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Page: 97 of 214
All kidding aside... Let's not waste space arguing about SFX gaffes or poorly chosen story changes (in our humble fan opinions of course!), rather this is for TECHNICAL PROBLEMS or physical defects in the discs themselves. If Fox is willing to prov...  [Read More] reports that: While we're on the subject of the Star Wars DVDs, we've been getting many, many questions and complaints about the audio changes and "music issues" on A New Hope. All we...  [Read More]
Posted in: Bots in Siege games...
10-02-2004, 7:06 AM
For specific details about OJP, you'd have to post on his forum (OJP) and/or ask RazorAce for help. Basically the TAB Bots in OJP work great in Siege. For some basic info on bots in siege, try my page here:  [Read More]
Posted in: Gruesome Theory - Stormtrooper Preservation
10-02-2004, 3:48 AM
Well, in the official line, the argument has been that the ST Armor is meant to protect against glancing blows, and it's more akin to a bullet-proof vest. It's to increase survival from a single hit, not to make them invulnerable. Even if they surviv...  [Read More]
Posted in: 1 thing that has always bothered me...
09-29-2004, 8:33 AM
Exactly right. Luke's face inside the helmet can also be seen as foreshadowing of his revelation at Cloud City......  [Read More]
Posted in: Dumbest thing since a screen door on a submarine
09-30-2004, 1:39 AM
Well if some kind souls could warn this guy/gal or group before they get in trouble, that would be cool. Anyway, point made, it's DEFINATELY NOT a site we endorse, and what's been said has been said. Thread closed......  [Read More]
Posted in: Dumbest thing since a screen door on a submarine
09-29-2004, 4:50 PM
Gee wiz! Look at those prices! And $2 for a bot file! :drop2: What a rip off! I mean, c'mon, seriously, he's (or they as the case may be) for the most part just editing pre-existing stuff which doesn't take that long. And these are just clan skins...  [Read More]
Posted in: Italian fans ask for help
09-29-2004, 2:35 PM
Hooray! Score one of the little guys! Now if only we can get Lucas to release the Originals on DVD... (*still dreamin'*) ; )...  [Read More]
Posted in: Italian fans ask for help
09-29-2004, 2:54 AM
Oh I see. So you want to print some new DVD covers that are translated better for presentation purposes. Makes sense. ; )...  [Read More]
Posted in: Italian fans ask for help
09-28-2004, 1:49 AM
In the region 1 version here (North America) we can hear the movie in English, French or Spanish with English Subtitles (the other language subtitle options are highlighted on POWERDVD but they don't actually work). Too bad, I wanted to hear Vader s...  [Read More]
Posted in: Rebel Alliance racist?
09-29-2004, 2:40 PM
Actually, that was the special edition of my post. I "always intended" for it to be spelled that way. It's a creative decision. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Rebel Alliance racist?
09-29-2004, 2:59 AM
Other theories: He ate it. (old Wookie custom, and he was hungry dangit!) It was against his religion to accept it. He could either direct the ceremony or get the medal. He chose to roar at the troops. What a guy! He donated his medal to the C3P...  [Read More]
Posted in: What films do you like more? The new or the old?
10-02-2004, 8:16 AM
That is Mark Hamill btw, but his makeup job is bad, and this is before (IIRC) his plastic surgery after the accident (that was written into ESB to explain why his face looked different in that movie). Or perhaps I heard wrong and the bad makeup is to...  [Read More]
Posted in: What films do you like more? The new or the old?
10-02-2004, 4:54 AM
The "Star Wars Holiday Special" was shown on TV once around Christmas 1978. It was a live action feature with the original actors and many of the original props from Star Wars (with a short animated sequence in the middle which was the de...  [Read More]
Posted in: What films do you like more? The new or the old?
10-01-2004, 1:48 PM
Originally posted by sith_master2000 I don't have the Classic Trilogy DVD set (yet) but I was wondering who this Irving dude is, is he just some high pitched freak who doesn't know what he's talking about? He directed ESB and was pretty much given...  [Read More]
Posted in: What films do you like more? The new or the old?
09-29-2004, 3:40 AM
Patience young Skywalker......  [Read More]
Posted in: What films do you like more? The new or the old?
09-28-2004, 3:13 AM
Originally posted by txa1265 See, I didn't look at those as 'spoilers' as they are kind of a lead-in. Similar for me: 1. AotC 2. ESB (won't wimp out with a 'tie' for 1st ;) ) 3. RotJ 4. Star Wars (despite my love of the prequels, I still cling ste...  [Read More]
Posted in: Your Star Wars DVD Reviews!
09-30-2004, 4:23 PM
Originally posted by Prime Is that really true though? Yes, there are many fanatics who want the original version, but I wonder how much of the total customer base really cares? I mean, there are a lot of the younger generation that have more or les...  [Read More]
Posted in: Your Star Wars DVD Reviews!
09-29-2004, 9:42 AM
Originally posted by Lynk Former Well it's really a point of view thing. When Vader/Anakin said his last words the meaning is different for me. ("the truths we cling to rely greatly on our own point of view"). Really it all boils down t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Your Star Wars DVD Reviews!
09-29-2004, 3:43 AM
Originally posted by Lynk Former Anakin was the only one of the three to have such a wierd situation. Obi and Yoda died when they died and they accepted who they were when they died. IIRC, so did Vader/Anakin. He asks Luke to "help me take t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Your Star Wars DVD Reviews!
09-28-2004, 2:52 AM
Could be... could be. Or perhaps he hasn't himself decided yet! (hope not)...  [Read More]
Originally posted by adillon @ kurgan ... don't forget that people may join the military for that 'sense of adventure'. the television advertisements flooding the airwaves these days, especially from the army and navy, glorify the armed forces to on...  [Read More]
Originally posted by Mike Windu No Kurgan! No more ideas! Leave the movies alone! :D Riddick says: Ain't me you gotta worry 'bout......  [Read More]
There are a couple of deleted scenes where Luke talks to Biggs at length about the Empire and the Academy. These are NOT found in any released version of the film. But you can view them on the "Star Wars: Behind the Magic" CD-Roms (release...  [Read More]
Posted in: An interesting read.
09-29-2004, 5:40 AM
Originally posted by Reborn Outcast Just thought I'd point out something interesting. The amount of humans on the earth today is greater than the total number in history. (I only have 1 link, but I'll try and find more.) (  [Read More]
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