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Page: 196 of 214
Posted in: What happened to the Star Wars Universe Forum??
09-26-2000, 10:17 PM
It was simply disabled.. I think due to lack of use. Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: We're back!
10-14-2000, 8:06 AM
Thanks to the higher ups who kept the home fires burning while the server was having problems. Glad to see you all coming back, and be patient as people filter back in. Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Knight/MotS: sweetness!
10-14-2000, 7:32 AM
Man these games rock. I am rediscovering how much fun they were back when I first got them, playing them now on my new system. 1024x768 res (20 in monitor), wow! 100+ fps on my GeForce2 GTS. The game loads lightning fast, and I can listen to MP3's...  [Read More]
Posted in: Do I need this?
10-14-2000, 7:38 AM
Maul's right, MotS only checks for the JK CD#2 the first time you play after installing. I would highly recommend JK though, it's a great great game (and it is dirt cheap these days). ; ) Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Got Skins?
10-14-2000, 7:37 AM
Use conman (get it from ( ). Just take the 3do file you want to use and change it to "ky.3do" and put it in your Resource/3do folder (or else just use the gob that it is in). Good luck! K...  [Read More]
Posted in: Got Skins?
10-06-2000, 9:26 PM
The background textures will look messed up if you change your skin and use it in a game that was saved with the normal Kyle Katarn is what he means. Not wireframe, but the colors are all wrong. Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Oh geezzzzz!
10-14-2000, 7:40 AM
My advice Kipple, if you don't like it, leave, nobody's forcing you to stay. This isn't one of those forums where you see hundreds of posts a day or every other minute. If nobody posts for a solid week, then start to worry. If you want to know where...  [Read More]
Posted in: RBots 0.20
10-14-2000, 7:41 AM
I would prefer to play the MotS levels as well, you'd best send your comments to the author of Rbots (Raynar who's email is on his site) he appreciates constructive feedback. Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: How to translate MOTS to original english ???
09-28-2000, 10:52 PM
Sounds like you'd need an english copy of the game, or else somebody willing to send you a ton of wav files copied from their own cd's... Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: No CD Check?
10-14-2000, 7:44 AM
... and IMHO it's worth it for the SP alone, which in many ways I find superior overall to MotS's (no offense to MotS, which has superior MP value). Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: No CD Check?
09-25-2000, 3:20 PM
Nope, not unless you somehow hack the MotS install program off the CD (something I don't know how to do), it will always ask for a copy of JK CD #2 the first time you run it. You could I suppose burn a copy of the JK CD #2 for your own use everytime...  [Read More]
Posted in: ALRIGHT!!! AWESOME!!!!!!!!
10-14-2000, 7:45 AM
Actually I'm not sure exactly what to modify to make it work. Best to ask the author directly (Raynar). In fact, how about you post the answer on here so the rest of us can see it too? Thanks. ; ) Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: I got rbots, but can't find the bot!!!
10-14-2000, 7:47 AM
Hmm, I noticed a bug in which during the CTF level, once we killed each member of the enemy team (once each) they didn't respawn.. kinda boring. ; ) Anyhow, if you run the patch according to the readme (exactly) using the latest Patch Commander, it...  [Read More]
Posted in: Favorite level...
10-14-2000, 7:36 AM
My fav was probably Level 6 (the Tall Tower) in JK. As for MotS, it was probably the Rancor level or the first one (gotta love the base). ; ) Of course there were many great levels in JK, like the Falling Ship, but if I had to pick one, it would be...  [Read More]
Posted in: Favorite characters...
10-06-2000, 9:28 PM
Time to plug skins pages: And of course the long neglected: ; ) Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Qtracker & JediBoard (please read)
10-14-2000, 7:48 AM
Just putting this topic back up there. ; ) Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Problems with GeForce
10-14-2000, 7:51 AM
Not that it helps you any, but I recently got a new system (running Win98SE still though), an AMD Athlon Thunderbird 1.1Ghz and a GeForce2 GTS (32mb DDR) and JK works perfectly (100fps, 3d accel, 1024x768, full screen). I just installed the latest dr...  [Read More]
Posted in: Favorite Force Power?
10-14-2000, 7:55 AM
I guess I can't really narrow it down to just one (they are all pretty cool in their own ways, though Defense is sorta boring, heh). Basically the neutral forces were the coolest, because they were so useful. When playing other FPS's I often find m...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Knight on the Zone
10-14-2000, 7:53 AM
The old one used by was and I think it still works, but I never see anybody in there (get the word out perhaps???). The other JK channel that is supposedly used a ton is "" and #jediknight or maybe #jk....  [Read More]
Posted in: This game rocks!
10-14-2000, 8:01 AM
I agree, playing JK/MotS on a new system is awesome. ; ) But going from a 486 to a p3? Must have been like a whole new game literally. ; ) Kurgan...  [Read More]
Just pushing this up to the top. ; ) Last I checked (a few days ago) they were stilling running their servers. Way to go guys! Do 'em a favor and join up and give 'em some action. Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fight For Patches
10-14-2000, 8:56 PM
Sure I'll support it. Why not? Would be cool for those who bought the game. Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Real or Fake?
10-17-2000, 10:09 PM
He's probably a stinking LIBERTARIAN! (just teasing of course) ; ) Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Oh no! What console shall I get?
10-14-2000, 8:59 PM
Another idea: rent the console and some games you're interested in, and see how you like it. Do the same with the other consoles, and for a few bucks, you can find one you like, rather than shelling out and realizing you should have bought a differen...  [Read More]
Posted in: Oh no! What console shall I get?
10-06-2000, 9:23 PM
My advice: figure out what games you want most, and then buy the system that plays the most games that you like. Personally, if I were to buy one right now, it would be the Sega Dreamcast, because of the consoles out there that I don't own, it has...  [Read More]
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