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The Search for Revan

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04-16-2007, 9:21 AM
Cor had been waiting in the cargo hold the whole time as the group had been having their conversations. He had heard of the destination to which the group was headed, even though he remained in the hold the whole time.

He still sat patiently on a crate, as the woman from earlier came in. He remained quiet and still, only moving his head to stare at her.

Even to Cor, a cybernetic being, she seemed a bit odd to him, out-of-place, maybe.
04-16-2007, 10:06 AM
Darranak was very glad they were going back to the ship. He decided to watch Cor. But that Bastilla lady came towards the ramp. "What do you want here?" Darranak asked, trying to sound a tiny bit respectful (rather difficult for him, especially with recent events.)
04-16-2007, 12:41 PM
"Mmm...We got one volunteer, anyone else?" Dante asked around, "And I know Dark Jedi is no match for us, but the real threat is Sith...These Force users can smell our scent 10 miles away. Especially on Lehon."

Then he checked his arsenals, and said, "Don't worry, I'm ready to encounter any business that we encounter."
 Jason Skywalker
04-16-2007, 3:34 PM
"So what Nat? I thought even Dark Jedi where supposed to be married to their Lightsabers," He told her as she made her way to the cargo hold.

"You still here?" He asked Cor as he entered the room.
 Adia Lanna
04-16-2007, 11:49 PM
"If you would like another sparring partner Dante, my skills could use some sharpening," said Lanna as she dropped her robe off.
04-17-2007, 2:26 AM
"Oh god, we aren't learning Echani, are we?" Dwain complained "'cause, I seriously don't want to get naked infront of those guys!" Dwain pointed at his ever so curious crew.
 Jason Skywalker
04-17-2007, 5:36 AM
"Don't worry Dwain, i have no interest whatsoever to see you half or naked. I don't have your addictions," He laughed as he went back to the cockpit to insert the coordinates.

"Oh, by the way, since this will be a long trip, take your time to snack or so."
04-17-2007, 11:07 AM
"Oh dont worry captain, iv seen it all before" She gave him a cheeky smile and walked into the cargo hold with (jasons character, cant remember name lol, sorry).
"You still here?" He said to the Cyborg
"I dont know how he sat here all this time..." She said half to (jasons char:P) and to the cyborg.
She then sat down on her sleeping back and climbed inside, looking up at (Jasons char :P).
"Need something?" she asked curiously.
 Adia Lanna
04-17-2007, 1:49 PM
(I wasn't dropping my entire robe off. Just the long coat part that jedis usually drop off before they fight. Pretty much like Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon and Darth Maul before there fight in Phantom Menace)

"Don't flatter yourself, Dwain," said Lanna with a chuckle.
04-17-2007, 2:49 PM
Dante smiled shallowly and pulled out his Katana. "You two, come up and fight me." Then he dashed to Dwain, and preparing to make a stab. "Be warned...Many Sith are not fast enough to react to my stab. So focus...Focus...Use your sense..."

But Dante eyed Aida to see her reaction.
 Jason Skywalker
04-17-2007, 4:02 PM
(It's Zayne. And read my last post, he left after Dwain's humorous commentary.)
04-17-2007, 9:21 PM
"This concerns the other Jedi aboard this ship, not you." Bastila said as she brushed past Darranak. "Fine, fine." Darranak just let her go through. But then he followed to see if her buissness was of any interest or importance.

OOS: Jedi people, pick this up? Please, don't leave the continuum hanging! Just trying to make something happen.
04-18-2007, 2:05 AM
Relieved that they weren't learning Echani, Dwain pulled out a simple Vibroblade to counter Dante's attack. Adia was pretty fine with her swordsmanship. All was going fine, until they were interupted by Bastila walkiing into the room.

"Yeah? What now?" he greeted Bastila, as he took a break from sword fighting. Drops of sweat rolling down his head.
04-18-2007, 3:45 AM
"Oh, no." Dante groaned, and put his katana back to his scabbard and stood on his feet: "Greetings, Master Shan. Something up? And excuse our rudeness, we were just improving our dueling skills, just in case we got Sith/Dark Jedi."
04-18-2007, 11:05 AM
Natalie walked back into the area were they were.

'Cant she just bugger off already..'

Bastila shot her a glare, as if knowing what she was thinking.
"Urr.. hello again Bastila...." She said uncertainly. "When are we actually leaving?" She glanced at the people who just finished sparring.
 Jason Skywalker
04-18-2007, 1:34 PM
"Miss Bastila," Zayne started on the comm link, "Are you coming with us? Or did you remember something you had forgotten to say?"
04-20-2007, 8:50 PM
((Relenzo2, seriously, this isn't funny. Please, proceed what you were about to do with Bastila ASAP, because I think our RP players are starting to get a little impatient with waiting))
04-22-2007, 8:08 AM
(just advance the plot without him, this rp has been on a standstill for over 2 days now)

"Bastila unless your coming with us, I suggest you get off the ship." Natalie said before heading to the cockpit.

