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The Search for Revan

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06-19-2007, 8:32 AM
"If you're tired, you can seek accomadation over at the Outpost, if you wish."

Everbody had there suspicions on that Republic Officer, but Dwain failed to see why. But sure enough, something wasn't right.

"You know... now that you mention it, I am feeling kinda tired. I guess we could crash over at your base over night, but for now, we have some questions!"

He paced around the room.

"How long have you been in relation with the Rakatan's?" he asked, secretly interrogating.

"About five years, since the destruction of the Star Forge. We made peace with the natives ever since then... well, these natives, anyway. They were the only "civilised" beings on this world. The others were completely hostile!"
06-19-2007, 12:12 PM
Natalie felt uneasy, and she didnt feel safe, once more she had some dark figure out there.. hunting her.
"Im going to take a walk, and I wont pull a telos IV (When she was attacked by thugs) this time." She spoke to Dwain before walking off into the wilderness with any of her companions who wanted to come.
06-20-2007, 12:50 AM
"B... but," William gave a relented sigh, before jogging off after her. "This is going to get us both killed!"
06-20-2007, 3:45 AM
"Do you have any suggestions to look for clues on the where to find Revan?" Dwain spoke. It seemed that every time he said the word "Revan" he could see a strange expression on the Rakatan's faces. Perhaps they knew something...

"Do they have any suggestions?" Dwain asked.

The republic officer looked at the Rakatan's, pulled some sort of Sonic Imprint Sensor, and spoke in the sensor;"These friends here have been ordered to look for Revan by our government. Do you know any locations on where to begin there search?"

Then the Republic Officer handed it to the Elder, pressed the button, and the sentence he spoke into the little device was translated into a language the Rakatan's could under stand.

The Elder spoke something back into it, handed it back, and pressed the button. A high-tech voice emitted from the little device; "Revan came to us a long time ago, in hopes of our assistance to destroy the Star Forge. Though our computer system isn't entirely accurate about the Wild Space region, there is a Super Computer inside the great, almighty Temple of the Ancients. There Revan went inside to deactivate the disrupter field guarding the Star Forge itself, and kept his promise of destroying the mighty space station."

The Republic officer looked back at them. "It seems that the Elders are implying you begin your search through this Temple, make your way to the catacombs where the Super Computer lies, and that should give you more info of the Unknown Regions!"
06-20-2007, 11:24 AM
Natalie glanced back at the group, then at William while still walking.
"Something is very out of place here..." They walked into a large open area, looking at a old ruin of a temple.

"We crossed this place before, I wonder whats inside." She said staring in awe at it.

"So whats your name?" She said to William, hoping to strike up some sort of conversation.
06-21-2007, 12:52 AM
"William," was his short answer. He was also growing tired of having a bad feeling and wished to start a conversation. (Won't have computer access for 3 days, just pretend that I'am not here.)
06-21-2007, 6:53 AM
"But the only way into the Temple..." The Republic Officer explained. "Is by going through a some kind of ancient Ritual infront of the doors. As I hear, I think that could take hours!"

"Great! So what are we suppose to do in the mean time?" Dwain spoke, irratated.

The Elder spoke something into the Sonic Imprint Sensor.

"Perhaps your crew and the rest of us Elders are willing to make a deal! Our Storage Computer is missing huge amounts of Information and Data. Most of it, however, has been saved on a holocron we have created. That Holocron contains crucial amounts of Information we need desperatly! If you can find us the Holocron, we shall allow access for you inside the temple!"

"Fair deal!" Dwain smiled. "Where is the Holocron?"

"We don't know!" The republic office said sadly.


"All we know is that recently, not long ago, a group of Hostile Rakatan's have trespassed into the enclave and stole the Holocron! I would suggest you look through their enclave!"

"Any Idea's where it might be?"

The Elder pulled from his pouch a small, pyramis shaped holocron. He pressed the button, and a holographic map projected out of the little device.

