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The Search for Revan

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05-17-2007, 4:06 AM
"Who might this be here?" Dwain said to the new recruit.

They walked up the corridor, the alarm still ringing in the crews ears. Finally, they made a halt at a Door Marked "Security". As they walked through the door, the crew stepped into some sort of control room filled with Video Monitors recording sections of the Station for their security feed. Dwain stepped closer, to find two men dead infront of the screens. No doubt this was done by assassins. And speaking of Assassins...

Dwain ignited his Lightsabers to counter attack a cloaked Assassin. He sensed there were about 3 of them in the room.
05-17-2007, 11:39 AM
Natalie suddenly sensed something behind her, somehow (hint hint).
She spun around with her Blade drawn just in time to counter a blow launched at her.
"More of them?!" She said as she drawed her pistol and in one quick motion, blasted the assassin. She then prepared herself against the others.
05-17-2007, 11:44 PM
((Yes, Niftyeye. We have been taking note at your hints of your character being Force Sensitive. Infact I have been meaning to talk to you about that, so here's what I think you could do. Later on in the story you can choose to be either trained by my Character, or Adia, seeing as they are both Jedi.))

Dwain sliced down his share of assassins... which was only one in his death count. He spotted another Assassin about to strike behind Natalie, which Dwain managed to kill just in time (stabbing the blade of his Lightsaber through the neck of the enemy).

"You sure are a target for getting in trouble!" Dwain laughed. He went on continuing his campaigne against the assassins. Only one left, which had suddenly appeared out of no where. He went striking at the Assassin with his blades. His Cybernetic Hand was starting to come in handy.
 Adia Lanna
05-18-2007, 12:57 AM
Suddenly another assassin appeared and jumped quickly towards Dwain with his blade extended. Out of nowhere a blade of cyan flashed by and the assassins head rolled to the floor.

"Keen senses huh?" said Adia with a chuckle. As she dashed forward to help Dwain with the other enemy.
05-18-2007, 2:48 AM
"Eh!" Dwain replied to Adia's remark. He swiped the his Lightsabers across the assassins legs, and the black-clothed figure fell to the floor leg-less.

Dwain approached him and raised the glowing blade of the Lightsaber a few inches away from the neck.

"Why have you come to kill us?" he murmured. The Assassin raised his head.

"We were sent by our Master to eliminate your entire crew. He knows who you're looking for..." the Assassin coughed.

"And how does your master know of our mission?"

The Assassin laughed coldly through the voice tech of his mask.

"He knows many things..." The Assassin clamped his hand around the hilt of Dwain's Lightsaber. "Kill me now! I am useless..."

"I'm not done asking you questions, Sith!"

"So you know of our Empire, do you? Our master has heard of your Republic's version of so-called Sith. They are weak... all of them. They arent as True Sith, as much as we are! And we wouldn't be so True... <cough>... if we hadn't have set off the bomb!"

"Bomb?" Dwain yelped. "What bomb?"

"This station... <cough>... is going to go "boom"..." the Assassin muttered his last words. Dwain slit the glowing blade across the man's throat.
05-19-2007, 10:32 AM
(Yea sorry about that, I just didnt think it was getting recognised, since I think its better rp to be trained in the ways of the force rather than having every crewmember uber and taking care of an assassin just like that :P, again sorry.)

"Tr--True sith?" Natalie said, stuttering because she was completly out of breath. She then dropped the pistol back into the holster.
"This entire place seems to be swarming with assassins......... Im surprised we havnt met any dark Jedi yet, since I was told we were going to meet them instead of assassins.
'Always ready for the unexpected' A voice said in her head and she fell in behind the others.
05-19-2007, 5:18 PM
"I finally caught up with you," said William walking around the corner. "As much as I would like to have a conversation with you, we should get out of here... like now."
05-19-2007, 9:31 PM
"Not until we deactivate the bomb!" Dwain said to William. "There are hundreds... thousands of innocent people onboard this station! We can't abandon them and let the bomb finish them!"

Dwain walked over to the computer, and punched a few buttons on the command consol. This bomb would likely be made of dangerous chemicals, so he made a bioscan of the entire station to search for any hazardous chemicals or elements. The scan was complete, and the computer told him there was a huge stash of explosive chemicals in the Reactor Core.

