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[AU] Blood Band Brothers

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10-01-2006, 3:15 PM
This is the fanfic based on the RP Blood Band Brothers (

Written by Dark_Lady and Master_Archon

Master_Archon as Master Cyphon
Dark_Lady as Jynn
Rexraptor2000 as Shadow Gravemind
Jason Skywalker as Alex Skyrider and R3-T5
RC-1162 as Vader
cutmeister as Felix

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…

Episode IV: Blood Band Brothers

With the Republic Empire slowly losing the war
against the Rebel Confederacy, and the betrayal
of their former Emperor, the galaxy is in turmoil.
Order 66 was executed, resulting in the
extermination of most of the Jedi, and removing
what seemed to be the last chance for victory.
It was a dark day for the Republic.

Darth Sidious has allied himself with the Rebel
Confederacy, after manipulating people on both
sides, and playing them one against another in
a complex strategy that ensured his victory.
Sending legions of clones to hunt the Jedi down,
he attempted to bring the Sith into power so
they could rule the galaxy undisputed.
And he had almost succeeded.

But out of the ashes of legend a figure arose,
one who was long forgotten among both
Jedi and Sith. In an amazing display of power,
he overrode the clones’ ingrained programming
and convinced them to help him find the remaining
Jedi, gathering them together in a unified force…

Coruscant shone like a beacon in the vast reaches of space, the lights that covered the city-planet emitting a perpetual glow. Down somewhere on the lower levels, two Jedi stood in a small room which had been hastily fitted up as a makeshift hospital, speaking quietly to each other in worried tones.

“Is he any better, Nira?” the blonde Jedi asked, looking sadly towards the medbay in the center of the floor.

“I’m afraid not, Master Kenobi,” the other answered, punching several buttons on a small panel to display the medical readouts from the past week. “As you can see, we were able to stabilize his condition several days ago, but stable under those circumstances wasn’t much. What we really needed was improvement, any improvement, and recently, he’s taken a turn for the worst.” She sighed. “I’m sorry to have to say this, but we’ve done everything under our power to save him…” She paused and took a deep breath. “With those injuries, you understand, and our limited equipment – it doesn’t seem to be doing any good.”

Obi-Wan breathed slowly in and out, trying to calm his nerves. We’ve lost so many Jedi already, he thought. Not another one. Not this one. Not Anakin.

He shook his head slowly in stunned disbelief at the events of the previous days, which was just beginning to wash over him, overwhelming the temporary mental barriers he had erected during the time when every moment had counted – when he couldn’t afford the luxury of anything besides unclouded logic.

They had been trying to rescue the Emperor, who had been “kidnapped” by General Grievous and taken to his fleet. Obi-Wan grit his teeth in frustration at how easily they had been duped into believing that Palpatine actually cared about the Republic.

When they arrived on Grievous’s flagship, Dooku had beaten both of them somehow, flinging Obi-Wan across the room and knocking him unconscious. He had awoken with a piece of durasteel pinning him to the floor, to the sound of Anakin’s anguished scream, and Palpatine’s cackling laughter.

“You have done well, my apprentice.”

Obi-Wan had used the Force to lift the durasteel from his legs and slammed it into Dooku. Picking up Anakin’s body, he had somehow managed to escape. He still couldn’t believe that he had made it out safely – not that it had done much good.

The Emperor had revealed his alliance with the Separatists, now calling themselves the Rebel Confederacy, just after activating Order 66, which switched on a command buried deeply in the minds of legions of elite clones. They had begun attacking the Jedi, catching many of them unaware, and overwhelming the rest with sheer numbers. The remaining Jedi had gone into hiding, still in the dark as to who of the Order had actually survived.

It couldn’t have been many, Obi-Wan thought despondently. He left the room with one last glance towards the readouts. No change.

Nira followed Obi-Wan with her eyes as he walked out.

“May the Force be with you,” she whispered after him. Not that the Force is with any of us these days.

She turned back to her medical instruments and sighed. There was nothing more she could do, but she hated to lose another Jedi. She was about to punch another sequence into the control panel of the medbay when a tall figure in a grey robe entered softly.

