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Page: 167 of 214
Posted in: Your saber
08-19-2003, 2:25 PM
Will it slice, will it dice? Will it easily make julian fries? Will it never need sharpening? If I call RIGHT NOW will it come with this handy DL-44 Blaster Pistol at no addition cost (a 5,000 credit value!)?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Your saber
08-19-2003, 7:08 AM
I want to be a four armed monster with a saber in each hand. And a concussion rifle imbeded in my chest. But that's just me....  [Read More]
Chill out Rumor.. Andy specifically asked people to report to him sites that had links to warez or the beta to be sent to LA's lawyers to be shut down, so he's perfectly in line. Please send a PM to Andy867 with the detailed info. Activision is ju...  [Read More]
Posted in: Censored Dismemberment?
08-17-2003, 9:36 PM
I just said that, because we have a policy here that Beta testers have to prove they are who they say they are and not just people who downloaded some warez. Besides, I don't think actual beta testers would be allowed to spill that info on here anywa...  [Read More]
Posted in: Imperial Commandos
08-19-2003, 4:33 PM
It's just the SPOILER tag. [ spoiler ] hidden text here [ / spoiler ] (remove spaces for effect)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Imperial Commandos
08-19-2003, 3:38 PM
It was more in response to the statement you made right before your last post (the one about George Lucas "not being able to make up his mind"). I thought it would be odd if the entire Imperial Army (ie: the Imperial Commandos/Naval Troope...  [Read More]
Posted in: Imperial Commandos
08-19-2003, 1:04 AM
True. I would find it odd if the entire Imperial army was limited to operating on the Death Stars (the first Death Star supposedly had only a million personel on board) with the other 1% as TIE Pilots (how many TIEs does the Empire have? thousands? t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Imperial Commandos
08-19-2003, 12:47 AM
I see what you're saying about the Stormtroopers. I figured the Death Star Troops were pretty much crap troops (since after all, they thought the battle station was impenetrable, so they would just have boring guard duty for months and months). The...  [Read More]
Posted in: Imperial Commandos
08-18-2003, 9:27 PM
The other problem with the in helmet HUD theory (which is official) is that how was R2D2 then able to delay the troopers in ESB by firing a big smoke cloud at them? Unless of course not all Troopers have built in HUD equipment (infared, etc). A few...  [Read More]
Posted in: Imperial Commandos
08-18-2003, 9:14 PM
Another theory for Attack of the Clones: Perhaps, since the Republic's various factions seem to use Droids almost exclusively in battle, perhaps the Clonetrooper armor has some kind of built in jamming effect against Droids. We after all, saw very f...  [Read More]
Posted in: Imperial Commandos
08-18-2003, 9:09 PM
Well there's a few possible explanations that I've thought of over the years about Stormtrooper armor and why it appears so useless: 1) It was originally intended to stop things like bullets or fists and weaker weapons (like riot armor). It could be...  [Read More]
Posted in: Not Making the Same Mistake the Second Time Around
08-17-2003, 10:48 PM
I remember in the JK1 heyday, we had a great program called "Patch Commander" to run the gob/goo (the container files used by JK1/MotS) files easily. The program also had a small built in FTP program to connect to "patch repositories&...  [Read More]
Wow, 1,406 downloads (seven votes, doh) in three days... not bad for not being really posted anywhere! I wonder if the server could handle a post by or some other major SW site about it?...  [Read More]
I hope they don't end up just making a scene like this: (near the end of the game) Bad Guy: Okay, go through Door #1 to join the dark side! or go through Door #2 to stay with the crappy light side! Muahhahahah! And that's it. But, who knows......  [Read More]
Posted in: Xbox vs Pc?
08-19-2003, 1:07 AM
For saber combat, a good gamepad user could probably handle himself okay, but with guns, the gamepad user is going to have lots of problems against a key+mouse user. He simply won't be able to keep up or be as accurate. Now that said, isn't it possi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Giving Bots orders in CTF?
08-17-2003, 10:52 PM
Rumor.. was that a response, or what? Just curious......  [Read More]
Posted in: JK3 news and info
08-17-2003, 9:46 PM
No word on that. So far only PC and Xbox have been announced. That doesn't mean it won't be ported to PS2, GameCube or Mac though......  [Read More]
Posted in: Jediism?
08-17-2003, 10:16 PM
I feel that Christianity is not religion. Rather, it is a relationship with God's son, Jesus. In that sense, how can Jediism be the same religion when they don't even mention Jesus, let alone admit to a relationship? I hear people say that all the...  [Read More]
Posted in: What about heaven?
08-19-2003, 8:29 PM
"Religion is regarded by the common people as TRUE, by the educated as FALSE and by the rulers as USEFUL" This person of course had never heard of religious social reformers. ; ) In America the civil rights movement, temperance movement (...  [Read More]
Posted in: What about heaven?
08-18-2003, 4:39 AM
Point is, the Muslim/Christian belief in the afterlife (many Jews today do not believe in a literal afterlife, though some still do) is not the only belief about it. Which is why there are problems with griff's statement (not to insult your personal...  [Read More]
Posted in: What about heaven?
08-18-2003, 3:57 AM
Up side of not believing in heaven? you don't have to believe in a hell. Not necessarily. There might be a hell and no heaven. Sweet dreams everyone!...  [Read More]
Posted in: lightsabers in multi same as 1.04?
08-18-2003, 11:09 PM
Yeah, ChangKhan pointed that out to me as well earlier. I'll have to try that next time I host......  [Read More]
Oh and one more thing: Its not that we are attacking DIRECTLY Chatholics all the time. It might seem that way to you because this is the strongest religion in the States, especially in the Southern States. That's something of a laugh, considering t...  [Read More]
While I don't think that its anymore "okay" to bash Christianity than any other group, or that any group of (imperfect) people is above all criticism, I do think that there may be something to this. Some things I think are behind the perce...  [Read More]
Posted in: Seatbelts
08-17-2003, 9:56 PM
Yes, it should remain a law. Why? Because while statistically accidents actually INCREASE with seatbelt laws (people feel safer, so many drive more recklessly), it does tend to reduce accident FATALITIES. So more accidents, but fewer deaths. I'm f...  [Read More]
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