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The Search for Revan

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08-16-2007, 9:22 AM
"Some soldiers that I found in a prison type area back there.... they told me they were the Enclavers guards.. but then they got 'replaced' " She replied, looking around at the now quiet scene...
08-16-2007, 12:27 PM
"Hmph....some guards they were, for letting these primitive creatures get past them", said Zeldron after he fired his blaster at one of the Rakatans. "Well I guess any help is better than none. These Rakatans may be stupid, but they've got numbers on their side. Any progress on finding the holocron we came here for?"
08-19-2007, 7:59 AM
Dwain felt the surroundings of the entire enclave. His feelings served him well, though it was more of a hunch.

"No, no progress on the Holocron. But I suspect it may be... in some kind of throne room---"

He slashed his saber across a Rakatan Warriors belly.
 Jason Skywalker
08-25-2007, 12:57 PM
(I'm back people!)

Zayne walked around Rakata Prime. He was following the crew's footsteps. He had sorted somethings in his mind and while walking saw a huge temple. He decided to ignore it for now and continued to follow their footsteps and saw a Rakatan Enclave busted in.

"Idiots," He simply sighed as he calmly walked inside. Alot of dead Rakatan bodies. He looked and saw a Rakatan who was still alive.

"Hey, you there," Zayne said in Rakatan. The Rakatan looked up at him with his maimed body, "Yeah you."

"You know the language of my people?" The creature asked in it's native tongue, surprised.

"Yes. I do."

"What do you want? Leave me to my death."

"No. Who did this."

The Rakatan hesitated for a bit, "...Offworlders. There was a Jedi. He used the magic the one called Revan called "The Force". His blades where of pure blue and silver light...," The Rakatan told him before he died from his wounds.

"Yup, that sounds like Dwain alright. I swear to god, those guys," Zayne muttered before he kept on walking and found the crew.

"Hey guys! Whatcha' doin', the Rakatans let you in, do you need something or are you simply commiting mass Rakatan genocide just for fun?" He crudely joked.
08-27-2007, 8:43 AM
(He's back people!)

For the first time, Dwain was really glad to see Zayne. They really required assistance against these Rakatan Renegades.

"Zayne! Good timing you have showed up. Now shut up, grab a gun and fire at these guys... except for prisoners and any non-warriors..." he sighed, noting Natalie's sense of nagging ( :lol: )

((Hey Jason. Just out of curiosity, why is your MSN account on my Windows Live Messenger?))
 Jason Skywalker
08-27-2007, 9:04 AM
"Alrighty boss, i'll join in on your mass genocide just for fun or whatever we're doing," Zayne said, taking his blaster rifle from his back and started shooting at Rakatans, pointing for the neck.

"So, what exactly are we doing here and who are the new guys?"

(Because i added you on MSN. Happy?)
08-27-2007, 9:10 AM
((I guess. I'm online right now, if you wanna talk))

"Well..." Dwain blasted an oncomming Rakatan and threw a Grenade to clear the passage.

"We are looking for this Holocron thing the Republic is wanting. So that Republic embassy thing sent us down here to retrieve it because they were simply too lazy."
 Jason Skywalker
08-28-2007, 8:52 AM
"Yeah, that sure sounds like the Republic. Hiring people to do their dirty works instead of doing it themselves," Zayne sighed as he then shot at the ceiling of an entrance, crushing any Rakatan that came beneath it.

"Well, coast is clear. Let's go."
08-29-2007, 9:06 AM
(( Apologies for being away, and welcome back Jason

Natalie also has a BIG secret ))

Natalie and the rest of the soldiers had almost completly clensed this part of the enclave, the sheer amount of blaster fire coming from them was shredding its way through Rakatan after Rakatan.

Pretty soon the way was clear, with the assistance of the soldiers and the crew itself.

"We need to get back to the Enclave, thanks again" Said the Leader as him and the rest of the group headed off to the Enclave.

Natalie bandaged a gash on her hand caused by a blade and suddenly blinked when it started to..... patch and heal over?
She felt it tingling.... and in the background she could hear a faint heartbeat.

She shook her head again, and followed on with the rest of the group.
08-29-2007, 4:27 PM
Smashing the Rakatan guard through a stone table William looked around and saw over 50 holocrons lying on another table. "Uhhhhhhhhhhh... Dwain... I'm going to need some help," said William.
 Jason Skywalker
08-29-2007, 6:59 PM
(Thank you, feels good to be back. NATALIE'S A JINCHUURIKI! Must have seen Naruto to understand xD Also, don't you think that's too much LordRevan?)

