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The Search for Revan

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05-31-2007, 8:38 PM
"Here's you lightsaber, Dwain!" Then his hand went, as usual, to his Z-36. No way he could shoot into that mess of a duel though. So he ran quick and got the chair that he had sat guard in before he was left on Telos. It wasn't badly mangled. Then he watched the fight. Nothing wrong with a good Jedi duel. He toosed the lightsaber towards Dwain's head so he could catch it. He even cheered a little. "C'mon, Dwain! That other little dude helping you's even showing you up, for Mandalore's sake! Ope... lightsaber, incoming!"
06-01-2007, 5:31 AM
Natalie walked back outside of the ship and saw the duel, for the first time in her life she felt terrified of the consequences should her companions fail.
The figure shot her another look and then whirled back into the duel.
'Cant shoot into that without hitting someone... where the heck is everyone else'
She kept her rifle slightly raised but did not fire.
06-01-2007, 9:28 AM
Dwain performed a combination of a flurry and power attack against Darth Reaper. He ignored Darranaks remarks of encouragement. This wasn't, after all, a show to him.

"Hurry up with that bomb, Dante!" Dwain thought to himself. "Only 18 seconds left!"

Dwain performed his special jump-side flip attack on Reaper, but didn't do much damage due to Reaper's reaction time. He saw William beside him.

"Where did you come from?... what's your name?"
06-01-2007, 3:19 PM
"Well... I just came from the ship, but I would feel better if we were out of this fight to give introductions," said William sheepishly. William blocked another attack from Darth Reaper, and attempted a counter attack which nearly hit.

"But I don't exactly appreciate being called small."
06-01-2007, 8:48 PM
Darth Reaper performed a powerful Force Wave which knocked Dwain on his back.

"Hey, they kink in my back is gone!" Dwain smiled. He used Force Lightning against Reaper, but the Sith Lord blocked the energy with his Lightsaber.

"You are no match to my skills, Jedi!" Reaper taunted. "And now, I shall finiish you!"

Reaper launched himself to Dwain, Saber in a spear, like position on ready to stab Dwain. But Dwain rolled away from the Attack. Reaper hissed.

Dwain made a few lunges and attacks against his opponent. "Just die, already!"
06-02-2007, 8:20 PM
"You know, I can't rush it!" Dante shouted, "All right, here we go!" Dante cutted down another red wire, "May the Force Be with us."

The "tick, tick" noise stopped.

"Phew. Looks like it's settled." Dante stood up, and found two fighting figures. One is Dwain, and another one is...a Sith Lord. Dante's instinct instructed him to pull out his Combat Shotgun, but he couldn't move since he didn't get direct order from Dwain, so he bent down slightly, and ready to fight.
06-02-2007, 10:49 PM
"What took you so long?" Dwain shouted from the Battle at Dante. "I could use a third gun here, you know! And did you deactiva--"

Dwain was cut short when Reaper unleashed Force Lightening. He barely missed Dwain.

Reaper used the force to lift up the Plastel Cylindar's scattered around the Hangar. Then he launched each of the cylindars at every crew member that was about in the Hanger.

Dwain destroyed his Cylindar with a simple stroke of his Lightsabers.
06-03-2007, 2:07 AM
"I did, just did deactivate the bomb. Don't worry, it's been taken care of." Dante smiled, and jumped to dodge the cylinder. "Mmm...Nice tactic, Sith, but...can you do that?" Then Dante switched to dual blaster pistols while in air, above the Sith Lord, and pulled the triggers. Blaster bolts rained down menacingly towards the Sith Lord.
06-03-2007, 2:16 AM
Reaper deflected the blaster bolts from Dante, then gave him a Force Push.

"You all fight well, but there shall be another time we we will end this!" Reaper jumped up from the Hanger floor and climbed onto one of the support posts holding the ceiling. He glared at Natalie.

"I'll be seeing you soon!" he muttured. Darth Reaper vanished in the darkness.

"Come on!" Dwain said, after a moment of silence. "Lets get out of here!"
06-03-2007, 8:07 AM
Natalie sat down on the ramp, having not moved for the entire fight, she buried her head in her hands, trying to keep back the tears.
'Ill be seeing you soon!' The words the figure spoke ringed and ringed in her ears... pounding against the side of her head.
06-03-2007, 10:07 AM
While William was running by, he saw the girl he bumped into earlier sitting on the ramp. She looked sad or afraid in his point of view.

