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Page: 168 of 214
Posted in: Censored Dismemberment?
08-17-2003, 4:13 PM
Let's not try to get more people banned by asking about the illegal beta okay? Anyway, dismemberment might be censored in the console version as it was before, but I don't know. Enabling it in JK2 (everything, not just random arms or legs) was simpl...  [Read More]
Posted in: Imperial Commandos
08-16-2003, 11:25 PM
Yeah, besides, playing as him in MP is a good idea. It would be easy to whip up the skin, since he's basically a Republic commando model minus the jacket and add some big gloves....  [Read More]
Posted in: Not Making the Same Mistake the Second Time Around
08-17-2003, 4:07 PM
Yes, Massassi had an excellent file downloads model, and they were very strict about their file submission policy (requiring description/author text file(s) and 2 screenshots zipped)....  [Read More]
Posted in: Not Making the Same Mistake the Second Time Around
08-16-2003, 5:03 PM
Sadly, in many ways, LA does continue to hold us (the fan community, of which LFN is just one part) at arm's length. I figure they do this for legal reasons. Perhaps they fear fan backlash, or don't trust us always. Perhaps they are afraid that some...  [Read More]
Just so we're on the same page Stormie... Do you mean the one where it looks like the player is "hugging" the enemy (with both hands) he's using grip/drain/whatever on? Because that's the one I was thinking of. The only other place I've se...  [Read More]
SettingShadow wrote: But in JA drain is different, the player grabs the opponents throat, and drains energy. I don't remember where, but I saw this in a interview. I saw that too, it was in some leaked (ie: early) info sadly, but I figured that was...  [Read More]
Ok then. ; ) txa1265 wrote: was that the lightning was blue, perhaps indicating the person was lightside, whereas in other screens the lightning looks red. They said that using the ligtning doesn't effect light/dark path choice It's possible tha...  [Read More]
442 downloads in 32 hours.... but only 3 votes? C'mon people!! Rate the files you grab! ; )...  [Read More]
boinga1 wrote: That is a sweet film...But what up with letting the rancor kill you? The guy asks "You can't take it out?" and the guy playing says "Oh, I can kill it, but I usually let it eat me." What the heck? Here is my answ...  [Read More]
If my memory serves me correctly, Brett said nothing about having a cheat code enabled. I stand corrected then. I just wasn't sure how Andy could tell from the video... Agreed about the dynamic crosshair thing in JO (I turned mine off too after awh...  [Read More]
Andy, why do you say he's using a cheat? I don't see any evidence of that fact, unless of course you know something we don't. ; ) (following is only a spoiler if you haven't watched the movie yet) There's just the cutscene of the Rancor coming out...  [Read More]
That's right, get it while it's hot... (just try not to kill the server) Never before seen E3 video taken by our staff guys who were at E3 last May. Discuss. ; ) WARNING: The video conta...  [Read More]
Posted in: Rumor: Two lightsabers
08-16-2003, 2:03 PM
Check out the new video... shows dual sabers in action in SP. Of course, it's POSSIBLE that they were removed since then before it went gold, but why? It would make no sense... I could see them being removed from Multiplayer because of some balanc...  [Read More]
Posted in: Rumor: Two lightsabers
08-15-2003, 6:06 PM
What WOULD suck is if it were single player only. ; p However, I doubt they would remove that, since they have told us all along its in there. Even if it were, they could always add it back in with a patch. I'll keep an open mind, but yes, rumors a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Learning Curve
08-17-2003, 4:10 AM
Perhaps a more direct answer to your question... Do I, a seasoned JK2 player, fully expect to get my *** handed to me time and again until I master the game through patience and practice? Yes. But I don't find shame in that, it's the challenge I l...  [Read More]
Posted in: Learning Curve
08-16-2003, 7:22 PM
While they will be striving like never before to make SP and MP in JA similar, I still say there will be no substitute for bot matches and field experience. I wholeheartedly disagree that SP prepares one for MP in JK2. The entire "feel" of...  [Read More]
Posted in: Will JA have EU? (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
08-16-2003, 6:14 PM
Maybe it's Cheewbacca in JA then. ; ) J/k...  [Read More]
Posted in: Will JA have EU? (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
08-16-2003, 12:11 PM
I think that since the JK games are part of the EU, they more or less have to try to fit (reasonably) into the EU continuity, but I could be wrong. If that policy affects novel & comic book writers, why wouldn't it affect game developers? I swor...  [Read More]
Posted in: Will JA have EU? (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
08-16-2003, 11:58 AM
Um, actually, Lucas just confirmed one of those "points" you bring up about Storm Troopers. It's on Star Wars Hyperspace content. My point was not that the EU was flawed and George Lucas's original vision and stories were not, or that the...  [Read More]
Posted in: Will JA have EU? (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
08-15-2003, 5:26 PM
Well, according to official sources, everything with the Star Wars liscense on it other than the films themselves and the works based directly on them (ie: the film novelisations, the official screenplays, radio dramas) are a lower order of canon, wh...  [Read More]
Posted in: Giving Bots orders in CTF?
08-15-2003, 6:33 PM
Glad to see I'm not alone in this. Hope Raven understands.......  [Read More]
Posted in: the same old?
08-16-2003, 12:46 PM
I just hope JA doesn't become a " MoTs". Jedi Knight Dark Forces 2 was a good game, and when Mysteries of the Sith (expansion ) came out, no one really played it at all, and it was pretty much better than JK in everyway. Better modding abil...  [Read More]
Posted in: The last jedi knight???
08-17-2003, 3:20 AM
The fact that all those characters die sometime in the future shouldn't diminish the fun to be had. Did anybody complain about "Bounty Hunter" because it features Jango Fett, who dies in the first movie he's in? Or how about any game feat...  [Read More]
Posted in: The last jedi knight???
08-16-2003, 4:07 PM
I'd like to see the next game be a crossover adventure between the Star Trek and Star Wars galaxies in one game. And Raven could make it (hey, they've got experience, they did Elite Force AND Jedi Outcast)! Probably never happen, but I can dream c...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Jedi Academy Info. *WARNING: Spoilers*
08-16-2003, 11:30 PM
Sephyr? I talked with you earlier over PM. I thought the issue was that you were a beta tester for JA, and you were going to "prove" it to us admins (something I did mention in my "don't post about warez" post) in PRIVATE. I didn...  [Read More]
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