“Hello,” Nira said. “Who are you?”

“I am Master Cyphon,” he replied, looking at her kindly with his blue-gray eyes. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to be left alone with the patient for a while.” He opened the door and motioned her outside.

Nira stepped out slowly, glancing over her shoulder. She had never seen the strange Jedi before, but he just somehow felt trustworthy, almost as if he could succeed where they had all failed. She sat on a bench outside the door and waited, feeling the Force flow strangely beyond the door.

Three hours later, Cyphon had done all that he could. He took the other’s gloved hand into his with a smile.

“Vader,” he said, as the sound of the other’s mechanical breathing filled the room.

 Jason Skywalker
10-01-2006, 3:22 PM
Nice, really! This is promising... :p
 Diego Varen
10-01-2006, 3:23 PM
I will read the Fic version, since I was never really interested in the RP version. Is this being co-written with Master-Archon, or will you post the whole Fic version. Anyway I'm looking foward to it.
10-01-2006, 3:53 PM
Thanks Jason and Pottsie!

I will post the entire fic version most likely, but I check everything I write with Master_Archon. He points out any mistakes I made and suggests things he thinks should be added, etc.
10-01-2006, 4:20 PM
Great chapter. I look foreward to reading more.
10-01-2006, 5:29 PM
Don't worry, there'll be plenty more (as I'm sure you know).
10-03-2006, 10:17 AM
D_L, what's AU stand for, I cant figure out what it means. (I'm so ignorant...*M_A stares at floor saddly*)
10-03-2006, 10:19 AM
Alternate Universe. You're not ignorant. It's a common question.
 Diego Varen
10-03-2006, 10:23 AM
D_L, what's AU stand for, I cant figure out what it means. (I'm so ignorant...*M_A stares at floor saddly*)

Since you made the RP, Master_Archon, I thought you'd know. But as Dark_Lady said, it stands for Alternate Universe. So how are you involved with the Fic version Master_Archon? Do you do edits or something like that?
10-03-2006, 10:33 AM
I edit her work, yes, I make suggestions, and probably later I'll make bigger decisions on creation of the story, ect. If D_L doesn't mind :D !
10-03-2006, 10:35 AM
It's your RP, why would I mind?
10-03-2006, 10:37 AM
You'd mind because you're the genious mind behind the Fic, and you probably have your own ideas to throw out there, that I have no clue what they are, that's why I thought you'd mind! :)
11-01-2006, 9:26 AM
Chapter One

Seven years later…

“Damage report!” Cyphon yelled over the comm system. An Enforcer-class Star Destroyer exploded into a ball of flame, taking one of its V-2 class Star Destroyer frigate guard along with it, the other only barely managing to escape. A hoarse and slightly panicked voice came through the static on the comm.

“The Injustice is down! It took the Perrywinkle with it!”

“How’s the Charred?” Cyphon asked quickly.

“She’s scathed but alive.”

“Pull her around the Dyeheart’s wing. We’ll send a DX-9 repair transport out at once,” Cyphon replied, turning to view the battle through the left side of the viewport.

Across the vastness of space was Vader’s flagship, an Interdictor-class Star Destroyer called the Enforcer, engaged with two Trade Federation Battle Cruisers. Most of its fighters had been eliminated, and only one Wambat-class Escort Frigate remained.

“Reroute sixty percent power to the front shields.” Cyphon said quickly. “Send the rest to the engines, and take the Dyeheart in over the Enforcer.” The Tyrant-class Star Destroyer groaned under its starting momentum and the pounding of the enemy lasers, then lurched forward and began turning towards the Enforcer.

“Vader, this is Cyphon, we’re coming in to support, hold on!” he said, watching the battle closely as it drew nearer. “Concentrate your fire, we don’t need any stray shots hitting our belly!” he exclaimed into the comm system.


"Copy that, Master," acknowledged Vader in his deep mechanical voice. He turned to his bridge crew, his white cape flowing in the air. "We have backup coming in. Do not target it."

The Enforcer rocked as something exploded somewhere in the ship.

"What was that?" Vader demanded, his silver helmet turning towards the system readouts.

