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Page: 96 of 214
Posted in: ja maps dont work
10-07-2004, 5:15 AM
We've had people try to pull this before, but let me put it to you straight: Nobody is going to "send you" any "missing files" for this game. Not on our watch! If your game isn't working because of missing files there are some...  [Read More]
Posted in: [DVD] Luke Skywalker with a mustache?
10-07-2004, 4:11 AM
Most likely explanation: you're seeing the stuntman (who has facial hair), rather than Mark Hamill. It's funny sometimes how they don't make the stuntman/woman look like the original actor, but then they figure you will only see them for a split sec...  [Read More]
Recording a "demo" in-game (multiplayer only): \g_synchronousclients 1 \record <name> \stop and someplace in there put \g_synchronousclients 0 (All in the console of course) As to a "Multiplayer Demo Version" this is...  [Read More]
Posted in: Simple solution to Federal Government Problems?
10-05-2004, 3:32 AM
I can only add, "Same Day Registration" and "Make Election Day a National Holiday" to your list. Also some campaign finance reform and allowances for third parties to give them an equal chance for the canidacy race....  [Read More]
Posted in: Improvements that NEED to be made...
10-07-2004, 12:06 PM
How about an in-game console? Basically (I'm speaking of the pc game here) we need a way to tweak the cameras, specifically the third person cameras for the vehicles. Most of them don't show you enough of the terrain or the back of the vehicle, maki...  [Read More]
Posted in: Luke and Dagobah
10-04-2004, 1:11 PM
Don't worry you won't be tarred and feathered here just for having an opinion. I just think it's pretty clear that, despite what Supershadow claims (unless he's part of the Star Wars Minsinformation campaign and it's his job to fool people), he does...  [Read More]
Posted in: Luke and Dagobah
10-03-2004, 7:24 PM
"Like something out of a dream..." Perhaps Luke has literally had dreams (through the Force) about Dagobah. ; ) In fact he visits there specifically because a vision of Obi-Wan Kenobi tells him to go there (one he experiences during a mom...  [Read More]
Posted in: Did Anakin bring balance to the Force?
10-07-2004, 4:43 AM
Originally posted by Revlt Coranier One could look at it this way: balance in the Force means an equal amount of Dark and Light side power. So if there are a small band of incredibly powerful Light-siders, a small band of incredibly powerful Dark-si...  [Read More]
Posted in: Did Anakin bring balance to the Force?
10-05-2004, 2:29 AM
That's cool, but, then doesn't that mean that Anakin achieved balance for about 5 minutes, and then unbalanced it again by dying? Thus leaving no Dark Siders and two powerful (one untrained) Lightsiders... Luke & Leia. Well, unless you go by...  [Read More]
Posted in: Did Anakin bring balance to the Force?
10-04-2004, 1:27 PM
Originally posted by guybroom hmm... I'd never really thought about it, but i think he didn't. I mean, he kills practicly all the Jedi, dark jedi are created and the Jedi are a tiny number of people who go train with Luke on Yavin 4 (correct me if...  [Read More]
Posted in: Did Anakin bring balance to the Force?
10-03-2004, 7:22 PM
We get the impression from the prequels (especially AOTC's directories commentary) that Palpatine is SO powerful in the Dark Side that he's really tipping the scales so to speak. He's so powerful that the Jedi themselves are having their powers &quo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question for making OJP Server
10-06-2004, 6:17 PM
Yeah, keep in mind that BASIC is mainly added options, bug fixes, and tweaks. Enhanced changes gameplay, hence why everyone has to have it that is joining. Basic OUGHT to be only server required, but that's the problem now... : (...  [Read More]
Could very well be. Especially if you're playing these DVD's on a stand-alone player. On my pc, some of the newer DVD's I bought have skipping and freezing problems, but it was due to the fact that my DVD-ROM drive didn't have DMA enabled. I couldn'...  [Read More]
Posted in: Gruesome Theory - Stormtrooper Preservation
10-04-2004, 1:03 PM
I'm not an expert on the mumification process, but I know they used various spices, herbs (not the Colonel's Original Recipe mind you), etc to embalm the body as well as wrapping it up in cloth strips....  [Read More]
Posted in: Gruesome Theory - Stormtrooper Preservation
10-02-2004, 5:43 PM
We're lead to believe the "I can't see a thing in this helmet" is due to the helmet HUD being damaged when the original owner of Luke's suit was killed....  [Read More]
Posted in: Bush got OWNED!!! (Presidential Debate)
10-05-2004, 3:44 AM
Skin, off topic, but do you have a list of non-Christian candidates for president? While religion of the candidate really shouldn't be an issue period, IMHO, your statement makes it sound like you wouldn't trust any religious person with the preside...  [Read More]
Posted in: Bush got OWNED!!! (Presidential Debate)
10-04-2004, 5:12 PM
Moved to the Senate, just in case....  [Read More]
Posted in: Who's your favourite OT character?
10-04-2004, 2:19 AM
Originally posted by primalunderdog Mine would have to be Prince Xizor,He was a gang leader,he was also the 3rd most powerful person in the world.He tried to take the empire over.His smily looks like this. :xizor: He also designed the ship underne...  [Read More]
Posted in: How Can Boba Fett be Alive
10-03-2004, 8:15 PM
Originally posted by Nokill Fett's return from the dead was first chronicled in a 1984 Star Wars #81 comic entitled "Jawas of Doom." A dyspeptic Sarlacc regurgitates the hunter onto the desert sands. Fett, stunned and suffering amnesia, st...  [Read More]
Posted in: How Can Boba Fett be Alive
10-03-2004, 8:08 PM
Originally posted by iamtrip My threads about horses, emus and flamingos always get locked, even though they're in the right forum. I had nothing to do with that. If you want to talk to the person(s) who handled it, in private to discuss, feel fre...  [Read More]
Posted in: How Can Boba Fett be Alive
10-02-2004, 8:34 AM
Originally posted by TK-8252 Just to clarify... LucasForums doesn't have "ammendment rights." It's the internet, not the U.S. True, but as long as people follow the rules and post in the right forum, they can say what they want....  [Read More]
Posted in: Tolerance
10-05-2004, 1:48 PM
Originally posted by Kain Just a theory, but it may all stem back to when American's fought for their freedom against the Christian(Catholic) Church. Not to mention most non-religious types are always having Christianity rammed down their throats....  [Read More]
Posted in: Tolerance
10-05-2004, 1:38 PM
Originally posted by iamtrip A lot of the christian church's positions were taken from St. Paul who lived after the bible was written. He was homophobic and a misogynist, giving rise to the Catholic Church's anti-woman, anti-gay stance. Which Bible...  [Read More]
Posted in: Tolerance
10-05-2004, 3:55 AM
I think the whole Christianity tolerant or not thing is a bit of a misconception. The majority of people in America are Christian (self-identified). Now I'm not going to get into a huge debate about "what is a true Christian," but c'mon th...  [Read More]
All I know is, they will be having to do massive replacements of the Clonetrooper ranks for all those they lose in the Clone Wars. 1.2 million soldiers is a ridiculously low number for a Galactic Army, period. And unfortunately, that IS the number o...  [Read More]
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