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Posted in: regeneration?
06-09-2004, 8:31 PM
Originally posted by Achillies Have you thought about making a custom item with a feat use limitation of Force Sensitive? You can also add additonal regen to items by adding more than one entry in the item property list. I hope that this helps. ye...  [Read More]
Posted in: regeneration?
06-08-2004, 9:53 PM
i haven't been here in awhile, nice to see all the new faces, and the progress with the model files, but this might get windy, so i'm going to get right to the point: i was messing around with creating an animalistic type of character for kotor, mea...  [Read More]
i hit max level on korriban (last planet) by doing every sidequest possible. i've beaten this game more times than i'd like to know, but i think the most xp i ever remembered at the end was like 270,000....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Rip-Off Larrim Mod
04-01-2004, 3:38 AM
the only thing i can think of is what other mods are you using? there might be something that is counter-acting my mod. i don't know, it works fine on my computer, and it works on other peoples' too. if it still doesn't work, let me know exactly wha...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Rip-Off Larrim Mod
03-31-2004, 6:48 PM
you have to start a new game....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Rip-Off Larrim Mod
03-30-2004, 5:28 AM
Just created this, and uploaded it to my site beware, it's geocities, and will die if too many people download in one day. This mod does two things: 1. It makes Larrim, the shop owner you meet right outside your apartme...  [Read More]
Posted in: 5 new lightsabers, completed
03-29-2004, 4:30 AM
that's not really how crystals work. actually, crystals don't do anything. the lightsabers themselves carry the upgrade properties for when you put the crystals in. if someone wants to put the lightsabers in-game somewhere go for it. i was personal...  [Read More]
Posted in: 5 new lightsabers, completed
03-29-2004, 3:00 AM
okay, i was bored, so i quickly whipped up five semi-elemental lightsabers. they're not all elemental, but i was trying to create sabers that all work on a theme, so here they are: Fire Saber (red blade) +5 Fire damage On Hit- Fear, DC 14 +5 Attack...  [Read More]
Posted in: Use of force choke on non hostile npcs
03-31-2004, 2:58 AM
yeah, i hoped it wouldn't be a complicated manuver, i'm glad it was easy. send them along to and thanks again....  [Read More]
Posted in: Use of force choke on non hostile npcs
03-30-2004, 5:17 PM
okay darth, i have a few small requests that i hope you could do for me. i'd do them myself but my computer just doesn't function right with the .ncs complier. could you please create two new types of effects for scripts? i'd like to see one using...  [Read More]
Posted in: Use of force choke on non hostile npcs
03-27-2004, 5:57 PM
hey, where do you find the animation lists? i looked in animation.2da, but didn't find anything similar to what you posted: FORCE_POWER_CHOKE, or ANIMATION_LOOPING_CHOKE. so how would you find animations like lightning, drain life, etc.? also, i'm...  [Read More]
Posted in: need help making upgradable sabre
03-25-2004, 5:15 PM
actually, it's about 100,000 times easier since fred released the new kotor tool (look at the downloads sticky at the top of the page if you don't already have it). from what you said, it sounds like you've already got all the texturing, etc. done,...  [Read More]
Posted in: dual-colored saber?
03-25-2004, 2:22 AM
awesome i think that might be the first time that one of my ideas has actually worked! T7, could you explian how you did it? imagine i'm very very stupid....  [Read More]
Posted in: dual-colored saber?
03-25-2004, 12:18 AM
okay, i just finished reading suchan's lightsabre tutorial, and a thought popped in my head. he said (near the bottom) that when hex-editing a file, you must change the reference to the "leaf", which has four references for a single saber,...  [Read More]
Posted in: can someone make me an item?
03-27-2004, 4:07 PM
Originally posted by Darth Kellen how do we add the new properties. i can make the Damage Bonus but then what how do I add it to the list of the items Properties.:( i'm not sure what you're having problems with. okay, let's say you're in kotor to...  [Read More]
Posted in: can someone make me an item?
03-27-2004, 4:21 AM
okay, to start with, i'm going to assume you have kotor tool, as well as the .gff editor (both can be downloaded from the main kotor downloads sticky at the top of the page). i'm also going to go through it rather quickly, as you can pick it apart s...  [Read More]
Posted in: can someone make me an item?
03-25-2004, 12:06 AM
it's sent, enjoy....  [Read More]
Posted in: can someone make me an item?
03-24-2004, 11:28 PM
okay, it's done. i wasn't sure how sweet you wanted the insta-kill factor, so i gave you two options (you'll see below): base stats: damage, energy 6-13 attack bonue +3 instant death DC 10 upgrades: scope: instant death DC 100 (this will instant...  [Read More]
Posted in: so you wanna be a teras kasi artist?
03-24-2004, 11:32 PM
well, i can't help you out...yet. i had a (what i think is) great idea for a new type of fighter in-game. basically, the teras kasi fighter would equip gloves that would boost strength, and to-hit. no problem so far, but i wanted it to get cooler t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Uhhh, Anchorhead we have a problem...
03-24-2004, 5:51 PM
this is crazy, it happened to me too. i just ignored it, i didn't have any problems, but then again, i never had that many extra characters!...  [Read More]
Posted in: adding spells to items???
03-24-2004, 2:49 AM
i've been petitioning for this for awhile too. i just don't think anyone knows how to do this (or they're not sharing), since it has been asked multiple times. it would so cool though!...  [Read More]
Posted in: script complation torture
03-25-2004, 12:32 AM
okay, this dropped really fast, and it is keeping me from modding anything new into the game. i hate to do this, but it's better than starting a new thread... BUMP...  [Read More]
Posted in: script complation torture
03-23-2004, 5:51 PM
Originally posted by gameunlimited Whenever you want to compile a script, just run the bat file from your windows explorer, It will compile all scripts that are in the Override folder and create a ncs file. This is the exact set up that I have and I...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Website
03-24-2004, 3:47 AM
please do: thanks....  [Read More]
Posted in: New Website
03-24-2004, 1:42 AM
Originally posted by Suchan271 The tutorial doesn't go into custom texture creation, only the construction of the sabre itself. I'm sure I could fire something up for you. You were just concerned about customizing the blade or the hilt? actually,...  [Read More]
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