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Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls

Page: 13 of 32
01-20-2006, 10:43 PM
While the tachyions streaming from the hyperdrive coils of the Ebon Hawk ‘fixed’ the Doctor’s problem, they had an unexpected side effect.

The tracer that the Doctor had discovered earlier on Karda’s ship began to vibrate, then glow.


As Jasra was preparing to engage her hyperdrive engines to leave for Taris, an alarm suddenly sounded and a warning light began to flash on the console in front of her.

Jasra frowned. “What the…?” There was an unusual energy field building up in the Moon Shadow’s hyperdrive engine matrix.

Jasra hit a few buttons on the panel, trying to discover the source of the interference as the energy readings from the engines began to soar to a dangerous level. Finally, she found it—the tracer receiver she had used to track Karda’s ship was somehow feeding high levels of tetryion particles directly into the hyperdrive chamber.

“Damn that Jedi!” she said, thinking that Karda had found the tracer and was sending some sort of negative polarity pulse through it to either trace the source or disable it.

She started to shut down power, but it was too late. Sparks shot out of the panels around her as the build up of energy suddenly surged through the systems of her ship. The engines seized with a loud thud, followed by gradual waning tone. The cockpit went completely dark for a moment, then the red emergency lights came on.

Jasra checked what systems, if any, were still working. With no engines, everything was running on energy reserves. The comm system was damaged, but still partially functional—perhaps still good enough for a local transmission. No thrusters, so the Moon Shadow was now adrift. Life support? Well, the unexplained power surge had completely fried those circuits. She estimated she had about 30 minutes left. And the Moon Shadow was too small to have need of escape pods.

Jasra sighed, and then rubbed her forehead. She wasn’t getting out of this situation on her own. “Ebon Hawk, I’ve had a malfunction,” she said into the com link, not knowing if it was even working. “Some sort of energy surge. Power is out and life support systems are failing.” She winced as she said her next words. “Can you assist?”

Her finger hovered over the button for the distress beacon. If she didn’t have communications, the beacon would at least let the Ebon Hawk know something was wrong. Of course, it could attract more pirates. She looked again at the life support gauges. She hit the button. Attracting someone was better than no one.

What was it that her Master had taught her about breath control? It might buy her some more time if she could regulate her breathing. She closed her eyes as she struggled to remember.
 The Doctor
01-20-2006, 11:20 PM
The Doctor turned at the sound of a woman's voice coming from the TARDIS' speakers.
“Ebon Hawk, I’ve had a malfunction. Some sort of energy surge. Power is out and life support systems are failing. Can you assist?”
*O dear, that's not good, is it?* said the Doctor. *Is it too dangerous to dock with her ship?* he asked. *Right, stupid question,* he said, not waiting for an answer. *Be back in a jiff!*
He turned around again, closing the TARDIS door behind him. The engines ( began to kick in, and the TARDIS disapeared.
A console on the Moon Shadow exploded, sending sparks everywhere. Astrange sound ( filled the small ship, followed by a tall blue box. The door opened, and the Doctor's head poked out. He looked around, and noticed a woman sitting at the pilot station.
*Hello there, I'm the Doctor. Need some help?*
01-20-2006, 11:32 PM
Having had to shield her eyes from the exploding panel, Jasra struggled to focus on the strange man was peeking out from the box that had just appeared before her.

Oxygen deprivation, she surmised. “I must have a hull breach somewhere,” she muttered to herself, shaking her head with disbelief. “I’m hallucinating.”
 The Doctor
01-20-2006, 11:36 PM
*I assure you that I am real. I could prove it, if we had time, but unfortunately, we do not.*
The woman didn't move. The Doctor got out of the TARDIS, walking towards her.
*If I were a hallucination, would I be able to do this?* he poked her hard in the forehead. *Now come along, we don't have much time.*
01-20-2006, 11:42 PM
Jasra slowly rubbed the spot on her forehead. Her eyes narrowed. “Who are you?” she said slowly.

Suddenly, a nearby panel spluttered another shower of sparks, then exploded in a burst of flames.

