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Posted in: A barrel O' monkeys
06-27-2001, 12:22 PM
well atleast I will still have a perfect os for free....  [Read More]
Posted in: A barrel O' monkeys
06-27-2001, 12:48 AM
if whilst doing so they accidently burn a cd containing the code for a perfect os, ignore it and send it to me....  [Read More]
Posted in: cool JK1 players...
06-21-2001, 10:32 AM
Ahh Ive finished my exams.. which means my poots escaped the dark recesses of my cuboard.. and I can play again.. w00p! just a thought.. spork = graple = all that hard work jeff put in to stop us getting to places wif fractional fps going to waste....  [Read More]
Posted in: cool JK1 players...
06-18-2001, 1:57 PM
has this place got a irc channel anywhere? I thought had one.. but I never found it.. (well I didnt look too hard) that would be the easiest way to find it.. and drazen is no force <sulk> :) caridia, FF!!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Poll: Development time...
06-16-2001, 10:14 AM
well alot of the modifications they wanted to do to the engine are prolly already done.. which should cut out a lot of the dev time (hell a game with a new engine can be done in 2 years.. they got the base already there) if they have that video done...  [Read More]
Posted in: JKII Endings
06-27-2001, 9:57 PM
chewie 4 ever!! I wanna play as chewie!!...  [Read More]
Posted in: JKII Endings
06-27-2001, 5:14 PM
wouldnt really be a twist tho if we suggested it and know its going to happen ^^...  [Read More]
Posted in: JKII Endings
06-27-2001, 4:40 PM
Yeah I enjoyed Boam.. although he managed to escape vaders grip.. kyles good but that good :) also a large mechanised rancor o_O and yeah there were some books.. but I wanna game dagnamit :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: JKII Endings
06-27-2001, 12:15 PM
ugg who would want to play as farm boy.. I want kyle to die, and Dark Forces 3 to be released set before df1 (some st00pid tacky name like Dark Force Rising would be good :)) where Kyle plays as a bad arse imperial commando, but eventually tells the...  [Read More]
Posted in: Katarn looks kinda wussy...
06-27-2001, 12:02 AM
its a simple relation ship as time progresses kyle looks more of a wuss. Df, mercanry tough kyle, JK he is wearing a blouse! MotS.. ermm well mots.....  [Read More]
SWG is a MMORPG its hardly a strategy game.. Comparing to rebeliion is just.. Wrong. Go read that game looks great.. the only thing that really really really puts me off is paying Ј10 a month! [ June 27, 2001: Message edited...  [Read More]
Hey Everyone what are you looking forward too more, Episode 2 or Episode 3!?!!...  [Read More]
Posted in: hmm,q3 engine
06-23-2001, 9:10 AM
I think whats being said is that alot of their engine inhancements were done for sof2, so dont need doing for jk2....  [Read More]
Posted in: Zone sux ... better idea for MP ...
06-27-2001, 11:59 AM
if your idea of fun is having all your ideas picked to peices, then let the good times role!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Zone sux ... better idea for MP ...
06-26-2001, 10:39 AM
"the zone isnt as bad as you dorks make it out to be... yes the zone has its downs but all in all its not a bad place and you arent LIMITED to 4 PLAYERS on the zone.. at least not in all games... in ZoneLAN/IPX i think its up to 8 players and th...  [Read More]
Posted in: Zone sux ... better idea for MP ...
06-23-2001, 12:11 PM
build in a search engine to find where people are. that would be great....  [Read More]
Posted in: Zone sux ... better idea for MP ...
06-23-2001, 12:41 AM
I really cant see them taking the Q3 engine, ripping out the netcode and bunging in new l337 server client code.. so I think dedicated are a must.. We are just going to have to all use irc....  [Read More]
"Let's not forget that their are hundreds of singleplayer addon missions that editors have made, for many games" Each taking a year to make :) Sp is a good thing tho. JKs was good.. and I did play it through several times.. but mp is more...  [Read More]
Multi.. I wanna game to last more then 3 days (which is how long jks sp lasted (good 3 days tho)) and poot ais so dull to play against.....  [Read More]
Posted in: Multiplayer !*?
06-22-2001, 11:44 PM
I cant see em coming up with anything really new 'n' unique.. but then gameplay modes that are fun and new are quite hard to make.....  [Read More]
IMHO the min on the box will be a 700-800Mhz I would also imagine a 12-16mb accelerator.. I doubt it will stipulate for a 32mb. ram.. well atm most games have 64mb.. and have had for a while.....  [Read More]
Posted in: Weapons Debate: Heavy Weapons
06-18-2001, 2:08 PM
my $.02 JK had ff and nf, IMHO this lead to a problem. in FF the Conky is perfect, as are mines (need brains to use) and the rail. in NF, people played oasis.. big open, and relativly slow v, so the conky owned.. in more tight spots I always use a r...  [Read More]
"well i see it as.. if you have to time the items to win you suck.." Well if your playing another person who is timing if you dont your screwed decent players always control items. its another part of the game, control or die. when 2 playe...  [Read More]
I dont mind changing the spawns depending on player numbers. FFA play is different to 1 on 1s.....  [Read More]
you wont prolly have fists.. as you will have a sabre....  [Read More]
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