"I say we burn the engines until we see lines, im sick of all this waiting around" She said to Zayne
04-22-2007, 12:36 PM
(( sorry i was on a trip, I will post soon.... as I can.))
04-22-2007, 12:59 PM
"Hey, watch your tone, Natalie. Be respectful to a Jedi." Dante reminded, "And I hate to wait, but what's next?"
04-22-2007, 1:00 PM
Darranak entered the room where Bastilla was with the others when he heard running outside. Into the room a few seconds later came a Jedi with black lines on his face. "Though you would get away from me, didn't you?" he smiled wickedly at Darranak.
"Um.." Darranak stumbled, "look, I'm sure I can pay you for that. Hey! I left the money with Bastilla so I wouldn't spend it! Can you give it to me now, Bastilla?" Bastilla frowned, and bowed to the Jedi. "Continue your journey," she said, "and may the Force be with you." "Hey," said Darranak, "come back! What did you do with the money? Bastilla, I NEED THAT TWENTY G!" He yelled after Bastilla as she walked down the ramp.
 Jason Skywalker
04-22-2007, 1:04 PM
"Hey, that line is mine, i trademarked it," Zayne told Natalie sarcastically, "But anyways, we're going to Lehon."
04-22-2007, 7:48 PM
Darranak snuck around the ship, tring to aviod the Jedi. But he was caught by the cuff, swearing. "Don't worry, I don't want the manoy," the Jedi said. "Really?" said Darranak, "Cool! Can I go?" "No, I don't want the money... but I want to cut yo9u to ribbons." "Oh." "And since you can't pay me, as an organization withing the Galactic repbublic, the Telos Academy claims this vessel. That ought to keep you here for a while."
04-23-2007, 5:18 AM
"Oookay, I think we should leave Darranak to his insanity." Dwain commented. "'kay, Zayne! Fire her up!"

The Strider flew out of the Telos Academy Hangar, and fired off out of the atmosphere into known space. Atlast, they were heading to the unknown regions.

"Right!" Dwain finally announced, looking back at Adia and Dante. "Shall we continue?" he raised his blade in the Ataru Stance Form.
04-23-2007, 9:12 AM
They both fell down when the ship took off. "Hey!" the Jedi yelled, "fly back here, you..." he ran off. Darranak decided to go watch Cor, if he was still onw the ground, he would obviously be a thousand times less dangerous than that man when he was angry. He could get Dante later. Actually, he would have to kill them all (after he was paid) for leaving him in this place which was living #(** for him, unless they saved him later or something. Bother.
04-23-2007, 11:04 AM
"Well freaking 'A'" Said Natalie as she sat in the Co-Pilot seat, she pulled out a book on the mandalorian wars and started to read it quietly.

"Watch my tone?" She said atloud "heh, says the man whos a grey jedi and probably deserted them-" She suddenly stopped, relising what she just said, an realising that she was once the same.
04-23-2007, 12:37 PM
Dante simply held his scabbard and smiled to Dwain: "Looky look, here we go again...Aida, are you ready?"
 Adia Lanna
04-23-2007, 11:51 PM
"I am certainly ready. I hope that you and Dwain can keep up with a women of my stature," said Adia with a smile.
04-24-2007, 12:08 AM
CSI made a polite bow, and jumped away from the duo. Suddenly, without warning, he dashed towards Dwain, and his katana half-drawn.
04-24-2007, 5:48 AM
"Woah, easy there Dante!" smiled Dwain, as he parried the trainer's attack. Dwain then drew his Vibroblade to attack Adia. He was only too careful, as he was trying his best not to injure her.
04-24-2007, 10:55 AM
"Lady and gentleman, lightsabers, please. Vibroblades are no fun at all...and you don't expect to deal with Dark Jedi or Sith with vibroblades, do you?" Dante smiled.
04-24-2007, 11:03 AM
Natalie sat up from the co-pilot seat and looked at the nav comm then at zayne "Where exactly are we going?" She asked, kind of nervous.
 Jason Skywalker
04-24-2007, 2:55 PM
"Well, i thought you heard, but well, we're going to Rakata Prime, better known as Lehon. It's on the Outer Rim," Zayne replied to Natalie.
04-24-2007, 6:42 PM
Dwain, uncertain whether using a Lightsaber was safe to use at the moment, unclipped both of his weapons. He ignited them. The Blue and Silver energy blades shown, and radiated it's light around the entire room.
04-25-2007, 11:07 AM
"Hmm...? oh yes yes..." She said, a voice in her head shouting at her not to go there.

