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Diego Varen

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Page: 40 of 123
Posted in: Star Wars III- Revenge of the Sith.
 Diego Varen
11-11-2006, 12:37 PM
I'll be Mace Windu. I think he should join Obi-Wan and Anakin at the start, since he didn't get much time in ROTS. Nice idea steven. Name: Mace Windu Age: ??? Gender: Male Picture and/or discription: Here (  [Read More]
Perhaps I might join this project. There could be several writers and several artists. Nice idea Theone Thewayne....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Journey of Ewan Katarn
 Diego Varen
11-11-2006, 7:24 AM
"They're that slimy that they look like they've been dipped in something sticky and have stayed that way throughout their existence," Amber added, laughing at her own joke....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Journey of Ewan Katarn
 Diego Varen
11-11-2006, 7:09 AM
"First off, just call me Ewan, titles make my skin crawl. But i was not aware of such thing. I did sense a disturbance in the Force, but...wait, i sense....Katarr. Now i remember, i heard some Masters talk about a conclave about Katarr. We shoul...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Journey of Ewan Katarn
 Diego Varen
11-11-2006, 6:53 AM
"Jedi have been attacked?" Amber asked, "But that is impossible, how could the Jedi Order be wiped out so quickly. If all the Jedi in the galaxy are dead, then we're the only Jedi left and they'll soon be after us."...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Journey of Ewan Katarn
 Diego Varen
11-10-2006, 4:59 PM
"Great," Amber told Ewan sighing, "I hate secluded areas. Makes me feel unwanted. Still, this Hutt may prove to be a doddle, but let's get going and find out shall we?"...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Journey of Ewan Katarn
 Diego Varen
11-10-2006, 2:57 PM
(Blubba :lol: Was that inspired by Slobba from my Fic?) Amber followed Ewan and left JP with the Sky Eagle. She had heard of Anchorhead, but Bestine wasn't a place that Ewan had ever mentioned. Still, Amber was curious to see what Tatooine was like....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Journey of Ewan Katarn
 Diego Varen
11-10-2006, 12:43 PM
Amber sighed and lay back in her chair. She always wondered why Hutts were always in power. Wherever she went there was a Hutt. There was a Hutt on Taris and now there was one on Tatooine....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Journey of Ewan Katarn
 Diego Varen
11-10-2006, 12:18 PM
"Hutts," Amber Skye scowled, apprentice and lover of Ewan, "I hate them. On Taris, they acted as if they owned the place. Aren't I right JP?" JP-25, the Utility Droid that belonged to Amber beeped in response. "So Tatooine?...  [Read More]
Posted in: [Comic] Fall of the Shroud
 Diego Varen
11-10-2006, 12:08 PM
Very good Wayne. Looking foward to more and the ATR Comic....  [Read More]
Posted in: [Shortie Fic] A Box of Lies
 Diego Varen
11-10-2006, 12:10 PM
This fic was way sweet and romantic, really liked. I just noticed one error though, you wrote gave him twice. Also, you should consider a full Exile party project. Hey Jason, there is a lot more of the Exile's party in JM12's other Fic, Heart of the...  [Read More]
Posted in: [Shortie Fic] A Box of Lies
 Diego Varen
11-09-2006, 4:25 PM
Very sweet fic. I liked it a lot. Clever dialouge, nice word choices, and great descriptions. The only complaint I can think of is that I wish it was longer! Look forward to seeing more stuff from you! Well it is a Short Fic Torthane. Another good o...  [Read More]
Hey Jason, I don't know if you noticed my one question in one of the other posts in this Thread, but could I use Amber in my Echoes of Darkness Fic, when I post it?...  [Read More]
Is JP your intials(sp) and 25 your age? (random guess) JP is my initials and 25 is not my age, since I was born in 1992 (Look in my profile), so I'm 14. The 25 is the first part of my birth date, 25th March. Since you didn't get it all steven, you d...  [Read More]
My second character belongs to Amber, if that is alright with you Jason. Name: JP-25 Gender: Male programming Age: 7 Species: Utility Droid Eye Colour: White Attire: Like T3, but a light blue colour Favourite Weapon(s): Mandalorian Heavy Blasters Fa...  [Read More]
Looks promising Jason. I'll take Amber and I'll make up another Character, since I can't be bothered to make a Character. Also a female Character would be a nice change from having a male Character (It's because I'm male). Could I have another Charac...  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC]The unexpected Dark lord
 Diego Varen
11-09-2006, 11:42 AM
BTW, showing hospitality to newcomers are Pottsie's MO--He always do that, which means he is a totally light-sided Jedi Master. CSI, how did you know that? And thanks for putting my Hotel Mystery story in your Sig. But keeping on-topic, the Chapter...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Rodianters-"loked in"
 Diego Varen
11-09-2006, 1:33 AM
Keep digging, and I'll look forward to see it. Pott: You posted your fic in Ahto? Where is it? Here (  [Read More]
Posted in: Amongst the Ruins Comicbook
 Diego Varen
11-09-2006, 11:51 AM
These comics are neat looking, hope you continue them, and i'm looking forward for more. Agreed....  [Read More]
Posted in: [Illustrated Fic] A Stirring in the Blood
 Diego Varen
11-10-2006, 12:13 PM
Pottsie, dear, what in heavan's name are you saying here? I'm very confused. It's good but it's not good? The chapter is good but the fic is not good? It's good but another fic would be impressive? Couldn't this one be impressive? :) If he wants to...  [Read More]
Posted in: [Illustrated Fic] A Stirring in the Blood
 Diego Varen
11-09-2006, 1:37 AM
Another impressive fic and impressive illustration! I like it. Looking forward to see more. A question: Is the man in your illustration Bruce Willis? Agreed, although it is a good Chapter and not a good Fic. This is a good Fic, but an impressive Fi...  [Read More]
Posted in: [NSW-Fic] The Hotel Mystery
 Diego Varen
11-09-2006, 11:49 AM
Lastly, "a Star Wars version"? Mmm? You copied my idea. :D I was just kidding. Feel free to write your own story, and I'll be the first to read it and put some of them into my CSI fic, do we have a deal? Hey, I didn't say it was going to h...  [Read More]
Posted in: [AU] Blood Band Brothers
 Diego Varen
11-09-2006, 11:50 AM
Well, it's okay to cry in triumphant. Nicely written, looking forward to see more. Don't forget that it is Master_Archon's RP. Perhaps he feels proud, since his first RP on the Forums (Better than my first one anyway)....  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC]Heart of Deception
 Diego Varen
11-11-2006, 4:53 AM
Another good Chapter JM12. I didn't notice this, but when did Kirabaros have a sister? Anyway, looking foward to more....  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC]Heart of Deception
 Diego Varen
11-09-2006, 2:27 PM
*waving manuscript still over Pottsie's head* JM12, I order you to get rid of that manuscript! Anyway good Chapter and once again I thought this Fic had died. I wonder who this familiar Character is. Could you give us a clue?...  [Read More]
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