"By the way, s'long s'we're here, might as well introduce me to the newbies." Zayne simply said.
08-30-2007, 9:38 AM
(( Well.... think Kreia (Not a sith lord or anything though lol), just dont use that knowledge in the RP ))

Natalie walked over to the table, having never seen a holocron before, she had a weird feeling about them, they were so small, yet they seemed to whisper...

"So... what are these?"
 Jason Skywalker
08-30-2007, 3:29 PM
(That she's a Jinchuuriki? Course not! xD Now seriously, i'm not even seeing the picture there, but sure, i won't use OOC knowledge as IC knowledge.)

"They're holocrons Nat. One of them's our hunt. The rest's useless. We could simply take them all and let the Republic see which one's real while we enter the temple. But that would take time. ALOT. So one or all of you dear Jedi could use the Force and resonate with the holocron's Force signature and see which one's real with the Force, whatever the hell that means or actually exists or is just mumbo jumbo," Zayne finished.
08-30-2007, 4:44 PM
(Maybe your right. Sorry about that.) "You guys can find the real one if you want to. I'm taking all the rest to see if some of them have useful stuff like... illegal ways to modify a swoop bike."

William then grabbed a basket lying nearby, and began to gather them up.
08-31-2007, 10:45 AM
Natalie took a seat on a nearby stool and laid her pistol casually on the table.

"So now that we've just killed a settlement, what now?"
08-31-2007, 11:17 AM
"Now, we figure out which holocron is which..." Dwain studdied the holocrons. They all looked very identical from the smallest detail. Dwain picked one up, and activated it.

A hologram of an Angry Rakatan projected from the little device and started yelling at him with an alien dialect he couldn't understand. The words were so harsh and loud, Dwain trembled, deactivated it and threw it back on the table.

"Well'p, I can tell that wasn't the right one. I probably don't want to know what that hologram said to me"
 Jason Skywalker
08-31-2007, 2:26 PM
"It probably insulted you in such ways you can never imagine. I know a bit of Rakatan, but not much. I couldn't make out what he heard. But, let's get back to business. What kind of holocron are we looking for?" Zayne asked Dwain.
08-31-2007, 8:31 PM
Dwain searched through his memory. "According to that Republic Officer guy, the Holocron contains crucial amounts of information for their computer... the problem is, all these holocrons look the same..."

Dwain considered Jason's idea of taking all the Holocrons at once...
 Jason Skywalker
08-31-2007, 8:48 PM
"Is anyone back at the ship? We could contact them via comlink and ask for them to fly the Strider to here and dispatch all the holocrons to there and then give it to the Republic. Either that or they simply wanted this tribe to be mass murdered and didn't want any holocron, also making us waste our time when we could be playing Pazaak," Zayne commented dryly.
09-02-2007, 8:03 AM
Natalie looked at the table blankly, then picked up a holocron, not having the slightnest knowledge of opening it.

"Well why dont you people who can use the force just go though every single one... it cant take forever"

She leaned back in the chair and put her legs on the other one, she looked around at the locals who wernt killed in the fight. All of them were trembling but at the same time curious.

"Find more cheer in a graveyard..." She muttered.
09-02-2007, 9:23 AM
"The Force doesn't work that way..." Dwain noted Natalies comment. "You can't simply use the Force to see which one it is. But if it meant placing a ball under one of three cups and mixing them up, thats a different story..."

He picked up one of the Holocrons, activated it, and a hologram of paragraphs projected from the device. They appeared to be written in Galactic Basic, and contained rather complicated information.

"Oh dear god, I think this is it..." Dwain said excitedly.
09-05-2007, 7:19 AM
(Gonna post since there has not been any in a couple of days)

Natalie walked over to the holocron and the first thing she saw was the name of a planet.

"Coruscant?" She said aloud, looking through the infomation.
09-05-2007, 1:51 PM
(Sorry for not posting in a while, my PC was busted)

Zeldron also picked up one of the holocrons and activated it, only to see it was the one Dwain had picked up earlier with the angry Rakatan...he could understand most of what the Rakatan said, as he had learned their language during his stay on Lehon. Suddenly he pulled out his blaster and destroyed the holocron, declaring: "No one says that to me!".

He then turned towards Zayne and said: "Hmm, another member of your crew, huh? Zeldron, Mandalorian warrior. Nice to meet you." Next he went towards Dwain to see the holocron they had come for: "Hmph...doesn't look like much to me. Now that we found what we came for, how about we go back to your camp...for all we know, a whole bunch of Rakatans with their Rancor pets could be watching, waiting to ambush us..."
 Jason Skywalker
09-05-2007, 5:31 PM
Zayne turned to the person speaking to him, a Mandalorian warrior, Zeldron he introduced himself.

"Zayne, the pilot, nice to meet ya' too," Zayne told him, then looking at Dwain, "Are you done with that?"
09-06-2007, 12:21 PM
( Dont worry about it JK :) )

Natalie blinked, wondering how to activate a holocron, which she heard only people sensitive to the force could do from days of Guarding the embassy.

