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Posted in: List your Computer Specs - Now and Then
06-04-2001, 7:27 PM
The G3 will definitly be worth it in a year. as games will be using the new tech it supports that the g2s don't.. Thats why I am putting off upgrading a year. I can live with 500mhz and a s**t card for a year to get a better preformance in jk2....  [Read More]
Posted in: List your Computer Specs - Now and Then
06-03-2001, 8:02 PM
When I first played jk p2 266 64mb ati rage II wif orchid rigchous(sp) now: ath 500, 128mb, v3. this time next year when I upgrade hopefully 2Ghz(hopes), 512mb atleast. g4 if g5s are coming out soon, or atleast a g3.. I was going to do step upgrades...  [Read More]
Posted in: Newbian, we've got lotsa dat!
06-07-2001, 10:53 AM
you need a mouse to.. keyb alone isnt enough! but mouse + keyb = the only controllers needed for FPS..I used to play with a stick.. completed JK sp with one... but then playing with a mouse went back and did it 2* as quick and found all the secrets,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Newbian, we've got lotsa dat!
06-07-2001, 5:31 AM
red_x, think of the keyboard as a 105 button joy pad, and most of us play like it.. Gonk droid.. I can do all of that using my keyb.. its just a matter of people dumping default cfgs....  [Read More]
Posted in: Newbian, we've got lotsa dat!
06-05-2001, 10:57 AM
"I always like to avoid humiliating newbies in a game. "Instead I like to play around with them without killing them constantly. I'll sneak up behind them and shoot at their feet and run away to see if they can catch me, or I'll try to kil...  [Read More]
Posted in: Newbian, we've got lotsa dat!
06-04-2001, 8:26 AM
Isn't ji for newbies, jedi infancy or something :D CO is really a very small and simple map.. T4 from q3 also.. which was (until they removed underfloor damage) quite good for torunies.. small maps just end up as the good 1 v 1 maps.. btw what pa...  [Read More]
Posted in: Newbian, we've got lotsa dat!
06-03-2001, 7:56 PM
Well thinking long term here, JK was pretty tough for new players to get into. true we will all be new players, growing up a newbie and learning the game when there are plenty of people around at similar levels as most of us will, will be fun.. its w...  [Read More]
Posted in: Newbian, we've got lotsa dat!
06-03-2001, 3:17 PM
I think he mainly meant mp.. SP fps are always going to be piss easy :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Newbian, we've got lotsa dat!
06-03-2001, 3:07 PM
The learning curve for online games really never stops. JK has been developing for 4 years. JKs tho is steep. a few extra tricks = a ton of extra kills. This is fun for people who like to learn games and find games dull when mastered. But for the av...  [Read More]
Posted in: Concussion Rifle
06-03-2001, 7:31 AM
its doubtable that JK2 will have the same game speed as q3. It could still have force speed.. but I would guess it will be lower. q3s rls always felt wussy tho. as long as its nothing like that....  [Read More]
Posted in: Concussion Rifle
06-03-2001, 8:11 PM
The secondary fire was useless due to lag. (tho Ive got a few kills with it, its mostly luck) The conkys problem was from the fact jk was half ff half nf. if they lower the player speeds, so a jedi isnt so fast, then the conky could be balanced for...  [Read More]
Posted in: Concussion Rifle
06-03-2001, 3:16 PM
I wouldnt mind the conky to be like jks cept with the primary pushing more, and hurting a lot less. so you can use it to blow people about. I would rather see the rail launcher as the main RL weapon. assuming that jos speeds are going to be much lowe...  [Read More]
Posted in: Concussion Rifle
06-02-2001, 9:47 PM
A good sabre duel in jk doesnt exist :p people sabring in a guns match deserve to die :) but that can be annoying yes. but its hard to stop really.....  [Read More]
Posted in: Counter-strike?
06-07-2001, 7:23 PM
CS missions were too linear. Imp v rebels are a must. but blow x up, v stop blowing y up.. thats soo dull. I prefer CTF and domination, thats what I want to see. something thats non linear. CS also doesn't imho play to well on open servers, its just...  [Read More]
DF3 :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Raven, please don't forget the G0nks!
06-07-2001, 4:12 PM
Mouse Droids!...  [Read More]
Posted in: How old ARe you thread
06-05-2001, 8:06 PM
19, 20 on the first of july. bout to sit a bunch of annoying degree papers :(...  [Read More]
Posted in: Console commands
06-06-2001, 8:07 AM
force player models helps preformance.. sides you have to play as that large loud character as well.. And if its not switched on, everyone plays as tiny ickle people which are hard to see. which is clearly cheating damn it! go back to quake.. where p...  [Read More]
Posted in: Console commands
06-05-2001, 11:05 AM
uck Fov changes you cheating whore (/me quickly alters cfg ;))...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ideas for 'Easter Eggs', and secret areas in JO :)
06-05-2001, 11:07 AM
/me hopes finding secrets doesnt give you stars.. that really was st00pid for jk....  [Read More]
No its not all about controlling bacta and vest. there is aim and movement skills... but you play someone who is controlling bacta and vest.. you got 100, 100, v 200, 250 effectivly. you need to get over 2 times the hits in.. sure if your MUCH better...  [Read More]
I learn after each match I play. hell I learnt to control Items, its usually the last skill you learn. My aims improving (I stopped playing jk, due to technical trouble, and picked up q3.. my jk aim went to pot) All FPS DM games like q3 etc have a hi...  [Read More]
random respawns would be detrimental to item control one of the main skills in jk. I personally have an absolutly rubish aim. But I can beat some people who easily out shoot me, even out grip me, by controlling items better. I love jks 2 methods of...  [Read More]
I would like Bryar- much more powerful.. but slower ROTF sabre blocked mid-long range ST- med rotf, close combat weapon can be blocked sniper blaster, can be blocked. bowcaster mid-short range blaster blasters all do a ton of damage. more then any o...  [Read More]
Posted in: Official "Hello, I'm new" Thread
06-03-2001, 8:18 PM
/me waves to new people....  [Read More]
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