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The Search for Revan

Page: 14 of 17
11-17-2007, 8:23 AM
((s'okay NiftyEye. I was away too. I was studying for my exams, you see... and yeah, as I mentioned earlier, Dwain will teach you some Force Powers after our thing with the temple. k?))

Reaper glanced at Zayne and the Lightsaber. Reaper pulled out his own Lightsaber and ignited it. A blood-shine blade erected from the hilt.

"As you wish..."

Dwain reached for his sabers and activated them. He flourished the Blue and Silver blades and swung them at Reaper. The Sith blocked the strike and force pushed him away.

The other two Sith pulled from their robes Lightsabers, the same colour as Reapers.
11-17-2007, 4:41 PM
William used the Force to give him extra speed, surprising one of the robed figures before going through various lightsaber forms. It would only be a matter of time before his opponent became overwhelmed, or let his guard down.
 Jason Skywalker
11-18-2007, 9:29 AM
The remaining Sith immediately jumped at Zayne with his Lightsaber and tried to slash from above. Zayne immediately blocked but was pushed to the ground due to the immense strength of the blow. He curled himself into a ball and then kicked the Sith back to the ground right in the stomach. Seizing the opportunity, Zayne got up and stabbed his Lightsaber in the ground. The same ground in which the Sith was no longer stationed.

He turned around, only to receive a roundhouse kick right in the mouth and Force Pushed against a wall, bleeding from the mouth. Getting up, Zayne spit the blood onto the ground and grinned.

"Without Force Powers, this is going to be tougher," He mumbled, then slumping slowly to the ground as the Sith walked to him.

"Bad mistake buddy," Zayne told him and catching him off guard as he grabbed his blaster and shot him three times in the stomach. The Sith growled in pain as then Zayne rolled to his front and athletically kicked him in the jaw, then taking a stance.
11-18-2007, 10:49 AM
Zeldron watched on at the duel between Dwain and Reaper...he had never seen anything like it. The speed and grace at which they were fighting was amazing. The young Mandalorian was immediately brought back to earth, when one of the other two Sith, distracting his opponent from the battle, turned to face him and Force Pushed him into a wall. The impact with the stone wall was particularly brutal and it was several seconds, before Zeldron could get back up.

When he did get back up, the Sith who pushed him into the wall in the first place, was heading towards him, lightsaber in hand. In a split second, he pulled out his Mandalorian vibrosword and met the Sith's lightsaber, locking weapons with him. Seeing that he could not match the Mandalorian's physical strength, the Sith reverted to dirty tactics and kicked Zeldron in the belly, before hurling him away into a corner with another powerful Force Push.
11-18-2007, 12:08 PM
William continued his barrage of deadly attacks, before turning one of his lightsabers around and hitting the Sith with the hilt. The man stumbled a bit from the impact, but that was all William needed before he sliced him neatly in half.
 Jason Skywalker
11-18-2007, 7:25 PM
(Umm, JK24, there are only three Sith: Reaper and two others and William and Zayne were already fighting them.)

Zayne started exchanging swings between himself and the Sith warrior, gracefully moving around the hilt, knowing every move could be the cause of his death.

"Not bad," Zayne said, pushing his arms up with his Lightsaber hoisted horizontally over his forehead, blocking a swing from the Sith, trying to talk a bit but the Sith remained silent. Zayne sighed, "Guess you aren't the talkative type," He then pushed the Lightsabers upwards with brute strength and spun around, clashing sabers with him on front of their legs, then pushing them backwards and clashing them once again in front of the Sith's chest.
11-19-2007, 8:19 AM
Dwain met his Lightsaber with Reaper's, fighting in Ataru stance. Reaper was quite fast as always when it comes to Melee weapons. The Sith had obviously been trained well, and it was difficult for Dwain to keep up.

While the two of them clashed sabers together, they carefully moved sidewards. Reaper jumped atop of the wide computer terminal, and used the force to throw his Lightsaber at Dwain, which he had just barely managed to block.

Dwain joined Reaper on the Terminal and the duel continued on. Fast attacks and swings were made by the two duelists. Reaper force pushed Dwain against the wall, but Dwain landed his feet on the wall and used the force to launch himself off of the wall, and landed back onto the computer terminal.

