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Posted in: What's your Wallpaper? (56k ouchies)
09-12-2005, 3:30 AM
This is how montnoir's desktop looks like: EDIT: Nope, link doesn't work, stay tuned and I'll update when I get it working, sorry for the inconvenience...  [Read More]
Posted in: Most powerful Sith Lord
09-22-2005, 7:33 AM
I think Darth Plagueis should definitely count. He could manipulate the midichlorians to create life and he could also prevent people from dying, in raw power, I think he would definitely take it. Strangling people from a distance is one thing but cr...  [Read More]
Posted in: What MMO are you playing?
12-15-2006, 5:40 AM
Never touched an MMO (maybe the reason they took out the rpg out of the mmorpg is because they finally realised there's no roleplaying in MMO's, just a thought). I got some 2 free weeks on Dungeons and Dragons Online with my NWN2 game. Maybe I shoul...  [Read More]
Pardon me... did someone say "I let Sand learn new spells from scrolls"?? I'm magic illiterate and only go forth with a party of hard hitting melee fighters. But for my next Wizard or Sorcerer playthrough I need to know what's what. One of...  [Read More]
Posted in: hard drive letters reset and changed
10-24-2006, 9:48 AM
Yes, that fixed everything! It also was easy, just as you said. The instructions were perfect and I am forever in your debt! A thing to add. The programs that I uninstalled through the Add/Remove Programs function (while the drive letters were wron...  [Read More]
Posted in: hard drive letters reset and changed
10-23-2006, 6:17 AM
Hello, everyone. I have posted this exact same message in the kotor technical forum, I apologise for that, I was in a rush to post my cry for help, before I found this forum which feels more appropriate as my problem isn't neccessary with kotor but w...  [Read More]
Posted in: This has gone too far...
09-30-2005, 4:43 AM
I can see where wher your coming from, but i want to know what happens to the exile and revan, they left us at a cliff hanger, they kinda have to make it I really couldn't care less about the exile and revan. They have already served their purpose. I...  [Read More]
Posted in: reintroducing Revan as PC in a KIII.
10-01-2005, 4:26 PM
...they stopped inviting me to play. I would have shown you the door after an hour or so into the second session. ... stoppable you are not! :yodac: Bwaaaahahahaaaha! This use of english must be weird even for Yoda. Is it even... legal?...  [Read More]
Posted in: reintroducing Revan as PC in a KIII.
09-28-2005, 11:13 AM
Let me get this straight... you want the story for Kotor 3 to be: Revan loses his memory and his powers and his lightsaber and slowly he regains them and either saves the galaxy or conquers it. and let me guess, you want the story for Kotor 4 to...  [Read More]
Posted in: KOTOR III: What You Crave! :)
09-30-2005, 9:08 AM
I'd like for my character to not HAVE to become a freaking jedi if I don't want him/her to do so. That'd aces 'n stuff. As RedHawke once pointed out, the game's name is: *Knights* of the Old Republic and NOT The Average Shmoes of the Old R...  [Read More]
Posted in: Realism in KOTOR 3
09-01-2005, 7:05 PM
Play 3-4 hours a week and an AD&D adventure would take you and your friends everything from a month to a year to complete and you have a game master who won't let your character die if you botch a roll (unless you are a beyond-hardcore roleplayer...  [Read More]
Posted in: Realism in KOTOR 3
09-01-2005, 11:19 AM
I would like to see a better, more realistic way to handle encumbrance. Ever since I started playing KOTOR, I thought it was rediculous that you were able to carry every last thing that you collected since the beginning of the game. This unrealistic...  [Read More]
Posted in: Light or Dark
08-30-2005, 4:54 AM
I have played both games as light and dark and I have come to the same conclusion for both. The conclusion is the same as nas77, namely: I would like to play DS more, but I think DS is flawed from a storyline point of view - I don't think a Sith wou...  [Read More]
Posted in: What do you NOT want in KOTOR III?
09-16-2005, 6:12 AM
Things I DONT want: ... All the "The Jedi are dying" crap. This annoyed me greatly in TSL. What made K1 so cool was that, the jedi were at their prime, they had a working organisation and they were MANY! You could talk to many different Jed...  [Read More]
Posted in: What do you NOT want in KOTOR III?
09-03-2005, 4:15 AM
What????? Are you crazy? The story is unfinished. I want to know what happened to Revan and what happened with the true sith. Leaving the story like this is like saying..."Oh, you know Bob? Something happened to him." I don't have a problem...  [Read More]
Posted in: What do you NOT want in KOTOR III?
09-03-2005, 3:57 AM
The Old Republic I will presume you are sarcastic, because you might as well suggest they should skip lightsabers, spaceships, aliens, action and the roleplaying in the game....  [Read More]
Posted in: What do you NOT want in KOTOR III?
09-01-2005, 7:37 PM
Personally I think G0T0 is the only interesting character in TSL and the only one with a backstory. As for the continuation of Revan's and Exile's story. I would rather not. Revan's past is a mysterious one and gives him flair. His future is uncerta...  [Read More]
jeez, why is everybody getting so uptight about this?? i'm sure they'd do something logical with it to ensure things turn out okay. does that mean i'm for the idea? well, i don't really care since i have no plans on ever getting into SWG. so for me,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Characters in KotOR III.
09-04-2005, 5:22 AM
Gammorreans as a species aren't intelligent - EVER and most certainly not intellectual....  [Read More]
Posted in: Characters in KotOR III.
08-12-2005, 4:23 PM
"Outlander" story line, they did a great job with making the Tusken Jedi A'Sharad. A'Sharad Hett never worked for me. Neither did the Tusken Enclave in Kotor 1. The developers of both storylines tried their best to offer a new strange and a...  [Read More]
Posted in: All About The Exile and Revan
08-28-2005, 3:28 PM
It's more likely that Kreia was right - she said Revan was born beyond the Outer Rim. Kreia is also a manipulative b*tch and is also known to never ever tell the truth. I think she was raised on Coruscant, and then went to Dantooine when she achie...  [Read More]
Posted in: All About The Exile and Revan
08-28-2005, 3:23 PM
he might even be a true sith Haa-ha! Funniest today!...  [Read More]
Posted in: What you'd like in KOTOR III..
09-20-2005, 5:42 AM
You do realise we are talking about a game titled Knights of the Old Republic right? Not Bounty Hunters of the Old Republic! You might be on to something there, Red....  [Read More]
Posted in: What you'd like in KOTOR III..
09-16-2005, 8:09 AM
Kotor isn't a hack and slash game. Hack and slash would be Diablo, Dungeon Siege, Drakan, Jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy and others. At the same time kotor isn't micro-management hell either. And some of the stuff you describe here above is more PnP RP...  [Read More]
I picked up a copy of Dark Lord in AudioBook format (because it was cheaper and because I'm not interested in hardbacks; will wait for softcover) and have a little problem with the time periods. They go from Order 66 to Imperial Regional Governors...  [Read More]
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