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Page: 165 of 214
Posted in: THE DEMO release (rumor)
08-22-2003, 11:44 PM
Hmm, maybe they could include an MP map or two, fully featured, but make it only playable with bots?...  [Read More]
Posted in: A feeling (*spoilers from latest trailer*)
08-22-2003, 11:30 PM
The other thing is...Twileks are the only race where you could have a red skin like that. You don't get red Rodians, after how would they portray evil twin characters for the other races? It seems a lot of work for something that would not s...  [Read More]
I seem to remember some similar scenario in a JK game.. was it MotS? I swear there was some mission where in part of it you had to "run through" some doors that were full of dangerous air or something, to the next door. But it's been so lo...  [Read More]
You guys make a convincing argument, but ah, I bet you thought you had me there. ; ) Remember Dark Forces1? The Phase 1 Troopers were droids yes, but the Phase 2's and 3's were POWERED ARMOR, that could have a droid inside, or a living humanoid! So...  [Read More]
Could be, could be, but don't Zero-G spacetroopers wear powered armor? Also, check out their helmets, they appear to have air hoses running out of the "mouth" part, and a distorted version of the familiar "bug eye gas mask" look o...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kicks, Saber locks and Ground stabs
08-22-2003, 11:44 AM
A good point txa1265. I think that as a point of order for the revived *ASC* this emote shall be henceforth known as the "Surrender Emote." Yes, I like the sound of that. ; )...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kicks, Saber locks and Ground stabs
08-22-2003, 8:45 AM
In all seriousness though, I don't think this will be such a big issue. Of larger "concerns" (heh) is the presence of not just single, but DOUBLE backstabs (and side stabs). Muahahaha! PS: I think if the above conditions for the "Su...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kicks, Saber locks and Ground stabs
08-22-2003, 8:41 AM
I commend the Raven team for paying careful attention (once again) to the great melee combat features in the Bushido Blade series of games! Now those among us who choose to can literally "roll on the floor laughing" by tapping our key boun...  [Read More]
Posted in: Turns out species DOES matter
08-22-2003, 11:38 PM
Mith[OMNI]: I swear I saw shots of Luke's face talking to you in a menu shot of your progress. Can't remember where it was though. Am I crazy?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Turns out species DOES matter
08-22-2003, 9:55 PM
I think they have fallen into the same lazy trap as the rest of us in interchanging fast/light and heavy/strong ... I didn't read anything else into it. When I first saw it I was thinking the same thing to myself, which is why I posted that. Now I'm...  [Read More]
Fett probably won't be much of a danger. If he gets taken out by a blind guy with a stick, I'm sure trained Jedi can handle him. I was thinking about that scene the other day, and I kind of wondered if it wasn't just dumb luck (Han is one lucky SOB...  [Read More]
Heh, this whole thread pretty much spoiled it from the start (note the title). But since it's on the official site now, it's no big deal. I agree Stormy, you got me on this one, I watched it again and it is DEFINATELY a cutscene (it would have been...  [Read More]
Posted in: Official Site Updated!
08-22-2003, 11:35 PM
*cough* Anyway... Enough time has passed that it seems they don't plan to "show" what the neutral force powers look like on the site, except for Sense. All we get for Mind Trick, Push, Pull, Jump and Speed is a blue flash and the text des...  [Read More]
Posted in: Siege Mode unveiled! *WARNING: spoilers*
08-22-2003, 11:25 PM
I hope that the three maps we've seen are not the ONLY Siege maps in JA. Look at the dearth of CTF maps we've gotten over the years. This makes me REALLY hope they went all out in making lots of decent Siege maps. I also hope that in the community i...  [Read More]
Posted in: Siege Mode unveiled! *WARNING: spoilers*
08-22-2003, 10:19 AM
Yeah? Okay, mystery solved then, it must be the BlasTech pistol he's firing at (his own?) Turret. I agree about the energy shot colors. Of course, the Bryar pistol also fired red shots until JK2. And the BlasTech fired red in MotS. You could always...  [Read More]
Posted in: Siege Mode unveiled! *WARNING: spoilers*
08-22-2003, 10:07 AM
Just thought of something else.. in that first Hoth shot, what are those shots being fired? The big purple things are either coming from the Walker or from a guy on the ground you can barely see, but they don't look like any existing weapons fire....  [Read More]
Posted in: Siege Mode unveiled! *WARNING: spoilers*
08-22-2003, 9:53 AM
Well, this ends the debate over whether or not the AT-ST is still in MP or not! Also, in that last shot of the Rodian about to be Sniped, notice the Speeder bikes parked in a row behind him, sweet! I wonder if those Hoth Turret Guns are manned or...  [Read More]
Posted in: A Set SP Name?
08-22-2003, 8:57 AM
Yeah, the term "in game cutscene" is a little confusing (since technically, aren't all cutscenes "in game"?). From the last trailer, it's apparent that JA (like JK2) uses both pre-rendered and game-engine scripted cutscenes (I'm...  [Read More]
Posted in: New previews & magazine sightings *UPDATED: new links*
08-22-2003, 11:28 PM
Good point! "I feel cold..... death....!" "A domain of evil it is, into it, you must go!" "What's in the cave Master?" "Only what you take with you. Your weapons, you will not need them..." "Hmmm......  [Read More]
Posted in: New previews & magazine sightings *UPDATED: new links*
08-22-2003, 10:10 PM
Interesting that ComputerandVideoGames lists the release dates for Jedi Academy as follows: PC: Dec 31, 03 XBox: Nov 30, 03 Heh, now that would suck. ; ) The Xbox date is probably accurate though (last we heard was "November 2003"). C...  [Read More]
Posted in: New previews & magazine sightings *UPDATED: new links*
08-22-2003, 11:09 AM
Don't worry, you're not alone, I can't see 12-14 either. It told me my "guest liscense has expired" but you can still view the screens by typing in the url's manually *sneaky* ; ) Man, it's hard trying to keep up with all this JA news l...  [Read More]
I know that Mace Windu has a purple saber which has a synthetic crystal, but I think the point is that they want to keep the movie associations there - we've seen Blue, Green, Orange, Purple and Yellow as 'good', and only red as 'evil'. Of course y...  [Read More]
Posted in: System Requirements (merged)
08-22-2003, 11:37 PM
The system requirements are posted, and many were surprised. They weren't all that different from JK2. Now I would imagine if you want to MAX OUT all the settings and still get a reasonable framerate in both SP and MP, your machine will have to be...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Return of the Concussion Rifle!
08-22-2003, 10:11 PM
Yeah, if the stun baton (since we have no idea if the ST Rifle adds a stun setting or not, probably not though) could be used to assist in capturing somebody or arresting them (in a non-lethal manner) that would be quite good. Until you get Mind Tri...  [Read More]
Posted in: Honor and jedi academy?
08-22-2003, 10:25 AM
BTW - to the canon-ness of bowing, I consider what Dooku did to Yoda and ObiWan as a salute, sign of respect, and/or close enough ... but I still wouldn't do it by my own volition in a duel. This is akin to a simple "swing" to let them kno...  [Read More]
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