“Oh, who bloody cares!” she said, bolting out of her seat. “Whoever you are, just get me out of here!”
 The Doctor
01-20-2006, 11:54 PM
*Right then, come on!* said the Doctor, grabbing her by the arm and practically throwing her into the TARDIS. He didn't way a word as he worked, flicking switches as fast as he could.
"Do me a favour and pull the lever with the green handle. Right in front of you. Thank you.*
The column in the centre of the console began to move, and the strange sound ( returned. Once it stopped, the Doctor pushed Jasra out of the way, pulled the lever in the console to her right, opening the door they had entered through.
*Come along, Kira is waiting.*
01-21-2006, 12:04 AM
Jasra cautiously stepped out of the TARDIS, but instead of her own ship, she found herself in the Ebon Hawk. She frowned, unsure of what had just taken place.

She turned around to face the Doctor. “Who *are* you?” she asked him again. “And what just happened?”
 The Doctor
01-21-2006, 12:08 AM
*As I said aboard your ship, whil you were under the impression that I was a hallucination, I am the Doctor. I have brought you to the relative safety of the Ebon Hawk.*
01-21-2006, 1:46 AM
Crystal cautiously approached the TARDIS. She'd heard the discussion and suspected the Doctor had gone to rescue Jasra. With the TARDIS back, she felt it safe to assume he'd been successful in doing so. Crystal sighed.

Face to face, mind reading is much easier than at greater distances. Crystal suspected that, with Jasra now aboard the Ebon Hawk, she might be able to uncover more secrets Jasra might have... but she was tired. Perhaps later. For now, she thought it would do nicely to meet Jasra face to face.

"You're Jasra?" Crystal asked, seeing the other woman step out of the TARDIS. She extended a hand. "I'm Crystal."
01-21-2006, 10:33 AM
((OOC: Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in a while. Haven't really been feeling all that well lately.))


Kira looked up from her conversation with Karda as the now well-known sound of an appearing TARDIS echoed across the ship. That was strange. Up until now she hadn't even noticed that the TARDIS had left.


"Jasra, can you still hear me?" Atton asked through the comm. However, an moment later, he saw a burst of flames in the cockpit, but not after there was some strange movement. The annoying screeching sound of the TARDIS reached his ears through one of the speaker systems in the Hawk.
Better go see what Brainiack is up to...


The Exile leaned against the door frame of the garage, where the TARDIS had appeared.
"I assume that you would be Jasra?" she asked the woman with the Doctor.
01-21-2006, 11:45 AM
Jasra’s senses were on overload. Adrenaline coursed through her body—a delayed reaction from her narrow escape from her fiery ship and the disorienting journey in the Doctor’s blue box—making it difficult for her to control her fear while still trying to conceal her Force Sensitivity.

She remained silent as she cautiously eyed the Exile over. She could sense there were other Jedi on board—and more than just her and Karda at that. Not good, she thought. Not good at all. The last thing she wanted was to have some conniving Jedi attempt to forcibly pry their way into her thoughts. She’d experienced that pain before. Granted, the Jedi in question had turned out to a Sith, and one she had dispatched soon afterward, but she didn’t see much difference between a Jedi and a Sith anymore. None of them could be trusted. Thankfully, she could detect that the dark haired woman called Crystal wasn’t one. Still…

She quickly flicked her eyes over Crystal. She was about the same height and build, though her hair was a bit longer than Jasra’s. She looked friendly enough, but still there was something behind those blue-grey eyes that made Jasra hesitate before extending her hand in return.

“I feel I’m somewhat at a disadvantage,” Jasra said warily as she briefly shook Crystal’s hand. “But it’s nice to place a face to the voice.”

She shifted uncomfortably as she turned to face the Exile. “Kira, right? I’m not quite sure what happened to my ship out there, but I’m glad someone was here to assist me.” She glanced backwards over her shoulder at the Doctor. “Thank you, by the way.”