"Sir, we've lost all our propulsion units," said a clone officer seated at his post.

"Can she still make the jump into hyperspace?" Vader asked.

"If we can get the engines online for at least five minutes, then yes," the clone replied.

"Very well," Vader replied. "For now, reroute all available power to be split equally between the guns and the shields. We do not need internal lighting for now."

The officer nodded and input a few commands into the computer terminal. The shields were strengthened suddenly and the bridge was plunged into darkness as the lights went out. The officer’s consoles glowed, providing some slight illumination, but most of the light came from the flashing of lasers and torpedos.

"Tell the Matador to concentrate all its fire on the port Federation cruiser." ordered Vader. The comm officer relayed his command, and the enemy cruiser’s shields began to slowly give way under the heavy bombardment, but their efforts were rapidly becoming pointless. The Enforcer shuddered as a torpedo penetrated its shield and impacted on the hull.

“She'll hold, but we can’t take many more hits like that,” the officer reported.

Come on, Master Cyphon, thought Vader to himself. We don't have much time.


Some distance away, an Imperial-class Star destroyer, the Avenger, hung in space, taking heavy damage from the enemy’s constant bombardment. General Shadow Gravemind stood on the deck giving orders.

"Sir! Dual Heavy Turbolasers 3-5 are down and so is one of the deflector shield generators!" a crewman shouted from his station.

"Reroute power from all unnecessary systems to power the shields, turrets, and engines," he said. "What is the status of the Enforcer and the Dyeheart?"

"The Enforcer's engines are down and they are facing two Trade Federation Battle Cruisers. The Dyeheart is on a course to assist, Sir!"

Shadow sighed inwardly. This battle was not looking good. He had already lost both his escort frigates, and the former captain of the flagship had died when a control panel exploded during the last battle.

"Bring us on a course for the starboard side of one of those two battle cruisers. Prepare the 127th legion for boarding action. Open fire on its heavy turbolaser batteries with our own when in range. And alert the Enforcer and the Dyeheart of our intentions."

"Yes, Sir!"

Shadow left the bridge, preparing to join his troops in the landing party, where he felt he would be more useful. He had never been one for ship-to-ship combat. As he passed a barracks, even though he couldn't see their faces, he could tell some of the soldiers were smiling. Even with all the losses they had taken, no one could curb their enthusiasm. And he couldn’t blame them.

This was going to be fun.
11-01-2006, 9:31 AM
Okay, didn't want to post this is the actual fic, but I just wanted to point out how good RC-1162's impression of Vader was. Can't you just hear Vader saying "We do not need internal lighting for now."? Too bad RC had to leave us. :(
11-01-2006, 10:08 AM
Yeah, it's too bad he left. But beyond that, good job, though I'm not sure what you mean by:

Okay, didn't want to post this is the actual fic...
11-01-2006, 1:17 PM
Arrgh! Major bad typo. I meant didn't want to post this in the actual fic. Lol. I hate it when typos make sense.
 Diego Varen
11-01-2006, 2:13 PM
I saw the Chapter and I forgot to post. Good Chapter.
 Jason Skywalker
11-01-2006, 2:26 PM
Good chapter as well, although slightly short. Can't wait to see more.
11-01-2006, 3:40 PM
Good Chapter.
11-01-2006, 6:10 PM
Yeah, it is rather short but that's because they start landing on the other ship in a little while, and it was a good place to split it. The next chapter's going to be really long as it is.

And many thanks. :D
11-02-2006, 1:28 PM
Chapter Two

As the Dyeheart ground to a halt there came a sudden vibration, then the ship groaned and began rocking as though it had been seized upon by a krayt dragon.

"Alert, Alert, we have Cyborg units on deck 'C', repel crews X and III, prepare for anti-boarding action!" came a female comm officers voice over the intercom.

"What the fierfek! Boarders! How'd they manage that!?" Cyphon exclaimed in frustration.

"A severely damaged Techno-Union shuttle was following in our sensor wake, it launched boarding torps and all it's escape pods into us, we didn’t notice it till it's engines failed and it exploded from it's own damage, sir!" replied the sensors officer.

