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Need help with 2da file

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07-27-2006, 8:45 PM
ok here is my situation. i am trying to make 2 files into 1, i have a converter 2da files thingy but i tryed it an it didn't work, can ne one help meh out with this?
 Emperor Devon
07-27-2006, 8:55 PM
You don't have to bother with a 2da converter. Just open up the file you want and paste the rows in, renumbering them when neccessary.
07-27-2006, 10:08 PM
i don't really know what u mean by renumbering them, an if i did i wouldn't be able to know which ones to renumber

can u give me some help possible
07-28-2006, 3:14 AM
Which two 2.da's and for which mods?

I have done several mergings before and I may have already done it.. or could do it rather quickly (depending on what needs to be done) :)
07-28-2006, 5:59 PM
its for appernace.2da i wanna merge the one i got already an merg the one i want with it.

its like this

One i have already>Sith Armada>Enhanced Juhanie (Tougher Juhani)>StormTrooper_Replacement for Sith Trooper=The New Apperance.2da

i hope this isn't too tough
07-29-2006, 7:37 AM
Is the Enhanced Juhani mod this one? It doesn't have an appearance.2da.

TheJediExile's Improved Juhani:;66521)

If it's some other mod, I'll need to get a copy of it (or the .2da file).. I couldn't find such a mod in my own archives :giveup:

If the above mod IS the one you're talking about... then this file should be what you need :)
07-29-2006, 7:59 PM
Which two 2.da's and for which mods?

I have done several mergings before and I may have already done it.. or could do it rather quickly (depending on what needs to be done) :)


Yes, I do remember when USM came out and you changed your name from ChAinZ to ChAinZ.2da....

07-29-2006, 9:50 PM
You don't have to bother with a 2da converter. Just open up the file you want and paste the rows in, renumbering them when neccessary.
Just as a warning for the future, you should be careful when doing this as some .uti files and probably other files point to the row numbers in various .2da files and if you simply change the number in the .2da file you could end up with some undesired results.
07-30-2006, 7:54 AM
Just as a warning for the future, you should be careful when doing this as some .uti files and probably other files point to the row numbers in various .2da files and if you simply change the number in the .2da file you could end up with some undesired results.
VERY good point mav :D

Luckily with this particular merging, there wasn't this issue, but it is indeed great advice for people to keep in mind. Especially if you're mucking around with items that use a disguise feature (appearance.2da) or activates a spell function (spells.2da and/or baseitems.2da) ;)

Yes, I do remember when USM came out and you changed your name from ChAinZ to ChAinZ.2da.... hehehe.. yah between mine and Darkkender's constant mergings.. I think we've seen enough .2da's to choke a dinosaur :lol:

Thank goodness for stoffe's tools. They've at least given me a little bit of my sanity back.. :nut: hehehe
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