She turned back to Kira. “I can’t exactly escort the Ebon Hawk to Taris without a ship, but I can still serve as a guide when we reach Taris. That is, if you’re still willing to meet with my employer.” She raised an eyebrow. “Oh, and if you are,” she said in afterthought, “you’d better get going. I wasn’t sure if my comm systems were working, so I had to activate the distress beacon. Every pirate within the quadrant will soon descend on these co-ordinates like a pack of hungry Firaxan sharks. And with the two ships docked together, you’ll be an easy target.”
01-21-2006, 3:25 PM
Oh, that's lovely. Karda thought. Now all of them are packed into the Ebon Hawk. There is no way I am leaving now. Not with her on board. He looked over at Jasra for a moment, feeling the small force aura around her.
01-21-2006, 4:03 PM
Jasra could feel eyes upon her. She turned her head slowly towards the garage bay where Karda stood in the doorway, staring at her with piercing eyes.

Great, another Jedi, she thought.

He looked vaguely familiar.

Karda, most likely.

She wondered if she had ever seen him when she had been a youngling in training at the Jedi temple. He was taller than she had expected, and although she didn’t really consider him ‘old’, he carried himself in a manner that seemed to demand respect. Like her former Master, Kelva, had.

All right, keep calm, she told herself. Don’t panic. He doesn’t know who you are. He doesn’t know what you’ve done. He doesn’t know it was you who put the tracer on his ship. She swallowed hard. I hope.

His stare didn’t waver. Jasra’s ice blue eyes narrowed as she looked at him askance. “Why don’t you take a holovid?” she snapped at him, chin up with defiance. “It will last longer.”
01-21-2006, 4:38 PM
Crystal's eyes widened slightly, but she was determined to say nothing until she could get Jasra away from everyone else. She put on an amused face at Jasra's retort in Karda's direction, hiding her thoughts carefully behind the face.
01-21-2006, 7:20 PM
"I see no reason not to take you along." Kira said after a moment, "I haven't been to Taris since its destruction. I doubt we'd find our way without a bit of help." she extended a hand, "Welcome aboard."
"Hey guys," Atton said, coming around the corner, "What'd I--oh."
The Scoundrel's dark eyes traveled to the woman who was the new addition to the crew aboard the Ebon Hawk.
The Exile's brows creased slightly as she turned to the Scoundrel, sensing his thoughts. "You know her?"
01-21-2006, 7:35 PM
Jasra cocked an eyebrow as she recognised Atton. “I know you,” she said slowly, looking him up and down. She snapped her fingers as she tried to remember where. “You’re….you’re the hundred credit guy. Three years ago. Sig’s place.” She grinned slightly. “One of the best tips I ever got from a customer.”
01-21-2006, 7:44 PM
"Tips from a customer?" Kira asked, turning once again to the Scoundrel, her eyebrow cocked.
" a cantina on Taris..." Atton turned red. He really did not want to elaborate. "I had a little too much jama juice, ya know? And, well...she was cute..."
01-21-2006, 7:56 PM
A flurry of images filled the minds of both Atton and Jasra. Crystal recoiled and shrieked, "Epouhzh!" She shuddered. "Fithutviph!"

Shuddering convulsively, she said in Basic, "That is far more than I cared to know..."
01-21-2006, 8:02 PM
“Cute?” Jasra snorted. “I don’t recall you calling me ‘cute’. I believe you said I was….” She paused while Crystal cringed and spoke in a strange tongue. Her eyes flicked between Atton and Kira, and suddenly she was aware of the relationship between them.

So, the Exile has an attachment. She’s definitely not a Jedi then.

Jasra’s lips tightened. “Oh,” she said knowingly. “I see. Erm… forget I said anything. It was just business, after all.”

Jasra suddenly frowned and she eyed Crystal critically. “Wait a minute,” she said to her. “What do you mean by that was more than you cared to know?"
 The Doctor
01-21-2006, 8:30 PM
((busiest three hours I've ever seen here...))
01-21-2006, 8:37 PM
Crystal was caught and she knew it, but she tried not to act as if she'd been hiding anything. Shuddering again, she glared at Jasra.

"Well let's put it this way," she said with a frown. "I'm a telepath with telekinetic abilities and no Force sensitivity. Most mental barriers don't stand a chance against my invasion skills, but you and Atton were..." she winced, "... were bringing pictures to mind and flinging them about without any cares as to who might be around to see them!"

"Fithutviph!" she repeated angrily, shaking her head as she did so.
01-21-2006, 9:23 PM
“A telepath?!”

Jasra visibly blanched as her thoughts suddenly shifted from Atton to….