"Follow the map, find the enclave, find the Holocron!" said the Republic Officer. "Simple as that!"
06-21-2007, 12:40 PM
Natalie carried on walking, however losing her companion, William.
She walked down a jungle path that seemed to stretch on for hours.
Suddenly she was at a beach, in the water itself was a old Republic Hammerhead wreck, she then looked to her right to see a large complex. It looked very primitive, but the 'Rakatans' she had met before were there. However these ones looked more warlike so she crouched behind a rock and readied her sniper.

"I think we have another tribe here" She spoke over the comm to her Captain.
06-23-2007, 8:36 AM
Dwain looked at his Commlink.

"Natalie, where are you? And what do this other Tribe look like?"

He looked at the Republic Officer. "Those Hostile Rakatans! Is there another Tribe on this very Island?"

"Well, what we know for certain is that there are Three Tribes on this very Island, including the Elders! One of them was erradicated by Revan during the War, but the other... we aren't sure about them. But the chances of them being extrememly dangerous is unquestionable!"

This was serious! He didn't want anything to happen to Natalie, so he pulled out his Blaster.

"I think my friend is in trouble!" he pulled out the commlink again. "Natalie, what is your status?"
06-24-2007, 12:34 PM
"All quiet my end, Captain." Natalie replied, still watching from behind the rock at the tribe.
"These ones are armed, and their clothing is slightly more less advanced. Im transmitting my Co-ordinates now." She spoke as she started to transmit her location to Dwains datapad.
06-24-2007, 4:13 PM
[OOC: I'm sorry, folks. I don't think I'm okay to post more in the RP anymore, so move on without me. Good luck, boys/girls.]

On the main lobby, Dante's intercom chirped. "Hello, Dante here."

"Hello, Commander. The Old Republic requires your presence."

"When? Now?" Dante sounds amazed.

"Yeah, now."


"The shuttle should be landing in any minute."

"Okay. Tell the Republic that I'll be there." Dante changed the channel, and said to Dwain: "I'm sorry, sir, I have to go. The Republic requested my presence. So I bid you my best wish to find Revan, and send my best regard!"

Then he boarded the shuttle, and the shuttle flicked into hyperspace.
06-24-2007, 11:37 PM
William silently crept forward behind his partner, before gently grasping her shoulder.

"Hey, I finally found you, but I think we should leave before they find us."
06-25-2007, 10:58 AM
(Alright CSI, good luck with whatever you have to do.)

Natalie jumped slightly when she felt something touch her and grabbed Williams arm.
"Oh.. its just you" She said, feeling stupid and embarrassed slightly at the same time.

"I dont think they will find us, they are all just standing their... oh your probably right lets move." She replied as she climbed to one knee and got ready to move.
06-27-2007, 7:47 PM
Still crouching, William slowly moved back while taking out one of his lightsabers.

"Just in case," he told Natalie.
06-28-2007, 5:01 AM
"Natalie! Do you copy!" Dwain spoke through the commlink. He didn't have time for this!

He grabbed his Lightsabers and was about to head out the door.

"I could probably use some assistance!" he demanded, glancing over at the Republic Officer, Rakatan and the rest of his crew.

"I'll send additional troopes, and the Elder here shall send warriors to aid you!"

"Thanks!" he headed out the door. One place he could start looking would probably be the Temple of the Ancients.
06-28-2007, 1:45 PM
Natalie replied on her comm. "Yes im receiving you? whats the problem..."
She then looked forward at the camp, a small compliment of warriors who were present before had disapeared. Something in Natalies heart boomed and she felt something calling her.

"There goes that feeling again.." She glanced at one of Williams Lightsabers, how did a person wield such a weapon?
06-30-2007, 9:53 PM
He began to retreat slowly back into the forest, while gently pulling Natalie by the arm.

"I suggest you pull out something besides a sniper rifle. I sense they are coming toward us."
07-01-2007, 5:10 AM
"There is a group of hostile Rakatans heading your way! I'm commin' to you so I can lend you a hand..."