"Bring all anti-boarding groups in sections 'C' through 'H' to all possible boarding areas and all known boarding areas. I want to make sure that those cyborgs have to go through an army just to reach the next section. I don’t want them getting to the upper dorms." Cyphon said in quick succession.

"Why sir?" asked one of the newer deck guards curiously.

"I promised the leader of the Matukai that I'd keep his people safe, and some of them are aboard this ship," he said, pondering for a moment. "And some on Vader's, and Shadow's, and just about every major ship in the fleet!” He smiled slightly. “So that means… we’re not going to lose."

The Dyeheart loomed over the Enforcer, moving in towards the port battlecruiser.

"Bring power from all areas! The only thing I want working is secondary life support and section 'C's electrical! Route all the rest to the belly guns!"

Every gun on the underside of the ship fired in quick succession, the lasers now three times as thick as the normal battery shots. The battlecruiser’s shielding went down, and the hull was breached in several places.

"She's lisping under the barrage," said Cyphon, excited at seeing the combined firepower of the ships crushing the Trade Federation battlecruiser. Then, suddenly, the cruiser’s lights went black as space and its guns fell silent, while huge streaks of electricity flickered across its hull.

"What in the Force just happened?" asked Cyphon in surprise.

"The Enforcer somehow set off an EMP blast powerful enough to knock the battlecruiser out!" said the sensors officer excitedly.

"Then let's not waste the opportunity!" said Cyphon with a wry smile, flicking on the comm. "Vader, whatever you did, it worked! Open full fire power on the cruiser!" he said, then fell silent for a brief moment. "And that's an order!" he added jokingly. Turning to the smirking command deck crew, he smiled and said "You heard me, open fire! Full power!"

After only two minutes of crushing power from the two ships and their frigate escort, the cruiser erupted into a ball of flame, its pieces rocketing through space in fiery glory, only to be swallowed by the darkness moments later.

"That's for the Injustice!” shouted the captain of the Charred through the intercom.

"And the Perrywinkle!" shouted the captain of the Grek'or, one of the frigate escorts for the Dyeheart.

"And the Death Bringer!" shouted the captain of the Grek'or's sister ship, the Mollusk.

Cyphon laughed exuberantly, savoring the brief moment of triumph, then fell back into his serious mood. "We're not out of the water yet, friends!" he exclaimed, shifting his attention to the other ship on the star board side of the Enforcer. "Sensors, scan the enemy cruiser!" said Cyphon in a look of deep concentration.

"Yes sir!" said the officer, typing into his command console, "Sir! There are boarders from the Avenger on the cruiser!"

"As I thought. Vader, do not open fire on the other enemy cruiser. Put your power to shields, and send out boarding parties, copy? Over." Cyphon looked to his power and distributions officer at his command console. "You heard me, put power from guns to shields this time!"

"Already have, Sir!" said the officer, smiling.

"You guys know me so well," said Cyphon, smirking at his chuckling command crew. "Prepare Blood Platoon Zeta and Gamma for boarding actions, and give me some time… I want to have some… fun!" he continued in a sinister voice.

"Just one problem, Sir! The boarders aren't budging, they're holed up in pockets in section 'C', we can't flush them out!" said the status officer.

"Then we’ll send in the plumbers. Bring in Dark Trooper Squadron 'Pi', That'll ‘flush’ 'em out!" said Cyphon with a dark smile on his face. He left the command deck and made his way through the corridors to the Lambda shuttle in the hangar bay, currently preparing for boarding actions.

"Dark Trooper Squadron 'Pi'?" said the second mate to the first mate, who had taken over control until Cyphon’s return. "Aren't they the ones who blew up that Mon Calamari Battle Cruiser at the battle of sector Delta from the inside, and barely made it out in time?”

"Yes, yes they are," said the first mate regretfully, "but he knows what's best....I hope." He turned to the view port ready to give orders.


"Sah, Blood Platoons, Zeta and Gamma are ready for boarding, wot wot!" said the lead boarding officer, an experienced storm trooper.

"Good! Good, I'm ready too. Let's go say ‘hi’ to Shadow and the gang… maybe knock some cyborg heads off while we're at it… an explosive tea party of sorts!" said Cyphon, smiling at his old friend.