If Crystal’s been in my mind then…then she knows that I disobeyed Master Kelva. Knows I didn’t stay hidden like I was told to. Knows I distracted her. She knows it’s my fault that she died!

She tried to keep her breaths steady as a shiver of guilt mingled with the fear of exposure ran up her spine.

She stared expressionless at Crystal. “Oh,” she said quietly.
01-21-2006, 9:41 PM
"You need to learn to keep your thoughts better concealed," Crystal told Jasra. "Come with me. I think we need to talk."

She turned and headed away from the group while sending thoughts in Jasra's voice to Jasra's mind, encouraging her to follow.
 The Doctor
01-21-2006, 10:43 PM
*A telepath? Well, that explains why you could perceive me, and the others couldn't.* said the Doctor.
Tegan and Nyssa came into the room at that point, Tegan throwing her arms around the Doctor. "Oh Doctor, we were so worried about you!"
*Not to worry, Tegan, I'm alright,* he said, gently pushing her away. *Jasra, these are my companions, Nyssa of Traken and Tegan Jovenka.
01-22-2006, 10:13 AM
Jasra hesitated in following Crystal, distracted and suddenly uncomfortable at the sudden arrival of two more beautiful women—one wearing a tight violet-red suit, and the other a uniformly purple short skirted one. The last time she’d seen ‘companions’ dressed like that was in Hedra the Hutt’s enclave on Gallia III.

“Companions?” she asked the Doctor, her brow arching slightly.

She slowly ran her eyes over Nyssa and Tegan, then Crystal, then the Exile, then finally her gaze lingered on Atton.

Hmm…the ship just out of Nar Shaddaa; four beautiful women, three of them ‘passengers’ and the other an exiled Jedi with an attachment; one Pazaak-playing, Juma-Juice-drinking, sweet-talking scoundrel; and a Doctor? She swallowed. Suddenly the Jedi staring at her from the garage didn’t seem so bad. Oh, I sincerely hope this isn’t what I think it is….

“So,” she asked turning her gaze slowly in the Doctor’s direction, “what kind of ‘Doctor’ are you, exactly?” She locked eyes with Tegan. “Or rather, what kind of ‘companions’ are they?”
01-22-2006, 10:19 AM
It's not what you think it is, Crystal's voice echoed in Jasra's mind. Well... I guess I'm not sure about the Doctor and his companions... but I haven't sensed anything disgusting from them.

She shuddered slightly. And with telekinesis at my side, do you really think I'd let anyone do... stuff to me?
01-22-2006, 10:49 AM
As she heard Crystal’s voice in her head, Jasra held up her hand before anyone could respond to her queries. “Nevermind. You don’t have to answer that,” she said hurriedly to the Doctor, while she took a couple of cautious steps backward towards where Crystal was waiting for her. “I think… Crystal’s right. I just need… some time to… absorb all of this. You know…” She managed a weak grin and a shrug while taking another step backwards. “…it’s kind of been a rough day.”

Her cloak flared behind her as she turned and followed Crystal.

And it’s not over yet, she thought to herself.
01-22-2006, 11:19 AM
Crystal led Jasra to as concealed a place as she could find. Then, with a sigh, she sat down and gestured for Jasra to do the same.

"You hide many secrets," she said quietly. "I don't blame you for it. Everyone has secrets they hide..." She paused to let this sink in. Then, she continued. "But my job is to discover things people don't want known." After a pause, she admitted, "It's why I'm here, actually."

