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Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls

Page: 1 of 32
12-12-2005, 6:42 PM

12-12-2005, 7:28 PM
"Studying maps again, Disciple?" Kira Starr, the Jedi Exile, asked, entering the main room of the small freighter, the Ebon Hawk.
" seems that though the Nav Computer is still locked, there are faint hints as to where Revan went before he disappeared..."
"And you're trying to find them..." she finished, gazing at the rotating hologram of a moon and its surrounding stars, trying to figure out what the Disciple saw. "Of course, I was never as skilled with details as you..."
"Believe me," he said with a chuckle, "If you stared at these maps as much as I have, you'd see it too."
The Exile laughed softly, leaning against the machine. Revan, where have you gone?
"How you two can stare at those maps for so long, I'll never get."
Kira looked up, to see the Scoundrel Atton walking in from the hallway that led to the ship's cockpit. "I thought you were playing pazaak with Mira."
"Ah, you get kinda bored after beating the same person over and over again." he said with one of his devil-may-care grins. "Anyway, we're running low on fuel and supplies, so I'm gonna set the Hawk down at Nar Shadaa."
"Why Nar Shadaa? Couldn't we go to Dantooine or some place less...slimey?" the Exile asked with a small smile. Oh how she hated that planet. Especially after she had to wear that aweful dancers outfit for that slime ball of a hutt...Atton wouldn't let her live it down for weeks afterward.
"Like I said, we're low on fuel. It'll cost a fortune to fuel her up completely anywhere but Nar Shadaa...that and I kinda lost most of our credits."
"Don't tell me..." the Exile said with a sigh, "Pazaak?"
"Hey, you guys were the ones who encouraged me to go to the cantina while we were on Telos!! Just 'cause juma juice came two for the price of one that night, doesn't mean that its my fault..." he said innocently.
Kira couldn't help but smile. "Of course it's not your fault, Atton." she said, crossing to him and putting a hand on his shoulder, "You'll just have to be on galley duty for the rest of the week." she said, smiling at the protests that came thick and fast.
"Oh, stop your whinning, you big baby." she said jokingly, tapping him on the cheek, "C'mon, let's get going."
12-12-2005, 7:37 PM
A large ancient stone door slid open slowly, a loud grinding noise proceeded, as the heavy door opened. light shone in a room covered in ancient hieroglyphics. A figure draped in black enterred the room. The figure was clearly male, tall, he wore a suit of black armor which glistened from the sunlight outside the ancient room. His face could not be seen, just blackness. His head and left shoulder were covered by a long flowing black cloak. He proceeded through the room towards the far wall, which slid open slowly as he approached. It revealed a long dark corridor, at the end of the corridor was another room, which seemed to be glowing faintly with a incandescent blue light.
The cloaked figure headed down the hallway eagerly, his footsteps clicking on the floor of the ancient hallway. The man exited the hallway into a massive room, that was illuminated by a large blue/black crystal on a pedestal in the heart of the chamber. He stared out of the darkness at the crystal, he glided towards it. As he approached it began to glow all the brighter, and more intense. This dark figure now hovered over the brightly glowing artifact, its bue light reflecting off of his black armor. Yet his face still remained in the shadow of Darkness concealed by the cloak in which he draped himself. The eerie figure placed his black gauntlet covered hands around the gem, which with his touch began to glow a brilliant blueish color. He could feel it begin to heat up, and almost pulse within his grasp. He lifted it off of the pedestal hand held it at his side in his right hand.

A low grumbling sound echoed behind him. He turned sharply, to see two lumbering beasts enter the antechamber. They were Terentateks, beasts of pure darkside energy, and they eagerly looked to chew on what they saw as an intruder, and a tasty new morsel. The reared back their horned heads, and showed a mouth full of dripping white fangs.

The figure in black did not budge, he stood like statue, as the beast lumbered slightly closer. He slowly raised his right containing the ancient gemstone, and muttered something under his breath, the stone instantly began to shine with blinding light, and the whole chamber shook, as the Dark Figure holding it hissed in an ancient tongue. The two beasts seemed to recognize this dark bearer and stepped back and bowed, as the figure proceeded out past them and into the daylight of the Universe.......
12-12-2005, 7:57 PM
Brandon's ship came out of hyperspace. "Looks like I finally defeated the Old Sith Empire." he thought with relief. "Where to go..." he said to himself. "Maybe Nar Shaddaa." He prepared his ship for another jump, failing to notice his fuel gauge was nearly empty. HE pushed a button and jumped to hyperspace.

