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Diego Varen

Latest Posts

Page: 121 of 123
Posted in: [FIC] Star wars: Heart of the Guardian
 Diego Varen
02-10-2006, 1:22 PM
Nice. It is nice that there is a first person Story instead of a third person. Slightly confusing and it doesn't seem very Star Wars. Other than the Jedi Tergis Kradus, there doesn't seem like Star Wars. What Planet was JC born on and where does he l...  [Read More]
Posted in: Things We Don't Want in K3
 Diego Varen
02-10-2006, 1:43 PM
After thinking a bit more, here's what I don't want in KOTORIII: 1. Bad intro - KOTORIII should start off with a bang like KOTOR. After being on a Ship like the Endar Spire, then you should travel to Courscant to learn the ways of the Jedi. 2. Ever...  [Read More]
Posted in: Things We Don't Want in K3
 Diego Varen
02-09-2006, 1:55 PM
Things I don't want in KOTORIII: 1. Pre-Made heads - Most games now allow you to make your own heads (So why can't KOTOR?). Most of the heads from TSL weren't very good. One looked like Sam of Lord Of The Rings and one head had a good potrait, which...  [Read More]
Posted in: Things We Don't Want in K3
 Diego Varen
02-09-2006, 3:11 AM
1) A whole new cast of characters.. Um what would be the point in a role playing game if loose ends were never tied from the I and II? Also, K3 should be epic and what is more epic than fighting alongside your favorite characters from I and II that h...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Entertainment Centre Awards 2005!
 Diego Varen
02-05-2006, 9:46 AM
Best Character: John Skywalker Best Plot: Darth Sion: A Legacy Of Pain by DarthSion101 Best Plot Twist: ??? Most Original/Creative Fanfic: The Adventures Of John Skywalker by John Skywalker Most Addictive Fanfic: The Plight Of Darkness by ForceFightW...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Entertainment Centre Awards 2005!
 Diego Varen
02-03-2006, 1:16 PM
My top three favourite ones are (In no paticular order): The Adventures Of John Skywalker by John Skywalker Darth Sion: A Legacy Of Pain by DarthSion101 Mace Windu: Jedi Master Reborn by RC 1162...  [Read More]
I think that either Vandar, Kavar or Zhar should return, i don't think Jolee is dead. Honestly though, I doubt there will be any important role of force ghosts though. BTW why is Atris a choice, did she die, I thought she was still alive when I left...  [Read More]
In this thread, you can send in your views on which Jedi Masters you want to return as Force Ghosts in the next KOTOR. Even if Jedi like Jolee or Juhani aren't on the poll, you can still send a reply and say if you want them. You can also say which S...  [Read More]
Posted in: Who do you want to play as in KoTOR 3?
 Diego Varen
02-09-2006, 12:21 PM
I'm pretty sure that he died on Katarr as well JediMaster12. Otherwise he died on KOTOR if you were Dark Side....  [Read More]
Posted in: Who do you want to play as in KoTOR 3?
 Diego Varen
02-02-2006, 1:30 PM
I think that there should be a new character. This is because, Revan and the Exile will be too powerful to use and a new character would make KOTOR better. I think....  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC] The Mandalorian Apprentice
 Diego Varen
02-08-2006, 12:33 PM
I'm curious, why would the Republic put a bounty on Mandalorians? Probably because of the Mandalorian Wars. I mean, Goto put bounty on the Jedi and maybe someone has put a bounty on the Mandalorians. Anyway Reclaimer, so far, so good, keep them comi...  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] The Lost Tales of Revan
 Diego Varen
02-08-2006, 2:48 PM
History on Revan. This sounds good. Keep it up....  [Read More]
Posted in: dark side temptations
 Diego Varen
02-02-2006, 11:16 AM
It would be a great idea to join the Dark Side. If a Sith Master tempts you to join the Dark Side, then you become their apprentice. Then later, you can try to kill them, to become the Sith Lord....  [Read More]
How is that possible? I recognized Canderous' voice immediately, I can't believe you two didn't. Yeah, but I didn't bother looking in the TSL Manual to see if Canderous' voice was the same as Mandalore. In both games, he is voiced by John Cygan. Thi...  [Read More]
It took me several game plays to realize that Mandalore WAS Canderous! LOL Me too....  [Read More]
Least favorite would be Peragus, without a doubt. Not that I didn't like it, but it was such a huge part with all the different modules that I got tired of killing all those wimpy droids and running back and forth without any kind of interaction with...  [Read More]
Hey Maverick5770, welcome to LucasForums....  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars:The Geonosian War
 Diego Varen
01-25-2006, 3:01 PM
Quite short Chapter. Several spelling mistakes and the first sentence didn't make sense. Keep this up. Please check out, Jorran Corral - The Chronicles Of A Jedi....  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars:The Geonosian War
 Diego Varen
01-20-2006, 6:46 PM
This looks good so far. When you have the time, start writing Chapter 2....  [Read More]
Posted in: Darth Sion: A legacy of Pain.
 Diego Varen
02-09-2006, 10:57 AM
Your a Cop? That sounds good....  [Read More]
Posted in: Darth Sion: A legacy of Pain.
 Diego Varen
02-07-2006, 4:22 PM
DarthSion101 hasn't been on for ages. Or has he?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Where do you want to go in KotOR3?
 Diego Varen
02-08-2006, 1:10 PM
After thinking about what Planets should be in KOTORIII, I've thought: Returning Planets Kashyyyk - After finding Zaalbar on Alarus Prime, you see how Freyyer/Chunndar are doing as Chieftain. Czerka or the Wookiees could start a War to take back Ka...  [Read More]
Posted in: Where do you want to go in KotOR3?
 Diego Varen
02-08-2006, 1:55 AM
Beast-Thrasher if a secret Jedi Academy is on Hoth, do you think it would be Echo Base?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Being able to play as an alien
 Diego Varen
01-20-2006, 6:35 PM
I've just realised, how come an alien hasn't been a Sith Lord in KOTOR. The only ever Sith was Darth Maul, who I thought was great (Shame he was killed in Episode 1...), but maybe they could have a Zabrak, Twi'lek, Kel Dor or a Wookie. I also noticed...  [Read More]
Mine is basically the same as Revan Skywalker's, that you start off simply deciding the genders, looks, and alignments of Revan and the Exile. You then choose their names. Revan and the Exile's voices can be the same as KOTOR/TSL and your new charact...  [Read More]
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