Dwain ran as fast as he could, until he met in view of the great Temple of the Ancients. He hid behind a large large rock, and spotted the group of warriors, armed and deadly. They were running, probably following Natalie and William.

He pulled out his Blaster.
07-01-2007, 8:10 AM
"Alright lets play it how you jedi do it." She said and in a slick move she slung her rifle across her shoulder and grabbed the vibroblade hanging down her leg.
"I still say a blaster beats a lightsaber." She smirked as she slowly nudged him off from holding her arm. She then looked to the surrounding jungle.

'Times like this I wished I didnt walk up the ramp of the strider.' She thought as the bushes started to move ....
07-01-2007, 9:02 PM
Darranack sprung into the situation. He cabled a tree branch hangin out with a long angle to shoot forward a little. Than he drew his blaster, staring the advancing Rakatans straight on. This could very well get him killed, but what the heck. He might get a raise too.
07-03-2007, 7:45 AM
Dwain krept along the grass, following the armed and dangerous Rakatans. They led him into the jungle.

A few seconds later, he had already lost their track.

"Aw, shucks!"
07-04-2007, 12:06 AM
Igniting his lightsaber, and feeling the hot glow upon his face, he turned toward Natalie and said," A blaster could very well defeat a lightsaber, if used correctly and with skill."
07-04-2007, 11:01 AM
"I wouldnt know, or ever be able to wield one" (HINT HINT XD) She replied, eyeing the surrounding wilderness, slowly she raised her Vibroblade.

"Ever feel watched?" She asked nearly whispering, glancing to Williams direction then back at the trees and canopies that covered the ground.
07-05-2007, 1:10 AM
"Almost all the time," he responded, before hearing a rustle here and there.

He gently reached out with the Force, sensing the Rakatans in a circle slowly approaching them.
07-05-2007, 10:58 PM
((just battle them already! sorry, I'm getting impatient... THAT'S IT, I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!))

After a few minutes staring out into the jugnle, Dwain finally caught sight of the Rakatans. They were approaching something, or someone.

He reached out into the Force... Natalie and Will. Dwain krept up behind the Warriors, aimed his blaster, and used a Power Shot to take down one of the Rakatans. They turned around to see their hunter.

Dwain pulled out his Silver Saber and ignited it, while aiming the pistol at the Warriors!
07-06-2007, 12:21 PM
(Lol, and is it just us 3?)
Natalie rolled into action and dropped to one knee to fire at the nearest Rakatan, it quickly fell and she turned her attention to William who she had developed..... nevermind she didnt have time to think, Rakatans were already swarming the area.

'The words "Some people never learn" come to mind' She thought as she crossed blades with a Rakatan, staring into its eyes with anger she slowly drove the more powerful and larger warrior back.
07-06-2007, 5:22 PM
(Hope it's ok if I introduce my character into the story at this moment)

A young Mandalorian warrior was sitting in a clearing in the jungle and was sharpening his vibrosword, when he heard the sound of an ignited lightsaber and the sound of crossed blades. These sounds called to him like a beacon and he immediately took his vibrosword and mandalorian blaster and headed to where the sounds were coming from.

Seeing the Jedi and the young woman fighting Rakatans, he thought to himself: "What is a Jedi doing on this planet...again?!Hmmm, no matter I'll ask questions, let the battle be joined!" And with those thoughts he took out his vibrosword and pounced towards a Rakatan warrior.
07-06-2007, 8:50 PM
Dwain stabbed a Rakatan Warrior and finished him off with a shot of his Blaster. He suddenly turned around to see a man wearing Mandalorian Armour charginf to the group.

"What was a Mandalorian doing here on Lehon?" he wondered. He put away his blaster and reached for his other Lightsaber. He was ready to take him down, afterall, the man was a Mandalorian; whom Dwain had once knew as ignorant butchers and murderes.

Then he saw the Mandalorian wasn't going for the group, but the Rakatans. He was helping the crew.