"Are you okay?" he tentatively asked.
06-03-2007, 2:36 PM
"Oh no..." Dante felt his back smashed into the ceiling, and his stomach smashed onto the ground. He groaned and got up, "Yeah, let's go...Anyway, this bomb is defused, so...Let's move on." Dante limped to the ramp. With so much equipments and several broken bone, he thought that he needs to stay in bacta tank for a while.
06-03-2007, 3:22 PM
"Yar, don't tell me we have ANOTHER Force-fed HITCHIKER on this ship? What's so popular about THe Strider anyway? Oh, yeah, and... die, mr. sithy, please. I have a few matters to dicuss with my crew. Oh, he's gone. Into the ship! First things, the hitchhiker. We kept the last two, I say it's hight time we toss THIS one into the brig, if they evev have on on this obsolete station."
06-04-2007, 5:58 AM
"What's our new recruit here ever done to you?" Dwain asked Darranak. He stepped aboard the ship...


The Strider was soaring through the heavens on destination to Lehon (without any stops). The crew was in the center room of the ship, where the holographic projector lay. The holo-image of a Head Doctor was projected, by giving his thanks for defending the hospital space station.

"It's always a pleasure. And no, a reward isn't necassary!" Dwain said assuringly to the holographic projection. The Head smiled.

"We can never truely repay you for what you did back there. But as always, you have our gratitude and friendship!"

The image disintigrated, as the Head logged off.

"Well, that all went well!" Dwain began, after a long silence. "Except for my hand!"
06-04-2007, 11:33 AM
(Just a few minutes before the ship takes off)

Natalie looked up and wiped a tear quickly."Yea Im fine!" She quickly stood up as the ship started to take off and went to the cargo hold, feeling the weight of the galaxy on her shoulders.
06-04-2007, 4:06 PM
"And my ship. Luckily I had a feeling this was going to happen, and was able to save something very precious to me," stated William
06-04-2007, 7:53 PM
Dwain stared at Adia in the Starboard Dormintory. Thinking back at the last conversation he had with her involving his choice of being grey. He stepped forward.

"We still have un-finished business between you and I!" He paced around her. "You wanted to talk later about me being Grey. Well, lets finish this! So we can get it out of our systems, so to speak."
06-05-2007, 10:11 AM
"Natalie, you never told me you were a Force sensitive," Darranack said to her. That was indeed an interesting tidbit. There was a plot here, one he meant to unearth... while tossing the 'recruit' (yeah right, he was a stowaway with a paper) into the brig.

"Oh, yeah, and ZAYNE. You owe double now. And have we run into legal trouble yet? Technically, this ship is still impounded, and we stole it. Although if we do, the whole bomb-rescue thing and some explaining will get us out."
06-05-2007, 11:00 AM
"Force sensitive? what are you talking about?" Natalie replied almost snapping.
She had always wondered if she had a 'gift' or power and what the dark figure wanted with her.
06-05-2007, 7:46 PM
"Yeah. At least, that's what I heard from the old man. He claimed to know you. Big head of gray hair, black eyes, bit of a bent back, he was looking for you. Acted like a Jedi, seems they're everywhere these days. He was the one who dropped me off at the station and helped me trail you. We were both looking for the same people." he scanned Natalie's face as he said this, looking for any sign of recognition.
06-07-2007, 6:09 AM
(A few minutes after the long, boring conversation with Adia)

Dwain walked out of the Star Board Dormitory and went straight to the cockpit. He found Zayne in the pilot's seat.

"Hows our course to the Lehon?"
06-08-2007, 12:10 PM
(Sorry for the very short absense, and what old man are you talking about?)

Natalie looked confused as ever "What are you talking about? Im a Medic in the Republic Armed forces..... You have been tracking me?" She asked innocently.
06-09-2007, 6:21 AM
The Strider exited through the Vortex of Hyperspace and overlooked the blue planet below.

"Lehon" Dwain awed at the beautiful blue sphere below. He looked at the the black of space outlining the planet. There were huge, drifting remains of rubble orbiting the planet far away, above a nearby star. No doubt it was what was left of the ancient Star Forge.

"Begin the landing cycle, Zayne!"
06-10-2007, 5:56 AM
Natalie quickly walked away from the man, not wanting to talk about anything to do with the force and stood next to Dwain and looked out.
"Lehon.... I was at that battle... I remember it like it was yesterday" She looked over to the remnants of the great machine. "And there it lies..." She spoke.
06-10-2007, 7:12 AM
The Strider landed on a deserted beach. In the views of the ocean stood remains of Republic War Ships left over from the Jedi Civil War. Over in the distance oposite the beach was dense jungle and a walkway.

The crew exited the ship. Dwain stared around, and had an idea.