She decided to have a scout around the enclave, it was fairly quiet and most of the Rakatans were keeping out of the way, even the ones armed with weapons were keeping their distance.

"All quiet" She said over the Comm.
09-10-2007, 6:19 AM
"Yep!" Dwain placed the holocron in his pouch. "Lets get out of here..." he exited the room. When he heard Natalie's contact on the commlink, he pulled it out. "All quiet? Any signs of more Rakatan warriors?"
 Jason Skywalker
09-10-2007, 7:30 AM
"Good," Zayne said, getting up from a chair and yawning, "This has gone too much long. Let's just hope what we need is really inside that temple..."
09-13-2007, 6:28 AM
Dwain ran down the corridor to the exit, urging his companions to follow along. He was nearing the exit.

"Alright, lets head to that temple. They should've got it open by now..."
09-13-2007, 2:32 PM
(Strange... I posted a few days ago but its disapeared? Hmm maybe I made a mistake)

Natalie moved back and followed on behind, weaving in and out of frightened Rakatans.. even the armed ones.

"These Rakatans look different than the ones we fought" She spoke over the comm as she ran through the enclave to catch up.
09-16-2007, 1:54 AM
"Lets not worry about that for now. They should be safe..." Dwain exited the enclave...

__________________________________________________ ______________

About an hour and thirty minutes later, the group was already at the Temple, where a number of Rakatan Elders sat around some kind of campfire, enchanting something Dwain couldn't understand.

The Republic Officer greeted them.

"Ah, thank god you're alive. Did you retrieve the holocron?"

"Yes..." Dwain spoke in a grumpy tone. "And you cannot imagine what an effort it took us to find this piece of junk..." he handed him the holocron. The republic officer studied it, activated it and watched in satisfaction of the emited holographic projection.

"Oh yeah! This is it... now its time for our end of the bargain!"

Suddenly, the doors of the great Temple opened.

(hey NiftyEye. After this, Dwain will give your character more force power training. Just thought I'd let you know)
 Jason Skywalker
09-16-2007, 8:26 AM
"So, let's get going. How many of us are going? Having many is good for fighting prowess but it may get crowded and we'll be spotted easily if there is actually anyone or droids inside," Zayne said, earning a glance, "Just covering all the chances."
09-16-2007, 10:24 AM
"Count me in! Whatever is in that temple is probably not very friendly and my blaster still hasn't warmed up! Plus, I want to see how this big pile of rocks looks on the inside...I've lived here for a decade and I've only seen it on the outside!"
09-16-2007, 10:58 AM
"I shall wait out here," said William. "But make sure you are able to contact me in case of an emergency. I have no desire to fight anyone right now, so I'll stay and look at the holocrons."
09-17-2007, 12:11 PM
Natalie follows them in, "Better to see the outside then watch the grass grow out here" She muttered.

She dropped her rifle, using her pistol in her right hand and the vibroblade in her left.
09-29-2007, 6:18 AM
((Sorry guys about the absence. I was on a holiday. Now without further stalling, lets get the show on the raod...))

"M'kay!" Dwain pulled his blaster pistol from his holster, and walked up to the great door which led into the temple. And it was that moment, that he felt something wasn't right...

Sure, they would likely have to face the temple's security systems like droids and turrets, but Dwain sensed something even more dangerous. The Sith Lord they encountered on the Medical Space Station.

"I sense Reaper!" he muttered.
 Jason Skywalker
09-29-2007, 11:51 AM
(And i have been occupied by school! :D No, it's actually pretty boring to be occupied by it.)

"Who?" Zayne asked, incredulous at the mention of such name, "Reaper? Isn't that the guy we encountered on the station?"
09-29-2007, 10:27 PM
"The very same..." Dwain replied. "Darth Reaper is waiting for us inside... how did he get inside anyway?"

But now wasn't the time for questions. Dwain and the group entered the door, and into the temple.

Thick air was what Dwain breathed in as he entered the interior. He could see the walls around him were made of stone and lined up. In front of them was a huge door, and on either side of them were corridors.
09-30-2007, 5:49 AM
(I've been occupied by school as well and I really hate it btw :D )
Zeldron looked around his surroundings curiousely, then he said: "So this is how this pile of rocks looks on the inside, huh? Very impressive; I think I remember seeing some temple similar to this back on Dxun, but that's another story. Now, what corridor do we take? And what's all this talk about a Sith Lord?"
 Jason Skywalker
09-30-2007, 7:01 AM
Zayne took some time to digest the sight they where seeing. In the inside, it was a dull grey, it was like you could be running around in circles. Stone pillars where everywhere and stone tablet was right beside them. He walked up into it and carefully touched it with it's finger. It was only a normal stone tablet. With lots of dust. He blew the dust out of his finger and then made way to the door in front of them. He touched with his hand and unsurprisingly, it had dust. Zayne still passed his hand through it, not minding the dust. There seemed to be archaic scriptures he did not know. He then went to the lock. It had no slot for a key or something. He punched it slightly and a weak shock wave surged through him. It had no key and they couldn't bash it open.

