waiting to write to cd? somethings gone wrong there, it should jus go to overide :s did you read the read me's that came with the mod?
if you've installed them an then tryed to load a game you started before you added the mods some mods wont work, they need the game to be started again to work.
if you are using multiply mods they can use the same modded file type (i think the file extension is .2da) in which case if you browse on pcgamemods and you will find a mod that can modfiy this file extension so you run several different mods as the .2da extension is compatible (more experienced moders correct me if im wrong).
anyways this is the link for the mod manager;
go down to the bottom and you will see mod compatability tools its the kotor mod manager you want - be sure to read the read me, so you know what you've got to do! hope this is of some help!