"Hey Darranak! I think nows your chance to use that Mini-cruiser of yours! I want you to do some scouting around the area!"
06-10-2007, 9:19 AM
"I'm simply tracking you becuase you're part of my bonny crew at the moment. Didn't go for that other man at the moment.
"I am ready to scout, but I will need some information Zayne. You owe me anyhow. Consider one payed simple if you can for once be desicive. Why are we here, what are we looking for, and, as a bonus, what will we do with stowaway numba' 3?" He opened the hatch of his minucruiser and got himself settled in the cockpit.
06-10-2007, 11:25 AM
Natalie walked onto the beach, and straight away felt like turning back.
She heard a distant howling wind, like a great storm approaching although the area around the ship was quiet.
She felt something pulling her towards the dense and thick jungle.
She slowly started to take one step... then another... away from the safety of the ship and crew....
06-11-2007, 5:48 AM
"Woah!" Dwain yelled out. "Where do you think your going?" He ran to Natalie. Then suddenly, behind a rock, Rakatans popped out in a greeting party.

One of the beings spoke in a dialect Dwain didn't understand.

"Err... anybody understand these guys?" it was times like this he should have kept his Sonic Imprint Sensor he got as his last Birthday Present.
06-11-2007, 10:59 AM
Natalie suddenly felt herself get jerked by Dwain, then looked at the creatures, they were like nothing she had ever seen before, she had heard stories of them of course, but expected more.

"hello...?" She said, wondering who would fire or talk first.
 Penguin Unit
06-11-2007, 10:17 PM
(Er...uhh...I'm not new to roleplaying, but how should I talk in out of character, if that's even allowed? And should I write up a bio for this? And is it too late to join? Also, if I can join, is it possible to be a Jedi?)
06-12-2007, 10:55 AM
(((1: You are talking out of character (oocly) now with the brackets.
2: Im not sure if you will be able to join, PM phantom Knight, although another guy did join the rp late.
3: Must we have another Jedi? Every character seems to be extremily powerful, and is a jedi, save a few. Do it in a interesting way like mine, be force sensitive or something, and then get trained up(if that happens.) ))
 Penguin Unit
06-12-2007, 9:44 PM
((Phantom just approved me. I'll see if I can hop into the frey.))

Vynn Pano plops out of the ship, tripping down the loading ramp. He falls onto the beach with a muffled thud.

He sits up and glances around. His quick taking in of his surroundings stops as he lays his eyes on the Rakata, which seem to be shouting in some Rakatan dialect. He grabs his Sonic Imprint Sensor, which seems to only pick up a few basic words. It can't form a good translation.
06-12-2007, 11:39 PM
Dante stratched his head: "Heh, Lehon. It's been sometime, too."

Then he spotted some Rakatians, and asked Dwain: "With your permission, my Z-6 recommends to warm her up and blast them into oblivion. What's your command?" He rested his finger on his trademark Z-6 Rotery Blaster Cannon, waiting for the order to warm up his pal.
06-13-2007, 5:06 AM
"Although I can't understand a single word they are saying..." Dwain said to Dante. "These guys don't seem to be attacking us. So I think they come in peace. Sorry to spoil your fun, Dante!"

One of the Rakatan spoke. Strangely enough, Dwain seemed to make out one of the words "Republica" which probably meant "Republic". Then they made a hand movement to urge us to follow them.

Dwain considered whether they should. "Anybody here understand Rakatan? And better, actually speak the language?""
06-13-2007, 9:14 AM
"Oh, of course, Rakatan- no, I don't understand it. I think I'll stay in my nice safe cockpit, in case of things getti nasty-like. All you brave Jedi can go with the weird alien people." He fired p the cruiser, went up into the air, and starting doing a tactical terrain scan. "Bother," he said, "Well, I"m teh hired hand. Nobady would bother telling me anyhting even if there was a chance." This mission looked like it would be succesful though, so he had plans to stick with these guys for now.
06-13-2007, 10:09 AM
"I'll go with the group," stated William. "It's got to be better than sitting and doing nothing in the brig."
06-13-2007, 10:53 AM
Natalie slung her rifle over her shoulder and followed on behind dwain. Her thoughts dwelling on what darranick ((Sp? sorry)) told her about force sensitivity.

"Well I cant speak rakatan but I suppose you could use another rifle, plus I want to see more of what this planet looks like." She said before falling in behind her captain.
 Penguin Unit
06-13-2007, 11:16 AM
Vynn stumbled along, fumbling with the sensor. After a bit of recalibrating it, some more words translated correctly. The sentences were slowly being pieced together, but had the gramatical level of a toddler, due to being incomplete.

"Almost got it..."
06-14-2007, 8:13 AM
The group followed the Rakatan, passing by rock, trees beaches. They passed a huge structure that was likely to be the Temple of the Ancients from the Jedi Civil War.

The Rakatan lead the crew to some sort of enclave on a beach, guarded by some kind of electrical gate fused with Lightning. They entered the enclave, and was greeted by Three, well uniformed, Rakatan. They were probably the leaders of the enclave.

"uh... hi!" Dwain began. The aliens stared at them curiously. Out of the corner, a republic soldier, which was a human being, came over to the group.