Dwain reached for the desk's comllink that connected to loud speakers around the entire station.

"Er, hi... urm... attention everybody! All personel must evacuate the hospital immediatly! I repeat: All personal must evacuate the hospital immediatly! Err... there is a bomb onboard and we are likely to... er... explode!"

Dwain wasn't that good with words, which meant it was probably his fault that he heard screams of terror coming from outside the door and all around the station.

"Please! Don't panic! The bomb squad will be here any minute now. So please, everybody evacuate the station calmly and we will take care of this!"
05-20-2007, 11:17 AM
"Can't we just throw it out into space and be done with it? Please?" said William before clasping his hands in a praying manner.
05-20-2007, 12:21 PM
'Heh, nice one' Natalie thought, eyeing a family who ran by, screaming in terror and panic.

"And NO we cant throw it into space, chances are if it is tampered with or picked up while still primed it will activate its fail safe precedures, which is... in pure basic, the big bang." She spoke, knowing what she is talking about.
05-20-2007, 3:19 PM
"Ahem..." Dante cleaned his throat, "Any idea where the bomb is? As a Commando, it's partly my daily route that defusing a bomb, or bombs. My personal idea is...the bomb should located in Oxygen Supply Room. The bomb needs oxygen to achive maximum damage. So I'll check the Oxygen Supply Room out." Dante checked his inventory, and nodded at the gang optimistically, "Don't worry, the bomb won't go off, right?"
05-20-2007, 5:55 PM
"... uhhhh... sure... let's stick with that theory for now!" William said nervously. "Either way, do you need any help?"
 Adia Lanna
05-20-2007, 9:12 PM
"I'm coming along aswell. I am sure they have several assassins guarding it, so you will need all the help you can get," said Aida.
05-21-2007, 1:14 PM
"I appreciate that offering, but demo charges are not easy thing to be tempered with...if something go wrong, we're all the last person we see. So, I prefer that if the bomb goes off, you can survive the casualties." Dante smiled, and smiled at William: "Brace yourselves. Bye."

Then Dante nodded, and hurried to the Oxygen Room.
05-21-2007, 1:30 PM
Natalie quietly followed on behind, having a bad feeling about the bomb....
05-21-2007, 1:46 PM
Suddenly, Dante stood still. "Natalie, I appreciate your concern, but don't worry, I'll be fine. Wait...Shhhh..." Dante closed Natalie's mouth, noting she was going to answer, "I sense something is wrong. Let me check."

He searched his pocket, and suddenly grew frustrated: "Natalie, do you have a mirror?"
05-21-2007, 6:03 PM
"You think he'll be alright disarming that thing by himself?" asked William to the remaining group members.
 Adia Lanna
05-21-2007, 6:34 PM
"Well it is one of his specialties, so I would hope so... But it may be a type of bomb he's never encountered because the true sith are bound to have different technologies than us," said Adia.
05-22-2007, 2:57 AM
((CSI, I said the bomb is in the reactor core, not in the oxygen room. <sigh>, very well. Lets just assume for now the oxygen room is near the reactor core))

"Okay," Dwain announced, as he threw Dante a comlink. "I can guide you to the oxygen room using the computer. I'll contact you via comlink. If anything goes wrong, I'm coming to get you!"

Dwain walked to the computer and uploaded the map of the entire station. While he was at it, he activated the motion tracker to see any signs of movement of up-comming Assassins.

"Go through the corridor straight ahead." Dwain spoke through the comlink.
05-22-2007, 9:37 AM
She pulled out her trusty mirror and looked at herself in it. "Oh my god, I look like a hutt." She said before passing it over to dante.

She glanced around, noticing he was doing the same.
"Something is out there..." She whispered.
05-22-2007, 10:46 AM
(OOC: Sorry PK, I'll check the Reactor Core out.)

"Thank you Natalie, don't worry, you're still hutt to me." Dante joked, and held the mirror at the corner, "Three Assassins guarding the oxygen room."