(I'm going to arrive after the Exile reaches Nar Shaddaa. OK, FFWM12?)
 The Doctor
12-12-2005, 8:12 PM
Nar Shadda was just as dull and slimey as ever. A heavily entoxicated man stumbled out from the bar, yelling random profanities into the empty street. The man ((No, it is not me)) stumbled and fell to the ground. Pulling himself up by the wall, he began to utter a constant stream of threats directed at nobody in particular.
A strange noise ( filled the air, and the man fell over trying to identify the source of the sound. A strange blue box ( appeared out of nowhere, as if it were only now fading into existance. The man got up slowly, and stumbled over to the box.
"Whut da hehlll," he said drunkenly, smacking the side of the box with his fist.
*Please don't punch the TARDIS, sir. She's already damaged enough, you know.*
The man spun around and found himself looking at a man in the oddese assorment of clothing he had ever seen. He was wearing a dark red trench coat over a patched sweatshirt, again over a clean white dress shirt. He wore strange black pants, a lopsoided hat, and an extremely long scarf around his neck.
*Hello there,* he said in a strange accent. *I'm The Doctor.* The Doctor extended his hand towards the drunk man, who promptly fell over unconscious. *O dear,* said The Doctor.
"What's going on, Doctor?" cam a voice from the box. A short woman with brown hair and a tight red suit (for those of you who didn't watch Doctor Who in the 60's and 70's, this is Nyssa) ( appeared behind The Doctor, followed by another young woman in a purple flight attendeants uniform (Tegan). (
*Well Nyssa, Tegan: I think that was our official welcome to, uhm.... wherever we are.* The Doctor walked off in the direction of the docks, Tegan and Nyssa following behind.

((I hoping to meet the Exile when she is disembarking from the Ebon Hawk))
12-12-2005, 8:47 PM
"Urgh, did I ever tell you how much I hate this planet?" Kira said as she stepped down the loading dock.
"Yeah, it may smell, but it has one hell of a cantina." Atton said with a smile.
"Whatever Atton. Anyway, what do we need now?" the Exile asked.
"Food and fuel. I'm sure Disciple could handle the food. You and me should go see our old friend Motta the Hutt." the scoundrel said.
12-12-2005, 8:54 PM
(Prepare for boom-boom)

Revan's ship exited hyperspace above Nar Shaddaa. A red light started to flash. "What the?" Revan said in suprise. He looked at his fuel gauge. It was on dead empty. "God dam*it." Brandon cursed. His ship was dragged down into the Nar Shaddaa atmosphere. The ship was getting hotter. As the city in which the Exile and The Doctor were in had come into sight, Revan was ready to jump out of the ship. A large BOOM sounded throughout the area and Revan's ship had crashed into the ground. Brandon was on the ground as if he were out cold.
 The Doctor
12-12-2005, 9:11 PM
The Doctor, Tegan, and Nyssa come around the corner and find themselves looking at a battered old freighter.
*My goodness, is that what I think it is? The Ebon Hawk? Yes it is, I'm sure of it. What a beautifal ship.*
"It's a piece of junk, Doctor." siad Tegan. "I'm suprised it can fly."
*Now now, Tegan, there's no reason to be rude.* The Doctor begins walking over to the Ebon Hawk's loading dock, where a small group of people where standing. He saw a somewhat short woman with ((blonde? Can't tell in the pic)) hair stood at the front of the group.
*I recognize her from somewhere.* The Doctor said suddenly. *Her names, uhm.... Kari? Kera? Karla? no, that's an Earth name...* The Doctor continued to think of her name as he led Tegan and Nyssa towards the loading ramp.

((FYI, I have an explanation as to how The Doctor knows the Exile - it involves future incidents, but it's only a way of allowing me to know the past of the Exile ( as in haing her tell it to me in the past - actually, in the future). It has no bearing on the story.))
12-12-2005, 9:23 PM
((OOC:....ooookay, going to pretend I followed that :P ))


The three looked up as a ship came soaring in through the atmoshpere at top speeds.
"That things out of control." Atton pointed out as it came rocketing passed them. They cringed as they heard a sickening crunch and a small explosion as the ship hit somewhere in the levels of the planet beneath them.
"Oh yeah, I definatly hate this planet." Kira said, turning around again, but stopping. Three people were coming towards them. Two women and a man. They were dressed very strangely. Kira, even in all her travels, hadn't seen that kind of outfit before, and figured she probably never would. The threesome came closer to them, and the Exile called out, "Can we help you?"
 The Doctor
12-12-2005, 10:54 PM
*Well, I'm not sure. It's a pleasure to see you again. Of course you won't remember, it hasn't happened yet...
I am The Doctor, and these are my companions, Nyssa of Traken and Tegan Jovenka. We are fellow travellers. You'll have to pardon the abruptness of our arrival.* The Doctor extends his hand to the Exile and Atton in turn ((I don't know if anyone else is supposed to be with you.))
12-12-2005, 11:50 PM
Karda swung his lightsaber at the training droid, his blade deflecting off the energy resistant shield. Jumping up over the head of the droid, he slashed at the head, then dived down underneath and sliced at the legs, at which the droid jumped to evade. Rolling forward, Karda came up right behind and stabbed the droid in the back. The yellow training saber merely disabled the droid with an electrical surge.