"Welcome to Lehon!" the man greeted. "Or better known as Rakata Prime."
06-14-2007, 10:59 AM
Natalie saluted, seeing as the Republic Soldier turned out to be a higher rank than she was, she then stood back to a easy position after he nodded, gazing around at the beautiful world.

"This place is amazing.." She muttered under her breath.
06-14-2007, 11:45 AM
Darranack was getting slightly angry with everybody in general today, mostly because he hadn't had a good personal rant in weeks. Nobody gave him *(#@ *(%@!! of a clue as to what was happening or where or fricking why, and just as he was about to get some answers, the Rakatans whowed up. He slumped dopwn in his seat (as much as he could, as there wasn't much slumping room, in a minicruiser). At this rate he wouldn't be surprised if they forgot what his charge was! Wait a minute.. "ope." Darranack found that Zayne had a radio and linked up to it, jsut in case. Then his terrain scane finished.
The ground was fairly flat, with nothing special being detectable, but there were a large number of life forms a ways down the beach. Interesting. Good thing he was up here... heehee. Then again, the crew would probably make friends and ask them to joing the goldarned expidition. That reminded him, there was ANOTHER stowaway, the one with the translator. Oh, man, he wanted to kill that dude. Natalie he was okay withby now, but the short boys, and... where was that sneaky robot? Hmph. Probably went back to its master, wherever that was. Good riddance, Darranack thought.
"You're getting too personal about this!" He said himself. It would all be over soon, it would all be over. He sighed, rubbed his head, and turned on the radio, "What's goin on down there, anywho?"
 Penguin Unit
06-14-2007, 12:01 PM
Vynn watched silently, wondering if they'd all get killed. His master had been in a similar situation years before, and had almost been killed by the natives of another planet. Vynn couldn't sense any deceit in these beings. He quickly reassured himself they weren't all going to die, because they weren't ripping the soldier to shreds.

"Hello," Vynn said in an almost shaky voice. He still wasn't completely sure the Rakata wouldn't turn on them.
06-14-2007, 9:33 PM
Dwain brought the comlink up to his mouth, and answered Darranaks question.

"Darranak, you wont believe it... well, you probably would... but just get down here! The coordinates are... look if you see a big temple, just turn to the far right path. That will lead you to us!"

He looked at the Republic Soldier.

"What is this place?" he wondered.

"As you may have already knew, after the Jedi Civil War, the republic made a setlement on this planet. I'm a representative of the Outpost far from here! But in answer to your question, this is a Rakatan Enclave for the Elders."

"So why have they brought us here?" Dwain asked.

"Well... because they recognised you as human beings, the Elders have brought you here because they think you might be with the republic. Are you?"

"Yeah! Who else, the Mandalorians?"

"May I ask why a you are all the way here on Lehon?"

Because these people were with the republic, Dwain thought it wouldn't hurt to share their story.

"We have been assigned from the republic to find Revan in the Unknown regions. Right now, we're looking for clues for his wherabouts."
06-15-2007, 10:35 AM
"Coming down, sir." Darranack flew down towards them. He flew by a large number of the life signitures on his grid, and they were Rakatans. He landed dramatically, doing a flip, then kicking up as much dust as he could. He swaggered out, looking tough.
"Oh, guys, you should know, there are about a bazillion- well, not THAT many- Rakatans to the north and east."
06-15-2007, 11:51 AM
"Rakatans?" Natalie replied on her comm.

"Captain I think we have a problem.." She said.

She felt something was incredibly out of place.
06-15-2007, 8:26 PM
"Darn..." Dante retracted his Z6 Rotery blaster, and admired the room around him: "Wow, nice patterns."

"Well, it's been some time since last visit to Rakata Prime." Dante said quietly, "Everything hasn't changed."

Suddenly, he felt something was not right, and he put his right hand on his blaster, just in case something turned to disaster.
06-18-2007, 3:03 AM
William's eyes began searching around the room, while he allowed his right hand to gently fall upon one of his lightsabers. (In China right now, so don't expect many posts from me!!)
06-18-2007, 8:28 AM
Dwain looked back at the crew, worried looks on their faces.

"What's the problem?" he wondered. These Rakatans seemed pretty harmless and convincing enough to not get into a hostile state, so what was the problem.

He opened his senses... he indeed felt something wasn't right!
06-18-2007, 11:26 AM
Natalie received the look from Dwain and raised her rifle even further.
She then spoke to the 'Republic Officer' "Is there a problem here?"
06-18-2007, 11:27 AM
Darranack followed to tracks to where the rest of the party was. Darranack could feel it in the air, something wasn't right. It smelled veery wrong. His hand went to his blaster. THen, his had would have gone there even if everything had been alright. He saw the others were uneasy too. Oh, *(@#. Probably they were gonna get swarmed by evil Rakatans or something like 5 seconds.
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