Then he took out a Flash Bomb and pulled off its pin, "Show time. Fire in the hole!" He threw the bomb into the corridor, blinding light temporarily immobilized the Assassins. After three supressed double shotgun blasts, "Coast is clear, no bomb present. Let's move to Reactor." Dante reported, "Go, go, go!"
05-22-2007, 11:30 AM
"Now I feel loved!" She replied sarcastically, sprinting after Dante with her Blaster Rifle at the ready.
"This is too easy, there must be mo--" Suddenly she heard a battle cry and turned around to find the room full of assassins!

"Oh dear..." She muttered, dropping to one knee to fire the first few rounds at the nearest assassin.
05-23-2007, 6:14 AM
"Dante, whats your status?" Dwain said through the comlink. "You've got more than eight assassins in that room!" looking at the motion tracker and infa-red on the computer. It probably wasn't necassary to state out the obvious.

Dwain activated the camera in the oxygen room to check the current situation. As if things couldn't get any worse, Dwain thought to himself scowling at the feedback of the Assassins.
05-23-2007, 8:53 AM
Darranak was behind the assasins. He pushed on, and the rest stumbled, like domnoes. Then he was going to run them through with his vibroblade (acquired from an assasin) but the battery was dead. So he just blasted. He had got three or four of them by the time they regained balance. "Come on, yokels, help out! Twenty-three, Twenty-four, I bet NONE of you got this many kills today. Oh yes, I'm good! C'mon, we need to get to the ship!"
05-23-2007, 12:13 PM
[OOC: Dwain, we're in reactor room.]

"No, if you didn't follow me, with your shield on..." Dante muttered.

"Oh dear, Natalie, you should do like that...that's what mirrors are for! Well, you might need to turn on Force Breath Control," Dante pulled out a smoke bomb, and threw it into hordes of assassins. The smoke blinded them, and made them to shoot blindly. "Get down, Natalie! Let them handle themselves!"

In the Dwain's intercom, there are only blaster sizzlings.

After a while, the smoke disappeared, and there lies assassins' corpses.

"Dwain, this is Dante. Assassins eliminated. Defusing bomb..." Dante spoke into the intercom, and looked at the bomb, "That is a really big stuff, gonna take some time."
05-23-2007, 4:01 PM
Natalie dived for the floor, putting on her rebreather, she had no idea what he meant by 'force breath control' since she didnt use the force...... right?

She then stood up after the smoke had cleared.

"Alright Ill cover you" She said, replying to dantes comment on defusing the bomb.
"What did you mean earlier by breath control?" She asked, her eyes still aiming down the long corridor and her rifle following.
05-24-2007, 2:42 AM
"It was a bad joke!" Dwain muttered through the intercom. "Did I hear Darranak's voice? God damn, its good to hear it!"

Dwain thought that Darranak was never going to forgive him after he accidently forgot about him on Telos. He looked back at the computer monitor. Nearly all the Assassins in the area were dead. But looking at the infa-red monitor, he saw the risidual body heat outlining a robed figure in the reactor core (one of the villains. I duel him first... I played dibs on him, ha!)
05-24-2007, 8:17 AM
"What bomb!" Darranak muttered, "The old man didn't tell me about any bomb! Ah, well, he's not here, he can't fight warth crap... guys! I just figured this out! The problem is we have WAY too many names on this crew that start with D! Darranak, Dante, Dwain... who's THAT-'
05-24-2007, 6:22 PM
Dante was busy working on defusing the bomb. He looked up when he heard Darranak's comment and scoffed when he heard "Too many names on this crew that start with D!" Then he went back to defuse the bomb: "Natalie, by 'Breath Control' I mean that's a Jedi Technique. It can temporarily make you immune to poison."

But Dante didn't see the figure. He was too focused on the bomb. "Eh, before I continue, I want to warn you folks: Don't make big movements...or we're the last people we saw. So if you want to do something with big movements, please go outside. If you choose to stay inside, I can't guarantee your lives. Got it?"
05-25-2007, 7:16 AM
Darrank went back to the ship-wasn't hard to find- and there was his minicruiser. Ah, stll there, still in good condition.
05-25-2007, 10:51 AM
(hey yeah. Now that you mention it, most of the male character's names do begin with D)

Dwain stared at the consol, observing the robed figure. A Sith Lord? Why was he just hiding there and not killing Dante, Natalie and Adia. He looked at the motion tracker. Something bad was coming there way.