"You are indeed a skilled one..." said Reaper.
11-19-2007, 12:34 PM
(Ok, and what if Natalie already has powers? :P)

Natalie watched the room light up with the duels going on, she slowly stepped back with her Blaster ready.

She aimed at the sith Zayne was fighting, she squeezed the trigger and the shot went flying, the Sith noticed the shot and turned to block, but she guided the shot through... and the sith got hit square in the jaw and dropped to the ground.
 Jason Skywalker
11-19-2007, 3:52 PM
Zayne turned his around and saw Natalie with smoke coming from her blaster. He smiled, "Thanks Nat," He then proceeded to spin his saber and invert it vertically, launching the blade onto the ground and stabbing through the Sith's head.

Now the only one left was Reaper, "Need any help Dwain?"
11-19-2007, 6:58 PM
((Jason Skywalker, if you look at my previous post you'll see that I said the Sith Zel was fighting distracted his opponent from battle; I was pretty vague, sorry about that))
During the remainder of the duels, Zeldron had remained unconscious, but finally got up, after Natalie had killed the Sith Zayne was fighting. " head...good thing I've got this helmet on". He was still a little bit shaky and dizzy from the impact with the stone wall. Turning towards his comrades and noticing the dead Sith, he said: "Nice work, guys...only one left, right?".
11-20-2007, 12:05 PM
"Only one" Natalie said, taking aim at Reaper, she fired a shot, however he deflected it straight back at her!

In an eyeblink the bullet suddenly stopped in midair, and exploded as if it just impacted something, Natalie glanced around, and watched the duel, 'knowing' that she couldnt intervene.
11-21-2007, 4:48 AM
Dwain saw just in time the bolt of Natalie's deflected Blaster shot disintergrate in mid air. Suddenly, the truth dawned on Dwain.

"Well, well... Natalie has finally awoken..." he thought to himself. The blades sizzled as they clashed and held togther. It was on that very moment, that Dwain used the force to control his Blue shining blade, and flew across Reaper's back... it was more of a graze. But injuring him was all that mattered.

Reaper force pushed Dwain off of the computer, and cast Force Lightning on him.Shock waves filled the fallen warriors body.

"Skilled... you would have made a fine Sith. But you are pathetic, as the rest of you!"

He glared down at the group... most especially at Natalie. "Much potential I sense within you girl. If only you could harness the power of the darkside. You would make a fine apprentice."

"Natalie, don't you dare listen to him. He's a nut case!" Dwain forced himself to think.
 Jason Skywalker
11-21-2007, 5:41 AM
"Hey!" Zayne shouted, pointing his ignited Lightsaber at Reaper, "Don't look down on us, just because we don't have the Force or aren't Jedi or Sith or whatever! We'll do the job if needed and either we kill you or die trying!"

He then started walking towards Reaper, "So, which is it gonna be, Sith?"
11-21-2007, 10:27 AM
"I'm with you, Zayne!", said Zeldron. Then he turned towards Reaper and said boldly: "Prepare for battle, Sith!".
11-21-2007, 10:27 AM
"It seems some one has taken your place as the cocky one Zeldron," William said as he concentrated his gaze on Reaper.
11-21-2007, 4:02 PM
Natalie slowly glanced back at the Sith, not being frightened at all.

"I would make a fine apprentice, but Im going to have to decline" She slowly spoke back.

"Foolish" Reaper retorted, still in a deadlock with the group.
 Ranis Hull
11-22-2007, 4:19 PM
unknown to everyone, a figure was watching the confrontation from the shadows. useing the force the figure is able to remain completely hidden and unsensed. thinking to its self " yes. yes, they will do nicely. i will see how this fight ends, then i will make myself known."
 Jason Skywalker
11-22-2007, 4:39 PM
(Hum, refer to the Backstage Casting Call thread to sign up please.)
11-23-2007, 12:41 AM
((^ yup. Some noob already pulled a stunt like this, and thats seriosuly frowned upon in LF. If you're still interested, heres the link to recruitment thread:

Dwain still eyed on Reaper and the group. Five against one, the ratio seemd good. But Sith are never to be underestimated. But these Sith, like Reaper, seemed awfully different than the ones the Republic ever saw. Sure, the current Sith empire is not yet extinct, but this was a new, or old breed, of the religion.

