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Use of force choke on non hostile npcs

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03-25-2004, 7:52 PM
In the cantina on Tatoine, the pc (a least on DS) can force choke a man during a conversation. I was wondering if it is possible to do the same let's say on a few annoying NPC's (per example, a few arrogant Selkaths and those sith who mock you on Manaan). I don't want to kill them. Just teach them a lesson. If yes, could someone give me some indication as how to do this without having to turn the npc hostile?

I suppose i could use some of this but it's not exactly what i want.

Is it possible to have the dlg file call a script that would cause the npc to be force choked?

03-25-2004, 8:16 PM
Try to find what did they use on the gizka at Yavin Station.
03-26-2004, 12:53 AM
Force Choking objects (or any other effect or animation) during a cutscene or dialogs are simple enough. I can help you with that. However, making the spells to be selectable just like while you are in combat without changing their faction id is another matter which I have never done before and have no knowledge of.
03-26-2004, 1:27 AM
Originally posted by gameunlimited
Force Choking objects (or any other effect or animation) during a cutscene or dialogs are simple enough. I can help you with that.

This is exactly what I want to do. I would really appreciate if you could help me with that.

03-26-2004, 1:32 AM
I think you could use the scripts that are used for that scene in the cantina on tatooine. I think all you would have to is write a dialog for the npc's that you want to be able to choke and attach the dialog to the utc. sounds easy enough.

I was thinking of doing this type of thing when I actually get into making new quests and rebuilding the DS options in dialogs. So that instead of extorting credits you get the option to scare them instead or drain their life.
03-26-2004, 1:43 AM
Darth, perhaps you can use the script that T7 mentioned. Saves us some trouble if it works. Tell me if it doesn't, I will be glad to make the script for you.
03-26-2004, 2:06 AM
I assume you know how to call script from dialog. If so, here is the script for the choke effect:

void main()

AssignCommand(GetFirstPC(), ActionCastFakeSpellAtObject(FORCE_POWER_CHOKE, OBJECT_SELF));
//This line above is the line that calls for the animation of the PC

//These few lines below is the animation for the choking effect on the target
float fDuration = 3.0f; //Change this number for the duration of the choke effect in seconds
float fSpeed = 1.0f; //The speed of the choke animation
ActionPlayAnimation(ANIMATION_LOOPING_CHOKE, fSpeed, fDuration);


Call this script from the ReplyList "Script" field in the dialog file.
03-26-2004, 11:09 AM
Just made a quick test and it works! :D

Thanks to all of you.
03-26-2004, 7:17 PM
could you post it? or send it me?
my emails
03-26-2004, 7:29 PM
Can you sent it to too? Thanks! :cool:
03-26-2004, 7:42 PM
Let me work on it a little. What I did was just a quick test yesterday at midnight to see if the script works well and it does. I still have to change the conversations a little bit or it makes no sense. Will do it during the weekend and will e-mail it then. I was thinking to add this option on Manaan for the Selkath that stands near the sith girl who insults you, the sith trooper who laughes at you when you tell him who you are and Huxta Jax (swoop) when he makes threats.

However, the mod that lets HK-47 kill Yuka Laka is ready. if you want it just tell me.
03-26-2004, 7:57 PM
Glad it works, tell me if your mod is ready, I would like to give it a try. When I was creating that script, I was tempted to give the force power more nasty and cruel effects, lol. Would be cool if I can teach that Hutt some lessons, complete with lightning strike down his throat and lightsaber throw to cut him in half, mwuahahahah. :D :D
03-26-2004, 8:04 PM
Originally posted by gameunlimited
When I was creating that script, I was tempted to give the force power more nasty and cruel effects, lol. Would be cool if I can teach that Hutt some lessons, complete with lightning strike down his throat and lightsaber throw to cut him in half, mwuahahahah. :D :D

That is quite tempting. I would also fry a couple of annoying fishes. The idea of force choking is that the Manaan court would hold no evidence against you. Lets says that its a little more... discreet ;)
03-26-2004, 8:13 PM
Can any one tell me how to know how to call script from dialog? Thanks!
03-26-2004, 8:16 PM
I suggest you read the "attackable Yuka Laka" thread here:
03-26-2004, 8:55 PM
please send me the mod that kills yuka laka!

send it to

what other mods have you made?
03-26-2004, 9:39 PM
Originally posted by lowiej
please send me the mod that kills yuka laka!

send it to

what other mods have you made?

Just sent the mod. For now, the only other mods I have are the Easy and Medium difficulty swoop racing mods. See this thread if you are interested:

I'm also working on a recruitable Dustil mod (perhaps next week but I make no promises in that regard).
03-26-2004, 11:10 PM
Can you sent it to too? Thanks! (I can host it for you!)
03-27-2004, 9:43 AM
If you send it me at , Iґd host it for you.