Then, she frowned sternly. "And I suggest you keep that information to yourself... you have far worse secrets I could expose if you would choose to tell on me."
01-22-2006, 11:29 AM
Jasra shook her head with disbelief. “So,… you’re a spy?” she whispered conspiratorially. “Why does that not surprise me.” She frowned. “More importantly, why are you telling me this?”
01-22-2006, 11:31 AM
"Because you seem to be in a similar line of work," Crystal answered levelly. "After all, you placed a tracer on Karda's ship."
01-22-2006, 11:42 AM
Jasra shifted uncomfortably. “Ah, so you know about that, do you?” She sighed, her brow wrinkling with distress. “So, what do you want?” she asked, sure that Crystal was intent on blackmailing her for more information.
 The Doctor
01-22-2006, 12:06 PM
"I don't like that Jasra woman," said Tegan blountly, as she, Nyssa, and the Doctor walked into the garage bay.
*Really? Oh, I quite like her. Reminds me of my granddaughter, actually.*
"You have a granddaughter?!" asked Tegan.
*Oh yes, haven't I ever told you about Susan?*
"No, Doctor, you haven't."
*Well, now I have.*
"Well, just becasue she reminds you of 'Susan' doesn't mean I have to liker her," said Tegan stubbornly.
"What do you think she wants with Kira?" asked Nyssa.
*Oh, I beleive her story. It certainly is plausible, given the fact that many people wish to speak with the great Jedi Exile.*
"But how did she find the Ebon Hawk? Atton said that this thing is suppsoed to be the fastest ship in the galaxy."
*I believe it was her who placed the tracer on Karda's ship. The tetryon field I had Bao-Dur generate to bring me back into phase must have sent a radiogenic feedback pulse to her computer. That's why her ship exploded.*
"So you brought a bounty hunter on to the ship of her target?!" exclaimed Tegan.
*She's not a bounty hunter per se, Tegan. She's more of a, uh... a freelance mercenary, if you will. Though I do not believe she is willing to kill unless it is absolutely necessary. There's something about her. I can't place it, but I sense something from her.. something she wants to hide from the rest of-*
he stopped. *That's it!* he said. *Yes, that must be it! Why she recognized Karda, why she's afrad of being on a ship full of Jedi... it all fits!*
"What fits, Doctor?' asked Nyssa, as the Doctor ran into the TARDIS. Tegan and Nyssa followed. They found the Doctor at the monitor on console 4, reviewing the database.
*Yes, I was right. Born Stardate 54632, on the Gallifreyan calendar. About 20 years ago. Brought to Coruscant less than two years later.*
"Coruscant? What's so special about Coruscant?"
*Many things, Tegan. In particular, the Jedi temple.*
"Jedi temple?"
*Yes. Where they train children to become Jedi.*
01-22-2006, 12:07 PM
"Explain in your own words why you feel you are responsible for your master's death," Crystal said. "We'll start there."
01-22-2006, 2:02 PM
Jasra hesitated. “What does that have to do with anything?” she snapped.

Crystal gave her a deadpan stare.

Jasra sighed. “Fine.” She took a deep breath. The memory was painful to relive, but if it would keep Crystal silent….

“We were on Berrat III. A pretty primitive place, but …” She shrugged. “It was good enough to hide from the Sith. At least, we thought it was.” She paused. “They found us there after about six months. They attacked the village we were staying in, sensing we were close by.” She paused again, frowning as she recalled the incident. “Master Kelva told me to hide, that she’d deal with them on her own. So I found a place up on the hill where I could see, but not be seen by them. But, there were too many of them. She was taking hits and I could feel her tiring. So, I went to help her.” Jasra bit her lip. “But I ended up distracting her instead. I remember her yelling to me to get back. Then….” A tear began to well up in the corner of her eye. Jasra quickly wiped it away, trying to keep her composure. “If I had just done what she had told me she wouldn’t have….” She managed a weak smile. “Master Kelva always told me that I needed to be more mindful of my elders,” she said distantly. “That I was too rash and impulsive. That I needed to think more and act less.”

Jasra let out a sigh. “After they cut her down, I fled. And I hid. And I tried to make myself small. So small that the Sith couldn’t see me, not even through the Force. And they didn’t. They left after a couple of weeks.” She paused once more. “My Master told me that the Jedi would come for us when the Sith threat was gone.” She snorted. “They never did. I didn’t know what to do, so I went to find them. I stowed away on ship after ship trying to get back to Coruscant. But when I finally made it there, the Jedi Temple was empty. Abandoned.” She sneered. “No one was coming to find me,” she said bitterly. “The Council didn’t send the Padawans away to ‘protect’ them. They sent us away because we were a liability. Just like I was a liability to my Master.

"There," Jasra said with finality. "Satisfied?"
01-22-2006, 3:26 PM
Crystal was silent for several long moments. Then she shook her head slowly.