His personal comlink beeped. Wiping the sweat off his face, he picked it up. "Jedi Knight Karda, can you read me? This is Jedi Master Verga."
"Yes, Master Verga, do you need something?" Karda asked quietly.
"There is a small task we need you to undertake. One of our Jedi Padawans on a mission near Nal Hutta spotted what appeared to be the Ebon Hawk. We would appreciate it if you went there and investigated the matter."
"I just need some time to get the ship ready, as soon as I can I'll leave." Karda replied, shutting off his comlink.

Once his personal fighter had been fueled and repaired of some damage taken during a mission to Xagobah, he got in and looked at the navicomputer. Nal Hutta- or perhaps Nar Shaddaa, he wouldn't understand it if the Jedi Exile or the current owner of the Ebon Hawk landed on the "Glorious Jewel." Connecting to the hyperspace attachment, the fighter headed off to Nar Shaddaa, vanishing in hyperspace.
12-13-2005, 11:14 AM
((sorry dint quite understand the rulz))
12-13-2005, 11:21 AM
Rex came up to the ebon hawk. He inhaled and said to himself 'Nothing bad is going to happen. Just stay clam'
"Hello" He said to the group "I work for that garage behind me and I was wondering if your ship needed full or repairs?"
12-13-2005, 1:07 PM
A slender figure cloaked in black stared at the wreckage of the crashed ship from a balcony overhead. After several seconds of watching for the possibility of survivors, the figure shrugged and vanished into the small apartment. Once out of sight, the hood came off. Long dark brown hair fell just past the young woman's shoulderblades and she let the dark cloak slide off her shoulders.

"Reason number one I hate this place," she murmured, glancing back toward the balcony. "Death trap."

With that, she turned and stared into a mirror with unseeing eyes. After several seconds, she focused her gaze and took in what the mirror was showing her... and shuddered.

"How the hell did I get to looking so tired?" she murmured. She rubbed her blue-gray eyes and turned away from the mirror. Suddenly, her comlink beeped.

"What is it?" she asked.

"The Ebon Hawk landed not far from you," the voice on the other end said. "We'll pay you to get close to them and find out why they're here."

"Sounds boring," the woman said with a frown. "How much?"

The voice named a price and the woman shrugged. "Fine. Work's slow these days. Anything's better than nothing."

She pulled her cloak over her shoulders and glanced in the mirror one more time. The tiredness on her face could work well for her this time.
12-13-2005, 1:15 PM
A soft and gentle wind whistled through the ancient and dark forest. The sounds of the struggle known as life could be heard throughout, as ancient predators chased even more ancient prey. The sunlight barely shined through the dark thick foliage that hung from the branches of the dark place.

A suddenly as it began, the noises of the forest stopped, the wind stopped blowing, the wildlife stopped chirping, and everything went still in a clap of thunderous silence.
The dark figure, draped in black, made his way through the ancient woodlands flanked by two large Terentatek, which many believed to be extinct.

The hooded figure came to a clearing , and stopped to observe, what was the remnants of and ancient city, spread out along a long golden boulevard. In the distance at the end of the main way, was a rather monlithic structure, an ancient palace of sorts, casting its shadow over the entire valley.

The dark figure raised his right hand which contained the glowing gemstone, and gestured toward the palatial structure. The two Terentatek lumbered forward, as if to scout out the surroundings for their dark master. The figure continued behind his vile beasts, toward the ancient monolith.