"I'll bring the crumpets, sah" said the old officer in his common serious way.

"Come on, you duffer, let's go have some fun… like the good old days," said Cyphon, turning and walking towards the waiting shuttle.

"Right behind you sah, hope those ill-disciplined ruffians of Shadow's hasn't killed everything yet, I want to blast some riff-raff cyborgs of my own, wot wot!" the old storm trooper said, following in step behind Cyphon.

The shuttle lifted off, cruising out of the hangar, dozens of other boarding craft behind them, while groups of ARC-170's, from Vader's fighter squadron, and Tie Defenders, from Cyphon's escort squadron, formed into defensive formations around them.


The Enforcer shuddered yet again. Vader had begun to get annoyed with all the rocking motion. It was time to put an end to this.

"Transfer all turbolaser power to the EMP cannon," he ordered. A few seconds later, the bright pulsating orb of blue energy knocked out the systems of the port enemy cruiser. Vader smiled under his mask.

"Vader, whatever you did, it worked! Open full fire power on the cruiser!" came Cyphon's voice over the comm.

"Already done, Master," replied Vader as he motioned to his relieved bridge crew. The Dyeheart and the Enforcer continued to pound at the dead cruiser. Two minutes of sustained fire and it was history. The comm was instantly filled with dedications.

"Vader,do not open fire on the other enemy cruiser! Put your power to shields, and send out boarding parties, copy? Over!" Cyphon’s voice rang suddenly through the comm.

"Copy that, Master," said Vader. He turned to his operations assistant.

"Give the order to Clone Commando Squads Delta and Omega to prepare for boarding.”

Five minutes later, both Delta and Omega Squads, and Vader himself, were in a Lambda-class shuttle on their way to the enemy cruiser, escorted by five ARC-170 fighters.


"Sir! The Dyeheart and the Enforcer have defeated the other ship and are sending boarding craft to aid us!" a young Clone Marine yelled in triumph.

"Alright everybody!" Shadow shouted into the comm to all the troopers on the ship. "Our friends Breath Mint and Cranky Old Bastard are coming for a visit. But since you know how they love to hog the tea and the crumpets, lets clean this ship out spotless before they arrive!" Laughter rang over the comm from some of the troops fighting.

"Alpha squad! Progress report!" Shadow said.

"General Grievous is momentarily off the radar, but we'll find him and avenge Beta squad soon enough," reported Alpha Leader, known by his squad, oddly enough, as Pecker.

"Sir! We're in position to meet the boarding parties," a trooper said over the comm.

"Good. Tell them Grievous is here. Make sure you give them napkins too. They have terrible manners."
 Diego Varen
11-02-2006, 2:24 PM
Another good Chapter. Lots of dialogue though. More description would be good, but other than that, it's fine.
11-02-2006, 3:14 PM
Very good. I like how you improve on the original grammar and dialog (Mainly mine), turning it into a digestable form for others. Reading the RP itself can be a bit hard for those who have a short attention span. :)
 Diego Varen
11-02-2006, 3:36 PM
Very good. I like how you improve on the original grammar and dialog (Mainly mine), turning it into a digestable form for others. Reading the RP itself can be a bit hard for those who have a short attention span. :)

I sometimes have a short attention spam reading RPs. Another thing I forgot to mention about the Fic, is the length in Chapter 2 has improved.
 Jason Skywalker
11-02-2006, 4:13 PM
Yes, very good indeed, i really liked Cyphon and Shadow's comic nature though.
11-06-2006, 5:28 PM
Chapter Three

Alarms began to screech through the shuttle.

"What the fandangle is going on?" asked Brutas, the old storm trooper sitting next to Cyphon.

"Enemy fire. It's coming from those tri-drone fighters," said the copilot nervously.

"Hail Vader, tell him and his escort to get into formation, and execute maneuver Alpha-Theta,” he told the copilot. The landers maneuvers into a tight group, and the ARC-170s formed around them. The Tie Defenders kept to the outside, and activated box shields. High tension durasteel cords extended from one to the others surrounded the spherical formation.