"Rash and impulsive you may have been," she said. "But your master's death was not your fault. You wanted to help her, I understand. She yelled at you to get back, I understand." She shook her head again. "But you sensed she was getting tired. Tell me, how many Sith attacked?"
01-22-2006, 3:32 PM
Jasra’s jaw set subbornly. “There were ten. Five at first, but then another five came up from the other side of the village." She bit her lip. "They were all equipped with lightsabers. Some double-bladed."
01-22-2006, 3:38 PM
Crystal nodded. "How skilled was your master?"
01-22-2006, 3:49 PM
“She was a Consular, but she was competent enough with a lightsaber. I never heard any of the other Masters speak ill of her skills, but….” Jasra’s brow crinkled in the middle. “I was only 12. Nearly 13," she clarified. "What did I know?”
 The Doctor
01-22-2006, 4:23 PM
Tegan watched the Doctor and Nyssa hypothesize about Jasra's past. She had just met this woman, and already she didn't like her. Just the way she talked, her tone of voice, was infuriating. And the implication that she was some kind of slave girl of the Doctor's? How dare she!

Tegan paced around the console room for a while, catching snippets of the conversation between the Doctor and Nyssa.
"If she was trained at the Jedi academy on Coruscant, how can she not be a Jedi?"
*She may not have completed her training.......*

Tegan's mind wandered back to Jasra. How dare she come here and start treating both her and Nyssa like they were some kind of groupies or something? She seethed with anger. She had half a mind to go find her and start yelling at her. She walked out of the TARDIS, and headed went looking for Jasra. She heard her and Crystal's voices coming from down the hall. She walked quietly towards the voices, stopping around the corner. She bent a little bit closer, listening to their conversation. She heard Crystal say:

"Rash and impulsive you may have been, but your master's death was not your fault. You wanted to help her, I understand. She yelled at you to get back, I understand." a moment of silence. "But you sensed she was getting tired. Tell me, how many Sith attacked?"

"There were ten. Five at first, but then another five came up from the other side of the village. They were all equipped with lightsabers. Some double-bladed."

"How skilled was your master?"

"She was a Consular, but she was competent enough with a lightsaber. I never heard any of the other Masters speak ill of her skills, but… I was only 12. Nearly 13. What did I know?"
01-22-2006, 4:45 PM
Before Crystal could respond, Jasra abruptly cocked an ear to the left. She sensed someone near. Scowling, she rose from the floor at once, moving quickly around the corner to surprise Tegan.

“Eavesdropping isn’t very polite, shutta!” Jasra snarled. She forcibly grabbed Tegan’s arm. “What did you hear?”
 The Doctor
01-22-2006, 5:02 PM
"Let go of me, you bloody Galah!" she said, renching her arm out of Jasra's grip. "Let me tell you, I've heard enough to interest Kira." she paused. "Jedi."
01-22-2006, 5:08 PM
Jasra boiled. The stress of the day had been too much for her, and Tegan was the proverbial straw that broke the Bantha’s back. “You wretched, shrill-voiced, gut worm!” Jasra pointed an angry finger in Tegan’s face. “Don’t you ever call me that again! Ever!”
 The Doctor
01-22-2006, 5:14 PM
"Don't point that thing at me, manipulative shrew!" Tegan yelled, knocking Jasra's finger aside. "Besides, you are a Jedi. The Doctor found it in the TARDIS databanks," she added smugly.
01-22-2006, 5:30 PM
“I don’t care what your fashion challenged, so-called doctor friend found,” Jasra retorted. “I am not a Jedi.” She moved closer to Tegan, intimidatingly backing her up against the corridor wall. “And if you breathe a Gizka-croaking word about this to the Exile, you’ll definitely be requiring surgery!" Her eyes narrowed menacingly. "Now, what did you hear?"
 The Doctor
01-22-2006, 5:34 PM
"How dare you insult the Doctor! He's far kinder, nobler, and smarter than you or I will ever be!" she yelled, going red with rage. "You don't scare me, you streak of Pelican dung. I heard all about how you believe it's your fault your 'master' is dead." she smiled viscously. "And you thought I was a tramp?" she lauhged. "And at 13 years old? You know on my planet, there are laws against that sort of thing."
01-22-2006, 5:43 PM
"Enough!" Crystal snapped. She glared at Tegan and said quietly, "Excuse us, but we were having a private discussion." Continuing on a little louder, "If you won't shut your mouth and leave us be," now a little louder than normal, "I'll shut it for you telekinetically." She took another breath. "And if you threaten to tell anyone, I'll erase this entire incident from your head! You'll go running off with something to tell only to find that you've forgotten it!"