While still lying on the floor, Dwain reached within his pouch another Flash Bang grenade. He mouthed the words to his allies "close your eyes..."

He set it off, and rolled it towards where Reaper was. The grenade exploded and emmited a blinding light. Then Dwain, using the force to see with his eyes closed, pulled out his blaster and fired it in the direction where Reaper stood.

As the Light cleared, there was no Reaper... literally. He wasn't in sight. "Where the hell did he go?"

Dwain looked up to see Reaper jump through a hole through the ceiling he hadn't noticed before. Reaper glared down at his enemies.

"She will take care of you. I won't spoil her appetite..." then he dashed off. He escaped.

"She?" Dwain repeated. He didn't like the sound of this. He brought himself up, and walked towards the old computer terminal. "How do you turn this thing on?"
11-23-2007, 10:16 AM
After the effects of the flash grenade had disappeared, Zeldron got up to see that Reaper was nowhere in sight. "Cowardly Sith...", he thought to himself. Turning then towards the computer and Dwain, he said:"Is there no place you can put your datapad in that thing? Maybe then it can interface with it...".
 Jason Skywalker
11-23-2007, 2:02 PM
Zayne was startled by the flash grenade and even more by the fact that Reaper actually let that happen. He looked up to find Reaper's face from a hole.

"She will take care of you. I won't spoil her appetite..." He had said.

'She?', Zayne thought, 'This is too obvious. There's someone waiting for us on the rooftop.
11-23-2007, 6:27 PM
"Appetite eh?" William wondered. "Sounds like a creature more than a person, if that's the case, then we better be ready."

~Let's beef up the posts here, shall we guys?~FFWM
11-24-2007, 10:29 AM
Natalie covertly eyed the group after Reaper had left, she noticed that her not-too bright companions did not chase any leads or hints regarding who Natalie is or what she is capable of.

With this, she got ready to move.
 Jason Skywalker
11-24-2007, 11:29 AM
"Anyways, let's take care of the terminal," Zayne said, walking over to it where Dwain was also located. Zayne observed it, it looked like nothing more than a simple computer terminal if you put out the part were it was like 25 thousand years old. He touched it a bit and then started to tap on it. No response. Wasn't exactly something to be amazed at.

"Anyone with better computer skills than me, be my guest."
11-25-2007, 1:53 AM
"Hmmmm...." Dwain hummed, thinking on the newxt course of Action. He pressed a button. Nothing happened.

"Where is the "on" switch?" he wondered. He pressed a button, and this time something did happen: it hummed.

Various switches and buttons lit up, and seemed to brighten up the room. Then it spoke a dialect rather familar but Dwain couldn't understand.

"Drat Rakatan Language..."
 Ranis Hull
11-25-2007, 3:54 AM
using a stelth feild generater the figure came from the shadows and snuck up on dwain and then cut the generater off to reveal himself. he is a 6' 3" human male with short spiked up jet black hair and a gotee. he is wearing customized dark jedi master robes.

"marvelous language, isn't it. a pitty you dont understand a single word. allow me to introduce myself. i have gone by many names, most of wich have been forgotten long ago. my most recent title, however was darth ranis.......sith lord. oh but do not be alarmed my friends. i left that life behind many years ago."

ranis pulls a datapad out of his red and black robes and uses it to interface with the computer, then hands it to dwain.

"even the biggest imbicile knows to carry a translator program in this day and age."
 Jason Skywalker
11-25-2007, 7:21 AM
(Hmm, perhaps you could have used a better entrance, no?)

Zayne was startled by the appearance of the newcomer, "Who the hell are you and how the hell did you get here?"

The stranger then introduced himself, claiming to be Darth Ranis, a Sith Lord who had forgotten his ways. Zayne still found this most weird but shook it off. He gazed at the computer terminal. He understood some Rakatan but this was most advanced.