"Hail the Charred, Grek'or, Mollusk, and Matador. Tell them to bring up the rear, engage the remaining enemy fighters and prevent any escape pods from slipping through before our capitals can tractor them in." said Cyphon.

Soon the landers had a straight path for the enemy cruiser. The shield was deactivated and the ARC-170's and Tie Defenders veered off, returning to assist the frigates in destroying the enemy fighters.

“…friends Breath Mint and Cranky Old…are…” crackled over the boarding frequency.

"Who's he calling old? I'll teach him a thing or two, wot?" Brutas said airily.

"Hear that Vader, he said you have fresh breath… Haha… Better prepare for a rude welcome." Cyphon said over the comm.

"Hewwo!" said a small lisping voice to the right of Cyphon. In shock, all the soldiers on board, including Cyphon and the pilots, turned to see a small girl, around the age of seven, sitting in what used to be an empty seat. "Heehee, you guys are funny!" the girl said with a bright smile. The ship jerked as it brushed against another shuttle, and some cursing came from one of the neighboring shuttle pilots through the comm. The pilot of the shuttle they were in snapped back to reality and corrected his course with a brief apology.

"Uh… what… holy…” Cyphon stammered. “How'd you get in here Leia?" he finally managed to say.

"I was playing on this ship and got sleepy, so I took a nap under this seat, silly!" Leia said in response, smiling. Cyphon's eyes widened in shock as the realization that he could have gotten Vader's daughter killed swept over him. "Master Windu says not to stare, or let your mouth hang open," said Leia, giggling.

"Vader's not going to be happy about this!" Cyphon said as the shuttle touched down in the hangar,

"We're going to see daddy, yay!" Leia shouted excitedly.

Vader walked slowly down the ramp, followed by his Commando escorts as his shuttle landed beside Cyphon's.

"Daddeeeee!" came a squeal from Cyphon's shuttle and Vader turned to see a Leia running towards him as fast as her legs could carry her. She jumped into his arms and Vader glanced at Cyphon as he greeted her.

"Hello, Leia," he said to her, incredibly surprised, then turned to Cyphon.

"How the heck did she get here?" The whisper was distorted by his helmet, but still came across as highly disapproving.

With a sheepish look Cyphon said, "She was playing aboard the shuttle when she fell asleep under a seat and woke up around the time we were landing. You saw us collide with the other shuttle.” He sighed regretfully. “That's around the time we noticed her." With a look of sincere apology he turned to watch as a Lander Shuttle hovered in the hangar, letting out a rack of four AT-PT's and another, further down, unloading four AT-RT's.

"Well..." he continued, turning back towards Vader, "What's the battle plan? How are we going to take the rest of the ship?" He hoped more pressing matters would get Vader's mind off of what happened.

A lot of noise and clanging permeated the atmosphere, as the soldiers from all walks of life set up command posts, pill boxes, and supply depots in the large hangar. AT-PT's and AT-RT's could be heard walking around, some crouching down and entering the hallways to clear out areas where cyborgs were still holding out. Cyphon glanced at a Clone Marine and a Thor Trooper as they walked by. Even in enemy territory, they still found time to argue about the comparative merits of sabaac and pazaak. Turning, Cyphon saw a huge AT-AT Barge land, and racks of Dark Trooper Exo-suits unfold, while the men who piloted them came streaming out of passenger compartments in the barge. Hopping into the suits, they got into formations with AT-PT's and RT's, to clear out the larger, more heavily defended hallways.

"Well...defense parameters are set… how do we take the rest?" Cyphon asked with a smile of approval at the quick work of the boarding-men and women, who had done so well.


"Sir! They have landed and our troops are going to rendezvous with them," a Clone Marine told Shadow.

"Good. Have the commander of that platoon tell them to take the security control room located in the center of the ship. That should help us in keeping track of our troops and maybe catching Grievous," Shadow said, as he cut down another droid.

They made it to the engine room and the engineer began to work on disabling the engines so the droids couldn't jump to hyperspace while they were aboard.

"We're running low on ammo!" a marine shouted out.

