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Diego Varen

Latest Posts

Page: 119 of 123
Posted in: Which Hero/Villain Do You Like Playing As?
 Diego Varen
03-02-2006, 2:15 AM
On Instant Action, which Hero/Villian Do You Like Playing As? For Republic: 1. Obi-Wan Kenobi 2. Mace Windu 3. Ki-Adi Mundi 4. Ayla Secura 5. Yoda For Confederacy: 1. Darth Maul 2. General Grevious For Rebel Alliance: 1. Luke Skywalker For Galact...  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC] A General's Grief
 Diego Varen
03-01-2006, 10:58 AM
Great duel between Obi-Wan and the Sith. I like it. Although you may want to make your Chapters longer. Keep posting....  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC] A General's Grief
 Diego Varen
02-28-2006, 4:34 PM
I suppose this is set before ANH. I like it so far....  [Read More]
Posted in: hero unlock value
 Diego Varen
02-27-2006, 2:12 PM
Does anyone know how this relates to the hero unlock rule? I can't understand the units. I had the hero unlock rule set to "timer", hero unlock team set to "both teams simultaneous", and the hero unlock value set to 10, but it was...  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC] KotOR the untold story
 Diego Varen
02-27-2006, 12:11 PM
A great first Chapter. Is Qui-Gon Kenobi like a grey Jedi, yet also like Obi-Wan? Is this set after the Mandalorian Wars, but before KOTOR? I like this. Keep posting....  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC] The Adventures of Jolee Bindo
 Diego Varen
03-01-2006, 1:21 AM
Great Chapter. I like how you described the training. I didn't think the Jedi had a shooting range. I liked it when Jolee said. "Actually, I think it improved Sitor’s appearance. Made him more distinguished looking" Can you space your P...  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC] The Adventures of Jolee Bindo
 Diego Varen
02-24-2006, 6:13 PM
An excellent start. Nice to see a Fanfic on Jolee. Just as funny as KOTOR. Keep posting and I'll keep reading/posting. Please check out any of my Fanfics. Please. Oh and Wookie is spelt Wookiee....  [Read More]
Posted in: (FAN FICTION) Revan's Bloodline
 Diego Varen
02-27-2006, 1:18 AM
Some links to KOTOR and AOTC. I'm sure that the Administrator wasn't weak-minded. Also when Ayro is talking to her, he says lines from AOTC. I like this, keep posting....  [Read More]
Posted in: (FAN FICTION) Revan's Bloodline
 Diego Varen
02-23-2006, 1:36 AM
Another great Chapter. I'm sure Ayro will be the next Chosen One....  [Read More]
Posted in: (FAN FICTION) Revan's Bloodline
 Diego Varen
02-22-2006, 1:15 AM
Another great Chapter. Keep posting....  [Read More]
Posted in: (FAN FICTION) Revan's Bloodline
 Diego Varen
02-21-2006, 10:46 AM
Revan II. It has a nice ring to it. He didn't make the same mistake as his Father luckily. I look forward to reading more....  [Read More]
Posted in: (FAN FICTION) Revan's Bloodline
 Diego Varen
02-21-2006, 1:34 AM
Two first great Chapters. I've never had a thought that Revan would have a kid. Looking foward to seeing more. Please check out any of my Fanfics. Oh and welcome to the forums....  [Read More]
Posted in: how to turn the handmaiden to the dark side
 Diego Varen
02-20-2006, 4:49 PM
First off this is in the wrong Forum. This should be in the Padawan's Lounge. Second, to not lose trust with the Handmaiden, you need to have more influence with her than Visas. Otherwise she will never talk to you for the rest of the game. Check ou...  [Read More]
Posted in: What Is Your Favourite Fanfic?
 Diego Varen
02-23-2006, 1:30 AM
Thanks JediMaster12. I'm looking foward to the Sequel of Heart Of The Guardian....  [Read More]
Posted in: What Is Your Favourite Fanfic?
 Diego Varen
02-21-2006, 2:56 AM
Hey Pottsie. My story is set 1,000 years after KOTOR II. Not 100 years after KOTOR :) Opps. Sorry RenegadeBore. I was tired. I'll edit my last post....  [Read More]
Posted in: What Is Your Favourite Fanfic?
 Diego Varen
02-20-2006, 4:38 PM
Reasons why I chose them. 1. The Plight Of Darkness by ForceFightWMe12 Set briefly after KOTOR and then after TSL, Revan, Carth, Bastila return to the help Elron, the Exile on their quest. It is well written and it is the most viewed Fanfic in Luca...  [Read More]
Good arrival to Telos. Keep posting....  [Read More]
Posted in: KOTOR III Wishlist
 Diego Varen
02-22-2006, 1:26 AM
My wish list is for Kotor III to be made. Isn't that what we all want?...  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC] Star wars: Heart of the Guardian
 Diego Varen
02-24-2006, 1:15 AM
An excellent first Chapter. Even better than the Heart Of The Guardian. J.C. reminds me of Anakin, when he has nightmares....  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC] Star wars: Heart of the Guardian
 Diego Varen
02-23-2006, 1:24 AM
An excellent final Chapter. It would be nice if the next book was a bit longer. That's what I'm doing with Darth Insurgo....  [Read More]
Posted in: Romance Options for Kotor 3
 Diego Varen
03-01-2006, 1:44 AM
Hey guys i'm new here. Anyways i still personally want Bastilas and Revans relationship to carry on and move forward. Welcome to the Forums, Jo-El. I also want Revan and Bastila's relationship to continue and maybe the Exile can romance with Atton o...  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] The crystal of life.
 Diego Varen
03-01-2006, 10:55 AM
A great Chapter. Will Jor-el and Linduu survive? I can't wait to find out....  [Read More]
Posted in: Where do you want to go in KotOR3?
 Diego Varen
03-02-2006, 12:28 AM
Could it be possible that the ancient Sith thought it necessary to destroy the surface of Naboo (no Gungans discovered yet please!) Actually I'm pretty sure that Gungans lived on Naboo before Humans did....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Critic's 2 cents
 Diego Varen
02-25-2006, 2:56 AM
Thanks machievelli. I think everyone makes mistakes. Otherwise we wouldn't be finished. Like JediMaster12 said, I might finish that as well....  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fanfic] The Plight of Darkness
 Diego Varen
02-26-2006, 6:33 AM
I hope the new chapter is coming soon because this story is great. I agree with you....  [Read More]
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