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Posted in: Study finds twist in human evolution
08-10-2007, 1:25 PM
I presuming here is where I am meant to stick my thoughts on evolution. Stricktly speaking I am sat on the fence if evolution is proved beyond my reasonable doubt it doesn't really change my perception of the world, neither would this perception chan...  [Read More]
Posted in: [WIP] The Coruscant Mod
08-08-2007, 9:22 AM
Also, don't forget that if anyone has any ideas for small sidequests, dont forget to let me know. I wanna try and get this mod very full, so that it lasts for more than an hour :). Its looking amazing guys :-) Anyways for a small side quest/meeting...  [Read More]
Posted in: [WIP] The Coruscant Mod
07-20-2007, 2:05 PM
They both look awesome. I prefer the red, from memory of the films, I think the deep red is more the kind of thing that would be in the jedi temple (which is what i presume this is being used for), but to be honest both work really well. Keep up the...  [Read More]
Posted in: [WIP] The Coruscant Mod
07-17-2007, 10:45 PM
Wow this mod looks totally awesome, I haven't looked through the whole thread though have looked through your site. I did have a couple of suggestions althought I don't know if you can pull them off. Would you be able to Skin people to look like any...  [Read More]
Posted in: [WIP] Yavin 4 Planet Mod Translation
07-12-2007, 11:42 AM
I was thinking of doing that anyway since I have very few voice actors :(, so I'll release V1.0 first without voices then V1.1 with voices, there's not that many human speakers anyway, most people use alien VO's, so it won't be that bad. Hey eveyron...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Theism/Atheism Discussion
08-09-2007, 7:09 PM
There is nothing irrational about our spiritual nature. However attributing the source of it to an invisible man in the sky is highly irrational. Hehe, what would be your explanation of this spiritual side then? Man being frightened of his own finit...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Theism/Atheism Discussion
08-09-2007, 6:50 PM
This is a response to a post from this ( thread. Then why is it that modern people with their unprecedented access to knowledge and information choose the path of religious faith? Most people are shee...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Importance of "300": A Quick Article
03-25-2007, 11:38 PM
Well, techincally, Israel "will not be the first to introduce nuclear weaponary." This means nobody really knows if Israel has or do not have nuclear weaponary. :) Why is it okay? Because, really, Israel won't use nukes to wipe off Iraq or...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Importance of "300": A Quick Article
03-25-2007, 11:10 PM
And 300 represents all those things. America used to make movies like these all the time. Larger than life stories about a few shallow, tough talking dudes that stands against impossible odds, while all the enemies fall dead beneath their feet, and a...  [Read More]
Posted in: What are you?
03-27-2007, 9:00 PM
Religion: Islam. Hadn't realised you were a Muslim bro... might pose you a few awkward questions about the Koran :-p You been to the Middle East much? I've been to Morocco 4 times, I love it, its great :-) although its unfortunatly getting touriste...  [Read More]
Posted in: Documentary shows possible Jesus tomb
02-28-2007, 9:54 AM
QFE Hence my comments about television. The only way I'll see this is if it posted on YouTube or if Cameron releases a DVD. Bummer. If the evidence is solid though, it will be interesting to see what the repercussions are. Personally, I don't belie...  [Read More]
Posted in: guardian vs sentinal
02-26-2007, 10:13 AM
Guardian is superior in K1 because Sentinal is a pretty pointless class, as being a bridge between the Consular and Guardian it has none of their advantages, and skill points arent as important in K1 Sentinal is superior in K2 because skill points a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ethics and Religion
02-20-2007, 10:47 AM
Cool beans, cheers Stoffe, you may as well lock this thread as was just me being not very observant and thick ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ethics and Religion
02-20-2007, 9:56 AM
Hey all, Firstly I would like to say that I think LF is very cool and enjoy spending my time being a geek and posting here. I also think that all of the mods and admin do a very good job! Thanks! I was just wondering what had happened to the Ethic...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ethics and Religion
02-19-2007, 2:09 PM
Just for the record I havent forgotten this debate, but any post takes ages to write ;) so its been my Birthday and I have uni projects due, so havent been able to give it my due attention just yet... thursday is looking good tho :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ethics and Religion
02-14-2007, 3:20 AM
I would tend to disagree. Scientists do not claim to have all of the answers to every questions. If something is unknown, the scientific community will say "we don't know right now" or "we're looking into it". That is not dogma....  [Read More]
Posted in: Ethics and Religion
02-13-2007, 10:35 PM
I have been reading the thread with intrest but havent read everything within the thread, so won't give a 'full' (e.g. very long Silentscoopey ;) post untill the weekend when I have the time. I do however hava quick note to add; That is certainly...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ethics and Religion
02-09-2007, 8:12 PM
I am a Wiccan. This makes me "evil" in the eyes of certain "Followers of the Books,". Officially all Christians should believe this; it doesn't make you any more or less evil than anyone else. Just because I'm a Christian doesnt...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ethics and Religion
02-08-2007, 11:17 AM
Thank you to ET Warrior and Samuel Dravis for clearing things up on what science does and what science does not. It always amazes how little people know about it. There was an argument earlier saying that scientists cannot prove the unexistence of a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ethics and Religion
02-06-2007, 10:13 PM
Of course there is a reason Most ppl need something to believe in to endure the life Its simple as that I would call that a comfort blanket Of course they'll fight for supremecy And they do All religions try to gather more followers Thats fighti...  [Read More]
As long as you follow his request (assuming you chnaged things)... everything looks to be in order :) Havent changed anything yet, I may well do that in a while, but was going to just upload this for the moment, as quite a few people have been after...  [Read More]
Heya all, I've managed to get my hands on Sikon's Vash mod (which makes you meet Vash and have the conversation with her in a Korriban tomb). I presume give them read me it would be alright for me to upload it at KotOR files... Heres what the readme...  [Read More]
Posted in: [TSL Mod] Prestige Allies & 5 New Robes...
08-09-2007, 10:39 AM
Is there another place to get the mod? I click the link and get taken a website named tuxable.;41128...  [Read More]
Posted in: [TSL Mod] Prestige Allies & 5 New Robes...
08-09-2007, 9:37 AM
If an ally has an alignment of over 70 (light side) they will become the Jedi Prestige class, if they have an alignment of below 30 (dark side) they will become the Sith prestige class. Anything in the middle and they will become the basic Jedi Class...  [Read More]
Posted in: [TSL Mod] Prestige Allies & 5 New Robes...
08-09-2007, 7:10 AM
I downloaded SuperSqualls mod called "readme-SS-Prestige-Padawans";41128 One thing is botheing me when does the changes occur, do th...  [Read More]
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