"Huh... ain't that strange!" He continued Fighting by slashing his two sabes across the bellies of the primitive beings.
07-07-2007, 7:48 AM
The young Mandalorian stabbed one of the Rakatan Warriors and the primitive being fell to the ground. The Mandalorian turned to see the somewhat amazed look one of the Jedi had towards him. He thought to himself: "What's the matter, Jedi? Haven't you seen a Mandalorian before?". He was attacked by another Rakatan warrior, who was wielding two blades. Turning towards it, the young Mandalorian parried the Rakatan's attack with his vibrosword and rapidly took out his blaster and shot the Rakatan in the right-leg. The primitive warrior fell to the ground and the Mandalorian yelled "For Mandalore!", before stabbing the Rakatan through the chest with his vibrosword.
07-08-2007, 7:09 AM
Natalie looked at the mandalorian in surprise, and a sharp pain suddenly came to her leg.
She screamed slightly from the pain before Slashing back at the same Rakatan she had fought before and kicked it away, she knelt to the ground slightly as the Rakatan prepared to do the finishing blow.
"Im not having this happen to me again, deepest apologies." She calmly said to the surprised creature as she raised her pistol in the air and emptied it in the Rakatans direction.

The group of Rakatans were starting to break.
07-08-2007, 8:52 AM
Dwain had finished off two Rakatans he had slayed with his Lightsabers. He then turned around to Natalie, whom he saw fell to the ground with an injured leg. Dwain saw just in time when she emptied her entire clip on that Rakatan. He ran over to her and put a comforting hand behind her back. He examined the state of her leg.

"First me, now you!" he chuckled. "It looks like a deep wound... yowch! Here, allow me!"

He put his hand over the Wound and used the Force Heal power. After a few seconds, the gash was clean of blood and a bearing scar lay.

"I healed most of it up. I'm no doctor, but there is some guarantee it will be a little painful and you will find yourself limping."

Though he couldn't help but notice, during the healing process, he saw signs of Force Sensitivity within her. But now wasn't an appropriate time to consult her with that... maybe later on in the day.

"How you feeling, kid?" he glanced up at her face, smiling.
07-08-2007, 10:26 AM
William had finished fighting his own battle with the Rakatans, and wasn't feeling so upbeat. He hated it whenever he had to kill somebody, creatures were a different thing in his profession.

Especially when a young Rakatan challenged him. William couldn't bring himself to deliver the killing blow.
07-08-2007, 10:38 AM
Darranack was chasing the Rakatans through the jungle. Branches were slapping him in the face. Then he tripped. Oh, forget it. They'd already won, one Rakatan wasn't worth it. Now, which way was? Aw, shucks, he was lost. "Well, this is a new experience. HELLO!"
07-08-2007, 3:16 PM
After stabbing a Rakatan through the chest and shooting another with his blaster, the young mandalorian turned towards one of the Jedi and asked with a gruff tone: "How's the girl?".
07-09-2007, 1:24 AM
"I'm guessing she will be fine for now." Dwain glanced up at the Mandalorian Warrior which stood before him. This brought back a lot of memories back during the war.

"Okay Mandalorian! Who the hell are you, and what is it going to cost us?"
07-09-2007, 5:47 AM
The Mandalorian took his helmet off and revealed a clean-shaven face. He glanced towards the Jedi with his green eyes and said: "The name's Zeldron, Jedi. And if you think I'm some two-bit merc you're wrong! We Mandalorians fight only for the glory and honour of battle! Not that these Rakatans were worthy of a Mandalorian's skills, but I was getting bored in the jungle and I decided to check where the blaster and lightsaber sounds were coming from. Now, seen as I've responded to your questions, how about you answer mine?
What's a Jedi and his friends doing on Lehon this time?"
07-09-2007, 12:19 PM
"Yes Im fine" Natalie replied to Dwain, giving a warm smile as she slowly was helped to her feet.
'Theres the limp' She thought as a small pain came to her leg, she would be fine soon.