"I'm not sure a translator can translate this dialect."
11-25-2007, 8:26 AM
Zeldron was as surprised as Zayne at the appearance of the newcomer, a former Sith Lord, Darth Ruin, he introduced himself. "Hmph, a Sith Lord who renounced his ways?!Seems hard to believe to me...", he thought to himself. Suspicious by nature, Zeldron told the newcomer:"Whatever your motives and intentios are Ranis, I'll be keeping my eye on you...".

Turning then towards the Rakatan computer, he tried to comprehend what the computer was saying and succeded in it, albeit only partially and he was still uncertain. "I think the computer's saying that you can ask it various questions, including who was here before us and I think something about Rakatan genetic Rakatan's a little rusty though...".
11-25-2007, 11:02 AM
Natalie turned to face the newcomer.

"One does not simply turn away from the Dark side of the force, for when you stare at the dark side, it stares right back, what do you want?" She spoke in a demanding voice.
 Ranis Hull
11-25-2007, 11:37 AM
(yea, i know the entrance was weak but its all i could think of at the time. it was almoast 2 am.)

"oh calm yourselves! you all look like a bunch of startled wamp rats. as hard as it may be to believe i did indeed cast down my title of sith lord. thoe my reasons are my own and i dont feel you deserve an explanation just yet, however my purpose....... i know little of your travels but much of your goal. revan is indeed a valuable key to saving the republic, and i wish to join your search."

ranis looks around at the doubtful faces, and can see that his words have swayed no one

"i have much to offer"
11-25-2007, 12:46 PM
(No offence but could you please try to improve your grammer? I know none of ours is perfect, but we've got the basic down like capitals and periods.)

"If you want to join then join, I have no problems with it, but if you do, then we'll be watching you closely, but then again, it's not my desicion," said William.
11-26-2007, 4:28 AM
((Yeah, it makes things alot more easier for us to understand. Comprende?))

"Hmmmm...." Dwain eyed this new lurker. "Should we trust a former Sith? This seems awfully fishy to me!" he thought.

"A lot to offer, eh? Then you wouldn't happen to know Rakatan dialect, would you?"

He really wished he had a Sonic Imprint Sensor on him. Translating the Rakatan language would be most helpful. He turned to the computer.

"Err... do you speak Galactic Basic?"

The computer spoke somethng again, but this time used a different language... one Dwain couldn't understand.

"This is hopeless..." Dwain muttered.

"Not as hopeless as you think!" That definatly came from the computer.

"Hey, I understood that! But why would a 25,000 year old computer speak Noghrese?"

"Subject: Noghri. A primitive being native to their homeworld Honoghr, one of the 500 planets the Rakatan Empire have conquered."

"Hmm... I suppose that explains a few things..."
 Jason Skywalker
11-26-2007, 8:22 AM
"Rakatan Empire huh? Must have been pretty strong to conquer over 500 planets, including the Noghri. Those guys are pretty tough," Zayne speculated, "Anyway, mind telling us what this temple exactly is and what are you for?" He then said in Noghrese.
11-27-2007, 4:53 PM
Although knowing more about sith than she was letting on, Natalie had no comment to make regarding the newcomer.

"If the computer seems to respond to the Noghri language, then why cannot it not understand basic?" She asked innocently, she felt uncomfortable in the dank cold room.
11-28-2007, 6:00 AM
"Because Galactic Basic was derived by the human race, as well as the Duros and Bothan... which I doubt these races were taken under control by this Rakatan Empire. Otherwise, we would certainly know about it." Dwain answered Natalies question.

"In answer to your previous question, this great temple holds the secrets of the Star Forge, as well as the entire history of the Rakatan Empire and its planetry archive and databank of certain species."

"Certain species?" this brought up Dwain's attention. He knew for a fact that the Rupublic Archive had no knowledge of the True Sith. But perhaps this computer may achieve his expected result.

"I'd like to search your databanks!" Dwain spoke in Noghrese. "Search The True Sith... er, please?"

"Searching.... one positive file found "True Sith""

At last! Some clues regarding to the True Sith. And the sooner they find them, the sooner they'll find Revan!
 Jason Skywalker
11-28-2007, 3:35 PM
"We'd have to obviously know about it since we would be enslaved," He remarked as Dwain then asked the computer to search for the True Sith.