After a short pause, she smirked. "And there's no way to remember that sort of thing, so you'd end up looking like a fool!"
01-22-2006, 5:50 PM
Jasra was fuming. Her hand twitched. Oh, how she wanted to give a burst of Force Lightning right up this Tegan’s …!

She took a deep breath, trying to cleanse the thought from her mind. Crystal was there. She surely knew how angry she was without having to go into sordid details.
 The Doctor
01-22-2006, 6:00 PM
((Awww. We were having fun with that :D))

*That's brilliant, Nyssa. What do you think, Tegan? Tegan?*
The Doctor turned around, and noticed that Tegan was gone. the TARDIS door was open. *O dear...*
He walked towards the door, Nyssa following. He heard voices yelling at each other. *O, my dear Tegan.*
They followed the voices to the dormitories, where they saw Tegan against a wall yelling at Jasra.
"You know on my planet, they have laws against that sort of thing," she was saying.
The Doctor stopped as Crystal screamed "Enough! Excuse us, but we were having a private discussion," she said. "If you won't shut your mouth and leave us be, I'll shut it for you telekinetically." She took a breath. "And if you threaten to tell anyone, I'll erase this entire incident from your head! You'll go running off with something to tell only to find that you've forgotten it!" After a short pause, she smirked. "And there's no way to remember that sort of thing, so you'd end up looking like a fool!"
*Now, what's all this? Tegan, what are you doing?*
All three women turned around sharply to look at the Doctor. *I don't believe there is any reason for you to be here, Tegan. Come with me, please.*
Tegan fell into step beside Nyssa, about a foot behind the Doctor. She gave Jasra one more glare, then went around the corner

"What was that all about?" Nyssa asked Tegan.
"Never you mind." snapped Tegan.
*Tegan, you must be careful. Jasra may not look dangerous, but I believe she could be if she chose to be so.*
"She doesn't scare me, Doctor."
*I know. Nothing does. But you still should be careful. If anything should happen to you, what would I tell your great aunt? That you went and got yourself electrocuted in an argument with an ex-Jedi?*
The Doctor was silent for a moment. He saw the look on Tegan's face: she was on the verge of tears.
"I'm sorry Doctor."
He put a hand on her shoulder. *It's alright Tegan, I'm not angry. *I just don't want anything to happen to you. And I suggest you heed Crystal's warning - even with the mental protection the TARDIS gives you, you are not impervious to such attacks.
*Now, I want you two to stay in the TARDIS until I return.*
Tegan made to follow the Doctor, but Nyssa grabbed her by the arm and dragged her into the TARDIS.

The Doctor turned the corner into the dormitory where Jasra and Crystal were talking. He tapped the bulkhead with his knuckle.
*Knock Knock," he said tentatively. *I just wanted to apologise for Tegan's behaviour. She's not normally like this... well, she is, but that's no excuse. I promise she will not reveal to anyone anything that you do not wish them to know, nor will Nyssa or myself.*
01-22-2006, 6:12 PM
“I’m sorry, too,” Jasra said to The Doctor after a moment. And sorry that I didn’t zap Tegan one, she thought to herself. “It’s been a long day and I lost my temper. But don’t bother trying to keep my secret. If you could hear me down the corridor, I’m sure everyone else could, too.” She let out a tired sigh. “Could you just ask Kira if we can just get to Taris now?”
 The Doctor
01-22-2006, 6:17 PM
*Don't worry, I only heard due to my acute hearing. I am not human, as I'm sure you've gussed by the TARDIS. As far as I know, were are already on course for Tairs. I could get us there faster using the TARDIS, but Kira prefers to use her own ship. Probably for the best - the TARDIS can be difficult at times. We'd most likely end up somewhere like Androzani or something...*
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