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Page: 171 of 214
Posted in: Not sure if this goes here x.x
07-31-2003, 9:49 PM
Please email me at with all the info you have on this problem and I'll see what I can do next week. Okay? Sorry it took so long to respond, I honestly don't visit this forum often......  [Read More]
Posted in: Good inexpensive flight stick for XWA/XvT?
07-31-2003, 9:46 PM
I recently decided to pick up these wonderful games, but I wanted to get a decent flight stick to use with them. All I have right now are two gravis xterminator gamepads (which are fine for other games, but just not right for flight combat sims). An...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Jedi Academy Info. *WARNING: Spoilers*
07-31-2003, 9:08 PM
Who is being asked the questions? They don't sound very knowledgable about the game (which would be exceedingly odd if they were a Raven person who actually worked on it). Especially their answer to the Concussion rifle question. Hmmm.......  [Read More]
Posted in: What would make you stop playing Jedi Academy [SP]?
07-31-2003, 5:53 PM
It's so easy, a child could do it. Check the vb code below: Simplex est! So easy! Just some brackets around the word SPOILER and the same after, with a backslash before the S. Start using it!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Academy Released!? (nope)
07-31-2003, 9:18 PM
"beta gold" is an oxymoron. ; p I can honestly say, that even if I were not an Admin on these forums, and didn't care about offending Raven/LA, etc. I would still resist the temptation to download the beta. Why? Because I don't want to be...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Academy Released!? (nope)
07-31-2003, 5:00 PM
I was going to move this thread, but I see Chang is aware of it. If it gets out of hand though, the hammer comes down! Here's hoping for a keyserver on the final game......  [Read More]
Posted in: Weapons
07-30-2003, 1:14 PM
I will admit, the non-saber weapons in JK2 SP "felt weak" or "felt inaccurate" or else the AI were given more hit points than your average MP player. Anyway, somehow they felt "off" and I found myself wishing Stormtroop...  [Read More]
Posted in: Gamespy JA Preview
07-30-2003, 5:41 PM
Dooku, Terminator, that screenshot you posted is OBVIOUSLY grip, notice how the Gran is clutching at his throat and hovering? It's not lightning or drain, or rage. He may have pulled the TD's as he was gripping the guy, and they missed and are floa...  [Read More]
Posted in: heavy lightsabers?
07-30-2003, 1:25 PM
Probably a misunderstanding or poor choice of words, based on the single/dual/doublebladed lightsabers choice and the strong (often called "heavy" by fans)/medium/fast stances/styles choice we already know about, as somebody else said above...  [Read More]
Posted in: Force powers and guns?
07-30-2003, 12:50 PM
If this were an expanded universe novel or a movie, I would assume that you'd only use the weapons of a Jedi, the Lightsaber. However, part of the plot line is that Kyle Katarn (a guy with a reputation for being both a gun-slinger and a competent sa...  [Read More]
Posted in: Can you be a shadow jedi?
07-29-2003, 7:54 PM
Kurgan, no. JK and MotS were horribly unbalanced. I don't care what your strategy site says. Having six years of experience says otherwise. Obviously the site (which isn't mine btw, my strategy site is devoted to JK2, the MotS/JK one was done by His...  [Read More]
Posted in: Can you be a shadow jedi?
07-28-2003, 11:33 AM
Bah, MotS didn't screw up anything, it was quite balanced. For those who say JK/MotS were "unbalanced" I suggest you take a visit to if you haven't already. Don't be so hasty... Certain powers may have been...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Academy Movies. Free Downloads
07-28-2003, 1:41 AM
Oh great, now we have to "hug" people when we drain them (or is that grip?). ; p I liked the way grip worked in JK/MotS and JK2 was cool too. Perhaps they could do it the way Vader choked (well I guess technically it wasn't a force choke...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Academy Movies. Free Downloads
07-28-2003, 12:48 AM
Okay I was finally able to grab the files (busy site!). Windows Media player (I still use 6.4) had to download some codecs and then "buffer" each vid, but they do play. Short, some nice footage (low res) and they do indeed have the  [Read More]
Posted in: Gamespot updated preview
07-28-2003, 12:42 PM
Yeah, the whole "hand gestures are necessary to use the force" thing rubs me the wrong way. Didn't Maul use the Force with one hand while his saberstaff was in the other in TPM? Didn't Vader use the Force (as said) without moving his hand...  [Read More]
Posted in: CD-Key system
07-31-2003, 4:37 AM
Okay, fine, you win, we're just a community of non-competative roleplaying n00bs. No need to bother with us. I give up. ; p [Edit: Sorry if that sounded angry, I was kinda tired when I wrote it. Suffice to say though, if the community is really th...  [Read More]
Posted in: CD-Key system
07-30-2003, 5:20 PM
to this day there has never been a public working keygen for quake 3 Exactly so. After awhile, ID software took their keyserver offline, meaning that any key typed in would work (people would get errors, but could still get on, even if they just typ...  [Read More]
Posted in: CD-Key system
07-30-2003, 2:43 PM
Having a key server would not stop a legitimate user from making all the backups he wants. While it would not stop piracy of the game, it would severally hamper any pirates (because the main attraction of the game, Multiplayer online, would be unavai...  [Read More]
Posted in: jedi war wounds?
07-30-2003, 3:08 PM
Well, whether or not to kill an opponent you've grabbed the weapon away from is up to you.. a personal "role playing" consideration more than a game convention. Should the game penalize you if you kill an unarmed enemy on the Light Side? T...  [Read More]
Posted in: PC Gaming World Preview
07-30-2003, 4:36 PM
Destruction was a power (in JK it was Dark Side only, in MotS since there were no "sides" anybody with a high enough rank could use it) in which you basically threw a ball of flame at people. Due to graphical limitations, it looked like a...  [Read More]
Posted in: How do we level-up Force powers in JA?
07-31-2003, 5:51 PM
I can't believe the DEMP is coming back. Unless we're faced with some serious mechanical badguys, that gun just took up space in the game where a cooler gun could've gone. The DEMP2 was great for multiplayer, after all it was unblockable after all....  [Read More]
People have complained about JKII not being 'star-warsy' enough. The whole NJO reeks of Star Trek to me - this whole race of near indestructible anti-Borg (no-tech vs. all-tech) taking over the galaxy. Sure I've not followed it to its' conclusion - I...  [Read More]
Okay, now I haven't read the NJO books, so maybe I don't know what I'm talking about, but I keep getting fed the idea (and doing some background checking seems to confirm this) that the Vong are basically an "anti-technology" society that i...  [Read More]
Posted in: Obligatory "keep this forum alive" thread
07-31-2003, 9:53 PM
Don't spam please. I'm sure people with as creative minds as your's can come up with something fun and interesting to talk about. Play nice......  [Read More]
Posted in: Return Of Force-destruct
07-30-2003, 1:48 PM
While Jerec DOES use destruction in the cutscenes of JK1 (for example when Kyle rejects his offer to join him), the move he used on Rahn didn't seem like any of the Force powers in the game, rather it seems more like Level 1 Grip in JK2 (immobilize w...  [Read More]
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