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Diego Varen

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Page: 38 of 123
First person is quite a good idea. If Jae can do it, I'm sure RevanSithMaster can. Very good start RevanSithMaster. A hint would be to split your lines of speech up. Original: Bastila, come back to the Light. Revan was telling her through their For...  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC]Star Wars: CSI vs. CSI: Pilot Episode
 Diego Varen
11-16-2006, 2:40 AM
Another good Chapter CSI. One thing I've learnt is that it doesn't matter about how long the Chapters are (some of my Chapters in Echoes of Darkness are only one page long), it is how good the Chapters are. As long as they are done really well, then...  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC]Star Wars: CSI vs. CSI: Pilot Episode
 Diego Varen
11-15-2006, 2:37 AM
Good Chapter CSI. Your Chapter length has improved so much and I'm looking foward to more. Nice to hear the Nar Shaddaa CSI crew might return....  [Read More]
Posted in: Echoes of Darkness
 Diego Varen
11-16-2006, 2:58 AM
Oh, you mean Orsaa is a major character in your fic? That will be nice...Well, another question, will Malak and Nihilus appear in your fic and will they be redeemed? No, just makes a few appearances in Part I. And to answer your question (Since you...  [Read More]
Posted in: Echoes of Darkness
 Diego Varen
11-16-2006, 2:49 AM
But the question here: Who is "Keeper Orsaa"? Read about him here ( I myself don't know anything about him, but since he was a minor character in KOTOR, I would thought it would be good to use him and...  [Read More]
Posted in: Echoes of Darkness
 Diego Varen
11-16-2006, 2:01 AM
[Objection+Force Persuade]Well, Pottsie, you should post the Part 1 on this before you go on to Part 2. We really want to read the new parts, esp. me. Oh, yeah, I have to admit, you inspired me to change my avartar into Christmas avartar. Thank you...  [Read More]
Posted in: Echoes of Darkness
 Diego Varen
11-15-2006, 2:03 AM
Part I Lehon has been completed (Although the last two Chapters are rushed) and I'm starting Part II Coruscant. Once I've completed about three Parts, I shall post them for you....  [Read More]
Posted in: Echoes of Darkness
 Diego Varen
11-14-2006, 2:30 PM
That's not what I was trying to accomplish but thank you, I just didn't see anything wrong with letting people know the name of the Hutt. Well I suppose, but sometimes, revealing small details like that wrecks things for people. I mean, consider KOT...  [Read More]
Posted in: Echoes of Darkness
 Diego Varen
11-14-2006, 2:26 PM
Pottsie, come on what's it gonna hurt if they know the name of the Hutt? But do what you want as the Hutt no longer belongs to me.... he belongs to your story. :D You still get the credit for making him RevanSithMaster. Oh and the name and the Bio o...  [Read More]
Posted in: Echoes of Darkness
 Diego Varen
11-14-2006, 1:09 PM
Thanks Pottsie, Your ave sparkily...any way I hope this is a story works out:) My Christmas Avatar is sparky. I too hope this works out. Oh and the Hutt has been created, but I won't say who, until I finish the Fic. Part I Lehon has at least five Ch...  [Read More]
Posted in: Echoes of Darkness
 Diego Varen
11-13-2006, 5:01 PM
Whoa, Good Prologue and FAQ Pottsie, I can't wait till it comes out good luck Pottsie!:D Thanks Grivis and I've noticed how much your spelling and grammar has improved. Like the new Avatar and Christmas Sig too....  [Read More]
Posted in: Echoes of Darkness
 Diego Varen
11-13-2006, 2:41 PM
Ha, ha! That's my first time to see a formal FAQ in the forum other than mods. But however, it's a good idea. Actually the first FAQ I saw in the Forums was the one about asking about KOTOR III in the Unknown Regions. That is where I got the idea an...  [Read More]
Posted in: Echoes of Darkness
 Diego Varen
11-13-2006, 11:06 AM
Thanks for the support guys. Here is a little FAQ I made: Echoes of Darkness FAQ Q: What is Echoes of Darkness? A: Echoes of Darkness is a Fanfic written by me (Pottsie), set after Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. I believe the Fic is...  [Read More]
Both Mace and Plo stood in their ray shields, wondering why nobody had come for them yet. Since nobody was about, Mace talked to Plo normally. "I should be arresting Viceroy Gunray by now," Mace told Plo, sighing, "And I bet he has Pr...  [Read More]
Through the Force, Mace contacted his friend. "How did you get here?" Mace asked, "I thought you were out fighting the Sith fighters." "I managed to sneak in," The unsocialable Plo told Mace, "Ki-Adi-Mundi would h...  [Read More]
A ray shield surrounded Mace. Mace sighed as a large group of Super Battle Droids surrounded him. Great, Mace thought as he noticed the Battle Droids mocking him. Suddenly the sound of a Lightsaber was heard in the distance and Mace saw a familiar Je...  [Read More]
Mace knew that he was unable to block every single shot, so he dodged all of them with the Force, before destroying three of the Droids. The Battle Droids panicked and ran off, while the Super Battle Droids got angry and one knocked Mace back down on...  [Read More]
Suddenly, the elevator stopped and Mace fell over as the elevator stopped. Mace got up and dusted his robe. He looked up and saw that he wasn't too far away. Mace immediately leapt up and broke through the elevator door. A large group of Battle Droid...  [Read More]
When Mace finally finished off the final Managuard, he arrived at a long staircase and a single working elevator. Staircase or elevator? In the end, Mace decided to take the elevator. As soon as Mace pressed the button to go up to the floor where he...  [Read More]
Posted in: [Illustrated Fic]Passion of the Sith
 Diego Varen
11-14-2006, 3:08 PM
Another good Part Quanon. Looking foward to the illustration, if it is done. Looking foward to more....  [Read More]
Posted in: Custom Title?
 Diego Varen
11-14-2006, 2:44 PM
wait, what if this feature was enabled as a christmas special and they get to keep the title till next christmas or the 1000 post mark, whichever comes first. any comments? That's a good idea RC, but let's see what the Mods have to say. Also, I thou...  [Read More]
Posted in: KotOR III: The Forgotten Empire
 Diego Varen
11-14-2006, 1:41 AM
Very good. Better than Part I. Looking foward to more....  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC]Heart of Deception
 Diego Varen
11-15-2006, 1:15 AM
I know. HK's just misunderstood. Don't cry igyman. I was thinking of having him come save the day. Saving whom, I know but won't tell. I do this to kill Pottsie more. Hehehehe. Somebody out there doesn't like me :crybaby:. :lol:, Anyway I'm still aw...  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC]Heart of Deception
 Diego Varen
11-13-2006, 4:59 PM
Another good Chapter JM12. Looking foward to more. And that damn manuscript!...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Critic's 2 cents
 Diego Varen
11-14-2006, 3:33 AM
Hey mach, since we're approaching the Christmas season, you could review a lot more Fics. Say five for each one, just for Christmas? Just kidding, but it would be nice. And I've appreciated your reviews over the year....  [Read More]
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