"Dante? You've got serious trouble heading your way..." According to the Infa-red scanners, there was not a sign of any risidual heat being produced from the figure in the motion tracker. Possibly a droid. Not just any droid...

Dwain activated the camera from outside the Reactor Core. It was a giant, crab-like monster. The Droid was obviously built for war purpsoses, as it was heavily armed.

"Dante, hurry up with that bomb! You've got something monstrous heading your way!"
05-25-2007, 11:59 AM
"Great" Natalie replied on her comm before glancing dantes way, "We need to hustle!" Then she took a brief glance around the room...... she felt watched... and something familiar was in the room...
 Adia Lanna
05-25-2007, 7:51 PM
"As much as I would like to stay here in this room with your charming selves, I think I could possibly head off this serious trouble," said Adia as she dashed out of the room.

Adia gasped when she came out. What she saw was incredible. A crab-like droid, over 10 feet high, that appeared have a multitude of sickening weapons.

"What am I going to do to stop this," thought Adia. Suddenly a smirk came across her face and she pointed her hands at the approaching droid. Lightning shot out of her fingers towards the droid, but bounced off a seemingly invisible shield and came back at her with full force. She immediatley fell to the ground in a heap.

(some help would be nice! haha. oh and maybe me shooting lightning can be interpreted into the plot somehow? i can think of something hehe)
05-25-2007, 8:21 PM
Dwain saw the footage of the camera of the full power of the droid. He got up out of the seat, ran out of the room, and sprinted to the Reactor Core.

The Station was a maze, but Dwain managed to find himself near the door of the Reactor Core, as he spotted the huge droid. He pulled out his Lightsabers, ignited them, and made a side-jump flip attack acrood the spine of the monster. It was when he landed, he noticed Adia laying on the floor in a heap. The droid fired its canons, Dwain dodged the laser fire which hit the door behind him. He pulled Adia up.

"You okay, kid?"
 Adia Lanna
05-26-2007, 3:01 AM
"Kid? I'm not a child, but I think I'll be alright," said Adia smartly as she ignited her lightsaber.
05-26-2007, 7:21 AM
Darrnack headed back to the battle just in case there were any last second torubles, like... Holy Mandalore. That was not good. A little too much for a Z-36, Darranak suspected. "Well, I'm out, anyone wanna lend a lightsaber? Did the old man know about this..."
05-26-2007, 11:39 AM
Natalie heard some disturbances from the room just down the corridor... and something told her people were in peril.

She raised her rifle and slowly squeezed around the corner to see a droid... "Son of a-" She noticed something move by the crates to her right, in the corner of her eye, she ignored it... for now.

She changed the firing mode on her rifle and fired shot after shot at the droid, it got caught completly unaware and retreated temporarily. She smiled but then suddenly changed to surprise as a spray of blaster bolts came flying towards her, barely missing.
"We need some heavy weapons on this thing!" She shouted over the comm. Before moving to another position to see how she could help.
05-27-2007, 2:31 AM
Dwain threw his Silver Lightsaber for Darranak to catch. "I'll want that back, you know! And no scratches!!!"

"Dante! Give us a few grenades, would 'ya?" Dwain shouted, as he deflected the blaster fire from the droid. A short while had past, and total destruction was still raining around the group due to the War Droid. Dwain was barely surviving here.

"Boy, it would be nice if we had some grenades, dont ya think?"
05-27-2007, 10:50 AM
"Speak of the devil." Natalie shouted from the other side of the room, a lethal looking thermal detnator in her hand. However the droid quickly spotted this and sprayed fire on her position.

"Need some cover over here" She said on the comm, bolts landing left right and center all around her.
05-28-2007, 2:18 PM
Darranack looked at the lightsaber. He hadn't exactly meant for HIM to use, but that would work. He bet he could use this thing perfect. He stalked up on the droid, as best he could stalk, while it was firing at Natalie. He then used his grappled to grab a firing arm and used the lightsaber to chop it off. But then he wasn't sure if he should retreat or not, too late. The thing reared up. Darranak gulped and got ready.
05-29-2007, 2:27 AM
Dwain launched himself with the Lightsaber at the mechanised creature as it was about to fire on Daranak. He attempted to draw the Lightsaber across the firing arm, but he was pushed away with the force shield surrounding its body. He felw across the corridor and hit his head against the wall. Then he noticed that he only area that wasn't protected by the shield was under its belly, where a shield generator was on its body.