He had reached the bottom of the structure, which presented him with a rather long stairway up to an enormous opening. He gestured two his beast escort again, who then proceeded to guard the stairway, as their master ascended upwards into the Darkness.........
12-13-2005, 4:46 PM
Coughing, Brandon crawled out from under the wrekage. He had sustained major injuries in the crash. He had a deep gash in his left thigh and his right arm had been severed by a steel cable snapping. When he straightened up, however, he saw a Medical facility.
'I didn't know they had these on Nar Shaddaa' Brandon thought as he limped towards the entrance. The door hissed open and he saw a serious looking man. He appeared to be the no-tomfoolery type and rushed to Brandon seeing him in such bad shape.
"Oh Good Lord! What happened to you, my good man?" the healer asked him, shocked.
"Crash." was all that Brandon said and collapsed from the loss of blood from his stump of his arm and his thigh.
6 hours later, he came to in a Kolto tank. He 'swam' to the glass and thumped on it. The healer started, turned and came to the tank. 15 minutes later, Brandon was all dressed in some good clothes. It was then that he realised that his arm had been replaced and he asked the healer about it.
"Those are specially constructed top-of-the-line prosthetics." the healer told him. Brandon realised that such thing were costly.
"How much did they cost you? I'm willing to pay." he said.
"Oh, no." the healer said. "Take it as a gift from me, Master Revan."
Brandon was taken aback, but he nodded and gave the man 500 credits anyway and left the facility.

OOC: Control or make your own charecter, please don't control mine, RC 1162. Please delete your post.)
12-14-2005, 1:03 AM
Certain place's, certain worlds, have a depth of darkness in them. When a large group of force users gather they create an impression in the places they step. Korriban, a dead world, abandoned by the sith. Sitting in solitutde for ten years, with only a brief visit by the remnants of the Jedi, and the Sith. Now another arrives in a once excevated valley, but ten years have taken their toll. Now all that is there is the hatred and fear of the long dead Sith.

Brax kneals in the center of a small cave, the look of it says that once it had been a building perhaps, but wind and sand have made it into a cave. When he had passed through the door it looked as though somebody had sealed it open with an arc welder, or perhaps a lightsaber. He knew what those were. He lifted his head slowly, pulling back the hood, revealing black eyes that searched the small chamber, several paths led off in different directions. What would he find in this abanoned school?

Brax pushed slowly to his feet, his hands flexing in their gauntlet's, his eyes flickering about the small chamber again. Fear made him stay still, sounds echoed through the ruins. He strained to hear them better, slowly words formed.

The voice was gravely, like it had been splintered, cracked, like the vocal chords had been destroyed, and rebuilt. "Let her go." It said, an echo of a past event. Brax chose a direction, and moved solmely, heading down a dark coridor, he could see ancient traps along the wall's, the faint smell of long used up poison. He wrinkled his nose in thought, the passage stopped, turned left, and right. He glanced in each direction, to his right was a chamber, a broken computer terminal, peices of cages, a half dozen or so animal skeleton's. Nothing of use, he looked left. A door, still in tact.

He stepped toward the door, and traced it with his clawed gauntlet's. No power, but he found the seems that closed it tight, and his claws slid between, and he managed with some effort to open the door enough to crawl between the heavy panels.

"Here's to hoping that doesn't shut." He whispered under his breath, this room was mostly in tact still, and he moved to an old table, vines did grow in from the wall farthest from him, but they had not yet taken over. He ran his fingers over the surface.

"Everybody leaves a trail." He whispered the words to himself, images of many harsh tortures ran through his eyes, a face he recognized as the one identified as Revan, and another, a woman's face ... blonde hair. They had no been tortured, but they had left an impression.

A noise made him spin, his hands fell outward open palmed ... blood red claws seeming to almost glow with energy. But then he saw what had made the noise, a small terminal. Somehow it still had power, he moved to it, knealing ... tracing wire's. He tapped claws at the keypad, arching a brow. Punishment was still scheduled for somebody named "Kira Starr" he wondered at this, it was newer than the rest of the stuff in here. Not from the time of the academy. There was nothing else though, ancient controls that no longer worked. He turned and went to the door, sliding through again.

There was nothing more for him here. He had discovered a second one to search for, this Kira Starr. The force would have to decide where he would go next, he knew little of this place, but as he passed one of the tomb's he had noticed on his way in he paused.

"This is the tomb of Ludo Kressh," the voice of an old woman ... he frowned.

Then another voice came to him "so I'm gonna set the Hawk down at Nar Shadaa."

Where was Nar Shadaa, and this did not sound so much like an echo of the past, but ... he had to go to Nar Shadaa, and find this Hawk, he knew that.
12-14-2005, 1:37 AM
The small little fighter Karda was controlling came down into the planet of Nar Shaddaa, speeding across the skyscrapers. Karda decided to put the ship down on one of the landing pads on this side of the planet, hoping that what the force was telling him wasn't wrong. If he was- he would just have to look elsewhere.

