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Diego Varen

Latest Posts

Page: 120 of 123
Posted in: What Is Your Favourite Fanfic?
 Diego Varen
02-20-2006, 11:11 AM
My top ten Fanfics. 1. The Plight Of Darkness by ForceFightWMe12 2. Mace Windu: Jedi Master Reborn by RC 1162 3. The Adventures Of John Skywalker/Philosophy Of The Force by John Skywalker 4. Jaden Korr - Darth Qollous by Sabretooth 5. The Crystal Of...  [Read More]
Posted in: What Is Your Favourite Fanfic?
 Diego Varen
02-20-2006, 11:03 AM
This Thread is for saying your top ten favourtie Fanfics. If you can't think of ten, just put your five or six favourite Fanfics on. Rules: 1. If you are a writer at LucasForums, then you can't vote your own. 2. You can vote for finished or unfini...  [Read More]
Another great Chapter. Although it was called Chapter 5. Shouldn't it be Chapter 6? Or was it part 2 of Chapter 5? This is getting good. Keep posting....  [Read More]
Two great Chapters. The battle had great detail. I assume that we are in between KOTOR/TSL....  [Read More]
Great. Although: To my surprise, however, I found that diamonds, if properly placed, could equal a Force-sensitive crystal. Don't you mean Crystal? Master Zhar and Vandar survived. That makes sense now. Keep posting....  [Read More]
Getting good. Keep posting....  [Read More]
This looks good. An excellent way to start a Fanfic. Although I thought Master Zhar and Master Vandar died on Katarr. Although Master Vandar could die at the Battle Of The Star Forge. Keep posting....  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC]The Mysterious Killer
 Diego Varen
02-17-2006, 4:59 AM
Great start. Post more....  [Read More]
Posted in: story: Mira's Vision
 Diego Varen
02-14-2006, 9:09 AM
Welcome to the LucasForums, cdunshee. This looks like it is going to be great. Linking KOTOR and the Star Wars Saga is the perfect match. Keep posting....  [Read More]
Posted in: KOTOR III Wishlist
 Diego Varen
02-15-2006, 3:27 AM
What I want in KOTORIII. 1. New Planets - Except for maybe Telos, Onderon and Nar Shaddaa. New Planets I would like are Courscant, Deralia etc. 2. Hooded Robes - With a choice to have it up or down. 3. Better Customize - Be able to customize your...  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC] Star wars: Heart of the Guardian
 Diego Varen
02-18-2006, 4:22 PM
A bike? I didn't think they had bikes in Star Wars. This is good as always....  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC] Star wars: Heart of the Guardian
 Diego Varen
02-18-2006, 7:15 AM
A night school. You don't see that much in Star Wars. Great. Keep it up....  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC] Star wars: Heart of the Guardian
 Diego Varen
02-16-2006, 3:59 PM
Just to let you know JediMaster12, I might be writing yet another Fanfic. I might post it soon....  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC] Star wars: Heart of the Guardian
 Diego Varen
02-16-2006, 3:09 AM
Tergis reappearing as a Force Ghost. I did not see that coming. Keep posting....  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC] Star wars: Heart of the Guardian
 Diego Varen
02-15-2006, 2:37 PM
Great. When is the next Chapter coming?...  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC] Star wars: Heart of the Guardian
 Diego Varen
02-14-2006, 3:13 PM
It's great to see Master Kavar and Miss Lonna Vash. If there still alive, is this set before the Mandalorian Wars? Anyway, it is good and it seems easier to read. Maybe MdKnightR's advice has helped. Keep posting....  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC] Star wars: Heart of the Guardian
 Diego Varen
02-13-2006, 2:52 AM
If it is not too much trouble MdKnightR, could you check out my Fanfic, Darth Insurgo. See if anything is good about it. See if I need to improve on anything such as more detail, etc....  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC] Star wars: Heart of the Guardian
 Diego Varen
02-12-2006, 8:07 AM
Just one question JediMaster12. What time is this set around? In KOTOR, the Star Wars Saga or other?...  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC] Star wars: Heart of the Guardian
 Diego Varen
02-11-2006, 4:45 PM
This is getting somewhere now. However, stories don't really have both first person and third person. Personally I would stick to one, but it's up to you. It's your Fanfic. J.C. is a bit arrogant for a Jedi. Under the constant tutelage of Master Cro...  [Read More]
Posted in: Who do you want to play as in KoTOR 3?
 Diego Varen
02-12-2006, 4:52 AM
I said to be a new Character for a change. I don't want to be an ex-Sith Lord or be the Exile who just travelled around the Galaxy for ten years. I want a new Character for many reasons. Someone who isn't overall famous to KOTOR story. The new Charac...  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] The crystal of life.
 Diego Varen
02-15-2006, 10:10 AM
Great so far, when is the next Chapter coming. PS: Please check out any of my Fanfics....  [Read More]
Posted in: Where do you want to go in KotOR3?
 Diego Varen
02-14-2006, 2:46 PM
Good explanation igyman. Case closed. (Which is me) :wstupid:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Where do you want to go in KotOR3?
 Diego Varen
02-14-2006, 2:23 PM
Who would want to build another Star Forge - the Rakata surely wouldn't and couldn't - their technology isn't developed enough and most of the knowledge they once had was destroyed thousands of years ago along with their Infinite Empire. Hey, they s...  [Read More]
Posted in: Where do you want to go in KotOR3?
 Diego Varen
02-12-2006, 4:01 AM
@JediMaster12: I think he was refering to the Rakatan planet as the ''Star Forge system'', not the Star Forge itself. No actually I meant both the Star Forge System and a new half built Star Forge. Maybe once you've finished on the Planets, before y...  [Read More]
Posted in: Returning Characters
 Diego Varen
02-16-2006, 3:34 AM
As for the Masters are you refering to Vandar, Dorak and Zhar All three died on Katarr, unless if Vandar died on KOTOR...  [Read More]
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