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Page: 78 of 214
Posted in: Dismemberment...without instant kills =.=
02-20-2005, 5:56 PM
Rp's right. OJP Mod even seperates the options for you right in the menu, very handy. You can have heavy damage, dismemberment, both or neither....  [Read More]
Posted in: Please Insert Correct CD and try again? (JA)
02-20-2005, 12:24 PM
#5 has it too, as does (Jedi Academy sections)....  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP 007beta6 (get your copy here!)
02-20-2005, 8:09 AM
#6: You can use all the different visual "taunts" in any game mode. Here I'm gloating over the defeat of "Fluffy the Rancor." ; )...  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP 007beta6 (get your copy here!)
02-20-2005, 8:01 AM
#5: Can you guess which of those players are bots?...  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP 007beta6 (get your copy here!)
02-20-2005, 7:56 AM
#4: Jedi Master Mode...  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP 007beta6 (get your copy here!)
02-20-2005, 7:56 AM
#3: TAB Bots playing Siege (notice the use of different classes)...  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP 007beta6 (get your copy here!)
02-20-2005, 7:53 AM
#2: First Person Lightsaber...  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP 007beta6 (get your copy here!)
02-20-2005, 7:53 AM
Here's some pics I took of just a few of the various features now included in this mod. #1: Holocron FFA Mode, black lightsabers (and the custom Jedi is wearing an RGB edited costume)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Multiplayer Info? [possible spoilers]
02-22-2005, 8:26 AM
Originally posted by joetheeskimo5 I do count each "little tiny checkpoint" as a mission - each one takes about 10 minutes to beat. I wish they'd work on an expansion pack for more missions :D Or, I wonder if we'll see a Republic Commando...  [Read More]
Posted in: Multiplayer Info? [possible spoilers]
02-21-2005, 6:21 PM
Originally posted by joetheeskimo5 Yeah, considering how much effort they've put into the Single Player side (around 56 missions)... Uhh, what? I thought we were only getting 16. Or were you being sarcastic? I guess if you count every little ti...  [Read More]
Posted in: Multiplayer Info? [possible spoilers]
02-21-2005, 6:19 PM
Originally posted by TK-8252 I wonder if they'll have the revive in multiplayer, for the teamed games. But then how could the Trandos and such have it, because it's the Commandos' suits that keeps them alive isn't it? Well, the Trandos aren't show...  [Read More]
Posted in: Multiplayer Info? [possible spoilers]
02-20-2005, 2:39 PM
That's true, the details on MP are VERY sketchy. Hopefully it's at least fun, and who knows maybe they will expand upon it later, with map packs & patches or something. Again, hopefully......  [Read More]
Posted in: Multiplayer Info? [possible spoilers]
02-19-2005, 9:59 PM
I remember one article said it was going to be "Trandoshans Vs. Clones." I would assume (hope) that in Deathmatch you could pick any skin/model, not just from those two "factions." But I don't know if they're going to have a ful...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cheat to Fight Bodyguards & Find Tarfful *spoilers*
02-20-2005, 2:38 PM
My bad, I think there were actually two I fought. I just got confused because when you defeat one he "kneels down" and then explodes, and I thought maybe it was an attack rather than a self destruction. Another guy did the exact same thing....  [Read More]
Posted in: Cheat to Fight Bodyguards & Find Tarfful *spoilers*
02-20-2005, 6:38 AM
Nice find. I only fought one of them (medium difficulty to account for that perhaps?), and afterward I got some nice scripted vocals, but the level was unbeatable after that (even Tarfful seemed invincible). At least our objective was complete! Post...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star War Infinities
02-21-2005, 3:29 PM
Originally posted by guybroom First off - this is my first time posting in the EU forums. I got the starwars infinities series a few weeks ago and I'm wondering if anyone else has them. They are about the OT and they are what would happen if thing...  [Read More]
Posted in: Beginner Needs needs some help?
02-20-2005, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by Jade Kan DeLarb [B]Thanks as always. Uh oh - hav ebeen asked for a passwprd to stick this file in Gamedata. And guess what - it says - "this is a Raed Only file". Where have we heard that before? (I hadn't got around...  [Read More]
Posted in: Beginner Needs needs some help?
02-20-2005, 8:39 AM
You may need to grab the Defiler codec pack from and install it. This should help you with the videos. If not, just uninstall it and you'll be no worse off than you were before. As to servers that tolerate b...  [Read More]
Posted in: Gold!! (Release Date: March 1st)
02-23-2005, 12:06 AM
It's a battledroid from The Phantom Menace. And a greater nerd than I can tell you what kind of Battle droid......  [Read More]
Posted in: *Official* PC Demo Thread *demo spoilers/pic heavy*
02-20-2005, 7:29 AM
Originally posted by Kurgan Here's some pics I took at max settings (and yes, you can bind F12 or whatever to a screenshot key and the bmps appear in Gamedata/System/ just like UT). Yes, I didn't bother to resize them so they are huge (like 160 kb'...  [Read More]
Posted in: I'll get into the EU and kill Jaina myself...
02-21-2005, 2:41 PM
Originally posted by Leper Messiah oh and Kurgan, i think you beat me :D id like to get into the whole Trek/religion motivation thing another time though because that was very interesting and next time this comes up ill bring my Babylon 5 reference...  [Read More]
Posted in: Boba Fett's jetpack
02-20-2005, 4:52 PM
Well the thing to keep in mind is that SWBF, JA, et al, are games, and in games statistics are manipulated for the sake of challenge/balance. Ie: "realism" is sacrificed. So it's not like Raven Software or Pandemic Studies are being dishon...  [Read More]
Posted in: Stormtrooper Mod
02-21-2005, 6:06 AM
In FPS games there's some quick and easy ways to tell who's who when everyone has an identical skin... The player's name floating over their model, the "team beacon" icon, crosshair colors when mouse-ing over their model, etc. As to maki...  [Read More]
Posted in: Desktop Thread (56k'ers enter at your own discretion)
02-23-2005, 12:42 AM
......  [Read More]
Posted in: Desktop Thread (56k'ers enter at your own discretion)
02-23-2005, 12:41 AM
Originally posted by ZBomber Don't detpacks start disapearing after about 15 are used? Still the same desktop for me, I like it cause I can easily get to my site. Actually, since this was done in the JA demo (single player only) you can cheat and...  [Read More]
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