"Hey Natalie? Still got anymore Thermal Detonators?"
05-29-2007, 7:27 AM
"Right here" She replied, throwing a thermal detnator - not primed or deadly at the moment, towards Dwain, hoping he would catch it.
To add as a distraction she shot at a group of barrels towards the edge of the room, the droid spun around to look and she shot a powerful shot into the back of its 'head'
05-29-2007, 6:00 PM
Darranack took his second chance, swung- and missed. Hey, he wasn't good with a lightsaber! He would have to give this back later. He decided to take the more prudent course and get the heck away from this Thing. He hid behind a tippe dover barrel and started shooting.
05-29-2007, 9:11 PM
[Sorry for the absense, folks. Okay, here we go...]

Dante received Dwain's urgent message and temporarily distracted. Accidently he cutted a red wire. The bomb's "tick, tick, tick" sound suddenly amplified.

"Oh, no." Dante groaned, "Great. Bye bye, folks." Suddenly he noticed a small box, and unscrewed it. The content inside it made Dante's eyes wide. No, no, don't tell me.

His eyes reflected the red, bloody red numbers, counting down.

"Oh, holy--" Dante said in astonishment, and...


When he saw Dwain, Dante threw him a smoke detonator and a flash detonator. "Take them, you might need them."
05-30-2007, 5:31 AM
By the time Dante entered the corridor, Dwain had already threw the thermal detonator under the war droid. The little grenade made a huge explosion, but everyone was protected from the blast radius by the droids shield.

The monster flung down in defeat as it was destroyed.

"What's the problem? And Darranak, I'd like my Lightsaber back, please!"
05-30-2007, 1:01 PM
"The going to detonate in...1 minute!" Dante checked up his watch, "I'll try my best to defuse that bomb. But I recommend you to get out of here in 1 minute."

Then Dante hurried back to defuse the bomb. The timer shows only 45 seconds.

"What are you standing here for? Go!" Dante's eyes locked into the jumping digits.
05-30-2007, 2:26 PM
"Just one problem after the next.." Natalie muttered under her voice, sprinting for the ship will all hast.
05-31-2007, 6:21 AM
The crew finally reached the Hanger and was facing the Strider. Dwain counted they had atleast 28 seconds left. He hoped Dante would make it in time.

He was about to run up the entry ramp, when he heard the thud of boots behind him. He spun around to see a man in a black cloak. Dwain stared into the piercing, red glowing eyes. The Dark Figure pulled the hood off his head, and revealed a stone-white face with a square jaw and the head imbedded sith tattoos all over. Dwain paced towards the figure. No doubt it was the mysterious figure hiding in the reactor core. He unclipped his Lightsabers from his belt.

"Go! I'll handle him!" Dwain said, as he ignited his Lightsabers. There was silence. "Don't wait for me GO! ZAYNE, START UP THE SHIP! I'LL MEET UP LATER!"

The Sith Lord pulled out an ellegant double-bladed Lightsaber. Blood-shine beams srpouted from each end. Dwain smiled.

"So, these Sith Lords gotta have names don't they? What's yours, I wonder? Darth Ugly? Darth Hideous? No wait! Darth Grotesque!"

"Your insults mean nothing to me, Jedi! But if you must know, my master named me Darth Reaper; your ultamate doom!"

"I am no Jedi!" Dwain muttered. He launched himself towards the Sith Lord, but Reaper counter-attacked with a Force Push. Dwain made Saber Swipes and swings against his opponent, in the Ataru Stance.
05-31-2007, 2:14 PM
Natalie stood speechless "Dwain... its that man.. from my nightmares.." Suddenly the figure shot her a glare.

"Ill be seeing you soon...." He telepathically said to her through the force.
05-31-2007, 3:35 PM
"Well... I guess it wouldn't exactly be fair if I left him alone," sighed William. He plucked out his two lightsabers and ignited them. Allowing his robe to slide from his shoulders, he jumped in to join the fight.

"Dwain owes me for this."
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