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Posted in: Getting to know each other
05-14-2008, 6:46 AM
EW: 4 years? Then why wait so long before rambling in kavars? :xp: Well, for a while Kavar's didn't exist... but I only post about things I actually have convictions about. Some of the topics in Kavar's don't really stand out. :D _EW_...  [Read More]
I love it when real actors are in games! Although Lucasarts has had some nice voice actors, such as the voice of Carth Onasi on KOTOR, who was also Scorch on Commando. Or Jennifer Hale being Fem. Jaden Korr, Bastila, and Fem. Cmdr Shepard. _EW_...  [Read More]
Posted in: Help on a Recruitment Mod
05-19-2008, 10:52 PM
I just can't figure out what the problem is. I've fixed a bunch of things, and yet there is still some unknown problem that I can't find. _EW_...  [Read More]
Posted in: Help on a Recruitment Mod
05-19-2008, 10:24 PM
Are you sure your coordinates are correct? I've eliminated all of the bugs I see - but it's possible that one of the script functions I used could have been the wrong syntax. I might need someone like stoffe or TK to come check it out. Compile thi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Help on a Recruitment Mod
05-19-2008, 9:50 PM
You can add it to the module when he first enters I suppose. Unless you think its better talking me through it. Ok, this should work. Create a new *.utc with another tag... such as jm_zaen. then use this: void main() { if (!GetIsObjectValid(GetObje...  [Read More]
Posted in: Help on a Recruitment Mod
05-19-2008, 9:43 PM
Got sidetracked. R/L sucks sometimes. Would you like me to add it to the module itself, so that way it spawns him when you first come to the area? Or would you rather I talked you through it? _EW_ Woah! I just saw something! You need two *.utc f...  [Read More]
Posted in: Help on a Recruitment Mod
05-19-2008, 8:26 PM
Hmm, a saved game? Yeah, here's a link to it (its right after your first dream sequence on Dantooine, before the Jedi training)... And as for Nemo's dialog, no there's no specific reason. I just put it there b/...  [Read More]
Posted in: Help on a Recruitment Mod
05-19-2008, 8:12 PM
Ok, I'm looking at it now. Do you have an easy save that I could have to test with? _EW_ And are you sure that you want the character to spawn off of Nemo's dialog? Is there any specific reason for it?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Help on a Recruitment Mod
05-19-2008, 7:21 PM
It might be a problem with the dialog, too. I'll give it a look-see. Post your updated script, if you would. _EW_ I think the problem might be the fact that you have a script run in the middle of the dialog. I remember when I used to mod K1 I alw...  [Read More]
Posted in: Help on a Recruitment Mod
05-18-2008, 10:08 PM
You need a save game that has never loaded the module script that you edited. It will only run the onEnter script one time. _EW_...  [Read More]
Posted in: Help on a Recruitment Mod
05-18-2008, 1:02 PM
Yeah, that's not the problem. The major thing I see is the tag. You still have the tag set to T3M4 instead of p_zaen. And not only that, in your script, you reference the resref "p_zaenbenax" which is your filename, and not the actual re...  [Read More]
Posted in: Quick Scripting Questions
05-25-2008, 3:42 PM
If nwnnsscomp doesn't show any errors, it means your script is error free. However, it doesn't always do the thing you want it to, due to other mistakes, such as putting in the wrong resref or npc name, perhaps. So the best thing to do is just thro...  [Read More]
Posted in: Custom Titles...
05-18-2008, 12:32 PM
Its quality, not the quantity that matters, I'm rather disapointed by the fact I've posted so much! 900 Posts! EW is 300 behind me and joined 2 years earlier; this to my book means his post quality is better than mine :) Well thank you very much Jon...  [Read More]
Posted in: Custom Titles...
05-16-2008, 12:32 PM
How do you change your rank from senior member to <insert custom title here>? I know people like Danyal27 who have the 'Senior Member' rank and when I reach 1000 posts,(which I'm going to reach soon at the posing rate I'm going), I'm going to...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Area Kit
05-18-2008, 4:11 PM
Given that I'm ~6000 words in, I'm not sure it's worth the job-duplication. DI: How close to being finished do you think you are? Can we expect this to come out soon? _EW_...  [Read More]
Posted in: Daviks Estate
05-14-2008, 5:17 PM
is should be in ERF but i cant find it It is. Try ERFs/TexturePacks/swpc_tex_tpa.erf/L and then anything with the file prefix LTS_. But there are like 50 textures there, so good luck finding the one you want. :) Hope this Helps. _EW_...  [Read More]
Posted in: First Armor Reskin
05-14-2008, 4:23 PM
(Bad english ;s) Don't worry about your english. It's perfectly fine. A lot of members around here don't speak English as their first language.... Anyway, about your skin. It looks good, for your first. But don't worry about releasing anything j...  [Read More]
Posted in: Gold sellers - ugh.
05-18-2008, 1:57 PM
If someone wants to sell their high end account, quit playing wow and make a profit; let them. In no way does it intervene with your own character/game. Quite right :) I agree wholeheartedly. I don't know why there are restrictions against that and...  [Read More]
Posted in: Gold sellers - ugh.
05-18-2008, 12:32 PM
EW: :headbump obviously that's what I meant It happens :D _EW_...  [Read More]
Posted in: Gold sellers - ugh.
05-14-2008, 9:30 PM
Where there is suply, there will be demand, even though most people don't like it. I think it's more like where there's demand there will be supply. Yeah, I used to play SWG for a while before the whole Sony-Suicide thing. I still can't believe the...  [Read More]
Posted in: K1 and 2 Characters in my K3 idea
05-18-2008, 1:40 PM
I was thinking about having people woven into the story line throughout the K3 adventure. Just remember these are people that are going to be in the conflict and most likely won't be your companions but possibly could for a few of them. So far I was...  [Read More]
Posted in: [WIP] New Character, Replaces GOTO
05-12-2008, 8:39 PM
Here is HK-52 (please someone re-upload the image for all people who can't see iimageshack) Umm... why didn't you just upload it with a different site to begin with then? _EW_...  [Read More]
Seriously? Good necromancy. _EW_...  [Read More]
Posted in: US National Primaries
05-14-2008, 9:27 PM
With either one winning the primary it's going to hurt the winner. If Obama wins then he has disenfranchised the voters of FL and MI. If Clinton wins(by including FL and MI) she cheated the election by using delegates that were not supposed to be use...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
05-28-2008, 9:31 PM
:rofl: SADD: are they really that unhappy? That's freaking hilarious. _EW_...  [Read More]
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