"Searching.... one positive file found "True Sith"", He heard the computer said, "I wouldn't get too excited," Zayne replied, "While it may help alot on our journey to find Revan, it may also be just a simple letdown. However, i wouldn't mind a miracle."

It was now the moment of truth.
 Ranis Hull
11-28-2007, 8:15 PM
"Searching.... one positive file found "True Sith"" He heard the computer say.

"What!? Is that what Revan went searching for?" Ranis says in suprise as he moves in closer to the console to hear better. "My old masters at the sith academy told me it was nothing more than a story told by senile old sith who could never back up their insanity with a holocron to prove it. If Revan went to find them..........." Ranis is then interrupted by the computer.
11-29-2007, 2:07 AM
"So, we're finally gonna find out what Revan went to fight in the Unknown Regions, huh? This better be good...", said Zeldron in a gruff tone, before he was cut off by the computer's response.
11-29-2007, 8:40 AM
"Sith were the dominant natives of the barren world of what they call Koriban. One of the 500 worlds the Infinite Empire had conqured, up untill Two Thousand Years the Rakata were forced to retreat after a resilence made by the one called King Adas--

"Yeah, yeah! Spare us the history lesson and tell us where the True Sith are!" Dwain demanded. But the computer simply continued.

"I aplogise, but I am unable to present a simplefied edition. As a result, I must continue... Before our forces have fully retreated, the Infinite Empire was able to discover the species possesing technology to relocate themselves on other systems... even inside of our own region!"

If what this computer said was true, then that meant there had to be True Sith settlements on worlds not within the limits of the Unknown Regions. Worlds the republic may no of...

"True Sith were scattered in random parts of the region the Rakatan never knew about... except for one place! Our sources tell us one fraction of them are located on one of three moons orbiting a planet, home of a powerful political diversion known as the "Chiss"

Dwain had never heard of the Chiss before. Perhaps it was another empire of sorts as ancient as the Rakatan's. Then again, what would he know?

"Can you give us the coordinates?"

"Certainly... allow me to process the data needed...""
 Jason Skywalker
11-30-2007, 8:03 AM
"WHAT?! Did the computer say CHISS?!" Zayne shouted out pointing at the computer, then sighing and putting his hands on his head, "We're screwed, we're so screwed..."

Everyone looked at him in confusion, "Once i was in a Cargo ship and we were supposed to do a trade of goods with some guys but were intercepted by some others called Chiss. Turns out they were almost humans but with blue skin and red eyes, most had black hair. So, all of a sudden, the Chiss take over the ship and send us out of there and even threatened to kill us! Their ships were so advanced i knew one shot could kill us all. And i didn't get paid!" He explained to them, his fear of Chiss unfounded and with roots of only stupidity and paranoia.

"Whatever, just let's go."
11-30-2007, 12:11 PM
"The chiss are a species who live on the unknown reasons, they have a powerful military and have Red eyes and Blue skin." She lamented, she then decided to confront the Ex Sith Lord once again.

"What made you turn away from the Sith? One does not simply turn away from such teachings on their own accord, the Sith *Make* you believe their point of view is correct, and no other, do tell." She interrogated (Not literally :P)
 Ranis Hull
11-30-2007, 9:48 PM
Ranis turns to look at Natalie.

"What made me turn away from the sith? My reasons are my own." Ranis moves in closer and whispers in her ear. "The question is, why would someone hide her past from her traveling companions? I know what your hiding from them, but you have my silence..........for now."

Ranis then backs away from Natalie and adresses the whole group.

"Truthfully, I never actually believed in the teachings of the sith. My only reason for joining them was to work my way up their ranks and lets say........... remove an old friend from a position of power in the traditional sith way. Kill him and take it for yourself. Once I achieved my goal, the title of sith lord ment nothing to me so i took up an apprentice and gave him the title when he was ready, but this is hardly a time for a history lesson. Don't we have a Chiss planet to visit?"
 Jason Skywalker
12-01-2007, 2:05 PM
"You're the one who started talking Sithy, don't blame us," Zayne said, turning to him, giving him nothing but a glance of neither hate or adoration, a simple glance of apathy. He then turned to Dwain, "How're the coordinates going?
12-02-2007, 7:10 AM
"Data process complete! Download has been granted!" said the computer. Dwain inserted his DataPad inside of the old computer, and began to send the information they needed.