03-27-2004, 4:17 PM
Could you please send your force choke mod to
03-27-2004, 5:57 PM
hey, where do you find the animation lists?

i looked in animation.2da, but didn't find anything similar to what you posted: FORCE_POWER_CHOKE, or ANIMATION_LOOPING_CHOKE.

so how would you find animations like lightning, drain life, etc.?

also, i'm not sure if this is a given, but when you execute the script, does it automatically kill the target, or do you have to call a kill command?

i was trying to do two things:
1. get my character to lightsaber someone during a convo, killing them.
2. get my character to use force lightning or drain life or both on one or two characters, killing them.
03-27-2004, 6:08 PM
The Manaan Force choke mod is ready. It can be downloaded at:

I'm just a beginner with modding. I've tested the mod and it seems to run fine but if you have any problems, pls advise.
Read install instructions carefully (few new sound effects added - basically cut, paste and speed change of existing sound files).

There is one thing that is not as good as I wish with the Manaan mod. The force choke animation for Hukta Jax is not well centered.
Don't know if there is a way to fix that.

Any suggestions, tips and feedback are welcomed.

If you want you can also give HK-47 the possibility to kill Yuka Laka:

Oh! And before I forget: if you see any mistakes (spelling, grammar, wording) in the conversations, let me know as well. English is not my mother tongue.
03-27-2004, 7:16 PM
I tryed both out. I only managed to choke the selkath I couldn't get the dialog with the sith. Either I ended up in jail or I had to pay up front. I think there was one more option I didn't choose, so i'll just assume it works. :) I was going to choke Hukta, but it's been a while since I played the swoop race mini game that I suck( I kept going a few .30 sec. over)

About the Hk-47 one how come no DS points. I did just order him to kill yuka laka. :emperor:
03-27-2004, 7:30 PM
Originally posted by T7nowhere
I tryed both out. I only managed to choke the selkath I couldn't get the dialog with the sith. Either I ended up in jail or I had to pay up front. I think there was one more option I didn't choose, so i'll just assume it works. :) I was going to choke Hukta, but it's been a while since I played the swoop race mini game that I suck( I kept going a few .30 sec. over)

About the Hk-47 one how come no DS points. I did just order him to kill yuka laka. :emperor:

1. The sith that you can choke is not the girl but one of the sith in the group having argument with republic soldiers ( the one who calls you "moron" when you tell him you are Revan- i wanted to crush his neck since a long time! ).

2. About Hukta, you could try my EasySwoop Racing mod. Success guaranteed, effortless. It's here:

3. About HK-47: I forgot. Will work on it. :eek:
03-27-2004, 8:50 PM
Just updated link for YuKa Laka. Player will now gain DS points when permission is given to HK to kill Yuka Laka.
03-27-2004, 10:19 PM
Cool, nice work.

Im not gonna bother with easy swoop raceing mod I just want to check your mod. I'll be sure to choke everyone the next time I play DS. :)
03-27-2004, 10:32 PM
It'd be even cooler if you got the option(or even better a countdown) to choke them to death.
03-27-2004, 11:50 PM
They are listed in nwscript.nss. There are a bunch of constants defined at the first part of the file.

In this case, the script only calls for visual effects and animations without doing any damage. If you want to kill, you have to add a damage effect to it.

Originally posted by dj_owen
hey, where do you find the animation lists?

i looked in animation.2da, but didn't find anything similar to what you posted: FORCE_POWER_CHOKE, or ANIMATION_LOOPING_CHOKE.

so how would you find animations like lightning, drain life, etc.?

also, i'm not sure if this is a given, but when you execute the script, does it automatically kill the target, or do you have to call a kill command?

i was trying to do two things:
1. get my character to lightsaber someone during a convo, killing them.
2. get my character to use force lightning or drain life or both on one or two characters, killing them.
03-30-2004, 5:17 PM
okay darth, i have a few small requests that i hope you could do for me.

i'd do them myself but my computer just doesn't function right with the .ncs complier.

could you please create two new types of effects for scripts? i'd like to see one using the FORCE_POWER_LIGHTNING, and one using FORCE_POWER_DRAIN_LIFE.

also, if you can, it'd be cool for these to do some massive damage (i.e., you're able to kill people when you select these in coversations.)

i'd really just need the compiled scripts, i can do all the dialog editing myself, to save you work.

much thanks.
03-30-2004, 5:45 PM
OK. I'm far from being an expert with this (i had a lot of help from Gameunlimited) but I've 'played' with similar scripts since then and I should be able to do this. However, i don't know if i'll have time to do it before the weekend since i expect to be working late every day this week.

BTW, what do you use for dialogue editing? I'm having serious problems with my GFF editor. See thisthread ( . Any help/tips would be appreciated.
03-31-2004, 1:59 AM
OK DJ_Owen, it wasn't as long as I thought. I have those scripts ready (compiled + source). Where can I e-mail them to you? Normally I would post them but I 'm running out of space.
03-31-2004, 2:58 AM
yeah, i hoped it wouldn't be a complicated manuver, i'm glad it was easy.

send them along to

and thanks again.
03-31-2004, 3:38 AM
Scripts sent. Hope it's what you need. :)
03-31-2004, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by dj_owen
1. get my character to lightsaber someone during a convo, killing them.

By the way, you sort of use your lightsbaer when killing the man in the Whimpering Locker at the Manaan Hrakert Station, the lightsaber doesn't activate or anything, it just turns the screen to black and next moment, Republic Soldier dead on floor.

You should check out what they did, it might help.
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