The ship stopped, then hovered in air for a second, then slowly came down to the docking area. It was poor and certaintly wouldn't offer any maintenance of any sort, but Karda didn't care. He in fact was rather relieved that he probably wouldn't have to argue with some alien brute claiming the rusting piece of metal he had landed on.

A few feet away, a Gand looked at him curiously. Watching Karda's movements along the platform, he kept a close watch on him until he dissappeared through a door. The Gand ran to the door, his small feet pattering on the metal ground. The man looked around uncertaintly, then headed into the local cantina.

Without watching him further, the Gand pulled out a small comlink. Resting his hand on one of the twin holdout blasters he had on his body, he waited for a moment. Then, as the comlink beeped, he jabbered into it rapidly, making sure no one around him could hear. A Jeedai has come to the moon... And he's not the only one.
12-14-2005, 7:06 AM
Brandon woke up. He started to smell smoke. He turned around and saw big flames approaching him. Since the wreckage was so low, he had to crawl. He struggled to find a way out. The fire was getting closer. He seen an exit. He crawled his way towards it. The flames thouched Revan's feet. He yelled in pain, but he couldn't stop crawling towards the exit. When he got out, he was able to stand, but his feet hurt like hell. He walked around until he seen a spaceport. "I can get a ship there and fly off to Corusant." he thought. When Brandon got inside, he turned and seen the Ebon Hawk. "My ship..." he thought. Brandon approcahed his ship and seen 4 people: a strange man wearing strange clothes, a woman in purple, another strange woman, and a familiar looking woman. He walked into their conversation. "Hello, my name is Brandon Oneda, but peolple know me as Revan. Can you help me?" Revan told Kira. He then fell to the ground and passed out.
12-14-2005, 11:25 AM
Kira opened her mouth, about to begin telling this 'doctor' just how crazy he and his story sounded, when a second man came up to her. He had the look of a mechanic, and had a tool belt around his waist.
"Hello" He said, "I work for that garage behind me and I was wondering if your ship needed full or repairs?"
She turned to him for a moment, "The Hawk is fine, but she needs a fuel-up."
As the man departed to do his work, yet another came up to her. This one was cut and bruised quite badly and he had the smell of smoke about him. Had he been the pilot that had crashed moments ago? "Hello, my name is Brandon Oneda, but peolple know me as Revan. Can you help me?" he was able to choke out, before falling to the ground unconcious.
Kira, Atton, and Disciple exchanged a look. What the hell was going on here?
The Exile and Disciple went to the fallen 'Revan', the later pulling out medpacs and stimulants, begining the work of trying to bring the fallen man around.
"I think things need to slow down for a while." Kira mummbled, taking a quick glance around the landing pad and the rag-tag group of people that had gathered there.
"I don't think they will." Disciple responded, a wry smile coming to his lips.
"Feels like home." the scoundrel behind them said.
12-14-2005, 11:47 AM
The young woman left her apartment and made a few calls by comlink. Several minutes later, she was running from five very large men. She allowed herself a small smile, before throwing a look of panic across her face... and hurled herself through the door of the docking bay that held the Ebon Hawk. Seeing the little group gathered there, she hurried toward them, looking tired and panicked and collapsed at their feet.

"Don't let them get me," she gasped. One of the men peeked into the docking bay and called to the others. The young woman crawled forward, trying to get behind the group and to the ramp of the ship.

"Please," she murmured. "I haven't done anything..."

All five men now entered the docking bay and the leader approached the group with the other four a little behind him.

"She's ours," he said without introduction. "You must let us have her."

"Don't listen to him," the woman begged. "He's lying..."

"Silence, girl!" the man snapped. He turned back to the Exile and her group. "We've chased her a long way. Let us have her."

The young woman's blue-gray eyes pleaded with the group to protect her... to make these men leave.
12-14-2005, 12:17 PM
The Exile's eyes flashed as she scrutinized the men. She didn't like them.
"First, tell me who you are and what this woman is to you. She doesn't seem to have done anything wrong." Kira said, stepping boldly between the cowering woman and the band of men.
12-14-2005, 12:47 PM
"Who we are shouldn't matter," the leader answered. "What matters is that she is ours. And she has done wrong by running."
12-14-2005, 1:03 PM
The figure cloaked in black had arrived at the top step, to the large entrance of the ancient structure. He proceeded inside, down a narrow dark ramp, which ended at a solid stone door, blocking the path further inside the structure. The dark being stood in front of the large dorr for several moment, before unleashing a blast of energy, so powerful, the stone exploded and crumbled before his feet.

