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Diego Varen

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Page: 44 of 123
Posted in: Revan's poem
 Diego Varen
10-27-2006, 6:11 AM
Do you think you'll put this in the Archives?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Revan's poem
 Diego Varen
10-27-2006, 5:39 AM
Nice Poem. Text is a bit wierd but still....  [Read More]
Posted in: Amongst the Ruins Comicbook
 Diego Varen
10-26-2006, 3:00 PM
Who's Torthane? :rolleyes: A member here at LucasForums....  [Read More]
Posted in: Amongst the Ruins Comicbook
 Diego Varen
10-26-2006, 2:15 PM
Glad you made a Thread about the Comic version of Amongst the Ruins. Hope Niner sees this....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Young Jedi Exile
 Diego Varen
10-27-2006, 2:46 PM
Hey hey, nice two chapters. I liked the idea of Slobba being Force Sensitive. Also, i see you "stole" my idea of Hanharr having a "guild". Well, not that, you just "stole" the name. Unless you asked for my permission, be...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Young Jedi Exile
 Diego Varen
10-27-2006, 5:49 AM
Thanks Nihilus. I'll check it, before I put this in the Archive, once however many parts there will be. There will be five, but there is more to come, in this same Fic....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Young Jedi Exile
 Diego Varen
10-27-2006, 4:30 AM
This is the end of Part I. Sorry it is short, but the next Part is a lot longer. I'm also sorry if this Chapter is rushed too. Enjoy. I'll post the next Part, once I've finished it. Otherwise I'll answer some questions if you have any. Edit - Change...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Young Jedi Exile
 Diego Varen
10-27-2006, 4:22 AM
Chapter II - Offering Twelve years had passed since the events on the Iron Fist and both the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War had passed. The now exile of the Jedi, Sera Tana was sitting in an escape pod similar to the one she had been thrown...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Young Jedi Exile
 Diego Varen
10-27-2006, 4:19 AM
Nice written. I like this fic. It looks like it's in Phantom Menace. Is it from that movie? Read this Post below CSI. Thanks for the comments all the same. Thanks for the comments all. Sera is the one with short blonde hair on TSL. In the next Chap...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Young Jedi Exile
 Diego Varen
10-26-2006, 2:19 PM
Thanks for the comments all. Sera is the one with short blonde hair on TSL. In the next Chapters, returning to the present, she wears a Sith robe, but she still remains faithful to the Jedi. The beginning of this Fic, was inspired by the beginning of...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Young Jedi Exile
 Diego Varen
10-26-2006, 4:27 AM
Chapter I - First Assignment Aboard the Iron Fist, in the communications console room, the Neimoidian who had talked to the pilot of the Republic cruiser left the room. He decided to tell his master of what had happened. Opposite the communications r...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Young Jedi Exile
 Diego Varen
10-26-2006, 4:22 AM
Here it is, the Fic that I've been writing for several weeks. I've managed to write the first part of the Fic, which is below. It has three Chapters and the Prologue and in Microsoft Word, the three Chapters plus Prologue makes eleven pages. I will p...  [Read More]
Posted in: Party Companions?
 Diego Varen
10-26-2006, 3:00 AM
Pottsie, the choice should be up to you, not us. As Jae has pointed out several times, write for yourself. but, since you've given me a poll in which HK's name is there, you have forced me to vote for the droids :D You're right, but I was having bad...  [Read More]
Posted in: Party Companions?
 Diego Varen
10-25-2006, 1:24 PM
Say, wasn't the remote supposed to die on Malachor V or something? He does. The Remote dies, whether Light Side or Dark Side. LS: Remote dies along with Malachor V. DS: GO-TO destroys him. Edit: Damn, Sabre beat me too it....  [Read More]
Posted in: Pilots of the Rebel Alliance
 Diego Varen
10-25-2006, 2:14 PM
Jak ran to a spare X-Wing and followed his fellow mates into battle. He pulled his helmet down onto his face, hiding it. He made sure the red visor was down and he studied the enemy. "This is where the fun begins friends," He announced ove...  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC]Star Wars: CSI: Coruscant Episode 1
 Diego Varen
10-27-2006, 4:17 AM
I was beginning to wonder if you would ever return. Two good Chapters CSI. I'm looking foward to more....  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] Admiral Ancete
 Diego Varen
10-26-2006, 4:30 AM
Another good Chapter Sabre. Left on a cliff hangar too. Looking foward to the next Chapter....  [Read More]
Finally a Chapter. Well done Jason. I'm looking foward to more....  [Read More]
Like the banner. Another good one by Sabre. I might need him in the future. Anyway, I hope the next Chapter is up soon....  [Read More]
Posted in: KOTOR III: The True Sith Reckoning
 Diego Varen
10-25-2006, 2:23 PM
An unexpected Chapter. Weren't expecting that. This Fic is on the up and down. Another good Chapter mach....  [Read More]
Posted in: [Other]StarWars: Diddies
 Diego Varen
10-26-2006, 5:08 PM
Uh, Oh. I guess I'll need a new room at your Hotel Asylum Jae :rofl: Question: I've always wondered where Jae's Hotel Asylum is. It's all in our heads. :D --Jae...  [Read More]
Posted in: [Other]StarWars: Diddies
 Diego Varen
10-26-2006, 2:35 PM
Nice, I'd have to do some diddies. Another good diddie, JM12....  [Read More]
Posted in: [Other]StarWars: Diddies
 Diego Varen
10-25-2006, 4:12 PM
I Get Around was not the one I chose but I could see it as one. As for the Christmas don't want to be around me for my ideas with my fav carols are...unique. Maybe we can post our insane humour together when comes the time Pottsie. Wel...  [Read More]
Posted in: [Other]StarWars: Diddies
 Diego Varen
10-25-2006, 1:22 PM
I Get Around! The one song I know has been KOTOR-ised. Another good one JediMaster12. A bit off-topic, JediMaster12, but when it is Christmas, I might do some diddies of Christmas songs. Is that alright with you (In a new Thread of course). Looking f...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Critic's 2 cents
 Diego Varen
10-27-2006, 1:59 PM
Please don't stop reviewing mach. We all love them. Oh and happy anniversary....  [Read More]
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