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Page: 20 of 214
Posted in: The New Old RSN
03-04-2006, 4:37 PM
Wow, talk about hostility! It took 3 years for that comeback... congrats. ;) Anyway... come back when you have something of substance to post. :lock:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Any1 Hosting A JediMOD..
03-05-2006, 3:51 PM
Looks like one person is right now over at: title: =SoH= JediMod JediMod 1.2 (and it's a 1.04a Linux server) Seven people playing a map called "jedicouncilgc" Btw, if you ever want to look this stuff up yourself, I sugg...  [Read More]
Posted in: X-Wing Alliance Upgrade Project!
03-05-2006, 2:31 PM
Couldn't hurt. ;) I've followed the project for awhile. Looking back it looks like they've been at it at least seven years, and still not done, but a lot of cool stuff all the same. Makes me want to dig up XWA and play it! ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: X-Wing Alliance Upgrade Project!
03-04-2006, 4:46 PM
#1 Though this is not X-Wing Trilogy/XvT related, it is part of the series so I thought I'd share, plus this is really cool! From their FAQ on the site (current as of 3/4/06): GENERAL QUESTIONS Q.: What is the goal of the X...  [Read More]
Posted in: new heroes
03-03-2006, 8:05 PM
Qui Gon Jinn & Old Ben Kenobi. ;) Younglings! (for the "Anakin hunts the Younglings addon map" that you will make, yesssss). Oh and we need some Ewoks and Jawas with lightsabers. Trust me on this one. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Favorite Web browser?
03-05-2006, 5:39 AM
I haven't heard much about opera besides wat you told kurgan, I may look into that. I also use firefox i luv the no pop ups function and also cas its free (at least for now) Give it a whirl, see what you think. Opera's free now too. From what I he...  [Read More]
Posted in: Favorite Web browser?
03-02-2006, 11:14 PM
At work the mac my boss has us use has IE, Netscape and Opera installed on it (I installed Opera, and of course it's the best!). I like how I can not just block popups but also "don't show images" (useful for surfing these forums in public)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Favorite Web browser?
03-02-2006, 12:07 AM
Don't let all this firefox lovin' by the other mods fool ya, Opera's good too (and I use it). ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: What else in Lucas Arts is as good as JO?
03-02-2006, 10:30 AM
Oh yeah, I never played the KOTOR games, but a lot of people swear by them, so maybe they're good. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: What else in Lucas Arts is as good as JO?
03-01-2006, 1:41 AM
In my honest opinion the only Star Wars games I've played since JK2 which have been any good are JA (which I consider superior, once you take OJP and mods like this ( into account). Republic Command...  [Read More]
Posted in: Look what happens when some ppl get owned byt tha AI
03-04-2006, 5:07 PM
I've had days like this... No but seriously, if it's real, get that kid some help! :P...  [Read More]
Posted in: So who can spot the difference?
02-26-2006, 1:09 PM
I wonder if any file size could be saved by simply making a program that would suck the needed resources off your SWBF1 cd(s) or installation and convert it to SWBF2? After all, I'm sure fewer people would be willing (and it might piss of LucasArts)...  [Read More]
Posted in: So who can spot the difference?
02-25-2006, 1:28 PM
Nice. Now how about porting the cockpit views so they work with *any* SWBF2 map? Or did you just put them in for that one vehicle? Just curious......  [Read More]
Posted in: Siege maps and Errors
02-27-2006, 11:43 AM
#7 It's a 90+ meg package and quite popular. Have fun. We'll miss you though! :( On the other hand I don't *think* it has ship combat, and we do run Asteroids mod occasionally on our server (Destroyer). ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Siege maps and Errors
02-27-2006, 1:27 AM
Try our server (IP in sig!) for basic Siege......  [Read More]
Posted in: Important changes needed in next patch!!
02-26-2006, 2:48 PM
You're going to have to be pretty elite to gain Endurance, War Hero and Award pistol in one life, but perhaps a button to disable awards (awards off by default) might be better. Someone out there must love a n00b fest, or WTF are the Jedi there for?...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Weapon That Killed Aunt & Uncle
03-05-2006, 5:13 AM
Well, even if somehow was canon we can still speculate on what they shot them with and what they burned the place with! ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Weapon That Killed Aunt & Uncle
03-04-2006, 4:26 PM
We may never know......  [Read More]
Posted in: Endor Siege
03-02-2006, 11:29 PM
Maybe I can give it a try over my (brief) spring break......  [Read More]
That's not really a change. The only thing that's changed in that scene is pasting on Hayden's face in the 2004 edition. His robes were always the same. But now interestingly enough he's wearing a "v-neck" instead of a turtle-neck, if that...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
02-27-2006, 4:36 PM
It is.....if you have money. :( Bah, I spend tons of time in bookstores reading and not buying. Browsing is fun too! (and no, I've never been thrown out, even for reading the Star Wars comics, and I'm no footballer or sumo-wrestler either!)....  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
02-27-2006, 4:33 PM
#651 Well, finally got it, but man, THE THING NEEDS TO BE PATCHED ( .html). Thankfully I've...  [Read More]
Posted in: Any people actually like this game?
03-04-2006, 4:42 PM
It was okay in parts at the time. It had some really frustrating jumping puzzles and Padme was a terrible character. The graphics are pretty dated now, but at the time were decent. It was cool hearing from Zanzibar about the behind the scenes develop...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kurgan's Meatgrinder (JA Server Status)
03-05-2006, 5:44 AM
Server's back, hopefully for the long haul, and with faster pings!  [Read More]
Posted in: Kurgan's Meatgrinder (JA Server Status)
02-25-2006, 6:49 PM
Due to some problem (I don't know what) with Escaped Turkey's server, Meatgrinder is now (until further notice) hosted on Razor Ace's local server. Same rules, different IP. There is now a Downloads Page on Strategic Academy that has all the mods we...  [Read More]
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