Suddenly, another noise of something demonic filled the entire temple.

"Uh... heh heh... Computer? Could you please hurry up? I think we need to get going..."

"Upload completed!"

Dwain snatched the DataPad from the computer, and cautioned to everybody.

"Guys... I think now is a good time to leave... Dont you?"

The wall behind them smashed and broke open. Dust particles and pieces of rock filled the air. As the dust cleared, a huge figure was introduced.

It was a very large Kretch... atleast three times the size of a normal one. Its mouths had long sharp fangs baring out and its crown was filled with spikes, which ran along its back.

Now Dwain knew what Reaper meant about "she"... as in the mother of the Kretch hive within this temple. Drool oozed from it mouth, as it snarled at the intruders.

"Time to go!" He ran to the door.
 Jason Skywalker
12-02-2007, 10:53 AM
Zayne heard the rumbling sound as Dwain finished up. "Uh?" He mumbled, confused and then looking behind as he saw the Queen Kretch. His eyes widened in shock and his lips perked to say something:

"HOLY-" Zayne shouted out before he rolled sideways to dodge a large piece of debris. He then started to run for the door while he took out another thermal detonator, "Now's the time for this!"

Zayne then momentarily turned around while running and threw the thermal detonator, in hopes it would kill the Kretch.
12-02-2007, 10:57 AM
(I meant unknown REGIONS, not reasons rofl)

Natalie held her ground, staring at the Sith, despite being a little nerved by the fact, did he know?

"Do not try and blackmail or pretend you know me, your precense is tolerated by the others, not me." She countered, and too busy focusing on the Ex-Sith, she was startled when a large Kretch entered the room.

Although caught off guard, she quickly consolidated and followed Dwain.
12-02-2007, 11:56 AM
William stared at the Kretch with slight disappointment. Usually he would've tried to hunt it down, but unfortunately there were others here and the space was to small.

"This would be a good time to leave," he stated calmly.
12-02-2007, 1:14 PM
Although startled by the Queen Kretch's appearance, Zeldron was quick enough to dodge a couple pieces of debries. Staring then towards the massive Kretch, he remarked: "That's gotta be the biggest bug I've ever seen!!!". Afterwards, he turned towards the door where most of his companions were heading and said:"I'm with you Dwain! The sooner we get outta here, the better! Besides, I don't particularly enjoy the idea of being eaten by a gigantic insect, as I'm sure none of the others don't either."
 Ranis Hull
12-02-2007, 2:48 PM
"Upload completed!" He heard the computer say.

"Good lets get out of hear." Ranis could sense the uneasiness that hung in the air even after he finished telling his story to his new travelng companions. As he streatched out his feelings to try and read Natalie's thoughts he sensed anouther being that he had not sensed before and it felt like trouble. Just as Ranis is reaching for his lightsabers a giant Queen Kretch breaks through the wall and sends rubble flying in every direction. In full fighting stance with lightsabers drawn he sees a few of his companions flee from the room.

"Damn! Looks like I've gotta fiht my way out of this." He says as he realizes that the bug had him cournered. Ranis sucsessfully uses beast controll on the kretch and was makeing it leave the room untill a rock fell on it's head and it broke free. The beast then ran twards Ranis and tried to swoop him up but he managed to cut off the bugs arm with his lighsaber and run under it and out the door. Having escaped the bug he ran to catch up with Dwain, Natalie, Zayne, William, and Zeldron.
12-04-2007, 3:44 AM
Dwain sprinted across that stupid puzzle they had to solve previously. The tiles lit up, but he didn't mind them. All that mattered at this current moment was escaping this wretched tomb!

He turned his head around, to see the persuing monster. She was gaining on them. Then he heard the explosion of the thermal detonator. The Queen screeched, as the blast radius managed to hit her. But that didn't exterminate her. The insect crawled through the door way entering the puzzle room.

Though it probably didn't have much effect, Dwain aimed his blaster at the creature and fired rapidly. Most of the shots missed, but some of them hit the queen at the thick skull. That just made it even angrier...
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