As soon as the dust settled, he proceeded into the adjacent chamber, which even in the blackness of the lair, he could tell was enormous. He sloly held up his right hand which contained the brilliant blue crystal, which instantly ignited, and lit up the entire room. The place was indeed enormous the room seemed to go on for several miles, and other than some hieroglyphics, seemed rather useless.......that is until he saw a small hole in the wall surrounded by ancient text, just a few feet to his right. He turned, and after examining the scrawl for a moment, jammed the crystal into the hole, and stepped back a few steps.

The crystal instantly burst into a flashing luminous orb. The entire structure seemed to shake. In an instant, the floor dropped out everywhere in the room, except for the spot he stood at. He glanced down into the pit, and saw what it was he had desired.
The bridge of what seemed to be an enormous warship.

Outside the structure, the two Terentateks stood, awaiting their masters return. The ground in the entire ancient city, and valley for that matter began to shake violently, the beasts stood in total confusion, and disarray, as the whole valley they were in lifted off from the landscape around it. they turned to see the immense building behind them collapse and fall several thousand feet to the ground below. For the first time, the beasts felt fear, they had swallowed jedi whole, and survived the great hunt, but this was the first time they were truly afraid. That was until they saw their master, standing on top of the bridge, with his arms raised up in the air. They realized, that he was holding this enormous vessel in the air, with the same power that they served.

The wind blew his cape wildy around him, his face as always shrouded in darkness, as he raised this city sized vessel up off of the ground. HE could see for miles in every direction. The ancient city and valley that were built to conceal this great vessel began to crumble and fall to the ground which remained thousands of feet beneath them. He now had a clear view at the entire scale, and shape of this warship he had sought, as he stood on top of the bridge, the midday sun glistening of of his black armor clad form, his cape blowing in the wind. The hull was a dark silver color, and extended roughly 6 miles to the tip of the bow to the stern, it also seemed to be another mile in width, and another 1/2 mile thick. He could see his precious beasts quivering in fear several hundred feet below, at the foot of the bridge tower., but it was not their fear he wished to command. He lept from the bridge top, to its foot where the two Terentatek stood in awe. He could feel the fear flowing from their scaly hides, but they were loyal beasts. A small door slid open at the base of the bridge, where he proceeded, followed by his loyal creatures................
12-14-2005, 1:37 PM
The newly and secretly trained Sith Lord walked out of what had been his home from his childhood. Darth Kreta, real name Holner Deas, the son of a Correlian crime lord before he became a Sith, raised his hood and walked to the docking bay of the underground temporary base on Rhen Var. He was going to find the Sith Lord who took the ancient Sith Warship defeat him and become the supreme ruler of the Sith Empire by any means necessary.

For it was said in ancient legend:
"Whosoever shall seeketh this Warship will find it only if he truly serves the Dark, but he does not deserve it if he were to fail in battle against another of his kind. The Universe will bow down before the victor in free will."
12-14-2005, 2:15 PM
Kira didn't move. Seeing what was happening, Atton joined her at her side.
"You know, maybe you should think twice about talking to her like that." he said, folding his arms.
12-14-2005, 2:17 PM
The cloaked figure stepped onto the bridge , as he did, all the lights, and tchnology inside sprung to life. The entire vessel was staffed by ancient Sith war droids. He walked through the command deck, the two hulking Terentatek lumbered in behind him.
He approached what was the bridges command chair, and lowered himself comfortably into it.

A battle droid approached him,"welcome master, the Basilisk and its crew are at your disposal. It has been 1,072 standard years since NAga Sadow activated this vessel." The spindly battle droid chirped. A low grovely hiss of a sound exuded from the cloaked figure, from a spot where his face was shrouded in darkness. "This battleship, is now mine, as are you droid, I know far more about this ship and its capabilities than you could ever hope to compute. I have searched for its location for far longer than anyone could know. Take us into hyperspace now." THe droid again spoke to the dark figure. "Master, the ships power supply is 78908747x99907 to the fifteenth power, which means enterring hyperspace while still in the atmosphere, will destroy the planet." The evil dark figure remained seated, and spoke again without emotion, just a cold grovelly sound. "Yes, I know, this way there will be no trace." THe droid saluted "As you desire master."

The ships 8 immense engine wells began tto burn a bright red, and the atmosphere around it seemed to sweel and expand. THe ship then launched forward at great speed, dissappearing into hyperspace, the shockwave of its departures sents scorching waves of enrgy through the planet, tearing the ancient world apart, and leaving it nothing more than an empty plot of dust and debris floating in space.
12-14-2005, 2:49 PM
"Perhaps you should think twice about threatening us," the leader said. He was the largest of the men... seven feet tall and muscular all over. "Give us the girl and we'll leave you alone."