"So... why are we going there?" She wasnt exactly listening before
 Adia Lanna
04-25-2007, 9:05 PM
"Holding back, Dwain?" said Adia. "I guess this is to be suspected. You wouldn't want to go all out and be shown up by a woman would you?"

She then ignited her lightsaber.
 Jason Skywalker
04-26-2007, 4:51 AM
Zayne immediately stopped all emotions from his body and looked at her like with a face of looking at her like she was dumb and then put his face again on the space.

"Because it might contain clues to find Revan," He told her before leaving the chair, "I'm going to watch them fight."
04-26-2007, 5:50 AM
"What? I'm just getting started!" Dwain smiled at Adia. He swung his Lightsabers to attack his opponent, which were apparently Danta and Adia at the same time.
04-26-2007, 11:13 AM
"Right, ill take over" She replied, just keeping a light eye on things.

(I really need to add a decent twist to this char, shes too boring, hidden sith lord anyone? lol)
04-28-2007, 9:28 PM
Dwain performed a Spinning Attack at each of his oponents, although trying not to hurt them at the same time. It appeared that neither of them were thinking carefully like Dwain, because he just suddenly felt a swipe of something very painful across one of his hand holding one of his Lightsabers. The little elegant weapon dropped to the floor, which wasn't Dwain's intentions. He stared closely at his hand...

"AAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" he screamed, echoing throughout the entire ship.

Three of his fingers were completly sliced off, and the palm of his hand was very mangled. He brought it up closely to his face, seeing if he wasn't simply hallucinating. "No, it was real!" he thought to himself. He screamed again. Then he stomped his feet on the metal floor, as if chucking a tantrum.

"MY HAND!" he screamed. "One of you has destroyed my hand!"
04-29-2007, 6:25 AM
Natalie heard the scream and rushed into the room.

"What the hell happened????" She asked, before getting some bandages and starting to tend to his injury.
 Jason Skywalker
04-29-2007, 7:07 AM
Zayne started laughing and almost even fell to the floor, "Who did that? I don't know, i think it was YOU!"

He wiped the tears of laughter and then took a more serious tone, "But now really, that can be arranged quickly."
04-29-2007, 9:15 PM
"Oh, no..." Dante looked at his Katana, "That's not possible--My Katana can repel lightsaber, but it doesn't mean it can cut like a lightsaber..." And he searched his inventories and found a Mini-Bacta tank. "Here, take this, this would at least hold you for a while. And we need to land at a planet nearby--We need a robotic replacement at your fingers...And until we find out what happened, the train must be ceased."
04-30-2007, 2:48 AM
Dwain dunked his entire hand in the bacta tank. "My fingers? Why not my whole freakn' hand while you're at it!" he screamed. He started to get a little light headed from the traumatic experience, then he fell to the floor as he fainted (with his hand still in the bacta tank).

He woke up, a few hours later in the Infirmary. He wondered if it was just some horrible dream, but that was before he realised he couldn't feel his entire hand.
04-30-2007, 12:41 PM
Natalie stood over him, feeling a bit of sympathy for him and mutually attracted.

"You feinted from blood loss, but trust me as soon as we land we'll get you a robotic replacement....." She said quietly.
04-30-2007, 8:10 PM
Dante rushed to the cockpit and shouted: "We got a man down, man down! Zayne, find a planet nearby which offers robotic replacement! Dwain just lost a limb in training, status critical. Immediate medical attention requested."
05-01-2007, 3:32 AM
"How long have I been out for?" Dwain wondered, as he sat up. He was feeling a little woozy, and dizzy at the same time. "Has Dante doped me up, or something?" he asked Natalie.

((Hey Jason. I was thinking we could land on a Hospital Space Station, or something. But we can land on a planet if you want, if you too had something in mind))
05-01-2007, 11:14 AM
"Oh only a few hours, like I said it was just from shock and obviously, the pain" She said as she checked his vitals.

'We need better equipment' She thought.
 Jason Skywalker
05-01-2007, 11:15 AM
(Lolz, CSI, Zayne was with them on the cockpit, he saw Dwain collapse xD)

Zayne got on the navicomputer and started searching for anything in a 500 miles range and found out a station, just 100 miles from there.

"Alright fellas, buckle up, i'm going full throttle here!" Zayne shouted out on the comm as the Strider flew forwards.
05-01-2007, 9:48 PM
"Ark..." Dante hurried to find a seat belt when Zayne pushed the accelerate button, but before he can buckle himself in, the ship throttled in full power. "Oh, no." Dante groaned and he was smashed into the back of the cockpit. And bounced onto ground.

"We might need to get a more reputable pilot." He murmured.
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