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Posted in: Messed up my dialog.tlk :(
07-12-2007, 3:55 PM
I think that's one of the files we are not allowed to share on this forum. One thing I can think of would be to backup your saves, modules, and override folders, along with anything else you've edited, and reinstall your game. I do think, however,...  [Read More]
Go ahead and send me an email anytime you need my personal help, but remember, sometimes others have your questions and you can help them by getting an answer publicly. To fix Mendah, I used KotOR tool to check which feats he had and which he needed...  [Read More]
OK, I'm going to send you a fixed version of your savegame where Mendah has a portrait. The only thing is, you'll need to readd the armband to your inventory and reequip it, because this will overwrite your current save. _EW_...  [Read More]
Hmm... I'll try to, but I only have about 10 or 15 minutes till I have to go. So, let me work for a bit. It looks to me like there is already one, but it's not working for some reason... I think it's because there's no portraits.2da. _EW_...  [Read More]
That's it. Tell me how it goes. _EW_...  [Read More]
Ok, I sent it back. It's an armband. Go ahead and put the file yoda596.uti into your override. Start up a game, cheat and use giveitem yoda596 then equip it. I made it so you couldn't use heavy weapons or rifles though, because they were huge compare...  [Read More]
OK, I'm going to try the armband route. Let me have some time with it, and then I'll post with my success/failure. _EW_...  [Read More]
Mmkay. To me, it seems that when Achilles made this mod, he didn't include the right feats for Mendah - the basic ones that allow him to wield weapons. Now, I can try to fix it two ways: either I can change the *.utc, which would cause you to have to...  [Read More]
First of all, this isn't a chat room. I needed to step away for a bit, and one of the rules here is no bumping. Don't worry, I don't have to leave for another hour, and if I do, there are others here who are way more qualified to help you than me. I...  [Read More]
Yeah, I understand. If it happens again, which it might, we can move our conversation to PMs. For now, let's continue. You say you have the short saber and it also does not work? Try reverting to an earlier savegame and reinstalling the mod. If th...  [Read More]
It doesnt say the prerequisites I need,Yes I tried that and it didnt work Do you have Mendah's special short saber? Does that work? _EW_...  [Read More]
I see, that's better. What prerequisite does it say you need? And have you tried unequipping everything, then trying it? And have you tried different weapons? Lightsaber, Blaster, Melee, etc. _EW_...  [Read More]
You need to be a bit more detailed. Can you equip armor / gloves, etc? When you try to equip him with things, what happens? Does the game crash? Does it equip the item and then the item is invisible? Does it not let you equip anything because they'r...  [Read More]
Can anybody help me with this? Do you have any more details? Do you have other mods installed? Do you mean that you cannot equip him at all - no weapons, no armor, no nothing? What happens when you try? And lastly, Welcome to Holowan. _EW_ Wow, fi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Is there a mod available to unlock Ahto City?
07-12-2007, 1:08 PM
Hmmm... let me try to mess with it. Do you have a savegame from right after you got exiled? If so, I can check how that save's globals differ from my save at the same location. Then, we can try to change those globals until we find a combo that allow...  [Read More]
Posted in: Is there a mod available to unlock Ahto City?
07-12-2007, 12:06 PM
Well, I haven't really looked, but I would have to assume that it's a global that can be turned on and off using KSE. I'll check... Ok, from what I can see, if you go into your savegame's globals in KSE, in the booleans tab, you should be able to do...  [Read More]
Posted in: [TSL} invulerabilty?
07-12-2007, 12:03 PM
Is the 'minimum 1 hp' option in KSE the same as the ingame invulnerability effect? If so, you could turn it off from there. Those are different. The invulnerability changes it so you take no damage, while the Min 1 HP just is used for battles with p...  [Read More]
Posted in: [WIP] Sith Archaeologists
07-12-2007, 12:15 PM
That looks like it's coming along well. Keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to playing this. _EW_...  [Read More]
Posted in: Smoking Banned in England
07-07-2007, 10:58 PM
Yes we are, but our parents still have control over us in those years, and they have the ability to stop their teen from smoking. While that might work for you or me, those that have one parent or parents, who might be not around because they're w...  [Read More]
Posted in: Smoking Banned in England
07-02-2007, 11:33 AM
I'd say probably 99% of my friends are smokers, and never has their smoking tried to convert me to be a smoker. Honestly, I find it very hard to believe that second-hand smoke is really SO DANGEROUS that it will KILL YOU if you are exposed to it. I'm...  [Read More]
Posted in: Smoking Banned in England
07-01-2007, 10:28 PM
I find it amazing how so many people can disregard the minority in this case so openly. "Well since I don't smoke, I'm all for the ban!" If the government banned something else a minority of people do, such as practice a particular religion...  [Read More]
Posted in: How many people are having fun here?
05-31-2007, 12:08 AM
I'm always having fun here. At least when I'm reading Achilles' posts. :) Agreed. I'm a fairly well read person, and most times I read/hear about Kavar's current event discussions before they are posted. I pretty rarely post my opinions, because e...  [Read More]
Posted in: PCGameMods
05-19-2007, 6:13 PM
I was just wondering if PCGameMods is down again because some of the mods I am trying to download are from there and I keep getting a 403 error forbidden See here: Sorry, but I'm th...  [Read More]
i need a few mod's lol ~snip~ Sith Armada ~snip~ lol i think some of these are older but ive read bout them and WANT!!! em lol thanx in advance ~*Catchy Name*~ *Catchy Name*, if you have not found it yet, I still have my original copy of Darth Str...  [Read More]
I really would love to get my hands on Taina's replacer but the direct link didn't work, so if someone could host it somewhere else or e-mail it to me I would be very grateful. Quite! I also do not have a copy, and I as well would like to be able to...  [Read More]
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