The girl backed slightly onto the ship's ramp and shook her head fearfully.
12-14-2005, 3:16 PM
Brandon woke up in a bed. He stepped out and put on the same armor he wore as Darth Revan. He walked out of the room and looked at the ship. Since he used the ship before, he knew exactly where the cockpit was. When he arrived at the cockpit, he seen the communication systems still worked. He turned it on to contact Carth Onasi, his old friend. "Carth, are you there Carth?" Revan said into the comm system. "Brandon, is that you?" Carth replied. "The one and only." Brandon told Carth. "I'm back and feeling good. How's Bastila?" "Bastila is fine. She really missed you." Carth told him. "I'm sorry I left. I had to defeat the old Sith Empire by myself. Do you now where Canderous Ordo is? Revan asked.
 The Doctor
12-14-2005, 5:19 PM
"Perhaps you should think twice about threatening us," the leader said. He was the largest of the men... seven feet tall and muscular all over. "Give us the girl and we'll leave you alone."

The girl backed slightly onto the ship's ramp and shook her head fearfully.

*I'm sure this is all a misunderstanding, sir,* said the woman in the strange purple uniform. She bent down to the strangers side, making sure she was unwounded.
"She is ours! Stand aside, woman!"
The Doctor pulled out a small chain with a coin attached to it and flicked it, making it spin rapidly. He held it up to the man's eyes. *She has done nothing wrong,* he said. *Violence is not the way to solve the situation.*
The thugs eyes were slightly crossed, staring at the spinning coin. He knocked the object aside.
"She is of no use to us. Take her away, and may her filth never set foot on this planet again!" The group of men walked away, their shoulders hunched in a menacing way.
*I'm sorry you weren't able to find a violent solution, mr. Rand, but that was the best way to solve the situation." ((Note that The Doctor has introduced himself, but has not been told anyone elses name))
12-14-2005, 5:54 PM
((Uh... that's not quite what I had in mind, Doc... but whatever.))

The girl stood slowly, trying to catch her breath. The confusion she felt was visible on her face as she turned to the stranger with the coin-shaped object.

"What did you do to them?" she asked hesitantly.
12-14-2005, 6:36 PM
"What the frack was that?" Atton muttered out of the side of his mouth, "And how the hell does he know my name??"
"That's what I'm wondering. Of course, at the moment, I think that the only thing that would surprise me is if he knew Disciple's name." Kira replied.
"That'd be almost impossible. I don't even know that."
"Well, with this guy, it seems nothings impossible."
She turned to the 'Doctor' and his two assistants again. "I'd like to know that as well. And how you knew our names."
 The Doctor
12-14-2005, 7:07 PM
*Well, to answer Mr. Rand's question, that was a form of deep hypnosis. It is a common ability among the people of Gallifrey.
As to how I know your names... that is a little more difficult to explain. I cannot answer that question at the moment - you wouldn't believe me if I told you; it took to long to gin your trust the last time we met. And no, I do not know the Disciple's name - though it was never a topic of discussion; or shall I say, it never will be.
I do, however, know that you are Kira Starr, and you are Atton Rand. I also know that you travel with two artificial intelligences called HK-47 and T3-M4 (who happened to get along very well with my old friend K9) as well as a woman named Visas Marr and a man named Bao-Dur.* The Doctor turned around and indicated his companions.
*These are my companions Nyssa of Traken and Tegan Jovenka. As I said, I am The Doctor.*
The Doctor put the coin and chain back into his inner pocket.
12-14-2005, 7:12 PM
The girl said nothing, but shuddered at the thought of hypnosis and what it had done to the men that were chasing her. With a little shrug she turned to the Exile and the others.