She then reloaded her emptied and still steaming pistol and looked around at her party then at the bodies of the fallen.
"Who were these guys and what did they want?" She asked, ignoring the mandalorian and looking to her friends.
07-09-2007, 4:51 PM
"Perhaps they viewed us as a threat and attacked. After all, it is their territory," answered William as he took out a medpac and threw it to Natalie.
07-10-2007, 5:34 AM
"Hey, guys? Has it ever occured to you there is a Mandalorian standing right in front of us?" he frowned at both Natalie and Will. He stared back at Zeldron.

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt to give some info to a stranger! We have been sent from the Republic to look for Revan, the guy whom whooped your butts during the Mandalorian Wars. He disapeared in the Unknown Regions and we are trying to locate him. So we thought we come to Lehon to look for clues! Why are you so curious?"
07-10-2007, 6:18 AM
Zeldron stared at Dwain and said:"Why am I curious?!Revan was the only opponent worthy of our respect during our war against your Republic.If it weren't for him, you would all be speaking mandalorian by now.Revan earned our respect and admiration.But let's not talk of the past any longer.You say he disappeared in the Unknown Regions, huh?Why did he go there?".
07-10-2007, 8:43 AM
"Something about looking for a long forgotten empire who call themselves the "True Sith"." Dwain responded. "They exist! Infact earlier, we have encountered them."

He scanned through the jungle, trying to see if their are any more Rakatans in the area.

"Alright, lets just quickly introduce ourselves. I'm Dwain, and this here is Will and Natalie. Now lets get the hell out of this jungle before more Rakatan's show up!"
07-10-2007, 12:16 PM
"True Sith, huh?Interesting name...I had heard tales about them, from the members of my clan, but I never thought they were true.So the greatest of Jedi went after would truly be an honour to join his battle against these 'True Sith'...if you allow me I would join your party in this search for Revan.By the way, pleased to meet you, let's get the hell outta here!"
07-10-2007, 12:20 PM
"No rush, no rush" Natalie calmly said while at the same time catching the medpac and getting ready to move, still of course completly blanking the mandalorian.
07-10-2007, 3:37 PM
Darranack searched his person for a remote, anything at all. Nothing. So he starting walking, against his better judgement. "Gotta find me cruiser, can't love without that..."
07-11-2007, 6:55 AM
Dwain bashed through the dense jungle, then suddenlt stopped to find Darranak.

"Where is your Speeder-thingy?" he smirked. "By the way, Zeldron, this is Darranak. A crew member of ours! Daranak, this is Zeldron."
07-11-2007, 11:04 AM
"Every visit we go to we seem to pick up a new crewmember" Natalie muttered under her breath. She felt uneasy about the situation at hand and she had many questions that wanted answering.
07-11-2007, 3:44 PM
"Nice to meet another member of the crew."said Zeldron in his usual gruff tone."By the way, Dwain what exactly are we looking for here on Lehon?I know were looking for signs that Revan might have left here, so maybe we could investigate that large temple over there", Zeldron pointed towards a large stone temple, that could be seen above the jungle's trees.
07-12-2007, 1:56 AM
Dwain stared over at Zeldron.

"We could if the damn doors were open. The Rakatans can get it open in a few hours time, but they suggest they make us run a little errand for them to pass the time! We have to retrieve some Holocron from another Tribe somewhere on the Island. So unless you know another way into the Temple, we're heading for the next enclave!"
07-12-2007, 5:38 AM
"Thanks for updating me on the situation, Dwain.I remember seeing some Rakatans transporting a holocron-like object towards the west of the stone temple.Maybe that's where their camp is."
07-12-2007, 10:56 AM
Oh, this was it. "Dwain, I demand you do something about this! This crew is like jelly." He pointed a finger at Zeldron. "You're lucky I like the Mandalorians." He got out his blaster. "Where's that little William Jedi. I'M GOING to kill him. Right now. As soon as I go get my cruiser back in the Strider. I know where I am now." he put his speeder in the Strider and looked out for William.
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