"Well guys, looks like we gotta make this open somehow and bashing it open won't do. And no slots, so, no lockpicking."
09-30-2007, 8:48 AM
Natalie walked up the slammed shut door.
She heard a voice very briefly that whispered in her ear...

"Where a--e you..... Ill find you..." It had gone as quickly as it appeared, she glanced around the empty places of the room not occupied by the crew, nothing but dust.
10-01-2007, 10:15 AM
"You okay there, Natalie?" Dwain looked back at her concerningly. He krept up to the corner and peeped his head to look into the corridor. Coast was clear! He silently krept forwards, and hushed to the others; "Stay focused, people! We could be heading into a trap. Afterall, we're facing a Sith Lord..."
10-01-2007, 12:23 PM
Natalie looked back at Dwain with a guilty look.
"Im fine..." She said quietly as she leaned against the wall next to him and waited for him to see what was round the corner.
As he silently krept forwards she spaced out slightly with her weapons raised.
Dwain said 'Afterall, we're facing a sith lord...'

The words rang in her head, silently drumming in the back of her mind and thoughts.... she tried to keep focused, but was struggling.
10-07-2007, 7:38 AM
Dwain ran down the corridor, and stopped suddenly at the next corner. On the next turn was likely an unlocked door, but behind the corner was a lone Rakatan Droid, patrolling its area.

"This looks a bit fishy, to me..." he thought. He took a Thermal Detonator from his small pouch of grenades. He activated it, and flung it at the droid. With an instant explosion, the droid fell to pieces. Dwain walked closer to the wreckage, and leaned against the door.
10-07-2007, 7:58 AM
Natalie pressed against the wall to shield herself from the Thermal Detnators apparent huge radius, but it was only a small explosian.

Staying close to the wall, she moved round, covering as many arcs as possible.

"This seems too easy...."
10-10-2007, 7:09 AM
Dwain opened the door to reveal what appeared to be an empty room. "Where the hell are the catacombs?" he asked himself, after realising he was abushed by Rakatan Battle droids appearing out of no where (clearly caused by the possiblility they were all using Stealth Field Generators)

"Aw, crap!" he sighed, as he ignited his sabers.
 Jason Skywalker
10-10-2007, 2:27 PM
"Hey Zel, don't you think 'tis strange? I mean, all we got here is a pile of junk and garbage. I couldn't even fix that droid back there with my unexistent skills and almost master items. Seriously, i mean, not even Dark Jedi's!" Zayne complained, knowing the possibility that Zeldron probably wasn't listening. He then kicked a droid. The outcome was...unpleasant as it hurt his foot and the droid shook violently and his eyes and every other droid's eyes in the hall turned on a bright blue.

"Dang," He muttered, taking out his blaster rifle from his back holster, only for it to be demolished to ashes before he could even get his hand on the trigger.

"Double dang."
10-10-2007, 3:31 PM
Feeling a little cautious anyway, Natalie quickly raised her blaster and dropped the first droid to her front, she sprinted for the cover next to the wall being followed by blaster bolts.

'Happy days..' She thought as she opened fire.
 Jason Skywalker
10-11-2007, 5:19 AM

Zayne quickly rolled into the room at his left and looked for anything useful. He found some pieces of shrapnel and a vibro katana. He took it in his hands and put it on the holster for the rifle. He took cover once again behind the pillar and threw all the pieces of shrapnel at the droids, then taking out his blaster pistol and shooting the shrapnel as they broke into more and tinier pieces and dust, possibly blinding the droids. Zayne took that chance and shot randomly with his blaster.
10-11-2007, 9:13 AM
and then came a shadow behind them..
10-12-2007, 3:44 AM
and then came a shadow behind them..

((Hey noobie. You might wanna put your character info in the Backstage Recruitment Thread, if you wanna participate in this RP.))

Dwain laughed at Zayne's loss of his weapon. He stabbed his Lightsaber in the center of a droids eye, then swung it back into another droid, this time slicing one of their limbs.

There was only three left, Dwain counted quickly. A droid shot its blaster rapidly at Dwain, but just barely survived by defflecting the shots with his lightsaber... save one, which grazed his shoulder.

"Aaargh! So thats what a blaster shot feel like!" and he struck force Lightening at the droid. Two left.
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