"Then hold this room while I clear the corridor they are coming through," Shadow said, running forward into the hallway. It was packed, but they didn't have a clear line of fire and he was up close. Melee combat lowers your survival chances considerably if your opponent has two dual lightsabers.

What added to the confusion was that he used force wave in the corridor, throwing them back into jumbled heaps, and kept using it until he reached the next door, which he shut. He then ran back and sealed the door of the engine room. Deactivating his lightsabers, he prepared his modified ARC Rocket launcher, which allowed him to rapid fire without having to reload continuously.

"Tell Breath Mint to get his commandos and help Alpha squad." Shadow said.

"Yes, Sir!"


Two Matukai ships dropped out of hyperspace only a short distance from the battle area. Felix Intos, onboard the Evincer, waited impatiently for the sensors officer to make her initial scan and report of the situation, hoping that the ships he had brought in response to the priority one message from the Dyeheart weren't too late. He had been using his fleet, if it could be called that, to scout surrounding systems for needed resources when the call from the flagship came through with the urgent order to return as soon as possible.

"Chieftain, initial scans show the Enforcer has sustained significant damage and boarding actions have taken place. It appears only one enemy cruiser is intact. Fighters from both side are engaging."

Felix felt some of the tension drain from him with the realization that not many of their allied ships were lost and most, if not all, of his people should be safe. "Signal Blade Squadron and the Shryken: proceed with attack plan Bwo!" Felix barked to the comm officer.

The Evincer's squadron of nine T-120 C-Wing fighters had commenced launching as soon as the ship had dropped from hyperspace and were already in full deployment, streaking towards the fierce dogfights between the enemy and their brother squadrons. Felix knew that Blade Squadron, in conjunction with the Shryken, a Corellian DP-20 gunship, could handle six times their number in enemy fighters. The Matukai may not have been able to bring as great a quantity of combat assets to the fleet as the other groups but what assets they did have were highly effective.

As Felix watched Blade Squadron and the Shryken accelerate away from his slower Marauder-class corvette, the Evincer took a course towards the enemy capital ships. Felix keyed his comm to the gunnery circuit. "Gunners remember! Target any weaponry that is active or even powered up! We want to capture any enemy ships if possible. Weaponry is your primary target, engines are secondary."


"Sir! Vader wants to know Alpha squad’s location," the officer said, returning.

"They haven't already taken the security room like I said to? They're getting lazy. Hand Breath Mint these ship schematics that we took from the bridge, and then have Alpha squad report in their location over a secure comm channel," Shadow ordered.

"Yes, Sir!” The officer replied. “He also said that he'll make sure that you end up wearing armor like his if you keep it up with the 'Breath Mint stuff'," the officer continued before taking off back down the hall.

The droids had broken though the doors and Shadow began to dice them again as though he had an eternal vendetta against machines.

"How's the progress on those engines?" Shadow asked the engineer, whirling around and slicing another one into bits.

"Almost done… there!" the engineer said triumphantly. The sound of the engines could be heard gradually fading away as they ran out of power. All of a sudden, the droids stopped, turned around, and ran back into the hallway.

"I think our friends are going to have a lot of company very soon. Did our friend arrive at Breath Mint’s location yet?" he asked.

"Almost." the engineer replied.

"When he does manage to get there, have him tell Breath Mint that he's going to have a very big welcome party from our friends the tinnies." Shadow said.

"In the meantime, we'll head there ourselves," Shadow said. He strode off with the clones behind him.
11-06-2006, 9:22 PM
Good chapter. Definatly like how you improved things.
 Diego Varen
11-07-2006, 1:33 AM
Good chapter. Definatly like how you improved things.

11-08-2006, 9:00 AM
I'm so proud! *wipes tear from eye* great, I told myself I wouldn't cry!!
11-09-2006, 6:15 AM
Well, it's okay to cry in triumphant. Nicely written, looking forward to see more.
 Diego Varen
11-09-2006, 11:50 AM
Well, it's okay to cry in triumphant. Nicely written, looking forward to see more.

Don't forget that it is Master_Archon's RP. Perhaps he feels proud, since his first RP on the Forums (Better than my first one anyway).
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