what kind of file type is the download... for example if it is a .rar file you cannot use a utility such as winzip to unzip it, you would need win rar. (a file type is the extension, for example is a winzip file, where as star...  [Read More]
you want to save mods you download in a seperate folder then unzip them into the overide directory...  [Read More]
Posted in: Can't access
07-15-2006, 12:58 AM
With regards unzipping files, ive got a great german written bit of software which will unpack pretty much anything (at least ive not come across any file type it cant unzip) it was on a 30 day trial.... when i downloaded it last year ;) it still wor...  [Read More]
Posted in: Can't access
07-13-2006, 11:05 PM
That might be true, but alot of the modders here were on bad terms with the previous management of KotorMods. Most of the old mods on there, IIRC, were taken from other sites without permission and hosted there. I dunno if those mods have been remove...  [Read More]
Posted in: Can't access
07-13-2006, 10:43 PM
It's a shame that the largest library of KotOR mods may be gone, but we still have The convenience factor is much lower than PCGM but it's better than nothing. ;) i know that pcgamemods is the best library, but surely http://knightso...  [Read More]
Posted in: Need help installing mods!
07-11-2006, 9:49 PM
waiting to write to cd? somethings gone wrong there, it should jus go to overide :s did you read the read me's that came with the mod? if you've installed them an then tryed to load a game you started before you added the mods some mods wont work, t...  [Read More]
Posted in: How do you install KSE for TSL?
07-11-2006, 6:07 PM
i think you should be able to just place it in the lucas arts sub folder and it should work from there, (its a while since i installed it) but when you first run it i think it just asks you wat the directories for kotor and tsl are, and it will work,...  [Read More]
Posted in: TSL:REM Website up
07-11-2006, 10:00 PM
:( nah that still not working :( maybe my computer is secretly possessed by HK and doest want meat bags replicating themselves Statement: I will now kill my meatbag master! ahhhh my computers going insane! *run* *laptop sprouts legs and laser g...  [Read More]
Posted in: TSL:REM Website up
07-11-2006, 6:11 PM
hey, i keep getting a page cant be displayed from that link :-s...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question Concerning The New MDLOPS
07-15-2006, 1:12 AM
yo, there is one animation of someone sitting and typing... atton does it in the pilot seat of the ebon hawk, so the animations are in there somewhere...  [Read More]
Posted in: Planets in KotOR III
07-16-2006, 7:47 PM
Telos restoration zones!!! maybe catch up again with bao durr, and hava better look around! maybe visit an abondoned polar academy as well Naboo - the captial city thieves (sp) see what it looks like 4000 years before episode 1, enjoyed the PM game...  [Read More]
Posted in: A-Z of Modeling a new Lightsaber
07-15-2006, 12:28 AM
cheers chainz your a legend :) is it hard to make lightsaber mods compatible with one another? for example i want to make my own lightsaber/hilt (will prolly make a few) but would still want to keep USM - is that hard to do? sorry for the double pos...  [Read More]
Posted in: A-Z of Modeling a new Lightsaber
07-15-2006, 12:14 AM
heya guys, i cant seem to find the place to download the free 30 day trial of the software - i click on the link to get there and it doesnt change the page at all - am i being thick? anyways has anyone got the link for where i can download the produc...  [Read More]
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