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dynamicCrosshair (autoAim)

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09-06-2003, 8:53 AM
How can I turn the autoAim off?
I tried with seta cg_dynamicCrosshair "0", but doesn't work. Has anyone a clue.
09-06-2003, 9:03 AM
dynamic crosshair simply shows you where your shots will go.

there is no autoaim in jk2 and jk3
09-06-2003, 10:25 AM
try just "cg_dynamiccrosshair 0" in the console. If that doesn't work check your cfg settings again.
09-06-2003, 3:20 PM
I see what you mean now.. I tried to turn off the "jumpy" crosshair and I couldn't. The command must have been changed...
; p
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