"So now that they've been introduced, I'd like to know who the rest of you are," she said. "So I know who to thank for standing up to giants for my sake."
 The Doctor
12-14-2005, 7:18 PM
"Are you sure you're alright?" asked Nyssa. "You still look a little pale."
"Yes, you do look winded. Perhaps you should rest for a while." added Tegan.
12-14-2005, 7:26 PM
Kira looked to Atton, who seemed to be just as confused as she was. How'd the man know her companions? They had met before? He had gained her trust? What the hell was all this about???
Mentally shaking herself, she turned to the woman. There would be time enough to wonder about this later.
"As he said," she said, waving a hand in the Doctor's direction, "I am Kira Starr, the Jedi Exile. And this is my companion and pilot-"
"And handsomest scoundrel in the galaxy." Atton added jokingly.
"Atton Rand. But Nyssa and Tegan are right," Kira said, trying out the unfamiliar names, "You do look a bit shaken. Perhaps you should rest a while?"
"Are you sure we should do this?" Atton whispered to her so only she could hear, "We don't know her and-"
"She needs our help!" the Exile responded.
 The Doctor
12-14-2005, 7:34 PM
"Perhaps she would prefer to stay in the TARDIS? It would much safer than.... your ship, ms. Starr." said Tegan, eyeing the Ebon Hawk as if it was a dead animal on the side of the road. Nyssa to, was looking at the EBon Hawk as if it were an old smelly dog.
The Doctor, however, was looking at her with great respect. *Ah, the Ebon Hawk. Beautiful ship, isn't she? Does she have the ionized hull yet?" asked The Doctor with genuine interest.
12-14-2005, 7:39 PM
"Er...ionized hull?" the Exile asked, bewilderment written across her face.
However, Atton had caught the looks that the two women were giving the Hawk "Look, I don't care how high-end and glossy this...Tardis thing is, but this ship right here is the fastest in the galaxy. It's seen and won more battles than you can count."
 The Doctor
12-14-2005, 7:43 PM
"So has the TARDIS, according to The Doctor. And it can--" said Tegan ((yes, you are supposed to not like Tegan. She was always rude and arrogant)).
*Tegan, there's no need to be rude.* Interrupted The Doctor.*Besides, the TARDIS is far from "high end and glossy". She older than the Ebon Hawk* He turned to face Atton. *The Ebon Hawk is a truly beautful ship, mr. Rand. I never though I'd see her again. Are the engines still OK, or have they developed the drag yet?*
12-14-2005, 7:44 PM
"I...I," the girl stammered. "I could use some rest..." she admitted. A look of guarded fear entered her eyes. "But Jedi? Oh... I don't..." She took a step back... and her legs gave out beneath her, dumping her unceremoniously to the ground.
 The Doctor
12-14-2005, 7:50 PM
*Surely you aren't afraid of... Ah, I see. This wouldn't happen to be around 3945 BBY, would it?*
12-14-2005, 7:53 PM
Having no idea what he was talking about, Atton ignored the Doctor's last question, deciding to answer his last.
"Well, Bao-Dur and the bucket of bolts called T3 managed to get them mostly back to perfect order, but there's still that..."Atton began, but then turned a scrutinizing, suspicious eye on the Doctor and his assitants, "'d you know that they had a drag? Or is this another one of those 'time hasn't come' things that you and the Jedi love so much?" and he quickly began to 'play pazaak'. Dealt a four card, then switch the suit on the three, total is seven. A six, add the two, the total becomes fifteen. Dealt another four, total becomes nineteen...
Meanwhile, Kari went over to the girl, holding a hand out to her, "Believe me, I won't do anything to hurt you. I just want to help."
12-14-2005, 7:56 PM
The girl nodded slowly. "I... well... thanks."

She tried to stand, but her legs wouldn't hold her. "I do need rest..."
 The Doctor
12-14-2005, 7:58 PM
*I you sure you're not wounded?* The Doctor knelt down beside her, checking her for injury. *Tell me, why where those men chasing you?* He asked inncoently.
12-14-2005, 8:05 PM
"Canderous is hidden on Dxun. I don't know about the rest of the old crew." Carth told Brandon. "That's all I need to know. Thank you Carth." Brandon replied. He turned off the comm system and went outside. He seen that Atton and Kira and that Doctor were still outside. He also noticed a new face. "You, Doctor, you seem familiar to me. Like you were in one of my battles." Revan told the Doctor. "Do I know you?"
12-14-2005, 8:07 PM
"I'm just tired," the girl answered, pushing the Doctor away lightly. "And I haven't eaten in at least two days..."
 The Doctor
12-14-2005, 8:13 PM
The Doctor turned to face him, moving away from the woman. *I do know who you are, though I do not believe we have ever met. You are Re... Brandon Oneda, correct?*
12-14-2005, 8:16 PM
"C'mon, I'll help you. Hey, Atton, don't forget you're on galley duty this week!"
"Oh, Kira, c'mon-"
"Atton." she said warningly.
"Alright, fine, fine." he said, climbing the ramp into the ship.
 The Doctor
12-14-2005, 8:18 PM
*If you don't mind, ms. Starr, I would like to land the TARDIS insie the Ebon Hawk. I would simply love to stay in the Ebon Hawk again, and perhaps we can be of some assistance to you... shall the need arise.*
12-14-2005, 8:19 PM
The girl thanked Kira and, with her help, was able to stand. They entered the ship and in a matter of seconds, the girl was seated and had been given food. She still looked extremely tired, but at least a little stronger now.
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